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To Love and Lust (insatiable x Sarah72)



“You adore me, right? You wouldn't do anything to risk what we have?”

Queen Alianor's tense hand gripped a handful of her layered dresses as the dark, sultry voice flooded her senses. The dusty, private tavern room had become a regular meeting place for her, and sin... and over the course of the past fortnight, that voice had gradually become to enough to make the wavering queen completely insensible. Without an answer, Alianor rose from the threadbare bedding, calmly stepped out from the darkness and into the dim lighting of the room, which was only supported by two waning drops of candlelight that danced weakly on a barren desk. In her stride, she caught a glimpse of her own reflection and approached the wet windowpane for a closer inspection; brightened blue eyes, golden tresses of blonde hair... a slender hand reached up and prodded a blushing cheek, as if in disbelief. Such beauty hadn't surfaced from her for well over a decade. It was difficult to believe that when she she desired it most, she would be blessed with the revitalization of her youth. And even so, why would this blessing come from... evil?

“Away from the window!” the same voice demanded with scorn, “What if one were to recognize royalty as yourself in a seedy tavern such as this. Your vainness will be the end of us both...”

The figure that remained in the shadows shifted noisily on the bed and directed it's pale yellow eyes on the queen who remained entranced at the window. What a foolish woman... was a regular thought that pondered the demoness' mind each time she had this woman in her arms, in the palm of her hands, ...between her legs. From the first night she had approached the queen, the succubus Marazana could sense the drowning aura of desperation around the woman who had become so eager to sacrifice a piece of her soul with each sinful meeting-- all in exchange for a slice of her youth to return.

But tonight, Marazana sensed something different than the usual sweat and alcohol that stagnated in the thick tavern air. Specially crafted poisons, blood, the dangerous cut of silver... it was a hunter. Demon hunters, they always smelled the same, she thought. And they always came with the presumptuous air that what ever they carried would be enough to stop the succubus in her tracks. Marazana scowled in disgust, raising from the bed while brushing long curls of auburn hair from her chest and exposing her bare and ample breast. “Grab your cloak and leave from here,” the succubus demanded, but the queen remained stunned in the reflection of her new beauty, her expression melting from enamored to distressed. Finally, Alianor spoke,

“Why are you doing this for me?” she questioned in disbelief, “What do you want?! Are you going to kill me? My husband?” Slowly and surely, Queen Alianor was going mad and dependent on the succubus for her vain fix.

Calmly, the sultry figure crept from the shadows and was soon bathed in the dim, red light which gave her pale skin a devilish glow. Soon, Marazana's face joined with the queen's reflection from behind. Eager hands grasped at Alianor's waist before creeping up and clinging onto the plush handfuls of the queen's large breasts.

“Not at all, dear,” Marazana spoke soothingly into her forbidden lover's ear, “I just want you.”

It wasn't a total lie. Marazana was in pursuit of the luxuries of the throne, and such a pitiful queen made it almost too easy. She continued her artful seduction whilst the queen whimpered ecstatically into the foggy window pane “Now, finish dressing yourself and leave from here. I must meet someone downstairs.”
Lighting cracked across the sky with spider web tentacles arching from rolling cloud to rolling cloud as the sky seemingly poured tons of water continually through the darkness. Water streaming down over the few stray locks of bright red hair that had managed to slip out into the open caused Kiera to pull the black hooded cloak even tighter around her body while she trudged through the darkness towards the dimly glowing lights of the village at the bottom of the twisting mountain pass.

For the hundredth , no the thousandth time…well, it didn’t matter anyway Kiera thought, the whole world seemed to be bathed in darkness of some form or another and the rain, the seemingly continual rain never ceased to stop except for when the cold trickled slowly and invisibly down the mountains and the rain turned to snow, which if one could believe it, was worse for both man and beast. Once again, Kiera wearly as her boots sloshed through the rivers of running water, her body crying for rest from the continual misery.
Deep in the hidden the folds of her clothing, her hand stroked and turned the small stone amulet that hung around her neck and even as she made her way carefully down the lightning illuminated path and her mind wondered from time to time in its own thoughtful world, Kiera's senses were on over time. Her reflexes tuned by many years of practice and experience stood ready to reach over her shoulder for the lovingly maintained sword that was sheathed down the the back of her leather vest, the handle riding comfortably near the right side of the back of her head was always in easy reach and always true to its mark when she had been forced to use it.

Introduced into grown up in a world early in her young life, Kara had heard the stories from the old ones about a time before the dark ones arrived in the world. Where they came from, no one knew, but now, the darkness walked shoulder to shoulder with the unaware humans. Kiera had never learned when her mother had become hunter. Possibly she had been born that way, or like Kiera, she had been thrust from childhood innocence into the world where life was cheap and evil seemed to rule the land.
Kiera’s only real memory was that of the white haired man she only knew as a grandfather like figure. He was a very large, stoic man that she had perceived was once a great warrior. Supposedly he had once lived a very raucous life, loved his daughter, her mother, with unbridled fierceness and had trained his granddaughter Kiera until the point that the ache in her spirit was just too much to bare and despite his protests, Kiera had packed her things...and left.   Driven by the knowledge of the unknown demons haunted her life..yet but by the grace of…what…strength of will…training of her mother? Her grandfather? or ..luck…whatever it was, Kiera had grown into a woman still, in many ways continued to struggle with the new world order.
Suddenly, Kiera's thoughts came to a halt as her senses picked up something, once again she felt the the familiar chill …something, was following…no…was tracking her and she was sure it had been for some time.

Quickly, her hand shot up over her shoulder and gripped the sword handle tightly, her body tensed..then as if in a blur of motion, she whipped it out with a precision filled experience, and spun to her left …..there…from the side of her vision, she caught a glimpse of something…darker than dark…but again, it was not there…and again…she had almost saw it…

Her anger, for the hundredth time, boiled over and with a rage, she stomped her boot in the water filled path while her scream filled the night….”DAMN YOU…YOU WANT ME…COME GET ME…LETS FINISH THIS…!!!!!” and once again….as always…only the cracking of lightning and the drenching rain replied to her anger.

Finally, Kiera Shoved the sword back into its holder, all the while fuming angrily as she took one more glance into the darkness and turned to wind her way down the path towards the lights below her…  

Carefully picking her way over the rubble, Kiera worked her way towards the lights of the “village”,  a loose term at best, for the huddle of hovels that had been crudely pieced together from discarded pieces….of…well, whatever the owners could find.    Keeping her eyes carefully trained on the narrow path, her boots splashing through the rain filled puddles until suddenly from the darkness, she heard a low grumble of a voice. “Well…..lookie…what have we here… “  the voice shook Kiera from her dream world to focus on a large, hulking figure that appeared from a dark doorway of nearby “building”.   

Her eyes eyes narrowed as she quickly took in the dark figure partially hidden by the darkness and noted the hands wrapped tightly around tightly around something large and dark and Kiera was sure it was not something that would be a pleasant experience..… “a stranger….we don’t cotton to outsiders…whats your business here” …the voice, low and threatening, left little doubt her response must be worded very carefully.

Kiera's eyes flicked to the figure that stood outlined in the rain seared darkness,  "..a "traveler"...seeking sanctuary on such a lovely evening.." she tenses as she waited on the response which she hoped would be a positive response.

"...tell me and be quick about it..what do you seek from here..",  the silence once again settling over the night save for the sound of the continual rain pounding on the soaked ground before it ran off in trickles which turned to streams and then to swollen rivers that flooded the country side.  

Kiera Nyle surveyed the the figure the best she could in the limited light and weighed her odds in happenstance the situation was not about go to well.   Slowly,  she measured her words carefully..." and ...perhaps a roof ....from the rain..." ,   once again...only the patter of rain settled over the darkness.  

"...and what do you offer ...for...this.. luxury..."  the dark robe of the hooded figure moved closer and slowly,  his presence became clearer.  "..  or do you seek charity?.."   the voice finally matching the coldness of his eyes as he stepped closer and stopped just in front of Kiera.  ".. have something to offer...much as the others do...that travel through these lands...",   Kiera could feel his eyes boring into hers as his hand slid outwards from his hooded robe and came to rest on the material of the cloak that covered  Kiera's left breast. 

Just then, on the edge of either side her vision,  Kiera could see movement from the other two figures as they appeared to be slowly moving to circle her.    Locking her eyes onto the one standing in front of her, Kiera slowly spoke her words... "....neither charity...nor I offer "   Kiera whispered,  her response just above the splashing of the continual rain, her body tensing as her hand tensing on the handle of her sword. 

Silence settled over the area, only punctuated by the sound of splashing of the large drops that poured  down from the heavens was heard and even those seemed to be muffled in the heaviness of the atmosphere that had descended around the the man and the two other guards.    Her white knuckled hand almost ached from the tenseness of the grip around the hilt of her sword.

Steeling herself, Kiera closed her eyes, the sounds around her seemingly becoming alive with amplification and as if in slow motion, she could hear the “plunk” of each individual rain drop striking the ground and like the scene from a play, the vision formed in her mind and began to play out....

First the man would die when her sword with nothing but a whisper whipped out of its sheath,  the sharpened edges of the blade slicing upwards from her lower left,  meeting the man's torso just above his left hip bone and slicing upwards through his clothing to cut through the skin as it dug deep into his muscles and tendons in its journey, the smell of his warm entrails spilling out from his cavity while the blade continued upward, slicing through the hard bones of his rib cage to splitting his breast bone in half before it ended its journey severing his right arm from her body.. and before the pieces could hit the ground,

Kiera's body twisted into a graceful arc that would bring her sword, to its full height before whipping , downwards across the neck of the first guard to slice through the bones and tissue of his neck, his head bearing the surprised look of shock would barely begin its journey to the wet soaked ground below before.  Kieras body would complete its twisting dance of death to bring the tip slicing downward across the soft, warm stomach muscles of the last guard who misjudged the distance between himself and Kiera and looked down in a pained expression as a rush of his internal organs and the darkness of his life blood mixed with the pouring rain,  his body melting into the slushy water long after the life in his eyes extinguished...  

Lastly,  completing force of motion from her spin,  she came to a stop,  the palm of one hand flat on the muddy ground,  her arm high and behind her with her sword held high in the air with her knees bending to put her body into an almost kneeling attack position at the completion of her last movement.  

Bowing her head,  Kiera looked into the darkening flow of water rivulets that ran and circled around her boots... before slowly standing back up to her full height and expertly sliding her sword back into its sheath and carefully stepping around the bodies, Kiera walked slowly, following the sounds of laughter, cursing and the smell of strong drink until she stood at a structure with a Boar's head nailed just above the door opening. Slowly, reaching out with her gloved hand, Kiera swept the heavy, dank curtain aside and stepped inside..
Curiously perverted eyes wandered toward the parting tavern curtain to focus on it's unlikely patron. A woman? most of the male inhabitants pondered before their crass imaginations ran over. The mangy, dark business usually only attracted a certain type of man; aggressive, pitifully drunk, and eager to throw his coin at the only type of woman who would join his company at such a place. The seedy atmosphere made the perfect meeting spot for the whores of the city town to gather and exchange with the men the coin in their pockets for a spot in their beds. And for the past fortnight, their promiscuous exchanged had been especially lucrative, for both women and men. And it had all sprouted since the arrival of their secret demonic visitor.

Before any of them could attempt approaching Kiera, a sultry figure descended from the upper levels and those wanting glares now trained upon her appearance. A few familiar men hastily surrounded her and spoke their eager greetings while she offered them knowing smiles and modest, feminine laughter.

“Mara, I... would you please grace me with a fortune telling again, this night?” one man came forth to ask her with a trembling uncertainty that only she could sense.
“I have already told you, Caldwell,” Mara replied with an icy staccato, “There a little fortune out there for a man as yourself. At this time, I can only offer you a... purge of all of the evil that plagues your life.”

Mara could hardly stand the regular assault of drunken, hungry breaths constantly upon her face, but her art of “fortune-telling” was fruitful in it's constant supply of men who all also readily traded parts of their soul for a night with Mara and her dangerous bed. In a short time frame, she had become a regular name amongst the tavern patrons as they spoke lewd gossips of her sexual prowess. And each day, her clientele grew and entered her room to offer parts of their soul, piece-by-piece. It was too risky to take them all at once, the succubus pondered before. Such quick work and disappearance of so many men would attract the wrong type of attention, so Mara opted to slowly drain the tavern of it's regulars until it was barren. But, her careful approach now seemed futile considering the strong hints of blood that was now a part of the air.

“But, not this night,” Mara digressed, brushing a greasy hand from her delicate shoulder. Her own hungered gaze stared onto Kiera, “Someone else needs my talents, and it's quite urgent.”

Mara left her admiring group and approached the source of dreadful, silvery scent. Her round hips swayed suggestively with her strut, the long skirt that concealed them was the color that of the earth and it's hem was decorated with a line of gold-colored ornaments that chimed gently with each of her calculated movements. She wore a tightened, cream colored blouse that unabashedly detailed the curves of her breast and exposed her midriff with a ruffled strap that ended the garment at her upper abdomen. A patterned strap of cloth tied around her forehead to meet into a small, neat bow at the back of her head, keeping the wavy, voluminous auburn locks tamed and away from her ladylike face. Her feet remained bare and were constantly stained with the soot of the tavern floor.

“Pardon me, my lady,” the gypsy-like lady called Kiera's attention, “I hope this is not too intruding, but I feel obligated to warn you of the terrible, vengeful shadow that surrounds you.” A sincere smile creased Mara's lips, but her large, almond-shaped eyes held a knowing worry. Carefully, she continued, “I assure you this is no folly nor trickery against you. Many of this tavern will attest to my power of foresight.”

It wasn't total trickery, at least. This mysterious woman did certainly have a dark aura haunting about her. It was intriguingly captivating, even for Marazana-- but she was too weary of any trouble this woman could bring about to even attempt to uncover it. The demoness had great thing going at the tavern, with the queen... and it wasn't often that a hell-born were able to roam the middle-realm long enough to enjoy such an undertaking.

Mara moved in closer until their breasts were almost touching, then tilted her head to speak a secretive whisper into Kiera's ear. “Allow me to advise you on ridding of this evil spirit,” her tone had melt into a seductive, inviting purr, “I can appoint you as soon as this night, and at no coin price for you.” Mara's heavy chest lifted in deep breath as smell of fresh blood from this woman's blade intoxicated her, sending her demonic instincts into a silent frenzy.
Silence filled the room lit only from the blazing fire crackling in the large stone fireplace that provided the only source of illumination. Small droplets of water trickled down the brown cloak that wrapped Kiera's body and dropped into the small, but expanding puddles of water circling her boots.

Her eyes slowly scanned the peering faces that could be seen all the while feeling the gazes from shadows in the room staring as they traversing over her form. Stoically quizzical looks mixed with the the heaviness of the air that filled the room Kiera could sense the curiosity, greed, drunkenness, and lust directed at her. Partially obscured by the edges of the hood that surrounded her face, what could not be seen only added to the apprehension in the room and Kiera sensed that what happened next would either hasten or belay a confrontation of blood letting with these in the room that would seek to display their masculinity with acts of ill fated foolishness.

Slowly, Kiera raised her gloved hands and gently pushed back her hood and in doing so, allowed her matted, unkempt flaming red locks to spill out and down her shoulders while also exposing the ornate handle of Excalibur, her own pet name she had long ago endowed upon her trusted blade. Allowing her arms to lower gradually, Kiera;s gaze flicked from one masculine face to another and she could see the decisions and their hesitations being made etched into the faces her gaze alighted on until slowly, her eyes closed and the vision of the first that was die filled her thoughts.

Suddenly, hearing the commotion in the room, Kiera's eyes flicked open to settle on the figure that seemed to flow down the stairs and into the room and watched as the same faces, so eager just a few seconds before to recklessly risk the spilling of their blood, scramble toward the sensuous figure of a woman stepping from the stairs into their midst.

Watching the woman, Kiera realized she must be a local gypsy, ahhh, a fortune teller, she heard the words being whispered from the darkness around her and from the commotion and begs of those that sought her attention, Kiera assumed sthe gypsy was good at her trade. As she watched, Kiera gradually became aware of the warmth and feeling of vibration of the amulet that rested between her tightly bound breasts tied to the end of the leather strap resting inside her earth green blouse over which her thick leather vest was tied and her eyes flickered quickly down to gaze where the unseen stone rested. Kiera had never known the stone to be anything other than the gift to her by her mother that it was purported to be, and its action was something that had never before been known to her experience.

“Pardon me, my lady,” the gypsy-like lady called Kiera's attention, “I hope this is not too intruding, but I feel obligated to warn you of the terrible, vengeful shadow that surrounds you.” A sincere smile creased Mara's lips, but her large, almond-shaped eyes held a knowing worry. Carefully, she continued, “I assure you this is no folly nor trickery against you. Many of this tavern will attest to my power of foresight.”

With the sound of the almost musical voice, so unexpectedly close, Kiera's eyes flickered quickly back up and found the gypsy standing close, and strangely, Kiera felt a tingle run through her body and without realizing it, she felt the woman's gaze inexplicably holding her gaze captive. Part of Kiera wanted, no not wanted, but needed to step back or to push the woman back, but strangely, she could not force her body to take those actions and worse, she found all of her senses seemed to be overly stimulated as she could smell the scent of the gypsy, a lingering, erotic fragrance, while at the same time, she could hear the woman's heart beat that seemed to have synced and beat in step with hers, yet, in the back of Kiera's unconsciousness where her sensing desperately tried to break through the fog that had settled over mind, she was unaware of the erotic arousal of the hormones that had begun to flood her body nor did she feel the heat and insistent tremors emitting from the amulet inside her clothing.

Suddenly, the room begin to sway and undulate, a cold wind flooded into the room, settling over it like thick blanket of ice. Sputtering, the blazing fire quickly gave up died and extinguished to allow the a thick darkness to settle upon everyone and everything within which caused all sounds within to cease as time and human froze in place it darkness closing over all while tentacles from the inky black mass ebbed and flowed up, and around the body of the gypsy, sliding in and under the openings of her clothing to settle over her skin.

“....ENOUGH Succubus....” the words without audible voice hung in the air...flowed around the ebbing darkness filling the room ” FORGET..who you you not realize...this one is protected by the amulet...the amulet of the Timbler order .......unless you care not for your damnation...” it hissed whisperingly in the gypsy's ear as her clothing moved over her body pulsating with a life of its own....
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