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Can I Keep Her? [nightsorceress & katon]

Lily followed into the room and made her self comfortable on the couch. She looked more content and relaxed as she eased her self back into the couches soft upholstery.

With an empty glass in his hand James felt more drink was needed. His head was all over the place and a few more drinks couldn’t hurt.
Gesturing the glass in Lily’s direction as he stood next to the drinks cabinet he offers her a drink.
“Fancy another, perhaps something less sharp this time?”

His neck still tingles from her kiss, her lips felt as if they had left a soft mark on his skin. The palms of his hands were still sweaty from the pairs last connection. Rubbing his hands together as he looked at all the drinks his fingers glided across his ring once more. He had since over the years removed all pictures of his wife from sign as they only brought him sadness. The only thing he had to remember her by now where his wedding ring and memories.
Looking across to Lily he questioned whether he should still be faithful to his wife. Lily had passed to him a feeling he thought was for ever forgotten to him and he was now starting to desire her in a more than mutual manner.

Pouring what ever drink Lily requested he carried the pair’s drinks over to the couch. It made more sense they would sit together. Makes chatting a friendlier exchange when you don’t have to sit uncomfortably across the room to engage each other.
Lily nodded when he offered her another drink. It might do her head some good to have another. She watched he poured the drinks and brought them over handing her one. She took a sip and then looked to James who was now sitting on the couch next to her. She turned herself to face him and she smiled softly.

Lily fingers ran the rim of the glass as she nervously looked at him. Her body was screaming to be pushed against him again. she wished to feel his gentle touch all over her. "what a night" She whispered softly to herself as she took another drink. For being around for so long Lily still believed a man should be making the moves. so she sat next to him, wanting much more than to be just his friend.
James tried not to make eye contact with Lily he was still unsure of what he should be doing. There was an obvious tension between the pair, both wanted something more, neither sure of what to do. They both sat with their back against the arms of the couch passing through the silence.
The faint whisper of Lily broke James concentration and he took the initiative too break the silence.
“Has been a bit of an up and down ride tonight hasn’t it? Your welcome to stay with me, im happy for you too. But do you not have other places you need to go. Other vampires you maybe need to be with?”

James was no lawyer, no master of the subtle arts of conversation but he still tried to probe deeper into her world. That had been the immediate reason for her arrival at the house. Even though it seemed anything she could tell him would not undo the stigma of death. He wanted to know if she was as alone in the world as she claimed, to him no one could live for so many years with out someone to share pain and joy with. The time with no one had nearly driven him insane, and Lily seemed of sound mind, she must have someone. Her beauty alone could attract near enough any man.

“Do you think all my nonsense about bring back my wife is all in vein. Please be honest at this point, I only have you to direct any questions so honesty would be appreciated.”

Lily’s answer would concrete to James whether he continued his work or attempted to deal with the grief once more that his wife was lost to him for ever.
"i have many homes that i own across the world in which i stay, but no place is as welcoming as this. As for other vampires i need to help i have not sensed any so all is peaceful for the moment" Lily smiled softly at him. She took off her shoes in that moment, making herself more comfortable. she did not wear and socks or stockings, she didn't care for them much. then she tucked her feet underneath her.

"I don't want to upset you but you asked me to be honest. And i don't think there is any need to continue the research. i don't think you will ever be able to bring her back" Lily spoke softly as not to hurt him. she took his hand in hers and gave it a soft squeeze. "but maybe you can research the illness that took her life and find a way to stop it so it can not claim anothers life"
As her hands clasped his James felt the tension rise once more, not a tension of awkwardness as before but one of a different nature. One that made James a little uncomfortable at this moment in time. As her hands lay there gripping his he could do nothing but rub his fingers between hers and feel the softness of her fingers on his. His worries and feeling of being uncomfortable soon vanished and as he looked down the pairs hands he noticed Lily had no ring. But he still had his.

He should never engage with another woman, she had no ties with any man. She had no need to stop her wants or desires, and James wife was still a firm subject in his mind. Pulling their hands apart pained him but he needed to tell her it was only fair.

“Im married Lily, even though she is gone I am still hers. My soul would burn for eternity never to be with hers again if we were ever to be more than friends. It pains me to say that Lily but it’s the truth. For one look at you, I would have to submit my soul to hell to allow my self half a life time of pleasure and them pay for it in hell for eternity.”

His sadness was obvious as he pulled his hands away and pushed him self back into the couch trying to distance him self a little more.

“Im sorry Lily, there’s no way, im not sending my self to hell. I took vows under gods eyes and it is under those eyes I would be judged and sent down for my sins.”
Lily sighed softly as he separated himself from her. She longed for something that would never be. She gave him a half smile. "its ok i understand. I could give you immortal life, if you truly wanted this. if you wanted to be with me, so you would never fear Gods judgement. but i can see you probably don't want it." There was pain and sadness in her voice and in her eyes.

"i am so sorry again. I knew your heart belonged to someone else, but still i could not help myself and i hoped that i could be more to you some day. To be honest with you James your the first being have ever felt a connection with. I have meet millions of mortals and vampires over my time and none make me feel like you do" Lily looked down she could no longer bring herself to look at him. In all her years lily has never wanted a man until now. she was still as pure and innocent as the day she was born.
A heavy lump rose in James throat, the offer of a gift similar to the one he was after, but at the same time total the opposite.

He would be able to live forever, but would never see his wife. She would be completely gone from his life. Everything would he would start a fresh as a new born. Free to pick and chose what he wanted and when. The wealth he could accumulate could see him rival a small country over a life time of immortality.

With this gift she offered him would conjure up a paradox with the most grave and dire ratifications.

But there were so many different options. So many unknowns that a simple Mortal could never way up, especially on the stop as he was now, the thought terrified and thrilled him at the same time.

Allow her to pass to him the ability to avoid gods gaze, to avoid any need to die, or fear the incurable which was death. Would see him as a god on earth. But to do this he would in essence have to trade his soul, throwing away what made him human.

“I have no idea what to say to you now, so many problems this offer could bring but in turn also resolve. Is this even allowed, picking and choosing who lives forever are you not now playing the role of god?”

Downing the rest of his drink James cares not for the taste or it’s value, he needs not enjoy this glass, but merely use it to calm his nerves.
Lily glanced at him. "most of us believe this power was given to us by a power so ancient it could have been god himself. i look at it as a gift not a curse. I believe if god did not want us to be then we would be, we live for a purpose." Lily sighed "its alot to understand i know. and if you wanted to learn more i will teach you. and i would never push you to this way of life"

Lily wanted to once again feel his embrace around her. But she did not move she simple just looked back down.
James wasn’t sure what to do, he was unsure if he wanted all of this. Part of him did and part of him didn’t. He couldn’t cast her away though. He might lose this once in a life time opportunity.

“There is too much for me to understand especially tonight, what you are offering intrigues me but also stirs fear into my soul. How many have you passed this gift onto?”

Looking to Lily for answers he moves his clenched fist to his face and once again allows his wedding ring to comfort him. This night was going to be a hard one and the prospects he was having to way up shouldn’t be taken so hastily. Jumping up from the couch James reveals his empty glass to Lily.

“I think I need another. A few more for that matter, this is all a bit sudden.”

Moving away back to the cabinet James needs this distance to think, Lily’s presents alone makes him feel pressured and compelled to give her an answer. Looking at his ring once more he questions whether he actually owes his wife anything any more. Should he allow Lily to pass her gift he will lose any chance of seeing her but also any chance of facing the wrath of god. The gift is a simple way to side step any judgment, but it in turn is wholly selfish.
Lily rose from the couch. her bare feet padding across the floor to the fire place, not far from where he stood. "no one, i have wanted to to share it with anyone until now. I haven't even offered it to anyone else before." Lily sighed and looked down.

"you don't have to accept tonight, or even at all. Just know James, i feel a connection with you and if i am right you are feeling it to. Maybe this was all ment to happen for a reason. i don't believe this is just simply chance."
Needing some level of strength or comfort James knocks back another half a glass of whiskey then place the glasses on the side of the cabinet. Still swallowing as he turns James moves across the room to engage Lily. Hand out stretched to her, his fingers meet hers and he moves his out stretched hand to pull her hand closer to him. Gently he steps into her embrace and pulls her hold body towards him.
Instantly the entire room seems to get hotter as Lily’s body connects with James and their foreheads rest against each others.

Stood there between the two of them they fell silent for a moment, the moonlight casting a white pure light through the windows that James had forgotten to draw. The light hit Lily’s pale skin and made her look more enchanting than she had ever done to him before. Her purple eyes reflected the flames from the fire. These flames in turn baked their glow against James darker completion and the two stood there, James skin oddly soaking the glow of the flames and Lily’s skin absorbing that of the moon light.

His whisper soft to her ear, his breath warm on her face, moving her hair slightly as his soft words spoke out to her.

“Everything does happen for a reason, but what of the consequences. I feel I must risk everything to now find out the truth. Are these feeling real or are they a dream, everything has been so bliss since you came along. Am I even sane any more?”

His hand clenched her tightly, his other hand resting on her arm squeezed tightly as he decided to risk it all. Pushing him self forward as he squeezed her arm he tilted his head slightly and attempted to make a connection with the woman’s soft lips.
Lily kissed him. her lips were soft and sweet. She had never kissed anyone before but now it felt like she had to or else she would dissolve into madness. She pulled back a little. "If you are insane James then i am to, for nothing in my life has felt so good, so pure so right as it does in your arms." Her lips then touched his again. she would give everything up to be his and he hers.

((sorry its so sort))
Using both of his arms to hold her James couldn’t resist, she wanted to be taken by him. She didn’t want to resist his touch or his affection. Insane or not they now seems they would weather it together.

Her lips were soft and plump, the sweet taste of her skins against his lips only invited him to kiss her more. With each kiss the duration was extended the passion in which it was given more enduring than the last.

Time seemed to stand still as the pair embraced and exchanged with each other. Her lithe frame pressed against his stronger frame screamed out to James. The want and need for them to be for ever pressed to each other was now so great. The heat from the fire now caused James to perspire as he struggled to contain him self from taking the moment further.

His hands wondered to her waist line as the pair exchanged more passionate kisses, all fear was now gone from James, only the moment counted. The years of dull and grey living seemed to wash from his body, bring out a primeval being about him as he continued to engage with Lily.

Forcing the moment to stop James uses the strength of his will to push the pair apart though still holding her. Taking a moment to collect him self he cleared his throat and swallowed deeply. His face a little flushed and the shine of sweat lay of his forehead, his lips were deep and red so where Lily’s. The extended period of kissing had brought blood to both of their lips and caused them to be more sensitive than ever. He wanted noting more than to continue with her but the moment was taking over.

“Are we right? Is this right? Is this ment to happen?” His voice no longer that of a friend, but more of an intimate other. The softness of his voice rolled around Lily’s mind, each tone he made more demanding of her personal will to not take him there and then. Still he spoke in whispers, as to try and hide their act from the eyes of god, for the judging eyes of their creator.
"oh it feels to right James, how can this feeling ever be wrong" She said gently. Her head came to rest on his shoulder her face gently nuzzling his neck. "i have never that i would find someone to whom i would want to give myself completely to. but i have James, I found you. My only hope is that you don't push me away"

Lily was being more opened with him. She feared if she did not let her feelings out now that his doubts might drive her a way. SHe would not be able to live any longer if she could not be his. Her long hair hid her face as she rested it against his neck. If he was able to see her he would this woman was appearing a little frighten.
Moving away from her James keeps his hands intertwined with hers as he leads her back to the couch. With a now calm contentness in his heart and the knowledge that they both share a need to be close to each other, his decisions feel easier to make.

Her hair had fallen over her face adding a feeling of shyness between the pair as James tried to make eye contact as he pulled her towards the couch. Reaching the couch James allowed him self to fall against the couch and as he fell pulling Lily down in turn. A playful smile across his face as the pair landed and Lily’s hair draped down over the pair as if the curtains had drawn on theatrical play and this was the moment the two starts would kiss.

“I think I may have to push you away at this rate, you can’t keep falling on me like this.” A playful tease in his voice as he lightly kisses Lily once more, pulling him self away once more to enjoy her smile and await her reaction.
Lily did not struggled as he pulled them to the couch. Lily heart felt light. there was a new happiness in the air, it seemed to her the room had a new happiness to it. She landed against him when he pulled her down to the couch.

"well i don't think that will ever happen so you better get use to it" She said playfully with a little giggle. she shook her hair from her face and then tried to to tuck most of it behind her ear. But some still remained in her face. "you silly mortal do you really think you can really push a way a vampire such as myself" Lily playfully added.
As Lily adjusted her hair back behind her ears James could do nothing but admire her smile and the glow of her face. He could not see her fangs or even any indication that there should be any there. The only thing that made her look different to another human were her deep purple eyes. James’s admiration was soon snapped as a devious smile appeared across James’s face at the invitation of a challenge.

“Why do you think you’re stronger than me? Just because you’re on top?” As he playful grabs Lily’s hands in attempts to push her up on off him so he may assume a more domineering position on top.

With hands locked James pushes against Lily’s weight attempting to over power her.
Lily giggled as he began to push her away "well maybe you are" she said with a teasing smile and lily became weightless as he pushed her. Before he knew it she was floating in the air. it appeared the only thing holding her down was her hands locked with his. "well i guess you are stronger, look at that you pushed me to float into the air" Lily giggled again
A scorn look appeared on James’s face as Lily now revealed more of her talents. With their hands locked it looked as nothing more than James’s own weight was the anchor stopping her reaching the ceiling. Her teasing smile caused James to grin as it was apparent she was now showing off her vampric traits.

“So is that flying or levitating you are doing now? And shouldn’t you really have turned into a bat to be able to fly?” His words were soft as the smile on his face remained and he could do nothing more than look Lily’s body up and down as she floated there, gravity only seeming to affect her hair as it once more fell over her face.

With a light pull of his arms James investigates whether he can pull her back down to his level.
"this levitating useful in a fight. or in this case a battle of wills" she giggled but then gave a soft scream as he pulled back down she crashed on top him "hey no fair was not ready!" She exclaimed as wrapped her arms around his neck. Her skirt was bunched up around her thighs as she sort of straddled him.

"and no i do not turn into a bat to fly i can do that under my own power thank you very much" Lily didn't seem hurt that he assumed that she would turn into a bat, after all she knew many mortals had the same misconceptions about vampires.
James lay back as Lily sat up straggling him. He was quite content to relax back and admire her, he still wanted her so badly but at this point he felt like a few more questions needed to be answered so probed a little deeper. “So can you fly or is it just levitation you can do?”

The mortal was a little confused as to why Lily would ever manage to get her self into a fight. James had managed to keep him self from any fights in his life time and women were generally considered to be even less prone to a fight than men. Still it bothered James little, she was much older than he could imagine, the world perhaps had changed over the centuries.

“What other things can you do then? You managed to seduce me fairly quickly, is that a vampire power as well?” A sly grin on his face as James lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Lily and pulling her back on top of his. Connecting her lips with his. His passion for her difficult to contain when all he wanted was her .
"i can fly if i have to" Lily said softly. she didn't like to fly she feared she would be noticed. She wanted to remain as normal as possible. All her years on this earth and she still longed to feel mortal even though she was very different. Most of her longing was due to the fact that she was so alone. But that seem to be changing.

Lily went to answer his question when she pulled into his embrace. and then she felt his lips connect with hers. It felt wonderful and she melted into the kiss. Lily kissed him back deeply passionately. The remained that way for a few more moments when lily broke the kiss catching her breath.

She pressed her forehead against his. Lily's vibrant eyes locked on his, her hair falling around their heads as if hidding them from the world. Lily stroked his cheek softly "My seducing you has nothing to do with being a vampire"
Lily once again ended up onto of James. The fire was slowly dying but that mattered little as James was happy enough to be sharing his warmth with Lily. He wanted to share so much more but for now the playful exchanged between them were enough for him. She had been around centuries, James didn’t want to blow his chance with her by making a bold move to early. She was a picture of beauty and to James she must have been with so many handsome and better presented men than him self. Still he was entranced by her and wanted to continue learning about her.

“Well vampire or not the seduction isn’t a bad thing. Is it?”
Lily shook her head. She bit her lip a little nervously, her face seemed to be soft and meek "i have never done this before. I have never been with a man, i haven't even flirted with someone before. But there is just something about you. I don't know it makes me want to flirt with you and well....." her words soft and she didn't understand why she was admitting all this to him. "its makes me want to be with you" she finally admitted.
Her words were a shocking revelation, both deep and intimate at the same time, the prospect of finding another who had spent so long ago was an exciting prospect. But poor Lily so had been alone for so long, the loneliness she felt must have been amplified far more than any loneliness James felt.

The admittance that she wanted to be with him was another eye opener, his expression obviously changed at this point though his eyes soon became fixated on hers once more, her unusual eyes were gaining a habit of drawing his attention. Her soft hair draped over her face and her gentle touch only spurred James inner fibre to weigh up her staying.

Placing his hand on hers he slowly drew her hand from his face, the warm heat of the pair touching caused him to close his eyes for a moment and recall much happier memories which he had all but since presumed lost.

Taking her hand in his, he pulls himself up to face her, looking into her eyes he openly admits his stance. “You have spent a long time alone Lily, i in turn have spent time alone, i will never be able to guess the loneliness and cold you feel. For these reasons i want you to stay, i want to be that person that makes your loneliness diminish and be replaced by emotions i have so longed to regain.”Closing his eyes he pulls Lilys head in closer, bringing her forehead to rest against his he closed his eyes and nuzzles his face against hers in their embrace. The heat of their breath mixed James feels a final connection with Lily as he whispers softly to her.

“Stay with me Lily, tonight, stay until your loneliness is all but replaced.”
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