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Letty is looking for some roleplays

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Aug 25, 2014
A little about me...
Good afternoon, my name is Karixia and I am looking for role plays. I am a twenty nine year old woman. I will no tell you where I am from because I really don't think that matters. Well with that out of the way let me tell you a bit about what I am looking for and what I will offer in exchange. I value quality over quantity, give me your best and I will give you my best, give me your worst or don't think about your post and I will never answer you. I value a person that gives his or her best in each post, that tells me a lot about them. A person that just writes a sentence to get away from the post doesn't really deserve my respect or my best. I may answer you once or twice but I will stop writing with you after a couple of post.

Well now that you know a bit about me let me tell you some more things, yeah lots and lots of info!. Well let me now tell you about my favorite settings. I love school role plays and modern role plays, give me something horror or post apocalyptic and I will love you. I really ain't that good with futuristic settings, medieval settings or space settings. I don't do furries, just ain't good at it never was and never will be. Now with that out of the way let me get you to the stuff you been waiting, on and offs.

Turn On's

Heavy or not I just love bondage in a good story. Add a deep plot behind it and I will love you forever.

There is nothing better than shoving dildos inside my character and locking them away in chastity belts, OH NO you have the control! and keys!.

Public Humiliation
Force my char to go out naked, or on all fours, force some stuff in a public setting!.

Post Apocalyptic
I just love a good old Zombie rp or a apocalyptic rp.

Don't come to me with only one or two sentence, I will guarantee to leave you waiting. Come to me with ten paragraphs and I will try my best to give you the same.

Well this is a real odd topic, I like abuse and torture however don't take it to extremes. Slap her around and force yourself on her sure. Don't go braking bones and taking of limbs or I will ignore you.

I ADORE spankings that is all I need to say

This is also something I enjoy roleplaying.

High-School Roleplay
Being a teacher? student? principal? sure sure and sure!.

Whatever you can tell me
Tell me something you wanna rp and I will most likely do it
Images used for plots
[Use these pictures for plots and I will love you!]
Gothic Lesbians 1 (NSFW)||Sex 1 (NSFW)|| Woods 1 (NSFW)||Home Kidnapping (NSFW)||Two Girls (NSFW)||Sarah Williams

Plots & Stories

Incest Slavery Island
Tags: Incest, Father x Daughter or Sister x Brother. Bondage, Public humiliation, Non Con
There is an island where rules and regulations of Incest don't apply, whats more this island is a sexual paradise for all those who wants to get out of the common things in life. Buying a house here is not something you can do easily, it goes for over two million to buy a house. In this island sexual slaver, incest, abuse, and public nudity are not only allowed but encouraged. Once you get to the island both master and slave are made to sign a contract (in case of unkowing slaves it can be a contract to not reveal the location of the island something pretty normal.

However once both signed the contract all rights of the slave once had are eliminated, she has no right to even have clothes which is why her clothes are destroyed in front of her. If she is unwilling a sedative will be injected to make her more compliance to things.

YC is a famil member of MC, the both live alone but YC always wanted to teach MC a lesson. One day YC got the big lotter of over a hundred million dollars and instantly buys a house on the island without her knowing. He shows her about this secret island where its more relaxed and she wanting to get out of he city agrees to join in, little did she knew what would happen to her once the arrive on he island.

(Craving) [Exotic Beauty]
Tags: Romance, Drama, Plot.
Pairing: FxM
Nathan (YC, name can change) is a big time music producer, stuff have been low for a good while and there haven't been any new talent good enough to impress you. Sure people use talent shows as America Got Talent to search for potential but you are not like that. After hearing a suggestion from a friend you decide that if you ever going to search and find something it must be on the streets, the hard streets of poor countries, ou need to find a Diamond in a dump that is the only way you would ever get someone worthy enough to last you millions.

You go from place to place until finally you end up in Mexico. One night while walking through the streets you hear a beautiful voice, an alluring voice coming from an adult club. There you find a true diamond, a woman dancing, her hips moving to the music and her voice carrying the music forward. Why would such a beautiful woman be dancing and singing in a place like that?. What is her story? And overall can you convince her to be the diamond he alwas needed?.

If you need some ideas of her singing and dancing here you go as well as her body

(Craving) [Moving to your dream land]
Tags: Romance, Drama, Plot.
Pairing: FxM, FxF, FxFu, Fu x Fu
YC is a pure Otaku teen who always dreamed of going to Japan like any other Anime fan. MC is a Japanese girl online friends of YC for years living in Japan. YC always wanted to go but due to the fact that he did not have any money he resorted in living with his parents. However one day that was about to change. While on the store one day Yc bought a lottery ticket thinking nothing of it but to waste money, however... YOU GOT THE GRAND PRIZE OF100MILLION DOLLARS!.

Obviously at first you refused to believe it that is until you verified he money on your bank account, you are now a millionare. What would any anime lover do? MOVE TO JAPAN!. You gave the news to my character which was very happy for you and agreed to show you around and help you until you got situated, but would a relaionship blossom? Would love happen? Who knows!

Hello Letty! I'm Aqua Phoenix. I was wondering if you wanted to RP either high school or Zombie apocalypse with me! I'm pretty detail when it come to the story, and the sexy parts of the plot. I can do any of the stuff you listed: Bondage, Public Humiliation, Post Apocalyptic, Literacy (I will try my best to give you two or three paragraphs, at least, in my replys), Spankings, Incest, and High-School Roleplay

Reply however you'd like, and if your interested, we can talk about the plot in more detail!
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