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Lookin' For FxF RPs

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Edge of the Universe
May 20, 2014
Hey perspective partners out there! Let's try to keep this simple. I'll jump right into it to help you decide quickly if you should continue reading. Please PM me to send a request.

What I want:
FxF Pairings
Story > Smut or Story = Smut
18+ Character Ages
Respectful RP Partners
3rd Person Perspective Posts
Thread or PM rps (possibly Skype)
Decent Grammar and Spelling

Absolutely NOT:
Under 18 Character Ages
1st or 2nd Person Perspective Posts
Email RPs
Gore (sexual context)

Pretty simple right? Obviously keep reading if you want to see more.

On a side note, I do not care who you are on the other side of the screen. Gender, sexual orientation, or whatever else some people may have issues with...I do not. As long as you can write a believable character and you aren't just trying to hit on me or cyber with me, then I don't give two shits.

And of course if you care, here’s a bit about the writer behind the screen. I’m a female in her late twenties, with a life outside of this site including work, family, etc. Roleplaying for me is a relaxing activity and just happens to also help me stretch my writing skills.

In my roleplays I prefer quality over quantity but please no one-liners. Anyone can squeeze out a couple of good quality paragraphs. I really enjoy strife in our character’s lives for whatever reason. A lot of fun banter and tension is always nice. Absolutely LOVE character development. Long-term stories and roleplays. And of course I love detail and descriptions along with thought processes and feelings of characters through thoughts and the like.

Currently Craving: I want chaos, conflict, humor and drama...fluff and affection are nice from time to time but I like them to be hard fought moments of peace and content after some hard times.

Here’s my F-List
As that is really just a list, it's not to say that every character I write will yes/no/maybe all of those things. It's just a general idea for those of you who like lists.

General Likes:
Details, Details, Details!
300-2500+ Words per Post
Character Ages 25-45
Complex Characters
Switch Characters
OOC via Messengers (Skype, Aim, Yim)

General Dislikes:
Perfect Characters
Overly Emo/Dark Characters
Overly Dom/Sub Characters
One Dimensional Characters

Feel free to PM me with your request!

Remember I have the right to change any of these lists, likes, dislikes, etc at any time without warning. Also I expect you to be respectful of my limits and preferences as I will be of yours. The worst thing I could say is no. Please take no offense to that.

That being said, I’d love to hear your ideas! Here are a few different ideas below including pairings, plots, etc...

General Ideas/Topics/Settings:
Civil Wars
Crime Syndicates
Heroes and Villains
Odd Circumstances
Science Fiction
Slice of Life
Steam punk
War and Conflict

These are universes I'm familiar with and potentially interested in doing OC's within that setting. But you'd have to bring a really good idea to the table for me to consider it.
Cowboy Bebop
Dragon Age
Elder Scrolls
Fullmetal Alchemist
Lord of the Rings
Mass Effect
Don't see one listed? It is kinda a short list...ha. Just suggest it with your idea. I'll let you know if I'm familiar with it and willing to give it a shot.

The Falsely Accused
(Guard x Thief, Medieval, Mystery/Adventure)

*New - This idea is still a work in progress...this could also potentially be made into a more fantasy medieval, modern, or futuristic sci-fi rp.

One woman has made her fortune as a notorious con artist and thief. No matter how many run ins with the law she's had, the guards can never quite seem to catch her as she constantly slips through their fingers. She constantly moves between cities as to not outstay her welcome as well as find new, challenging marks.

Another woman is a respected guard captain clearly with something to prove having risen through the ranks from virtually nothing. Her job in many ways is to help keep the peace and keep the guards under her command in check. Her most recent assignment has been to catch a serial killer that has been moving along from city to city across the kingdom.

The thief finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time, hitting a noble's house as a mark and coming across a corpse left by the serial killer. In her efforts to quickly flee the scene the guard captain manages to corner and arrest her. Yet something seems off. The captain can't shake the feeling that this thief is actually telling the truth, that she was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time. After compiling more evidence and questioning the thief, the captain makes a bold move, one that could cost her everything. She strikes a deal with the thief. They'll release her into the custody of the guard captain, to help her catch the true killer.

Holy Wars
(Post Apocalyptic / Sci-Fi / Fantasy)

For this particular plot, I require a very creative and skilled writer as this is a fairly specific idea and universe.

The world has been decimated, and many believe the gates of hell themselves have opened up plaguing the world with beasts, creatures, and demons not of this world. In order to survive, mankind in several locations around the world constructed underground cities where they could hide from the evil above.

In this particular city, a corrupt bishop, claiming to be a prophet of God rules with a tyrannical fist, twisting old holy writings to fit his conquest for power. In truth, he has made an unholy alliance with one of the supposed demons that roam above, given the power to "bless" weapons that can actually harm the beasts that walk the land.

Only a select few are chosen to study in the temple, taught to read and write. All others are given a specific task and job at a young age according to their "talents" or put in certain professions merely to keep them from causing problems.

Those who are considered potentially harmful are part of the low ranks of the Dawn Patrol, a group of individuals who exit the vault to find useful resources and scavenge old towns and cities for whatever might be useful. Literature, weapons, old technologies now lost, and any remaining plants or herbs. They are considered expendable, aside from the Paladin of higher rank that leads them. The Paladins carry weapons able to harm and kill the demons. Otherwise, people are not allowed to leave under normal circumstances.

That is the general setting. As for the character I had in mind, she is a member of the Dawn Patrol, put there as a potential threat. But recently her whole unit was wiped out, her returning as the only survivor, even the Paladin perishing. They question her, thoroughly, however cannot seem to find any reason to doubt her story even though she should be dead. What they don't know is that she's no longer alone, never alone anymore. She's made a bargain with one of the demons and allowed herself to be possessed, unaware of the consequences, the constant battle for control. It was made of desperation on both individuals part, both about to die.

YC can be whoever you would like. Someone within the city with any job or duty. Or even someone that lives outside that has figured out how to survive or is from another city. You are welcome to do with your character as you wish and we can of course alter the world/plot somewhat if you have any ideas of your own.

New Hero On The Block
(Heroes and Villains)

Basic idea is that an accomplished super hero finds that a newer, amateur hero is starting to pop up in her city. She's used to working alone however the newer hero insists upon helping which results in trouble more often than not for the other hero.

At this point it could go a few different ways...

Perhaps one day the newer hero actually saves the other’s ass but in the process also discovers her secret identity. The accomplished hero, fearful of this being exposed (her identity and the fact that she required saving) reluctantly makes an agreement to "team up" with the newer hero in a mentoring kind of way. This could result in a lot of personal fights, pissing contests, etc between the two. The newer trying to prove her worth, and the older too stubborn to admit she might actually need someone to watch her back, etc.

Another avenue with this could be one of manipulation and betrayal. The newer hero could be a villain or mercenary individual hired to gain the trust of the hero and then to give up information on her, destroy her, or whatever the evil plot might be.

3rd option could be that the newer hero still sees the world in black and white and believes she can change things and save the world. However that's not really how it works, the older hero well aware of the difficult choices you have to make, many without a truly good choice. This would involve a very dark theme either where the older hero has begun to lose her faith in good and humanity, or the newer hero gets a wake up call to how the world really is. Basically in whichever scenario, the other would (willingly or not) be part of pushing through these types of hardships.

Letters Home
(Soldier x Penpal, Modern, Romance)

YC is a woman (28-45 yr old) in a dead end, shitty heterosexual relationship or maybe just recently single. For whatever reason she seeks friendship...companionship by starting to write letters to soldiers in the service that are overseas. One particular younger soldier, MC responds and the two become penpals, writing for a time back and forth. YC does not realize that MC is actually a female and has somewhat of a mistaken idea of who MC is and may have even developed a crush and/or feelings for who she believes is a man.

Time passes and finally MC is returning home and the two decide to meet. What happens when YC learns that her male knight in shining armor so to speak is a female soldier (about 25-35 yrs old). YC's own sexuality is now questionable in her head, something she was always so certain of in the past. Does she love the romanticized idea she created in her head? Or the woman that now stands before her?

The Innocent and the Drunk
(Odd Pairing, Medieval Setting)

A journey to unlock one of the world’s greatest secrets, however, the way is hard and rough. Many have tried, and many have failed. It is said this object can vanquish the strongest of enemies and this is exactly what one particular woman is looking for. For years her land has been plagued with an invading army that threatens to rip them all apart. Cruelty is merely a simple way to put just how awful they are.

It was time for her to do something, and she knew it. It was time to find this secret object in order to save everything. But of course, it is too difficult to travel alone, thus the idea of hiring someone as an extra set of hands, perhaps a bodyguard of sorts is a highly likely choice.

No longer in her homeland, she searches along the outskirts of a particular city. And this is where perhaps she finds more trouble than it’s worth. She meets a drunkard, a woman who seems to have nothing left to live for aside from drinking herself to death. Funny though, she’s an excellent fighter even when drunk. Her services of course wouldn’t come cheap but luck would have it that she was thrown in jail for a brawl of sorts. The drunk doesn’t have a way out, so this would be when the other woman on her journey would make an offer to bail her out in exchange for her help.

They of course make an interesting duo, one very pure of heart with a known purpose in life and the other merely a shell of what the past has made her.

(This does not necessarily mean the innocent is helpless or completely clueless; she is merely a contrast of the hope and determination that the drunk once had. Most likely never killed anyone or suffered a particularly difficult experience within her own life.)

The Noble and the Assassin
(Betrayal, Medieval Setting)

People are never who they seem to be. They lie, hide themselves away from others and try to put forth a show of what they feel will get them by, perhaps accepted by others.

One, a notorious criminal, wanted for murder and treason for killing important men and women of note in the kingdom. This individual is in fact an assassin for lack of a better word. Though her employer is unknown, it is rumored to be the resistance that is currently trying to overthrow the kingdom's rulers.

The other is actually of noble blood, though tainted by an unknown father. She still has her status, despite the claims and rumors circulating her life. To escape this, she joined the military forces of the kingdom and is very dedicated to its cause. She's made a good name for herself, a hero in many eyes for her bravery and skill.

The two meet by chance. The assassin infiltrates the military ranks where the soldier is stationed to complete a job. However during the completion of her task, they are attacked by the resistance while crossing a river canyon. Somehow both end up end the river (perhaps a rock slide from an explosion...whatever works). They find themselves stranded many leagues downstream, in fact not even in their own nation anymore and stuck with each other to attempt to travel back home, unknowing of their status and the fact that they are enemies once they reach their homeland.

Oddly Enough Here We Are
(Modern, Slice of Life, Angst)

Two women are set up on a blind date by mutual friends who swear they are perfect for each other. One has been openly a lesbian since her teen years. She was an athlete and quite popular until well, teens are immature and they bullied and ridiculed her. The other was also popular, but so damn far in the closet even to herself that she coped by tormenting people like the athlete who were open about their sexuality.

But the years have passed, they both have moved to the city and have decent lives and are getting by, though not so well in the relationship department. Hence the need for their friends to set them up. Unaware (perhaps due to nicknames or shortened names), they both show up. They may look somewhat different until the shit finally hits the fan. How could said date get any worse? Perhaps some rather buried feelings from one or both. And of course in having mutual friends, they will have a hard time not running into each other and being forced to spend time together after the disastrous date.
RE: FxF Search of the KiJay

Back and ready to roleplay after a rather long hiatus (my computer died).
RE: FxF Search of the KiJay

Still just the 1 rp going right now. Looking for more. =^^=
RE: FxF Search of the KiJay

Looking for more roleplays currently. xD PM me if interested! New updates/ideas to be posted soon.
RE: FxF Search of the KiJay

1 solid rp going and 2 in the works. Looking for more! :)
RE: FxF Search of the KiJay

Still looking for more roleplays. Feel free to share your ideas!
RE: FxF Search of the KiJay

I caught up with all my rps, so guess it's time to push this back to the top.
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