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Long Term/ Story Driven - (M/F, F/F, F/Futa)

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Feb 14, 2015

I have decided to completely revamp my request thread, so here it goes.

Being someone who enjoys writing and character development I am looking for a more story driven plot. Of course I want smut, but I am finding that I need some substance to work with in order to stay interested in an rp. If three posts in our characters are already horizontal it feels empty and rushed. I may as well just go watch porn for the same type of effect.

If you are looking for something that it purely smut...I am probably not going to be the person for you.

That being said, I would also like a partner who has some passion for writing as well. Detail, character development and plot progression are important.

Posts do not have to be epic in length, but please give me more than a few sentences to work with. ^^

Currently I am craving something sci-fi, Victorian, fantasy...basically anything other than modern. I feel like I have mainly been involved modern RPs recently, and its growing a bit stale.

I am going to update this a little bit later with some more specific plot ideas, but for the time being I wanted to get this updated so that I could start looking for a compatible RP partner with similar tastes as soon as possible. ^^

As a side note, I am a really laid back person, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Also if you have an idea that you would like to brainstorm or just run by me, please send me a PM.

And for the smuttier side....

For a more deatiled view of what I'm into, go here.
RE: WileyRiley's RP Requests (M/F, F/F. F/Futa)


Added Dangerous Cargo story idea.
RE: WileyRiley's RP Requests (M/F, F/F. F/Futa)

Added my F-list. Please check it out for a more detailed list of my turn ons/offs.
RE: WileyRiley's RP Requests (M/F, F/F, F/Futa)

Interested. Can you throw some light on your ideas?
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