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Digimon : Digital Balance {TDM&Periodical}


Jan 11, 2009
(( Color Code
Kari = Pink
Sora = Red
Mei = Black
Their Digimon when speaking will use the same color code but in italics ))

They say time changes all things, and they couldn't be more right. It had now been ten years since the original adventures of the Digimon Team. They had defeated Myotismon, and even fixed the Digital world when the Digimon Sovereigns were freed and their world restored. The team had disbanded, and it seemed that the world was once again as it should be. But that is never the case, and though there had been ten years since their adventure began,(The Events of the Second Digimon Both Series never happened), it had definitely changed the way they worked as a group.

Always friends, always together. That was Kari remembered, and though she missed Gatomon, she knew that everything was ok if the Digital world didn't need to cross with the human world. She knew that they would always be close, near each other - but never crossing, and that was all she needed to feel at peace. She was seventeen now, in her second year of High School, and getting ready for her final and third year. Summer break had started, and T.K.'s brother Matt was holding a huge concert with his Band.

It was like the future had finally come to fruition, and they were finally enjoying the life they had earned with the work they did when they saved both worlds. She had even made a new friend, someone she vaguely remembered from Heighton View Terrace, someone that struck her strangely. Though Mei Kuroi was the T.A. for her and T.K.'s Home Room... the older woman seemed a bit sheltered. They had made friends though, and she often joined them for lunch. That was what sparked her to ask T.K. to get an extra ticket for the Concert.

According to Sora and Tai, Mei had gone to school with them - in High School, she hadn't been part of the group really, but everyone did think her Therapy animal was a little strange. She had a variety of Doctors notes that allowed her to keep the rather large Egyptian Mau with her at all times. At times... Kari felt like 'Neko-chan' reminding her a lot of Gatomon. Especially in the ways she caught the cat looking at people.

She stopped getting ready, looking at herself in the mirror. She had told T.K. and Mei to meet her at her place - so they could hitch a ride with her brother after he picked up his girlfriend Sora.

Kari grabbed her digivice from her desk, an old habit. It was a part of who she was, and she always had it on her. Her brown eyes danced with joy as she stared at the old device. It wouldn't work without Gatomon... but it was still nice to keep it on her. She wore a nice dress, for this adventure, and she had even made sure it had pockets in it just for this purpose. The pink dress was a sundress style, and clung to her quite nicely. Her more mature form rather enjoyed showing off for her boyfriend. T.K. was someone she had known for a long time, and she was glad they had connected the way they had.

She took one ast moment to straighten her brown hair, putting her bangs back with her customary red clip, and brushing the excess hair over her shoulders. She grabbed her purse and then headed straight for the front door. She was going to wait there for T.K. and Mei.

Mei Kuroi, a woman with a twisted and strange past. A history that didn't match the other Digidestined, and she had never told anyone else that she had a digivice, nor had she told anyone that 'Neko-chan' was actually Nyamon. The dark haired woman brushed her hair over one shoulder, quietly brushing it and then slowly braiding it. She looped the braide and pinned it in place with a hair clip that was a yin-yang symbol. The symbol of balance, something she constantly sought for herself.

Dark eyes scanned her room, and she felt the comforting paw of her Digimon companion. "Hey Nyamon..." She said as she reached down to stroke her hand over the top of the Digimons head. Nyamon didn't speak, not often, they just knew what to do for each other when they sought comfort. Both of them had moments where they felt like complete failures, even when the Digidestined had traveled the world trying to save it and fix it... Nyamon had been unable to do anything. At one point, while in America, Mei's Digivice had started to glow and Nyamon seemed on the precipice of something.

But that had ended as soon as it had started, and the Digivice had sparked and smoked. They didn't know what was wrong with them, it had to be them... but they were happy with each other. Even if Nyamon was just a Rookie, she was happy to be beside Mei. They were a good pair, and Mei knew it - Nyamon knew it.

The woman adjusted her clothes, a simple white dress shirt and a pair of slacks. She gathered Nyamon's harness, and service animal registration, for when they were outside of the building. It wasn't that long of a walk till they reached Kari's place. She would meet the younger woman, and go with them to the concert.

Matt's concert was on the young womans mind as she walked to her friends place. It was on her mind when she knocked on the door and Kari let her in. It was rather strange, staring at the other woman, when in the breast pocket of her dress shirt... sat her digivice. She knew what everyone else knew - at once point this had been one of the people that had saved the world.

The black and gray device was silent, hadn't shown even a spark since that day that happened long ago. Mei kept it on her, just incase... just incase some day it would work.

"Hey... thank you for inviting me." She said politely as she bowed her head to the younger - taller - woman.

"No problem! I was glad to invite you! You've been such a help, and you're our friend!" Kari said as she crouched down to scratch Neko-chan under the chin. Her eyes lighting up with joy as she stroked her hand across the cats head. Those large intelligent eyes, that was what reminded her of Gatomon. "You know... I used to have a friend just like you." She mused.

Both of the females were so focused on the cat... that neither noticed the strange crackling that was coming from the Digivices...


Sora had changed, and grown, just had all of them. She had continued her Soccer Career, and was working on becoming part of the international team. Tai was right there beside her, which was something that made her happy. The two of them had seemed to grow passed their differences, and he had been as strong beside her as anyone else in her life.

Though many in the group had separated, like it or not... they hadn't all been in one place in awhile. The rest of the group was going to be at the concert too, which was amazing because she hadn't seen Matt or some of the others in years. The maroon eyed woman was more than pleased, because it meant she could show off some of her designs to Mimi - who now had a successful fashion line in America.

She hadn't had a chance to spend time with Mimi in awhile, and she was so glad she would get to see the others. But for now, she had the concert on her mind, and she had to get ready to go. Unlike some of the others, she was still the tomboy she always was. She dressed in blue jeans, and a pale blue tank top. She pushed her hair back, putting it in a ponytail - and then headed straight for the door.

Before she left though... she stopped to stare at the digivice sitting on her bedside table. A feeling swept over her, and for old times sake she slipped the device into her pocket. She didn't know why but Biyomon had been on her mind more and more often. She missed her greatest friend, though she knew that Biyomon was doing great things in the Digital world.

She ran down the steps outside of her house, grabbing her baseball cap on the way out - and waiting by the front gate for Tai to pick her up. She knew that they had to pick up Kari and T.K... and Mei - someone she vaguely remembered from her past and from school. She could have sworn Mei had a crush on Matt, at one point, when they were in High School - but she hadn't seen the girl in over two years. Not till T.K. and Kari started asking her questions.

Soon the gang, plus one, would all be back together.
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

In a weird sort of way, Takeru "T.K" Takaishi couldn't decide what he wanted to do. More recently, he had gotten into writing, though playing sports was still a huge pat of his life. He had moved from soccer to baseball, and especially living in America now, baseball was pretty prevalent. He had taken a girlfriend, one of his best friends in fact, and he simply adored every minute with her. In a way, he simply just could not keep his hands off of her, and it was something that Matt had talked to him countless times about.

As always, he was running late. His schedule was so jam packed now it seemed. Between baseball practice and baseball games, he had studying to do, spending time with Kari, sleeping, eating, everything seemed to always fall on the same days too. The day that Kari's birthday and a big baseball playoff game fell on the same day was something that T.K never thought he would get through in one piece. At the end of that day, he was exhausted, and couldn't get out of bed until well past noon. Nowadays, he kept his digivice with him. It was almost like his good luck charm. He longed to see his friend Patamon once more, but it was a double edged sword. After showering in the locker room and making himself presentable, he got dressed.

Wearing jeans, a jersey of his baseball team, the hat for his baseball team, T.K set out. He smelt of cologne and deodorant, but he knew it was something that Kari would like. He was running now, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He figured he wouldn't be spending the night at home tonight, but he was a bit unsure of what the night had. He had his brother's concert, and after that, he didn't know what. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he shot a text to his brother before he made his way up to Kari's place.

Standing outside the front door, T.k took a second to catch his breath before reaching up and knocking on the door. He could hear some chattering inside. The chattering started to grow louder, before the door opened. Seeing the face of his girlfriend, a huge smile grew across his face. He had just seen her this morning, but she was as breathtaking as ever. Making his way inside, he dropped the bag before he closed the door behind him. He knew he heard more than one voice inside, but first things first. Grabbing Kari by her waist, he pulled her into him, connecting their lips for a brief moment, closing his eyes before he realized there was someone else in the room. Breaking off the kiss, he looked towards Mei before his mouth turned to a sheepish smile. Slowly and reluctantly, he let go of Kari before he raised his hand in sort of a wave.

"Hey there! You ready for the show?"

Nice save stupid. . .

Wearing a blazer with a white dress shirt underneath and a pair of slacks, Tai had gotten off of work before he made his way down to his modest car. Hanging from the rear view were the goggles he loved so much as a kid. His old digivice in the glove compartment of the car. He wasn't late, so he could take his time just a bit. He knew what he needed to do, and stupidly, he offered to drive everyone tonight. Letting out a sigh, he made a point to pick up something nice for Sora, before he headed over to Sora's place.

The two had been dating for longer than the others. It was honestly a lie if he had said he saw himself with Sora down the road. Still, they were coming on a year or two now. They had gotten to that plateau in their relationship where they didn't need everyone to know that they were dating. Everyone just knew. They didn't have to prove it to anyone. It was more than he could say about his little sister though. If he didn't know better, he would have thought that Kari and T.k were just starting, and they had met at some bar. Of course, he didn know better.

Leaving the flowers in the front seat of the car, he drove to the front gate, stopping and allowing for Sora to climb in the front seat. From there, he made his way to Kari's place to pick up everyone else. Leaning in at a stop light for a quick peck, he kept his eyes on the road as he let out a sigh. Matt's concert was something he had almost been dreading from the get go. Sure, Matt was one of his better friends, but at the same time, that didn't mean that the two had to like everything that the other liked. That being said, it just so happened, Tai wasn't particularly fond of Matt's music.

"Tell me again why we have to go again? Can't we just meet up with him afterward and play some soccer or something?"

Tai said, grumbling more under his breath, though it was loud enough for Sora to hear.

"And who exactly is it that we are picking up with my sister?"

Needless to say, without going into much detail, Sora owed him for driving everyone to the show and even going. Sure, Matt was in a band that was starting to blow up, and they had backstage passes whenever they wanted, but it didn't mean they always had to act on it. The things he did for his friends.

After a shorter drive, the car sat outside of Kari's apartment. Honking the horn a couple of times, he looked towards Sora. He didn't have to say anything though, his look said it all.


It was the same dream every time. He dreamt of Gabumon, Puppetmon, and the place he had gotten to at his darkest hour. He had no control, he was being played. He had turned his back on his brother, turned his back on his friends, and Gabumon was loyal enough to follow him. It was something that haunted him even to the day. At that point in time, he made a commitment to himself. He never was going to let himself get that way again. His friends and his family meant everything to him now. If T.K was happy, so was he. He would be the best older brother he could be. It was why, when T.K asked for an extra ticket, Matt got him one without a second though.

Opening his eyes to the sound of the stage manager knocking on the door, he stood up. The sound checks were done, the stage was set. The opener band was on. There were a few more minutes to go. T.k's text read that he was running a little late. Classic T.k. Making his way outside, he glanced at himself in the mirror. He had grown a little bitter. He had a thing for Sora, once upon a time, but at the same time, he was happy that she was happy with Tai. It was really all he could ask for.

He was wearing a suit and a tie, something his band often did. They were a little more edgey than the Beatles, and Matt would be the first to tell you that suits was never his intention. Grabbing a cold water from the refrigerator, he gulped some down as he just tried to kill time before they were on. By the manager's count, they still had fifteen minutes before they needed to go on stage. The show was packed, as usual, and Matt got a rush everytime he stepped onto that stage.

Five minutes. The band was getting in position behind the curtain. They always needed to make a good entrance. Matt closed his eyes once more, before opening them and glancing around to his band mates. This was it. Three minutes now. The final song had started, and the crowd was starting to boo the opening act. Two minutes. The booing grew louder, and the other band was starting to fade a little bit. Thirty seconds, they were being introduced by the opening band and cheers started to fill the room. Ten seconds. The sound of the crowd cheering filled the room. Five. It grew louder. 3. Louder. 2. Even Louder still. 1. The curtain dropped and the fireworks that lined the stage were starting to go off. They went right into it, and Matt was starting to break out a sweat already. .

((Okay, done. Hope it's alright! ))
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

Sora was glad that her boyfriend was actually early, and she was glad that she had been early as well. She was rather comfortable with him now, and she realized rather early on that Tai had actually cared about her. When she was the Crest of Love... she had her own personal conflictions. But she had overcome all of those, and now she was a strong woman that knew what she wanted with life. But she felt that strange hum, frowning for a moment as she looked at the Radio. "Did you hear static just now?" She asked with a little confusion.

For some reason it vaguely reminded her of something. THe reminders of things happening today were all quite strange for the woman. She shook her head and looked over at Tai, a smile on her face. "Come on Tai... It's Matt's Concert and he's our friend. We will of course all go out somewhere afterwards - maybe if we are lucky and everyone has more time... But we have aways tried to Support Matt whenever we can." Sora pointed out as she leaned against the door and closed her eyes for a moment.

"It's the strangest thing... I know the girl... but I don't really know her. Well I do... Sort of." Sora said as she sat up, her eyes closing as she started to remember a little more clearly. "Remember that quiet and really shy girl in High School? THe one with the therapy pet that her dad made the school let her have? That big cat that looked like an Egyptian Mau? It's that girl... Mei - she's apparently T.K. and Kari's T.A. in class... and your sister being your sister... saw someone that needed friends and dragged Mei from the darkness of her desk... into the light. Which is what your sister does."


Kari gave an excited squeal of excitement, kissing her boyfriend and holding on to him. She gave a nervous cought as T.k. finally set her down.. and her cheeks flashed with a blush as she played with the hem of her dress. Her head turning to the side a little in emabarassment. "Sorry, Mei..." She whispered softly as she looked down. She knew that it wasn't right to do that in front of Mei, as far as Kari knew - Mei had never known the joy of a relationship.

"Hey...what?" Kari said for a moment as that strange distortion filled her vision for just a moment. But soon enough Mei, TK, and Neko-chan were all back here. For a single terrified moment she was pretty sure she was in the Digital world. It was strange, and she felt that strange buzzing on her skin. But she shook it off, becuase there was no way it was true.

"You alright Kari?" Mei asked as she stepped up to check the girls forhead. Something strange was going on, and Mei felt Nyamon tense against her leg, leaning into her leg and rubbing against her. "I know Neko-chan..." Mei said sweetly as she stroked the cats head. Now watching T.K. and Kari. "We should get outside, Tai and Sora will be here soon!"

"T.K. can you text your brother, I think we are running a little late... I wonder if my brother stopped or something." Kari said as she rubbed her hand over her face, her hand slipping down to touch her digivice rather comfortingly. She ran outside, knowing that the others would follow after her. But still something was in the air, something hung heavy like a storm about to break.
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

The man glanced over as Mei checked Kari's forehead. He intently watched every action that she did, as well as every interaction between Mei and Kari. His brow quirked when she touched her digivice, and his mind immediately moved to his own. Texting wouldn't be something that would work. If they were late, it meant that he was going to be on stage and unlikely to check his phone. When Kari broke for the door, he immediately followed, waiting for Mei so he could close and lock the apartment door behind him. Following her down the stairs, he made his way towards where they were waiting. His digivice hooked to his belt loop.

Tai just listened while Sora recounted how she remembered the girl and how Kari factored in. It wasn't a bit deal, so they were making new friends, it was good for them. Tai was pretty busy during his high school years, and he vaguely remembered seeing her from time to time. He always wondered why the cat was so big, and why it looked so particular, but he never dwelled on it too much. Closing his eyes as he drove towards the apartment, he pulled by the curb and waited as everyone piled into the car. When everyone was in, Tai exchanged pleasentries and began driving.

It was a pretty short drive to the little arena where the concert was being held. "You alright Kari? You aren't looking so hot." He said as he glanced at her in the rearview mirror. Something about their new friend had struck Tai as odd, but he wouldn't judge. He took a look towards T.K. T.K and he had been on pretty interesting terms after he had started to date his sister. He wasn't upset, but there were always certain stipulations for their meetings. He noticed T.K shifting in his seat. They were still semi-new. They were still in that phase where the relationship was pretty physical as it was running off of physical attraction. They tried to stay low key, but they weren't very good at it sometimes. He could only imagine how the concert was going to go.

Pulling the car infront of the actual arena, he looked towards them. "Alright guys, you go, I'll park the car and meet you inside." He said smiling. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his ticket.

When T.k got out of the car, he grabbed onto Kari's hands and intertwined their fingers, Pulling her along, he made his way to the backstage area. By this time, the bouncers knew him, and he exercised his family right every once in awhile. Tai would have to go in through the front door, but at this point they were already late.

"Hey there Brian!"

He said to the bouncer. Shaking his head, the bouncer smiled.

"You are late."

After that, the bouncer opened up the velvet rope and let them into the back. Leading Kari inside and waiting for the other two to follow. From there, he would let the girls decide where to stand, and Tai could find his way when he parked the car. Turning towards the rest of the group, T.K smiled.

"Where to now?"
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

(( I think I'm going to drop color code, it's nice and all but we are pretty good at designating characters. ))

Sora was excited when the others climbed into the car, even stopping for a moment to watch the newest member of their group. She noticed pretty quickly that Kari didn't seem to feel too good, but she was starting to wonder if something else was going on. She herself had felt a little strange earlier, but that could be anything. She just leaned back and enjoyed the ride, keeping quiet for the moment.

Kari had been doing the best she could not to react further, even as that strange buzzing filled her head. But she had put on a smile, and had been happy to see her brother and his girlfriend. She was glad they were getting along so well, and he was happy with Sora. "Oh I'll be fine, I was just a little dizzy for a moment. Probably moved to quickly." She said as she watched her brother pull up to the back entrance.

All three females slipped out of the car, when they finally got to the back. Mei stayed closely behind the others, with Neko-chan tight to her side. She flashed her ADA registration after T.K. talked to the bouncer, and flashed a rather shy smile as her dark eyes adverted and she continued to walk behind them. T.K. asked about seating, and Mei just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not particularly picky." She said as she looked over at the others.

Kari looked around for a few moments, and then motioned them over to a good spot. It was a good spot to watch the stage, and Matt would see them whenever he decided to look over. She just decided to enjoy the music, and enjoy the moment, sliding her hand into T.K.'s in the process.

Sora found her spot near Kari and then leaned back a little with her hands folded behind her. She noticed how quiet the other girl was, and how close her cat followed her. "I like your cat, I remember her from school. What is she for?" She asked as politely as possible. She knew that some people were sensitive about their disabilities, and she didn't want to upset the new member of their group.

Mei found herself dragged away from her enraptured viewing of Matt on stage, it was obvious from the look of her that she indeed still had that crush on the Singer. Her eyes swung to the side at Sora's words and her eyes turned downwards as she shifted a little uncomfortably. "She helps me monitor my emotions, de-stress me... and she helps me monitor my sugar. If it drops or is going to drop she lets me know so I can get something to balance myself." Mei said with a small smile, her gaze slowly redrawn to the man that was singing on stage.
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

Tai parked the car a little ways from the actual arena. It was a pretty long walk, but he didn't mind. He enjoyed the feeling of the cold air on his face. As he walked, his body was suddenly flushed over by a feeling he hadn't felt in awhile. His mind wandered. The feeling was the feeling of dread and fear. The feeling of letting down his friends and family. His mind went to that fateful day in the desert, when he forced Greymon to digivolve and SkullGreymon was the result. It wasn't a good feeling. His body reacted, and he almost doubled over.

It took the breath from him, and as he gasped for air, trying to get his breath back, a few passerbys looked at him and started to stare. One asked him something, but the ringing in his ear had prevented him from hearing the words. Watching shakily as the two walked away, he slowly regained his breath a bit. Standing up and taking a few deep breaths, he proceeded to the actual arena.

The man had a brief knowledge of where everyone was sitting, and he made his way up to the seats pretty quickly. Taking the open seat next to Sora, his face was a little more pale, and he had a cold sweat. It would have been tough to tell, however, with the darkness in the arena, and the flashing lights. His eyes, a distant look in them. Something was amiss.

Waving as he saw Tai, T.K smiled. His hands were intertwined with his girlfriends, and honestly, the man was getting a little frustrated. With so many people visiting and so many things going on, he barely ever got any time to be alone with Kari anymore. Even when he saw her, if they were hanging out with Mei or with someone else, he always felt kind of bad being physical with his girlfriend. Leaning into Kari, he smiled. "Let's dance." He said as he stood, hand still in Kari's, leading her down the steps and into the dance floor below. There were seats above, and a larger dance floor below. That's where he wanted to go.

When they finally got to the bottom, he put his hands on her hips and started dancing with her. Leaning in once more, he physically turned her head and kissed her passionately. She was so attractive, and she had such a great personality to boot. Maybe this would offer an opportunity to talk, and at least act like they were a couple. Breaking the kiss off in a couple of seconds, he realized that she needed to take her mind off of whatever had her affixed in the car. "What's up? Are you okay?" He said over the music, at least he tried to.

The man on stage was starting to sweat. The lights on the stage were quite hot, and he did what he could to glance around the crowd. At some point, he had thrown his jacket into the crowd. It was going to be a nonstop set. For a second, he saw what he thought looked like Kari in the crowd, and he could barely see the upper level seating. The set was about half done now. Pointing aimlessly into the crowd, his finger found the general area of Mei, Tai, and Sora. The crowd seemed to like it though. .
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

Kari was shaking just a little, as T.K. motioned for them to hit the Dance floor. Her eyes lit up and she followed her boyfriend rather happily, though that shaking and dark feeling she had felt before was coming back. She kissed him back, after he turned her head, and smiled up at the young man she loved so much.

A flash of white caught her attention, from the corner of her eye. She looked up and - "T.K... is that Gatomon?" She asked as she motioned up to the rafters. They had been dancing for a little bit, and that feeling was still hanging in the air. That feeling that made her shake. "T.K. I think there are digimon here!" She said.

That was the moment the world seemed to shift for her. Kari was damn sure there was digimon mingling in the stadium. Probably the ones that belonged to the Digidestined. At least Patamon and Gatomon... Where whom she had seen so far. She wondered if Agumon and Gabumon were there as well... not to mention Biyomon.

Mei stiffened as she stared out over the crowd, that feeling was in her stomach again. She noticed that Matt was pointing up here, but the look in his eyes was sort of distant - so he likely wasn't actually looking at them. Her stomach started to cramp, as her hand hit the nearest ledge. A cold sweat broke over her body as the feeling to get ill broke out over her body.

There was a sound, one this world had not heard for a long time. The sound of a Digimon that the Digidestined hadn't heard in a long time. Kuwagamon had broken open the top of the Stadium - there was people running around and screaming, and Mei was just gripping that ledge with her body reacting violently to the presence of the Digimon. The others weren't reacting anywhere near as extreme, so what the hell was wrong with her?

Sora was enjoying her time, but she sensed instantly when something was up. Tai wasn't exactly Tai, he would usually at least hold her hand and get close. But something was wrong, and she knew it - apparently Kari and Mei knew it. She was ready to figure out what it was, but she didn't have long to wait as the Kuwagamon broke through the Stadium roof. Her eyes widening as people began to rush out.

THey hadn't had to deal with a digimon like this - in many years. But it appeared many people still remembered the escape plans. Those that didn't were being taken by those that were. Sora turned to see where T.K. and Kari were, to see if Matt was still on stage, then she noticed Mei's cat rather intently staring at the Digimon in the main part of the stadium. That's when Sora saw the five small digimon surrounding the Kuwagamon.

"Tai! IS that Agumon!" She called out as she started to run down towards the dance floor. Biyomon was there as well, even if she was using a Spiral twister to keep the Kuwagamon in place. All of them were in their rookie forms, except for Gatomon which was her usual champion form.

Kari reacted instantly to the presence of the Digimon, at least jumping out of the way as their digimons showed up. "Tai! Tai! It's Gatomon and Patamon!" She said as she motioned to the Digimon that were using their attacks to corral the Kuwagamon. "We have to figure something out!" She said as she noticed the way their digimon were. "They must have been fighting hard, they are pretty beat up."

Mei seemed to move as if she was gliding, a soft of ghostly feeling overcoming her as she and Neko-chan, Nyamon, made their way down to the bottom of the steps. Her hand slipped into her pocket, pulling out the dark grey and black digivice, which was already sparking wildly - the digivice was glowing and shaking and making a rather strange nose.

Nyamon jumped from the ledge, rolling on the ground and then popping up. She wove around the other Digimon attacking and started to head straight up into the air using a pillar. She braced herself on the ledge, and then kicked off with all the force in her paws. She dropped hard and fast towards the Kuwagamon, her claws glowing a bright silvery light. "Feral Claw!" The scream of the Digimons attack was heard as she dropped her attack on to the head of the Digimon. It was enough to stun Kuwagamon - for the moment. That was all.

"Nyamon! Help the others!" Mei called out to her partner, as she seemed to change into a different woman. They were all used to the quiet and hiding young woman, but now Mei was a different person. She was hard, determined, the way she faced battle was like a different person. A person that was racing passed the other humans to stand a short distance from her partner. "Avoid their attacks, help them where you can and then prepare for a Mirror Gaze!" She called out to her digimon.

Well that was definitely as shocker for Sora and Kari, Mei was a Digidestined?
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

It all happened so fast.

First, they were dancing, then, they were being attacked? What exactly was going on. There seemed to be a slight pause as Kuwagamon ripped open the roof of the stadium and made it's way in. Then, there was chaos all around them. People running for their lives, the lights still flickering from the concert that was supposed to be going on at the same time. Things just didn't seem right that day, and they certainly didn't seem right now. It had been awhile since any Digimon had appeared, and apparently there were some here now.

Instinctively, T.K grabbed Kari's hand before he watched with wide eyes as Matt and Tai seemed to spring into action. Matt had a shorter distance to go, jumping from the stage and running towards them. Looking up towards the seats, he watched as Sora disappeared and as Tai did something stupid.

Tai, with wide eyes, watched as everyone ran for their lives. Looking, as Sora made her way to the stairs, Tai decided to do something else. Taking a leap of faith off of the top of the balcony, judging that it wasn't that far down. It was about one story distance wise. Doing a shoulder roll, Tai winced as he hit the ground. Springing back up to his feet, he stood, trying to assess the situation. The fact that Mei was a digidestined seemed to be lost in the moment, and while she barked orders, he looked towards the rest on the floor.

"Guys, move! Use the flashing lights to your advantage!"

It was dark outside, but the moon offered a little bit of natural light. Standing plum in the middle of the light, was the Kuwagamon. They all could clearly see the digimon, but it remained to be seen if it could see them. The digimon fought hard, and Tai wondered where they had come from. If there was one, would there be more? Why was it here? His mind was going a mile a minute. Gripping the digivice he brought, he wondered why he had even brought it with him. It was like there was some kind of sign or some kind of message.

The fight raged on a little longer, before Matt joined in. Running towards Tai, the two nodded at one another. They could get caught up later. Everything came back, the fights, the drama, everything.

"All together now!"

Matt barked, trying to communicate with the rest of the digi-destined who were there.

"Boom Bubble, Pah!"
"Blue Blaster!"
"Pepper Breath!"

The rest of the attacks were headed straight for the Kuwagamon. Everything was starting to come back. What an adrenaline rush!
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

Kari's head was spinning, because all of this was happening much too fast. She could see Gatomon fighting as hard as possible, and her hand squeezed T.K.'s as she ran as hard and as fast as she could towards the Digimon. "We have to get them to lead him as far away from people as possible!" Kari said as she moved as fast as she could. Watching Gatomon attacking the Digimon as well, her Champion level digimon didn't always announce her attacks.

Sora was lost for a moment her eyes going wide as her head tilted back and her eyes continued to get wide. Suddenly Tai was gone, and Sora was running towards the one things that was suddenly on her mind. Biyomon, Biyomon and the fight that was happening. The woman was terrified that her digimon would be hurt.

She now wished that she had something to use to throw at the thing to distract it, but she was stuck with just standing on the sidelines shouting for Biyomon to do her best.

Kari stopped for a moment as she stared at Mei, the other woman was not that far away from Matt and Tai. Mei seemed to be changed, and Kari had a look of concern for only a few moments as she turned back to the battle. The Digimon looked exhausted, which is probably why they couldn't digivolve. By now, in this kind of situation, they would have. But at least they had a champion level in the group.

Mei closed her eyes and drew in her breath, even as the Kuwagamon fought against the other Digimon. She called to Nyamon and the digimon raced back to her. "Alright, pull your claws in..." She said calmly as she grabbed tightly to the paws of her digimon. "You ready?" She said as Nyamon nodded, her feline eyes completely narrowed. Mei was going to do something unexpected, something most digimon never even thought a ground walking digimon would do.

Mei started to spin, as if she was an Olympic athletic preparing to fling a discuss. She spun faster and then nodded to the Digimon she was working with. The release was perfect and Nyamon was suddenly launched through the air straight at the distracted Kuwagamon's face. A snarl on the creatures face as Nyamon launched her attack "Feral Claw!" The sound filled the air as Nyamon's body hit the Kuwagamons and her claws literally started to rip his eyes out.

Sora was the first to notice, her face going pale as she watched. "Guys, something isn't right here... Kuwagamon never bled before! That Digimon just .. it... " Sora covered her mouth as she felt her body preparing to be physically ill. That's when she noticed all of the scratches, burns, and open wounds on the Kuwagamon - those beneath it's armor.

Digimon had never physically hurt each other before, they were just data. But if the Digital world reflected their own, in ways... Did this mean they were no longer the same children that had bonded to the Digimon all that time ago? Or was it the entire world that had changed the DigitalWorld?
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

One by one, the men started to notice the physical damage on the beetle like Digimon. Matt noticed it first, clenching his firsts, he stepped forward and started to open his mouth to yell. "Gabumon! Stop!" He yelled, grabbing the attention of the dog Digimon for just a second. One of Kuwagamon's appendages flew towards the Digimon, and at the last second, Agumon pushed it out of the way. Matt's heart skipped a beat for a second, before he was grabbed by Tai.

"Matt. I know! This is real now. Everything is real! The Digimon is being hurt, and so could ours. They have to pay attention and focus!"

Matt started at Tai before looking at the battle raging on on the dance floor. Attack after attack, and a steady stream of blood started to trickle from the bug digimon. The exhaustion was clear in the faces and the body posture of the Digimon, and Kuwagamon's attacks were getting slower and slower. The continuous beatings from the Rookie Digimons attacks were started to wear it down. The Digimon's armor was starting to flake and starting to chip, until large plates began to fall and hit the ground.

Adjusting himself, T.K could only watch as the Digimon was torn apart through his eyes. Tai was right, it was either that Digimon of theirs, and he would much rather have his own Digimon than the Kuwagamon before him. Still, part of him felt bad. He had so many questions. When did this start? Why? What was going on in the Digital World? Why were the Digimon even here? His mind raced as he watched the Kuwagamon slowly start to hunch over, and after another few minutes, it's lifeless carcass collapsed and fell forward. Grabbing Kari, he pulled the two of them out of the way of the falling body.

When the body hit the ground, dust and dirt flew into the air. Coughing immediately, T.k shielded his eyes from the dust. When the dust finally settled, he rubbed his eyes, hoping the whole thing was just a dream. It wasn't. Walking towards the corpse, the Digimon all took a few brief seconds to relax before turning to their Tamers. .
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

The battle was finally over and Sora found herself swaying a moment. As the crest of Love, something like this really freaked her out. She had never seen something like this, but then again video games had changed massively since they were younger... and the Digital World was effected by their own. "This is... this is not right. What is going on..." She whispered as she rushed over to Biyomon and scooped her up.

She held the tired Digimon, who responded by resting her bird head against her Tamers chest. She was beyond exhausted, and Sora could see that. It terrified her that this had happened, and she wondered what had been happening in the Digital World for so long. But she found her eyes sliding over to the young woman that had fought with them. Some things were adding up.

Kari found her mind running ragged from the series of events. She sat down on the ground and just looked across the battlefield that Matt's concert had turned into. It was terrifying in a small way, and she wondered why things had suddenly changed so much. Her mind was running the same pathways that Sora's were, but she found her attention directed to the feline that was obviously a Digimon. That was why she had reminded Kari of Gatomon, because she was like Gatomon.

"So... someone want to fill us in on what's going on in the Digital world?" She asked as she pushed her hand across her skirt, and looked up at all the guys. "I'm sure you want to know too. After that, maybe Mei can tell us a little bit about the fact that she's been hiding she's a Tamer... "

Gatomon was the one that stepped forward, after looking at the other Feline Digimon for a moment. "It's the Digital World, it was ok for a little bit... but then it just changed. Things started getting riskier, and Digimon were actually dying. They would come back as eggs sometimes, and older Digimon - ones that haven't been seen in a long time, are coming back too. Ones that we didn't think existed anymore..." She said as her eyes slid over to Nyamon.

"Like that one, that's a Nyamon, they haven't been around in a very very long time. No one believes they ever existed, it's been so long. Others as well, ones we don't know how to fight anymore. Something Dark is in the Digital World, and that's why we came here. We were looking for a stable gateway, and Kuwagamon just happened through it before us." The feline said as she slipped over to Kari and settled against her.

"We came to get all of you, and find the Digidestined of Balance... and then all of us are supposed to go back to the Digital World, and try to fix things. At least that's what the Guardians have been saying." Biyomon said as she squirmed in Sora's lap. "I think Nyamon and her Tamer are the Balance users..."

"Well... with that explained." Sora said as her gaze slipped over to Mei. Her eyes focusing on the female that suddenly seemed very reserved and nervous. "Mei... right? I remember you and your feline from school.... and I vaguely remember you from Heighton View Terrace... where... I mean why haven't you joined us before."

Mei had withdrawn the moment the fight was over, she had gathered her Digimon and had stood by silently listening to everything. As everythign started to climb higher and higher on the risk, she felt her heart plummet further and further. She couldn't do this, she wasn't cut out for it. A few rogues here and there, sure! But... save the world... No she couldn't do it.

Her eyes became wide pools of shock and terror, as her grip tightened on Nyamon. It was then the felines turn to squirm in her arms. But Mei herself just couldn't bring herself to respond.

So Nyamon did it for her, because she knew her Tamer could not. "We can't. We aren't a real team. We can't be the 'Balance' that Biyomon said. Because we don't 'work'." Nyamon said finally as she pushed her paw into the place Mei kept the Digivice. Pulling the device out as she held it out so the others could see. "It doesn't work, I've never digivolved... and the most it does it shock Mei and make her have seizures... It's cracked, broken... and I have never had a tag or Crest like really Digidestined Digimon..." Nyamon said as she slipped the device back.

"We can't help you." Mei whispered as her shoulders slumped, she looked away. "Besides, what use is a broken digivice, and a broken Tamer... in saving the world? We can't Digivolve... we can't.. do what you did... we're essentially dead weight."
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

For a moment, T.K just stared at the corpse in front of him. He was a little distant from the conversation that was happening just a few feet away, but his brain was having a hard time contemplating just what he was seeing. His mouth was agape, and while Patamon tried pulling him into the conversation, he took a step forward. He was almost in a trance as his feet shuffled him towards the now lifeless body of the Kuwagamon. He had seen many of these before, but he had never seen it in this state. Not even close. .

Reaching his hand out, he touched one of the teeth, having to physically touch the creature for his brain to realize it wasn't just a dream. Even then, he half expected to wake up in a bed next to Kari to an alarm clock. He remembered everything he had done that day, and he remembered where he was. Still, the sight was so unwelcoming. A shudder took over his body as he realized exactly what this meant. Were their friends still alive? What was the state of the Digital World? What --

His mind was torn from his thoughts with the realization that Mei was a digidestined.


His voice broke the silence, causing both of the others to glance over at him.

"How? You have to come with us. You won't be safe here!"

He cried out as he made his way towards the conversation.

Tai and Matt exchanged glances before looking back towards Mei.

"He's right. If they are coming here looking for us, they will be looking for you too."

Tai said after a little while. It just made sense. Why would Kuwagamon pick here? Why would they attack the concert instead of somewhere else? It was because they were there. The Digimon was looking for them. They were trying to get to the Digidestined when they were least expecting it. If her Digivice really was as useless as she made it out to be, then the least they could do was bring them along.

Moving towards Mei, Matt put his hand on her arm.

"Please, come with us. It'll make us all feel so much better. You can bunk at my apartment until we figure out our plan of attack."

Matt said before giving her a weak smile.
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

Kari listened silently as the other female's digimon released the litany of their self doubt. She instantly felt much sorrier for the Teacher's assistant that she and T.K. had befriending. All her mind wanted her to do was trying to comfort the older woman, make her feel better. She searched for something to say, and then her face lit up as she through of the proper response.

"Yes, please go with Matt. Even though T.k. seems like an amazing part of the team now, there was a time long ago that T.K. had the Digimon couldn't digivolve. My brother told me the story." Kari said as she took a breath and began to explain. "You see the rest of the team had been taken out by the Digimon, the evil one, that they were fighting. Everyone was about to be destroyed and then Patamon digivolved for the first time."

"He digivolved into Angemon, and saved everyone. So just because Nyamon can't digivolve now, just because Nyamon and your Digivice do not seem compatible yet... It may not be broken, it may just be waiting for you to realize the truth and depth of your Crest." Kari said as she stroked her hand down Gatomon's head.

"That's what I was told too." Gatomon chimed in as she leaned into her Tamer. She was exhausted from the fight but didn't mind her Tamer paying such attention to her.

"That's pretty true, I remember that moment. T.K. and Patamon ended up saving us all!" Sora said as she moved herself over to Tai and leaned against him. She was seeking the comfort of his position, and leaned into him as a means to keep herself going. "you have to come with us, just because you can't right now... You will be able to eventually!" Sora said as she gathered up Biyomon even closer.

"Don't worry, Mei and Nyamon... someday you will, and when you do you'll be thinking differently!" Biyomon chirped up as it shuffled in Sora's lap. "The Digital world really needs you, the next gate will be in a little bit. You'll have time to pack up and get ready to travel there for awhile. We don't know how long it may take to fix it."

Mei drew in a deep breath, turning her gaze away from all of them. Her eyes closing, their pale coloring seemed to darken as she shook her head. She didn't want to believe their words, she didn't want to be a burden on them. She honestly believed that she wasn't worth it. But she felt the hope that Nyamon suddenly had, and she felt her Digimon nudge against her.

Nyamon wanted to try, she really wanted to try to make a difference. If that was the case than who was Mei to deny her most closest companion? She looked up, staring across at Matt through dark bangs. "We can stop by my place and I can pack quickly, and then go to your place so that we can finally all meet up together again with the others... and make our plans?" She whispered as she tried to let that hope bloom in her. Matt was actually looking at her, acknowledging her!
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

To be frank, part of Tai agreed with Mei. If her digivice didn't work, then what good was she? They should have all known that whatever was plunging the Digital World into absolute chaos would need more than just a Rookie Digimon to beat. Hell, they would likely need more than the best even Agumon, Biyomon, or any of the other Digimon could throw at them. The only thing that they shared in common was the fact that they were all Digidestined. Tai was pulled from his thoughts when Sora leaned up against him. Opening his mouth to say something, Matt was already pleading with her to go with them.

At this point, he knew it was a losing battle. There was just too much convincing, and he knew that Sora would absolutely rip him apart if he said something now. Everyone else seemed to be buying into the notion that the more the better. He was probably the only one that thought she had a good idea. Besides, she would be safer here than she would be following them to the Digital World. When he glanced towards Sora, and then glanced towards Agumon, he just kept his mouth shut. He supposed, if there wasn't anything nice to say, he shouldn't say it at all.

The rocker nodded happily when she finally agreed. Unlike Tai, Matt was actually happy. In his eyes, the more the merryier. He agreed when she mentioned going to her apartment. Sure, she could stay with him, that was fine. After all, Tai would likely want to spend some time with Sora, and vice versa with T.K and Kari. They were all couples after all. He was the only single one, and it seemed like she was single as well.

Glancing at Gabumon, Matt nodded once more. "When does the next portal open?"

Gabumon glanced back and forth with the other Digimon before he stepped forward. "The next portal opens tomorrow morning, Japan time, 8 AM." He said matter of factly."

"It's going to open in the middle of Heighton View Terrance. In the courtyard. Fitting, huh?" Patamon said, chiming in once he felt as though he had the go ahead.

Glancing down at his watch, T.K realized that they had about eleven hours to prepare before they made the trip back into the Digital World. "Let's go then. Reconvene at my apartment tomorrow at five. It's the closest to Heighton View." He said, after a brief silence took ahold of the group. "I'll try and get in touch with Joe, Mimi, and Izzy. It would do us good to have a few friends on this side. If not to try and hold off the portals from opening or doing damage control or something!"

T.k said as he saw Tai nod, and then Matt follow suit. What other choice did they have? They needed to try and get some sleep before making it back to the Digital World the next day. "Again. Five o clock sharp." He said once more before he started to follow Tai and Sora out to Tai's car. Glancing back, he watched as Matt started to lead Mei out to his own vehicle. Tai would drop them off at his apartment, and then go with Sora and do whatever. He was surprised that Taid didn't take more of a lead, but someone again had to do it.

The walk to the car was silent and short. Piling in, the short drive to T.k's place, Tai dropped the two of them off before starting on the drive back to his apartment. Hearing the doors close, Tai took off, sitting for a brief moment before looking towards Sora. Letting out a deep breath, he sighed once more. "Wouldn't Mei be safer here?" He said, blurting out what was on his mind. "I mean, I understand everything about T.K back against Devimon, but come on, these are different circumstances!" He said, not surprised at just how empty the roads were. "Let's trade out Izzy and Mei. I think Joe and Mei would get along great." Okay. The last little comment was a bit of a slight, but it was true. He had to get it off his chest somehow.

Once at the car, Matt had Mei direct him to her place. During the drive, he blinked a few times. "So. . . your digivice doesn't work, huh?" He said, just trying to make idle conversation. Gabumon sat in the middle in the back, his head poking between the seats like a dog. It was small talk, but he supposed he needed to get to know his new companion somehow.

After Tai had dropped them off, T.K watched as they drove away. Kari had kept some clothes at his apartment, so he wasn't really worried about her packing. Patamon sat on his shoulder as he made his way upstairs and closed the door behind him. "We should get something to eat." He said after a brief pause. They were both likely thinking about just what had happened back at the concert hall. They needed to rest though. They had a big day ahead of them. They finally did have some alone time though. It was clear, the Digital World was going to be far more dangerous than they would be expecting. This time, they might not all make it out alive. The thought sent shivers down T.k's spine, but it also made him think of spending their time doing something else. He doubted Kari would be in the mood or mindset, but he would just have to pick his moment and try.
RE: Digimon : Digital Balance {Sweet&Periodical}

Mei stood by silently, after she agreed, listening to the way everyone else spoke - and how they didn't speak. She could sense the tension, the imbalance among the team members. Some wanted her to come, and there was others - others that didn't want her. She wasn't sure how she could sense it, but she did. As everyone dispersed she followed after Matt, Nyamon close behind her. They arrived at his vehicle, and she slipped into the passenger seat, Nyamon slipping into the back to sit up near the back window. The digimon stretched out and closed her eyes, pretending at sleep.

"Yes, it's broken. I... well there was this one time, back when all the digimon slipped into our world for a small period. I... well that is... Me and Nyamon tried to fight... and the Digivice it sparked horribly, and I passed out. Nyamon told me I had a seizure, and we promised that I'd drop it the moment something like that happened again." She whispered as she drew in a deep breath and twisted her hands in her lap. They were going to her Apartment, which was just a tiny little studio apartment. She directed him to the parking for her apartment and then stopped to look over at him. "You can come up, if you want... or you can stay here... " She murmured as she clicked the depression of the seat belt so she could climb out.

Sora went back out with the others, watching as Mei and Matt left. She could see something there, but she was the Crest of Love. She could see that something was there, and it made her smile if a little secretly. They got into the car and she leaned back against the seat, her eyes closing as she stayed silent in the drive. After T.K. and Kari were dropped off, with their Digimon, at T.K.'s apartment, Sora was surprised as Tai opened his mouth. Her eyes widened as her mouth opened and closed a few times.

"No... She's the Crest of Balance, and we need her. That's what the Digimon said. We need her for a reason, even though we may not know why." Sora said as she pulled on the edge of her sleeve, looking up at him. "And I don't think Mei would like Joe... I think... I think she already has an interest in someone." Sora said with that soft secret smile of hers. A chuckle leaving her as she shook her head a little and then turned her attention towards the road.

Kari was quiet, as was Gatomon. They just spent time enjoying each others company, as they drove from the stadium to where T.K. lived with his mom. She was quiet as she slipped out, Gatomon passed out in her arms. "Yeah, food is a great idea. We should make sure that Gatomon and Patamon eat too." Kari said as she left her shoes at the door and walked deeper into his place. "Your mom's out huh? I'm sure she trusts you." Kari said as she folded her hands in the small of her back, after she had set down Gatomon on the couch.

"We only have what... ten hours? Till we have to be in the digital world? I'll pack a bag with a few changes of clothes, stuff that can stand up to some roughing it." She said as she rocked back and forth. "Probably... should ah... I'm going to go to the market. I have to get girl stuff... you know for... " Kari coughed for a moment and turned pink. "I should probably bring several of the large boxes, never know when I might need them... ya know? And I could well I could pick up protection while I'm there, unless you have it? You never know if we might... well you know..." She said as she blushed darker.
When they were in his house, he made his way to the kitchen and started to rifle through the cabinets, looking for something to eat. After watching everything, his stomach was grumbling quite loudly. When Kari mentioned protection, he quirked his brow slightly. He had almost forgotten about that. It was going to be what he initiated when they were back from the concert, and well, he supposed they were back from the concert now. Patamon flew off of his shoulder, landing on the couch before curling up into a ball. T.K glanced back at her, and as he met eyes with her for a brief moment, he went back to rifling throught the cabinets.

Letting out an annoyed grunt, he turned back towards Kari, lightly grabbing her hand and leading her into his bedroom. "I think a trip to the market is a good idea, I will go with you. I'm not sure I have anything to eat here." He said with a sigh. She was still his girlfriend, even after everything. Even with all the distractions. Opening the drawer of the nightstand, he pulled out his box of condoms. One left. Shoving it into his pocket, he looked back at her. "I've only got one. Do you think we will need any while over there?" He asked her raising his brow once more.

They both knew they were putting off the inevitable. The market was less than a block away, and it was open 24 hours. He supposed they could stop by the market in a bit. Still holding onto her hand, he pulled her into him, locking into a passionate kiss. His tongue invading her mouth for a brief moment as he kicked the door shut. They had been walking on eggshells around Mei, and now that they were finally alone, he just couldn't keep himself from her.

"What?" Tai said as he pulled into his apartment complex. "Did you pick up on something I didn't?" He knew the answer already, and he thought for just a moment. Finally, a lightbulb seemed to click in his head. "No. No way. You think Matt would go for her? You know Matt, probably better than me, he's probably fuc- dating someone that he met on tour." He said as he locked the car up and walked with her into the apartment. Pulling out his phone, he sloppily wrote a few words out, and pressed send before shoving the phone back in his pocket.

Closing the door behind him, he made his way over to the couch, before pulling Sora into his lap. It was time for a subject change. His phone vibrated in his pocket, but he didn't even bother checking. "Do you think we are ready for another trip back? I mean, things have drastically changed. Not only there, but in our group as well. Kari and T.K are dating, so are me and you. Besides, there is only a few of us left, and one will be dead weight." Wrapping his arms around her waist, he kicked his shoes off before putting his feet up on the couch.

As he was driving, Matt checked his phone, before hastily typing back to Tai. The message from Tai had read: Take it easy on her tonight. Sora thinks we need her. The text drew a scoff from Matt before he texted back. Shut up man. Shrugging, he followed her up the stairs. Matt had been on tour for awhile, there had been a lot of talking to groupies and other fans, and normally people asked him about sex. He wasn't sure why, but maybe it was just his persona on stage. Maybe it was just something about him.

"So. .." He said as he watched her start to pack. "You got a boyfriend or something? Long distance? Maybe he's here?" He said as he just followed her around. He figured he would hang out with her tonight, let the couples have their alone time before they left. He doubted there would be much for them when they got there. .
Kari had been waiting patiently for T.K. to answer, watching as he rifled through the cabinets. She gave a small laugh when she realized he didn't even have any instant ramen. "We should definitely think about getting supplies. I know I'll need some, and I'm sure there is other things we can get there. Like a small first aid kit?" She said, now being completely evasive about the question she had asked him before.

He mentioned walking with her, and she accepted that, smiling as she held his hand and walked with him to the market. She did her shopping, and she realized he had done his own. A small smile curling on her face as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She knew that they were going into something completely new, in a lot of ways. "I know it's not ideal, but we are needed.. and we should probably be prepared. I mean you never know what will happen there." She commented.

But they were finally back in his house, and she found herself taking off her shoes rather quickly. Right after T.K. had her wrapped up and was kissing her, and she returned it with all the passion that a bunch of horny young adults could muster. They were in their Senior year of school, so it was obvious they would be like this. Especially after so many years of being sweethearts.

"Well I don't know if he would go for her, but I know she was watching him a lot in High School. That's one of the things I remember. She probably has liked him awhile, since before he became famous. I mean if what we know is true... she's probably been wanting to be part of us for a long time." Sora said as she followed after her boyfriend. She did know Matt rather well, had dated him for a small period of time back when she was infuriated with Tai.

"I mean... what did you do?" She asked as she watched him with his phone, her eyebrows raising as she gave him 'that look' the Girlfriend look. She slipped her shoes off at the door and followed him to the couch, crashing on the couch and stretching out a little so she was snuggled down against Tai. "I don't know, but we will need to pack... and we will have to make sure we are ready to be there." Sora said as her eyes closed. The Digimon were already settled down in a corner, so she was glad they were ok.

"Also, she may not be that bad of deadweight. She may have other things she can do to make up for it. I mean having someone that can cook some decent meals, and someone that knows how to use a First Aid kit properly. I mean we all know basics, but her dad was Military if I remember... so probably she knows more about it than we do?" Sora commented. Yes, her digimon couldn't fight on the same level as theirs, hell theirs had a bit to go before they were back up to par. "I like to look at it as an opportunity."

Mei smiled weakly as he followed her, blinking a little as she walked up the steps to her apartment. She was glad she was only blushing a little as her hand shook and she turned the key. She cleared her throat and then started to slip off her shoes. She needed to pack a bag, but she was also hungry. "Do you want to eat? I can cook something? I'll probably need to ask the neighbor to come take my food and donate it, as we don't know how long we will be gone." She said as she stepped into the doorway.

She smiled softly as she stopped by a picture on the wall. A sad smile on her face. It was a much younger version of her, back from her Heighton View terrace days. A tiny dark haired girl standing between a man in Military uniform, and a small asian woman with them. She blinked away tears for a moment as she walked down her hallway towards her living room. More pictures on the wall that showed the progress of her growth. But the man vanished from the pictures just before the picture of her graduation robes.

"Anyways... um... what?!?" She said as she realized his question. "No... no boyfriend... " She whispered as she slipped into the kitchen, looking around for supplies to make some tea. "I... haven't really had an interest in dating..."
The man just held her. For now, the Digital World was at the foremost of his mind, and T.K was acting as though this was his last night on Earth. In more ways than one, it was. Again, they both had known it was coming, and T.K wasn't going to shy away at the opportunity. It probably wouldn't be the last time the two would be locking lips and maybe other things throughout the rest of their ten hours before their journey. Rolling them over, T.K stood before grabbing both of her arms and leading her to one of the bathrooms.

"We don't know when the next time we will have a shower will be, better wash up." He said through half lidded eyes. Closing the door, he kissed her once more before breaking it and starting up a hot, steamy shower. Grabby hands started to tug at her clothing. Sure, they would pack, but it would probably be one of the last things that they would do especially given the circumstances.

Settling into the couch, Tai let out a groan, and let the "girlfriend" look wash over him. Kissing Sora on the forehead, he shook his head. "But that's all just an assumption and didn't we say we weren't going to try and make things out of nothing? Besides, do you think Matt would even go for her?" He said as he felt his eyelids getting heavy. Sure, they still had to pack, but they also had to sleep. They were going to be going on a more dangerous adventure than the last time, that was for damn sure.

"And, we made along fine as kids when we were there. Sure, things seem to be different now, but if we are hurt, we are as good as dead. A simple first aid kid isn't going to help any." He said as his hands found their way down to her ass. So much had changed with him since he was last with Agumon. He wondered if he would have to explain relationships and the like to the poor digimon. He wondered what the others were doing at a time like this. "There you go again, a pure optimist. You know, it's going to get us in trouble one of these days."

The final man who was going was just looking at the pictures. He hadn't really noticed the blush nor her blinking away tears, and he noticed that the man in the military uniform just up and disappeared. He hadn't really registered why, but she didn't really seem to want to talk about it. Picking up the picture of her when she was younger, he stared at it. The picture of her in her youth looked so familiar to him, but it was tough to put his finger on why.

"Why not? I mean, you are pretty enough and smart enough. Why no interest?" Matt said candidly. Sure, she was pretty, and she seemed to have a lot of skills. This wasn't high school anymore, there really was no point in dancing around facts or dancing around anything. "If you don't mind, I am starving." He said, slipping his shoes off. It didn't seem like they were going anywhere anytime soon.
Kari was definitely on board with his plan, on taking this moment to lose herself in the moment she had with him. She was unaware of when they might have the chance again, and she was damn well not going to give up the chance. He kissed her, and she gave back. She pulled away, chuckling softly as she gave him a small kiss on the nose. "I love you, T.K." She said softly, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she followed him towards the bathroom.

His hands were all over her, and all she could do was laugh as he pulled at her clothes. She undressed herself leaving everything forgotten, and her brown hair unbound. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him, waiting for the water to be just right. "Did you bring one in?" She asked as she let her cheek rest against his shoulder.

"Well it's better to think positive than assume someone is worthless." Sora commented as she stretched out with him and yawned. Yes, they had a lot to do, but she was tired. Beyond tired even, and she knew that if she didn't rest properly that they wouldn't handle tomorrow well. She gave a small laugh at the feeling of her boyfriend's hand on her ass, shaking her head just a little.

"Mmm but things are different now... let's just rest... we can handle more later." She whispered as she snuggled down against him. She felt her eyes drifting closed, but knew that it was going to be ok. They had enough time for everything, and would meet up with everyone else again tomorrow.

Mei set aside a large mug of tea for him, and put out sugar and milk if he wanted it. She shrugged her shoulder a little as she pulled out ingredients, and stopped for a moment to stare ahead of herself. "I just... I am not interested in dating honestly." She said softly as she found ingredients to make them some miso soup first. There was also some stuff so she could fry up some beef and vegetables, and she always had a little rice going in her cooker.

"How hungry?" She asked again as she looked over her shoulder, stopping a moment to put on her apron. " I just... well... I really liked someone... for a long time. But he's much to far up to ever notice someone like me. I just get to watch from afar." She admitted as she spoke about the situation in a way that she hoped would not reveal anything.

"I just never liked anyone but him, ever since I was in High School." She said this as she started to slice beef and veggies, getting the pan set up for frying. She stopped for a moment to sip her own cup of tea. Then turned back towards the cooking.
When she said the dreaded "L" word, T.k couldn't help but hesitate for just a second. It wasn't that he was a bad boyfriend or afraid of a commitment or anything, it was just something he didn't like to say. It was odd, he was in love with Kari. He loved who she was, how beautiful she was, being around her, but something inside of him just wouldn't let the blonde haired boy spit out that word. His hands were all over her though, that was true. It was almost something that it seemed like he couldn't prevent. He loved her, he just couldn't express it.

Asking about the condom, T.K smiled. Reaching down and digging through his shorts pocket, he produced the last one he had before the trip to the market. Kissing her, he opened his mouth. "Come on, let's try without it this time." He said, thinking back to a conversation with Matt about how it was just better. Stepping into the shower with her, he felt the warm water cascade down his back. "I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

"It's going to get us into trouble someday." Tai said as he drifted out. It had been awhile since the two had been a little intimate, but he knew most, if not all of Sora's mentalities. It seemed like she wanted to sleep and it seemed like she was tired. The last thing he wanted to do was piss her off before going on a long trip with her. It was a trip that may not have had an end. Stretching, he sank into the couch, using his girlfriend as his blanket, and started drifting away. His hands burying themselves underneath her clothing, and resting against her soft, warm skin.

Something happened though. He couldn't sleep. His mind went to the Digital World and the state of it. It went to Agumon and Biyomon and the things they must have seen. It went to Mei, and her broken Digivice and her digimon being stuck in it's rookie form. It went to Sora. If she didn't want to sleep with him before they left, they likely wouldn't do it when they were with everyone. There was no privacy in the Digital World, especially with a group of people. Not to mention they were travelling with his little sister and her former boyfriend. If she wasn't going to do things in the privacy of their own apartment, why would she do them around the prying eyes and the presence of the others. Tai figured he better just settle in, but his mind was working. It was going to be a long night likely. .

When she started, everything started to click. The way she was acting, the message Tai had sent him. Sipping on his tea, he chose not to add anything to it. He prefered it pure anyway. Shaking his head when she started. "I'm pretty hungry." He said in between her sentences. "Do I know him?" Matt said with a little bit of a smile. "I mean, maybe I could talk to him and let him know whats going on. I'm sure I could convince him to work something out with you and at least give you a shot. There is no point in just waiting, you know?" He said as he stood up, and started to try and help her.

"I mean, what's the worst that could happen. You still got all of us backing you up." He said as he put his hand on the small of her back, letting it linger for just a second too long before he pulled it away. He wanted her to know that they were there for her. After all, they were a team now.
Kari watched him pull the foil packet from his shorts, her eyebrows drawing together as she cocked her head to the side. She kissed him back, and listened to him speak a sparkling of interest filling her eyes. But she wasn't stupid, they were still kids, still in school. Even if they were holders of the future, and the salvation of the Digital World, she knew that she had to be responsible. It appeared she would have to be the responsible of the two of them.

"Well I could get pregnant, we don't need that happening now do we?" Kari pointed out as she followed him into the shower. She was more experimental than others might think, but she was also very big on her safety. That included not getting pregnant before she could properly support a child.

"Sorry... I just don't think that's a safe idea." Kari said with a weak smile as she leaned back against the shower wall, her eyes closing partially. "But that doesn't mean we can't have fun, if anything it's more fun with protection." She pointed out with a bit of an amused tone.

Sora was drifting, and she knew that she hadn't had a chance to be intimate with him in awhile. She probably would offer a shower in the morning, before they got to all of their packing. She didn't want to leave for the Digital world without having one last time with Tai, she really did care about him a lot. Her eyes slowly slid closed as she clutched to him, her face nuzzling against his chest and her eyelids getting heavy as her body.

"Mmmm shower...when I wake up. I promise..." She managed to whisper to him rather sleepily as she curled herself against him. She just needed a bit rest.

"A lot of people know him." Mei said as she cooked, focusing on the task at hand. She was thorough, and rather methodical with her work. Her small hands moving quickly with the knife, and the pieces slicing in a nearly equal manner. The more equal the pieces the better they cooked. She was so focused on her cooking that she didn't realize he had been approaching. But she was focused on him enough that she was still able to respond.

"Oh I'm not his type, he prefers bolder women from what I've observed." Mei said as she let herself disconnect for the moment, but her hand and the knife - the cooking seemed to come to a standstill at his hand on her back. He was speaking again and she wondered what his 'crest' was that he was such a good person. "I... it means a lot. I've been alone, except for Nyamon, for awhile." She whispered softly.

After her father had passed on her mother had slipped away as well. Not lasting till Mei had entered college, she really was alone. She rarely had human company except when she was doing her T.A. work.
"I suppose you are right."

T.K said, cedeing the point to Kari. Taking off the foil package, T.K gave himself a second to put the condom on properly. After the sort of small talk they just had, T.K just jumped right back into action. Kissing her hard and pinning her against the side of the shower. Water ran over him, and his hands started to roam his girlfriend's now bare body. Letting out a breath, T.K started to take full control of the situation. Pulling her back from the wet shower, T.K grabbed some of the soap and started lathering it up before applying it to her.

Running his hands all down her back and to her ass, T.K never broke the kiss. It was true though, the two could almost be called sexual deviants in the way they acted sometimes. He was sure someone knew, probably Sora, but a few months ago when Tai and Kari's parents had a big party to celebrate a new job, T.K had fingered Kari underneath the table. Kari only slipped up a few times, and he didn't think anyone noticed, but thinking back, Sora was sitting across from them. Maybe she knew something was up. They were experimenting more, and doing more and more things to each other. It was a great time after all.

Tai quirked his brow and looked down at Sora. Did she just read his mind? What the hell was that? Shaking his head, he laid his head down on the back of the sofa, grabbing his phone and quickly setting an alarm. Letting out a groan, he adjusted himself, giving himself enough room to pick up his girlfriend and walk her to the bed. After getting to the room, he set her down gently, before taking off his clothes and climbing into bed as well. Tomorrow would be an interesting day for sure, but Tai was ready for the excitement.

With that thought in mind, Tai drifted to sleep.

(We can exclude these two for a few posts. Not really much else for them while the others are doing things)

Shaking his head at her Matt smiled. "I promise, you won't be alone anymore, your friends are here." He said as he helped her finish up the dinner. She had already had most of the work done, but he figured it would be nice to help her out at least a little bit. He wasn't sure how long they were going to be in the Digital World for, and while his band had scattered, it was probably best to send them a text straight away. Let them know he was alright, and let them know he would be gone for awhile.

Moving and sitting back down the on of the chairs, he shook his head. "Bolder? How?" He said as he quickly scraped out a group text for everyone. Shooting it off quickly, his attention turned back to Mei.
Kari was enraptured with the male that was her partner, a harsh breath leaving her as she watched him slip on that rubber. She was pressed back against the shower and she began kissing him with a renewed vigor. Her hands locked behind his head as she kissed him with all the passion she had been holding back. The wet shower only helped make the situation all the more fun.

He pulled away from the soap and she gave a hum as she watched him move. Kari's mind started running over all the personal adventures they had, and chuckled softly as she remembered that family dinner not that long ago. Her hands trailed across his back, as she pressed herself tightly against him. "I think I'm rather ready, but you can make me more ready if you want." She said softly in T.K.'s ear as she nuzzled her cheek against his neck.

(That's fine with me! XD )

Mei was a little quiet as they finished up the dinner, she plated everything and stood at the counter getting ready to eat. She said a small prayer her head bowed for a moment. Then she took a small portion from her plate and added it to a small plate that was on the back part of the counter. She'd have to ask the neighbor to watch over her apartment.

"Well... women like Sora, or Kari... or Mimi from when we were in school. He just... prefers women not as a withdrawn." She whispered as she started to eat her food and poured herself another cup of tea. She'd leave a note for the neighbor and her spare key, so that the food in her apartment would be given to those that needed it. Since she didn't know when she'd be back. She had her dads old military gear still, his traveling gear. She could use part of it, for packing stuff up.

"I'll pack up quickly, after we eat then we can head to your place?" She said with a weak smile.
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