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Feb 15, 2009
This is where I post chara profiles for my solo games

Name: Xavier Harper

World: Various

Species: Human (Sometimes Spellwarped)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Appearance: 5'10", 180 pounds, Black hair, Blue eyes, fair skin, Irish descent. Spellwarped usually leaves blue runes seared onto his skin

Personality: Neutral Good

Skills/Abilities: Warblade/Wizard, Prestiges are Master of Nine, Jade Phoenix Mage, Swiftblade, Master Transmogrifist, not in that order.

Notable Strengths: Intelligent, Fast

Notable Weaknesses: Self sacrificing

History: Usually trained at an academy in a large city, usually deceased parents and one sibling. Typically has had a run in with the bad guy.

Equipment: A longsword with a white blade and purple runes, a dark grey cloak with dark green runes, and a dark red belt with black runes.

Goals: to be a guardian of hope, champion of faith, and warrior of light

Miscellaneous: none for now.
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