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Blank (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Sorry, you just get me. The lowest rank of the low." Adrian replied with a crack of her knuckles. "I haven't learned all of our techniques yet. I don't need fancy bullshit to bring down an opponent. My orders are to beat you within an inch of your life, not kill you. So you'll have to forgive the sloppiness as I try to figure out a way to defeat you without ripping out your heart." It was..half true. She wasn't stupid, she knew he was stronger than her. But that never stopped Adrian before...lots of people were better than her because of the skills they knew that she didn't. She managed to win simply on spirit alone. She refused to lose.

She took a deep breath and then calmed herself...finding her center was hard when she was so angry. She hated being looked down on...but she'd prove them wrong. She'd prove all of them wrong.
"Uh huh," Ian muttered faintly. "Fine, if you need to get beat into the ground for me to get some answers, then come on. I don't have all day." he muttered, eyes narrowing. "Let's get this stupid show over with." His blood sang for it, his heart pounded. He felt a cold sweat break out. Whatever the feeling was, it was similar to fear. But different, he felt different. All of him, he didn't feel afraid. Just excited.

Ian didn't like it at all, it was like taking a drug that you knew was supposed to make you feel good. What was happening to him?
Adrian didn't hear him. She didn't hear anything. Her thoughts were slowly starting to fade away, and the only thing she could hear was her heart beat. His scent was starting to get stronger, which was riling her up in some strange way. She wouldn't pretend to understand what was going on with that...but it made sense since she was depending on her instincts. Finally, she found it. Her center...she found it and she reached out to it. It was like a vault..a vault filled with a limitless supply of energy. Adrian grasped it, and the minute she did the room filled with dense energy that flowed from her body like a waterfall.

She opened her no longer brown eyes. Instead they were glowing red. She wasn't Adrian anymore. No, she had tapped inside of that inner beast they all had. The thing that lurked in every one of them, the fine line between human and blood thirsty animal. She advanced, though it was abrupt. One second she was ten feet away, the next she was right in front of him. Her speed had increased two fold, and she did not give him time to react before she punched him with enough force to send him flying into the wall. Her muscles twitched wildly, her body was not used to this amount of power but she didn't care. She was already on top of him before he even sunk to the ground and she wound back her fist to him him again.

Doctor Faust grimaced and shook his head. He didn't expect Adrian to go that far, the fact that she could even bring out that much power was an enigma on it's own. She didn't know what she was doing, and her vitals were going haywire. He stood up from his chair and then turned to Doctor Haas. "Tell her to stop...she's either going to kill him or she's going to kill herself. She isn't trained to bring out that kind of power yet!" He knew she was desperate, but to go this far....she really wanted to prove herself.
That first hit slammed into him like a wall of bricks, denting the wall around him with a heavy grunt of pain. Again, and again, and again...her fists slammed into his face like an unrelenting jackhammer on steroids. Every time he thought his skin would crack, his bones would shatter...he was wrong. But his skin began to bruise, blood began to spray across her fists as Doctor Haas rubbed his chin in thought.

"Doctor Faust," he murmured. "You know as well as I do, that letting Ian go without understanding his true potential would be a danger, and a waste." he said. "We must learn it now, before we learn it when it's too late." he said. Even so, Adrian's fists were an unrelenting force. There was precious little that could withstand such a beating, and yet Ian was only starting to bleed. He couldn't react, no matter how fast he thought he was...he simply didn't have the familiarity. His eyes burned furiously, his pupils dilating as he caught one fist, and then the other.

The impacts were so firm and loud that it shook the Plexiglas, faint, hairline cracks appearing at the edges. Doctor Haas blinked in genuine surprise.

Ian panted heavily, blood running down his forehead as he glared up at Adrian, his grip was like iron, his muscles taunt in his arms. It took everything he had to stop her from moving, and even now, she still tugged like a rabid animal.

"Alright," he said heavily. "You win," he muttered, tongue brushing over the blood running over his lips. "Got it? You win, I submit. Let's stop this stupid fight, alright?"
There was no answer except only more struggling. Adrian panted heavily as her teeth bared at him. His words didn't seem to do anything except get her angrier as she snarled and put her strength into slamming him closer against the wall and dragging him against it painfully. She wasn't even trying to win anymore...she just wanted to cause him pain.

Doctor Faust grimaced as her readings continued to escalate. Her body was going to deteriorate at this point. If he let this go on, they might lose one of their precious subjects, or even both!
Ian grunted heavily in pain, his fingers gripping her tight arms as he slammed his heels into the ground to stop her before spinning them around to batter her against the wall. Fine, she wanted to do this? He snarled furiously, fangs bared as he slammed his fist across her face.

"Hm," Doctor Haas murmured. "Send in the suppression teams, full charges." he said. "We've compiled enough for today." Enough of a system shock would keep them down, but it was a fascinating experience. Adrian rarely struggled, and even Ian who was fresh and new could keep up with her to an extent.
Adrian's head whipped to the side as his fist met with her cheek. A pained growl left her throat before she glared back at him defiantly. Blood began to stream down her cheeks directly from her eyes which were growing even more vicious as she retaliated with a punch to his neck. She couldn't think...she couldn't stop herself...not that she wanted to while he was still standing. She would win at all cost, even if her body felt like it was on fire. Even if every breath she took felt like a punch to the chest...she would win!
Ian didn't hear the sound of the doors opening up behind them, nor did he hear the sound of heavy boots as the men spread out. He heard the heavy roar of an engine as a thick steel rod slammed through his chest with a pained growl, he glanced down in bewilderment as another slammed through his pectoral. He was more shocked that he...didn't really feel anything different, other than a minor stiffness when he breathed.

The engine noise picked up, and Ian was suddenly ripped off Adrian and hit the ground as one hundred thousand volts ripped through his body. He spasmed horribly, roaring in pain as another pair of soldiers did the same to Adrian, the steel rods slamming into her gut and electrocuting her viciously. It was the only way to get them to rest.
"He shows promise," Haas murmured, immune to the horrific display as his eyes flicked over to Doctor Faust. "Give me a list of your most effective girls, immediately. We should begin the breeding process as soon as we are able."
Faust grimaced as he heard Adrian roar in pain..and then there was silence. He knew she would be okay in a few days, but even still. He really did not enjoy watching her get electrocuted like that. But it was necessary to get her to lose consciousness. When she woke up, she'd be herself again. And she'd probably be very angry at him when she was given the news...

"I will have the list ready for you as soon as possible, Doctor Haas. If you'll excuse me..." He pardoned himself and made his way to his office. There were a few candidates that already came in mind...

It took less than five minutes for Adrian to open her eyes again. She didn't have to remember what happened to her, she could still feel her muscles aching and twitching from the electricity. That was...bullshit honestly. She didn't know if she even won or not...what a waste. She forced herself to sit up, ignoring the screaming pain in her abdomen as she looked over to Ian. So that was what one hundred percent comparability was?

She didn't like it.
"Ugh..." Ian muttered faintly, hand over his head. "What the hell happened?" he mumbled, tongue flicking over his suddenly dry lips. He felt like he got hit by a truck, and then the truck backed up to run him over again. His head was pounding horribly, and moving just...hurt. He cast his burning red eyes over to Adrian, feeling his fangs twitch.

"...What?" he muttered.
"We were interrupted." Adrian answered bitterly as she slowly pulled herself to her feet. She didn't even want to see what she looked like in the mirror. A lot of these wounds would take at least a day to heal. That was definitely annoying. "Guess they got enough data and got bored of us punching each other like idiots."
"That makes two of us," Ian muttered. "This is what you freaks do in your spare time? Beat the crap out of each other?"
"We do what we're told to do...and you're apart of us 'freaks' now." Adrian answered stiffly as she squinted her eyes. She...felt strange. Something was wrong, off balance. This pain wasn't normal, it was something else. Still, she ignored it for now. Showing weakness wasn't acceptable, even after the fight was done. She gave him a mischievous grin before shuffling towards the door of the training room. "Don't worry though, I'm sure they're going to reward you by letting you stick your dick into a bunch of pretty girls." She called out.
"...Wait, what?" Ian blinked, how could she even move after all that?! "Hey! What do you mean?" he called after her, slipping off his bed with a grunt. Fuck, how did they do this? The pain was immense, but he felt like he could still move. Dammit, what the hell was happening to him? He didn't want to be like them! He didn't even want any of this!
"You're so clueless." Adrian choked before she began coughing just before she got to the door. She propped herself against it as she covered her mouth. She felt sick...everything hurt. Her vision was getting blurrier by the minute. One last hack and blood covered her hand...a lot of it. Well she supposed that was as good of a sign as any...she probably shouldn't move for another few minutes. "Well, you've got good genes...naturally you'd be the top male candidate for breeding. They're going to have you in bed with all the top female you can impregnate them."
Ian blinked at her, glancing up as Doctor Haas walked in. Who the hell was this guy?

"She's quite right," he murmured. "Adrian, you're the first one, once you're properly healed. Forgive me for not giving you all the answers, Ian...but there's a lot to explain and not enough time."

"Wait," Ian muttered. "What's going on? What happened?"

"You've been converted, with one hundred percent compatibility." Haas mused. "What that means is, is that you are one of them, more than you are one of us."
Adrian knew this day would come...where the big man himself would tell her that she had to breed with someone. She grit her teeth in annoyance before she shook her head. Arguing with him was useless, she knew that. But still, she'd be damned if they turned her into some incubator for science. She had to come up with a plan.

She felt another spasm in her stomach before she dropped to her knees and vomited up a mixture of blood and bile. Ugh, she hated the thought of breeding so much she actually vomited. Or maybe that was just her body telling her to lay the fuck down and rest after what she had just put it through simply to win.
"Both of you need rest," Doctor Haas said. "And if you prefer to be a headache, Adrian...we can always drug you until you're cooperative."

What a creep. "Wait," Ian said. "She'll be fine, alright? Both of us will be, we'll stay here." He needed answers, and while Adrian wasn't exactly a comforting least she didn't creep him out.
"I like being drugged just about as much as I like having a metal rod jammed into my stomach and being electrocuted with it." Adrian mumbled as she rested her head against the wall. Sometimes she wondered if this was worth it...but all she had to do was think of the faces of her family. She might have been slightly miserable but she would do this a million times over for them. She sighed and closed her eyes. At least the guy who was assigned to breeding with her was kind of sticking up for her. "I'll cooperate."
"Good," Doctor Haas said in satisfaction. "Then you will stay in your room until you are summoned, we still have to overlook the data regarding your battle. Ian, welcome to District Zero."

"...Yeah, thanks," Ian muttered, offering his hand to Adrian.
Adrian hesitated a little before she reached out and took his hand. It was a painful feat, but she eventually pulled herself off the ground and then let him go so she could shuffle back to bed on her own. It was more of a relief than she wanted to admit when she laid down. "Well at least they had the decency to give us separate beds." She mumbled as she covered her eyes with her forearm.
"...Why wouldn't they do that?" Ian asked, laying back down with a heavy sigh. Everything hurt...but it was tolerable, which concerned him. He had two formerly gaping holes in his chest. None of this was making sense, and Ian should just assume it wouldn't.
"Ian...they want us to breed with each other. I figured forcing us to share a bed would be a great start." Adrian muttered miserably. It's not like he wasn't attractive, but Adrian liked to think that she required more than good looks and good genes to spread her legs for someone. She had of them was very annoying about it too because he thought he was hot shit when he wasn't even shooting grade A stuff. Ugh. "Of course I gotta be the first one...whatever. We'll see about that."
"Yeah, well," Ian muttered. "I'm not going to jump you just because they want me to, sounds like this District Zero place has some issues." he said, rubbing his shoulder. This place had as much personality as an operating table. Quiet, creepy...hopefully the entire district wasn't like that. He didn't even know where 'District Zero' could be.
"Yes, it does. But what do you expect in a post apocalyptic world? They are trying to exterminate the vampire population by whatever means necessary. And creating a new breed of humans that are naturally gifted with apparently their solution. We don't really have a choice but to play our parts, or else they'll make us do it." She supposed she knew that when she voluntarily signed up, that she would give away her rights as a human and become an experiment. But even still...she hated this.
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