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Pokemon Breeder Alix (smut)

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Dec 10, 2012
Hello all. So my character is a new and self proclaimed pokemon breeder who studies the sexual behaviors of pokemon, but not by normal means. Her short 4'11 frame has always been looking for only the largest of pokemon to fill her breeding needs.

Just about anything is allowed within this rp as long as no blood or gore of any kind is used within this rp. This rp will span many different pokemon and can be done with one or multiple users at a time. One person can also play multiple pokemon at a time if they so desire to set up the situation so.

My trainer is on a self full filling wish to mate with all the largest pokemon of the known world and maybe discover new one's along the way. You do not need to stick with the main heights given in any pokedex. An example would be a nidoking, typically around 4 feet to 5 feet tall can be 8 feet tall in height if you so desire.

I am very much looking for cum inflation and stomach bulge or otherwise large insertion. I am also looking for decent writing ability of atleast 5 sentences or one paragraph. If you wish to have my character get pregnant with a pokemon she can but with only human type pokemon but still must be large of size or otherwise I will not approve. Though the pokemon will be given away to the pokemon in question or to a local center.

Any other questions feel free to pm or leave the question down below. Thank you.
One other thing I will mention now with all the pm's I have been sent. I would like you to have atleast a decent knowledge on all the different pokemon in the world and their type and height. If you need a refresher here is a direct link to help you out if you so need. Also remember pokemon are much smarter than the average animal, they can think for the most part at the same level as humans as far as wants and needs go.

Also do not forget you can change the height by 2 to 5 feet if you so desire. Remember I want only large pokemon as that is her interest in all this.
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