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Werewolves and Hunters [JacksAreWild x ClearSight]

“Hrrrmph…” Jessie made a disgruntled noise as Leslie’s hands ‘accidentally’ brushed her behind. But she was too tired to properly rebuke her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it, Jessie had always secretly loved having her ass grabbed or patted, it was more just the principle of the thing. Betas asked for silent permission before approaching an Alpha’s rear because it was a privilege to get to know them so intimately, otherwise they were liable to have their ear snapped off. And while her first instinct was to chew Leslie out, she remembered that her friend was human and that she didn’t know.

“G’night Leslie.” The sleepy cop mumbled. She seemed very happy with this new position, Jessie did love to be the big spoon. A strong, protective arm draped around Leslie’s waist as Jessie pressed up against her fully, leaning forward to bury her face into her lover’s sweet smelling hair and falling right asleep.

It had been a long time since Jessie had slept so well. She would like to think of herself as fully independent, but really she functioned much better when she had a potential mate by her side. Her entire night was spent being blissfully tangled up in Leslie. When morning came she was very reluctant to get out of bed and be parted from her lover.

At least this night had set a precedent for the nights to follow. Even though they still weren’t having anything that one could truly consider sex, Leslie could still spend the nights with her to snuggle. That was of course unless Jessie gave her a task to do. Some nights one of them would have to work late, and so Jessie she would give her lover ‘homework’. Usually it involved a porno, some of the videos were BDSM oriented, others were much less extreme. And if Leslie had been a good girl that day, Jessie would let her have a few orgasms while she watched. If not, Leslie would have to watch the video in it’s entirety without touching herself.


Just because she was Domincan didn’t mean that she had to enjoy the pastelon de platano (a layered casserole type dish featuring ground beef and plantains, topped with cheese) that her mother brought to Thanksgiving; in Jessie’s mind entrees and side dishes were supposed to be either sweet or savory, not both. Fortunately that monstrosity of a dish had been the only thing that her mother had brought over. Jessie had offered to host Thanksgiving in her apartment this year, mostly because cooking a thousand different dishes drove her mother crazy. ”Seriously, why do we need fifty different courses for five people?!”

So Jessie had shouldered the burden of holiday cooking, concocting a dinner that would be a mixture of American and Domincan traditions. Of course there was a small turkey with stuffing, but there were also pastelitos (Domincan equivalent of an empanadas), asopao (chicken and rice gumbo), tostones (fried plantains)…and flan instead of pie. Though Jessie would have much preferred a pie to flan, it was best to not forget their heritage. Doing so would cause their mother to lament the fact that her children could barely speak Spanish and celebrated little of their culture unless it was a holiday.

Ridiculous amounts of food and the insanity of Spanish mothers aside, Jessie enjoyed having her family here. It was risky for so many wolves to be gathered under one roof, the pack still didn’t know whose identities had been compromised and whose hadn’t. But no one had bothered the Sandalios yet. Plus they figured that hunters must have families too, therefore their human enemies would be too busy to attack them today.

Granted, if her mother kept buzzing around her, Jessie would be throwing her chef’s knife at the older werewolf much like a hunter would.

“Sit mama! Pleeaaassseeee. Anna and I have this under control. I love you, but you are slowly driving me crazy.” Jessie shooed her mother away from the oven, trying to keep her from adding salt, sugar, butter, or insanely hot chiles to the food that she thought ‘needed’ it.

“Ayyyyyy Jessica! Ta pasao!” Mrs. Sandalio huffed and raised her hand in a threatening gesture. Her pups were never too old for a little corporal punishment! If they thought that she wouldn’t take them over her knee and beat the smartass American attitudes they had developed out of them, they had another thing coming.

“Mama? Can you show me how to make some morir sonados for papa and Jackson?” Anna asked the question sweetly. She knew that Jessie and her mother were liable to explode if they stayed in the kitchen together. Jessie was feeling stifled and their mother was feeling unneeded, so Anna decided to solve both their problems by having their mother make some delicious cocktails so that they could calm down.
Things between Jessie and Leslie hadn't changed terribly much since their first night together. There was still no sex mainly. Leslie had never been happier though and it was all thanks to Jessie. Sure their nights together could be rather maddening and Leslie's libido was being toyed with to its limits, but she had been more than loyal and was obedient and accommodating most of the time. The few times she wasn't exactly easy to deal with was due to a mix of her desires and work stress caught up with her, in which case she generally turned in to a smartass child who would grope and whine her way in to a few days without an orgasm. Other than that things were great, she found herself enjoying the new lifestyle she had become a part of, and more than anything she found herself happy to be with Jessie. They spent almost every night together they could too, any time they were both off work they were together and it was brilliant. Hell Leslie already had her clothes at Jessie's place, though they were rarely on. Still, a change for the nights that got her clothes a little messy in combinations with mornings that had her running late was a must, even the short trip to her place made a difference.

It was wonderful. What was better was getting the invite over to Jessie's place for Thanksgiving, because it felt like a step forward for the two of them. The only bad part was that Leslie never celebrated the holiday and was a bit out of her depth for the first family meeting. To be fair she never had an option, not having a family of her own and never being in a stable relationship to join another family's lovely day. It was as nerve-wracking as it was exciting however, because as much as she was excited about this little step of meeting Jessie's family it also meant she had to meet the family! It wasn't exactly calming. Usually she was quite confident too, the brother and sister had met her and while the brother seemed less than thrilled that didn't bother her. It was whoever else that would, especially Jessie's mother because she spoke of her every once in awhile. Apparently they were all close, which was semi-unfamiliar for Leslie considering she didn't know how to act with families, that and her needing to make a good first impression.

To do that Leslie had been practicing a little recipe to take over to Jessie's, a delicious little pumpkin pancake type dish called Tortitas de Calabaza. It was going to be her authentic contribution, and if all went well they would come out tasting decent. The first few times they hadn't but they had become better with each batch and on the day of she was feeling pretty confident. Leslie was cutting it close like she always did for appointments, her bad habit of being in a rush striking again. She was never late but she was constantly having to push herself to make it to things, the sole exception being work where she would always be ready an hour in advance and end up waiting, she never did quite get it perfect. Also, there wasn't really a set time for her to arrive but Jessie was over there with her family and she wanted some time for them to get use to her before they all sat down to eat, to keep it from being awkwardly silent.

Leslie was curious whether her gorgeous neighbor had even informed them she had someone coming, she really hoped that had happened. She didn't have time to think about that as she finished getting dressed, letting the Tortitas de Calabaza finish cooking as she ran in and threw on some clothes. She kept it her casual wear, she still looked great but it was modest enough to not look like a whore in front of her parents. Yeah, that would be bad. She had herself in a nice pair of jeans and a shirt that was actually in her size. Sure it didn't hug her but it also kept her looking nice without the overly sexual undertone she usually shot for. Part of her had wanted to wear something a bit more feminine but it just wasn't her and she didn't have time to go shopping for new clothes just to impress Jessie's family, and a suit was out of the question.

With clothes on she headed back into her kitchen and pulled off the food, looking it over and sighing with relief. It looked good, and hopefully tasted good, a fact soon confirmed as she bit in and chewed the sweet pumpkin treat. After the reassuring taste test she packed them up in a cute little tin she had lying around, luckily the old cookie tin had rather generic decoration, and headed over to Jessie's. Upon reaching the door she took a moment to ready herself before knocking. Then the wait, it was entirely composed of microwave seconds. Each passing moment making her a bit more nervous as she wondered who would open the door, really hoping it would be Jessie but having a feeling her luck wasn't going to save her this time. Chances are it would be some family member with an expression that questioned who in the hell she was. Though maybe it could be the little sister, that would be nice too.
”Ah shit…” Jessie’s heart sank as the heard a knock at the door. The closest parts of her family were already here… That meant it was her crazy aunt at the door, or worse, her grandmother. Fuck, what would Leslie think if she had to- ”Oh God, is it really time for her to come over already? DAMNIT! I forgot to tell them that she was coming GAHHH!!!” Between remembering the ingredients she needed for dinner and doing all the errands in preparation for tonight, she had entirely forgotten to tell her family that she was dating someone, and that someone also happened to be human!!

“I got it.” All the females were busy and their father was sucked into an American football game. So Jackson took it upon himself to get up off of his comfy spot on the couch to answer the door.

“No! It’s okay.” Jessie panicked, hastily basting the last bit of her turkey so that she could pull herself away and answer the door before her twin. “I’ll ge-AHHHH FUCK!” The cop howled as she burned her hand on one of the red hot elements inside of the oven. Being a werewolf kept the flesh from blistering, but it sure as hell didn’t dull the pain.

“Mija!” Eva quickly rushed over to her daughter, ever sensitive to one of her pups whimpering in pain. She took Jessie by the wrist and guided her towards the sink so that she could run the burn under cold water. “Mija… Tienes que tener mas quidado.” Her mother scolded, keeping hold of her daughter and forcing her to keep her hand under the water, even though Jessie valiantly tried to get to the door incase it was Leslie.

“Yeah Jessie, you gotta be more careful.” Jackson turned his head to the commotion just to make sure everything was okay before continued on his path towards the door. As he swung the door open, the vision that greeted him was definitely not one that he appreciated. “What do you want?” His features hardened, eyes narrowing and jaw setting in a scowl. Jackson didn’t approve of Leslie sniffing around his sister, not one bit. He knew that Leslie brought strange girls home, Jessie had come stayed at his place a couple of nights in order to get a quiet night’s sleep. He didn’t want his sister getting her heart broken by a human, their whole species was incapable of monogamy after all.

“Quien es ella?” Eva whispered, nodding over towards the door, curious as to why Jackson didn’t either let the girl in or shut the door.

“That’s Leslie. She’s my…” Jessie paused, ‘trial girlfriend’ didn’t really roll off the tongue in English, nor did it translate to anything better in Spanish. “My girlfriend.” When her mother didn’t look as though the news was anything groundbreaking, Jessie clarified, “Ella es mi novia, Mama.”

“Tortillera?” Eva chuckled.

“Mama!” Jessie groaned. “Please for the love of God, don’t say that word ever again. And could you speak in English for the rest of the night for Leslie?”

“Jes, jes…I will espeak een English.” Eva sighed. Really if she was going to speak in English all evening, she was going to say very little. She was still rather self conscious about her accent.

Jessie brightened up a little bit and tugged her hand away from the cold water. Her burn felt much better and she quickly pat it dry so that she could rush over to Leslie and let her inside.
Leslie couldn't help but laugh to herself when it was the brother who opened the door. Jackson just didn't like her, and it was probably for similar reasons to why Jessie had been so reluctant to give her a shot. That and a good deal of sister complex, because he was so very protective of his sister. It was sweet, and the fact that he adored Jessie and mainly acted like a dick because of that had been the only reason it didn't bother Leslie in the least. Sure she got a bit annoyed by the looks, like the one he was shooting her right at that moment, but she certainly didn't get angry. It was in good heart. In fact she admired it in a way. Still, him being all hard ass wasn't exactly going to make her back down. If anything Leslie saw it as a challenge and her smartass competitive side begged to be set free and snap back, but she wanted to keep it civil, at least until she managed to get inside the door.

It was difficult to remain perfectly calm when Jackson made it clear he hadn't been told of her presence at the family get together, which likely meant nobody had. Fuck was the word being repeated in her head and she just managed a light smile. "Well Jessie invited me over. So what I want is to come inside." She tried to keep it all beneath the surface but a hint of her smartass side slipped out before she took a step forward and slid around Jackson, who seemed horribly displeased by both her being there and the fact that she moved past him without hesitation. Leslie didn't mind him and even ignored the little growl she could have sworn she heard as she walked away and over to Jessie. It was funny really, growling must have been a family habit. She sat her dish down on the counter, "I brought some Tortitas de Calabaza. Hope it tastes alright." She spoke gently to Jessie as she made her way over, looking at her finger but realizing it was nothing serious.

So she decided to mind her manners instead of worry over what had already been tended to, which may have been odd for most but seemed normal and logical to the hunter. So she turned to the mother with a smile, as bright and lovely a one as she could manage, "You must be Jessie's mother, my name is Leslie, it's a pleasure to meet you." She was stuck in the odd realm of not knowing what to do, a handshake, hug, nod, and in the end she didn't do a damn thing, merely smiling and hoping the woman would say something back.

She felt like the center of very unwanted attention, because Jackson had long since shut the door and walked over, as if awaiting some explanation from his sister on what in the hell was going on. Leslie hadn't made things very clear, as she didn't say she was Jessie's girlfriend when asked what she wanted. Mainly because part of her still took the trial part to heart, but the other was because if he didn't know there was the thought that Jessie didn't want them to know and as hurt as that made the Leslie feel it was a decision she wasn't going to make for Jessie.

Luckily there was an angel there to save the day, Anna. She was such a lovely girl who seemed to realize just how out of her depths Leslie was feeling. "It's nice to see you again Leslie." She smiled and waved but didn't join in the gawking fest, simply gave the silent space some noise and let the tight nervousness gripping Leslie loosen the slightest bit. Ugh, combat was so much easier than dealing with families. She could have been more at ease in the middle of a firefight than under the eyes of Jessie's family. They meant so much to her neighbor that it really made Leslie feel the performance anxiety, as if she needed to do something quickly to make them like her or have more of Jessie's family start mimicking Jackson's feelings on her. Unfortunately she had no damn idea on how to do that and was begging Jessie to do something inside her head. To do anything.
When Leslie said that she had brought over tortitas de calabaza, Jessie could hardly believe her ears. Early in her relationship she had learned that it was safer for her to just cook. There were a few dishes that Leslie could make very, very well, and she loved to eat those… but for the most part her lover’s cooking was mediocre at best. Still, she was excited to try out the delicious smelling food that Leslie had brought over.

Eva didn’t know how to really greet the human either. Jessie had only had two lovers in her whole life. One had been a male, which had turned out to be a giant mistake once they had all realized that Jessie was a lesbian, and the other had been a female, but both had been werewolves. What was she supposed to do with this strange human female that looked like a little lost lamb? Deciding that Leslie feeling like an awkward stranger was worse than her being a human, Eva resolved to treat the girl was she would another potential mate for her daughter: she smiled and actually embraced the girl. “Mucho gusto- ah…nice to meet joo. I am Eva.”

Anna didn’t let the awkward silence that followed drag on for much longer. And after her attempt to put Leslie at ease, Jessie stepped up to make her lover feel much more welcome. A strong arm snaked around Leslie’s waist and Jessie gave her a little half a hug, tilting her head up to give her a little kiss on the cheek as well. In truth she hadn’t told anyone that they were dating…mostly because she didn’t want Jackson to spend hours trying to figure out how he was going to kick a woman’s ass in the event that things didn’t work out. But her and Leslie had been in their trial period for a little over a week now, and Jessie had only grown to like her neighbor more and more with each day. Leslie wasn’t perfect, not by any means, her mouth and wandering eyes were what usually got her into trouble. But Jessie could deal with the little quirks, so long as Leslie was hers and only hers.

Now her family was going to figure out that she was dating an outsider, and they were taking it surprisingly well. It was almost like they trusted Jessie’s judgment for once.


“So…Leslie…” After two cocktails, alcohol was playing a huge role in loosening the matriarch’s tongue. For most of dinner she had been quiet, only chatting with her husband in Spanish, speaking to her children in English for the benefit of the outsider. But now that they were all approaching the point of entering a food coma, she decided now would be a good time to broach a very important subject, “I am curious. How ees it that jou and Jessica plan on habing children?”

Jessie’s dark eyes went wide with horror and the color drained from her face after listening to her mother pose such a question to a woman that she had JUST met and Jessie had JUST started dating. ”Please stop talking. Please stop talking!”

“Would jou adopt? Or would one of jou have thadt thing… een…een…what is it called with the things and the chubes?”

“In vitro fertilization?” Anna volunteered.

“Jes! Een bitro fertilization.” Eva repeated. Then the matron smiled and continued. “Honestly if I were jou, I would peeck een bitro. There is nothing quite like habing jour own.”

Jackson snickered, Anna looked as though she thought this were perfect dinner conversation, and Manuel watched his wife interact with the human with an amused expression on his face. Meanwhile, Jessie was struggling to not speak, run away, or melt into a puddle of embarrassment because it would be disrespectful. Her mother was definitely expecting a response from Leslie, and all Jessie could do was pray that her human neighbor would not be freaked out. It was common, normal even for wolves to talk about their intentions, their future plans, even this early in the relationship. But Leslie was a human! What was her mother thinking?!
Leslie wanted to impress from the very start and when Jessie's mom finally said something and broke the silence she gave a small smile and returned the comment in kind, trying her best to remember the Spanish she had picked up over the years. "El placer es mío" Spanish was by far her worst language, her German and Japanese were leagues above, but the accent she had down pretty well and she could get by in a conversation without embarrassing herself. It was just another skill of her talented mouth, Jessie would find out its many other talents in private. That did assume she made it through the entire evening without putting her foot in her mouth or making Jessie's family angry. She didn't think for a second that would go over well, not with how much she loved her family, so that had to be avoided. She needed to be on her best behavior and so even when Jessie pulled her close and gave her reassuring affection she didn't go for a kiss or grope. Not this time. She just smiled and enjoyed the closeness and how much that made the entire situation seem less horrifying, because now they all got the picture.

The rest of the night went fairly well, especially as everyone began to loosen up and food facilitated conversation. Leslie was getting to know a lot about Jessie thanks to her family and bless Anna she was helping a good deal. Jessie was with her as well, supportive and loving despite family eyes, but having another member of her family who didn't seem to question them together was very much needed. Jackson certainly wasn't going to be giving her a helping hand, his mood hadn't changed much even as the night went on and Leslie couldn't help but think he was plotting or at least ready to find an opportunity to get her away from his sister. It was a bit disconcerting, but not due to some intimidation factor, just a discomfort knowing Jessie's brother despised her so much, and not really knowing the reason for such deep dislike.

Jackson didn't as much make her uncomfortable as he did tire her, it was something completely different that finally made Leslie squirm. It was the subject of kids and it was brought up by Jessie's mother in a very abrupt fashion. She had to stop her jaw from dropping as she listening to them go on like it was the most normal thing in the world to ask another person. Sure it wasn't the weirdest conversation topic but it was one Leslie had basically never thought about. She had never even considered having kids because she had never dated seriously. Jessie was different, she wanted a life with her, but their little secret was that they hadn't even made their relationship official, which made any form of future planning between them a tad more difficult. That didn't stop everyone else from watching, all of them seeming to have a different stake in the conversation. The mother wanted a clear answer and from her, no doubt Jackson wanted her to screw up, Anna was just innocent and curious, and the father seemed to have only thought of how interesting things had suddenly become. None of it was hostile really, aside from Jackson's hope that Leslie would fuck everything up, but it was a difficult question.

Luckily Leslie was great in such a situation, and while it usually didn't involve conversation or children she quickly found her voice. "Well..." She thought for a brief moment before speaking. "I was actually raised as an orphan... Huérfano." She repeated the word in Spanish with a gentle smile. "So I would be more than open to adoption, though you are right, the idea of having one of my own is quite nice. I've always wanted a family." She wasn't sure those words were true. Sure she loved her siblings from the orphanage, blood had never mattered to them, but she had never considered having a family of her own. At first it was because she was a hunter and didn't want to bring children in to that, then there was her lack of lover, but really the thoughts had just never crossed her mind. That didn't change the truth of what she said however, the idea of having a kid with someone she loved did sound nice. She reached over and took Jessie's hand in her own, smiling gently and giving it a light squeeze. Then she turned back to Eva. "I think when it comes time for that the decision will come naturally."
Part of Jessie, the very small part that wasn’t being overshadowed by mortification, was happy that her mother was treating Leslie just like she would any other potential mate. Most of the cop’s nervousness about tonight had stemmed from the fear that her neighbor would be rejected, purely because she was human. But here she was, getting asked a perfectly normal, werewolfy question. And now that the question was out there, Jessie found herself curious about the answer. She knew that Leslie had no family, but had never thought about that impacting her decision to have one of her own. Jessie had just sort of assumed that yes, Leslie would want children one day, just like most people did. But would Leslie not want to have kids down the line because she didn’t know what it was like to have a family? Would she not want to have to deal with fertility treatments and medical expenses? Was meeting with families and trudging through mountains of paperwork for an adoption just too much work for her neighbor that liked to gamble, drink, and have fun?

Thank God what came out of Leslie’s mouth wasn’t ‘No to either.’ Jessie wouldn’t have been sure if their relationship could keep going forward. No kids was a deal breaker for her. It wasn’t just because she was an Alpha, the first born, and had a responsibility to her pack to have strong, healthy pups. Jessie just wanted days like today to always be in her life, and those would only come if she had a family of her own as she grew older.

She relaxed, if only a little bit as Leslie took her hand to reassure her. Rarely was Jessie ever vulnerable, but it was nice to know that if those scarce moments ever did occur, the bodyguard could do a good job of making her feel better. A soft squeeze in thanks was given back to Leslie before Jessie laced their fingers together. The answer to her mother’s very personal question was wonderfully diplomatic, Jessie was actually impressed with her lover’s response. So was the rest of her family.


The trick to drinking with Manuel was to never let your glass get empty. Unfortunately, Jessie had only remembered that trick after about a couple of glasses of straight rum. No ice, no cola, just a dark spiced rum that burned on the way down. The cop wasn’t a lightweight, not by any means, but for fuck’s sake she must have had the equivalency of eight shots by now!

“Ahhlllright! None offfff you guys are driving home!” The cop slurred out the words as they all finally noticed that it was getting late. “Jus shtay the night. I’ff got plenty a pillows and beds and stuff.” Jessie rubbed her eyes, trying to bring them into focus before she turned slightly to look at Leslie, who always looked gorgeous, but right now was looking particularly delicious. Unfortunately Jessie was so drunk that she couldn’t tell her ass from her elbow right now. So sex was out of the question. “Is s’ok if I shtay at your place tonight?” Then her parents could have her bed, Anna could sleep in the guest bedroom, and then Jackson could sleep on the couch. That would work out perfectly, provided Leslie didn’t mind having a very, very drunk Jessie in her apartment.
Compared to the question of children the rest of the night was an absolute breeze. In fact when it turned to drinking she felt vastly more comfortable than she had the entire time. Leslie did keep a level head, she didn't drink much because she didn't want to have her stupid side make its appearance. As committed as she was to Jessie nowadays she was still a giant flirt and a smartass and she had a feeling if she did either of those someone would freak out. She could have hit on Anna, the poor girl, Leslie didn't want her to be opposed to them as well, and then Jackson, if she was a smartass he would start up again. Neither of those things needed to happen, besides it was Jessie's night with her family and she deserved to enjoy herself as much as she possibly could, a matter that would have been made difficult if Leslie had also decided to let loose and be her problem to deal with. Luckily everything work out fine, as long as an incredibly drunk cop was considered fine.

Leslie smiled as Jessie ordered her family to stay at her place. Jessie was as caring as ever even in her drunken state. Leslie was the real lucky one though because Jessie's courteousness gave her a chance to spend the night with her neighbor again. They had been making sleepovers regular but it had always been at Jessie's place. Now they would be at her place and she was definitely showing they were serious if she would go as far as to stay over while her family was around. It was a real comfort just to be asked and she couldn't be happier. So she nodded and kissed Jessie on the cheek, whispering a gentle "Of course." Then she stood and began bidding the family a good night, taking one last sip of a beer she had been nursing before finishing the good nights, letting Jessie do the same, and dragging the gorgeous cop away from her doting relatives and over to her apartment, which luckily was clean as a whistle.

Interestingly enough Jackson's looks of hatred had calmed by the end of the night and while he hadn't accepted her at all he didn't impede the departure, which came as a slight surprise that he wouldn't try to do something to stop it. She could have seen him offering to take the floor and give Jessie the couch, or suggesting the two sisters share the guest bed, but he didn't. It made the getaway easy and moments later she was closing her own door behind them and turning to give attention to her adorable little drunk.

Leslie wanted to pester Jessie with questions about how she thought the night went, if her mother and father had liked her, and other things Jessie couldn't possibly answer in her current state. She managed to keep it all to herself though and led Jessie to the bedroom instead. She kissed Jessie's cheek and let go of the hand she had a hold of when they reached the edge of the bed, moving over to the dresser and opening it up to reveal a few pairs of pajama pants and tops. "You can wear any of this is you want." When she spoke it was clear how drained she felt after the night with the cop's parents, her nerves and best behavior causing quite the state of mental exhaustion. Alone with Jessie she could let it out and allow the tiredness to show, speaking a bit more slowly and with a heavy tone as she lethargically searched through the pajamas, not even sure if she wanted to wear any, she rarely did. "Do you need to be up in the morning by chance? I can set an alarm."
If it weren’t for Leslie leading her about, Jessie probably would have fallen over, curled up into a ball, and fallen asleep on the floor. It was rare for her to drink so much that she slurred her sentences, let alone barely walk. Thank goodness for Leslie, behaving like the perfect girlfriend and taking care of her. All that light tugging from her lover’s hand that led the way was enough to get the swaying cop out of her apartment and into her neighbor’s. It also freed Jessie up for doing other things; without having to focus especially hard on where she was going, Jessie could focus on more important things…such as how Leslie’s toned rear looked absolutely delicious in those jeans.

Usually asses weren’t a big deal for Jessie, they were fun to spank and that was about it as far as her interests in rear ends went. But she had finally reached that level of intoxication where her animal side took over. And right now her animal side wished for nothing more than to tear the clothes right off of Leslie so that she may properly explore her lover’s glorious curves.

“Hrrrmph” Jessie huffed softly as she bumped into the doorframe as she entered Leslie’s room, glaring at the molding as though it had jumped out and hit her. As the bodyguard shut the door and moved to her dresser, Jessie’s eyes peeled away from the doorframe and followed her. “No, I don’t hafta be up in the mornin’.” With her eyes still glued to Leslie’s ass, Jessie prowled closer to her lover. Strong hands took hold of her neighbor’s hips, giving them a soft squeeze, which was the only warning Leslie would get before Jessie abruptly spun her around.

For someone that prided herself on attention to detail, Jessie couldn’t possibly have been any more oblivious to how tired her lover was. The only things that she was aware of was her own desires, the biggest one right now being her want to make up for their lack of contact today. The past few hours had been nothing but pious hand holding and chaste kisses to the cheek. It was time to remedy those little injustices to their relationship. She tilted her head up, capturing Leslie’s lips in a deep, fiery kiss. The cop’s muscular form pressed up fully against the bodyguard’s, pushing her backwards, forcing the drawer that had been opened to close so that Jessie could pin her against the dresser.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you all night…” The cop’s voice was thick with lust by the time she pulled back for breath. Usually everything that the Domme did was planned out, her actions specifically directed to draw out a certain reaction from her pet. But right now Jessie’s animal side was running the show and it had very little capability for finesse. However, she made up for that with raw, uninhibited desire and pure strength. She blazed a trail of feverish kisses down Leslie’s neck, nipping her pulse point just to show that she was in charge. Then she practically manhandled her lover towards the bed, push, pull, tugging her so that she landed facedown on that mattress. If Leslie struggled, then Jessie applied more force. Her lover was taller, sure, but Jessie was by far strong, even without using her full, superhuman strength, she still could have subdued Leslie with few problems. Thank God for Leslie being a kinky little slut, it let Jessie push forward without having to worry about upsetting her lover.

“Come on, ass up.” This position wasn’t new, Jessie did so love seeing Leslie on her hands and knees so that she could flog or spank that ass during playtime. What was new was the fact that not only was Jessie in the process of pulling down her jeans, but she was also ripping Leslie’s panties off too. Usually she left those on, a barrier to sort of help Jessie from succumbing to her desire to fuck Leslie senseless. But tonight that thin fabric was dragged down, only low enough to expose that delicious rear that she had been staring at for the last few minutes. Her hand came down, giving the left cheek a light, swift, smack! before her head dipped forward to kiss and lick the growing red mark.
Being the good girlfriend was quite a pain in the ass and Leslie wondered if it came more naturally to other people than it seemed to for her. It had to as far as she was concerned, because while she had to watch everything she had said and actively kept herself in line other couples seemed to come by it more naturally. Not that she hated it by any means but it wasn't exactly the easiest part about being in a relationship, behaving that was. It was a particularly hard thing to do considering Jessie's definition of well-behaved include so much more than any other partnership. Her tired mind though about how nice it would be when her probation period was over, or whatever one would call their little trial relationship. She wanted to be able to add a bit more of herself into it, even if that got her in trouble. For the moment the fear of losing her chances held her back, but once they were officially together Leslie wouldn't have to be as worried. Sure she was going to remain faithful, and she had grown to really like the whole submissive thing, but other aspects, such as wandering hands, would most likely make an appearance.

While Leslie was thinking of their relationship it seemed Jessie had other ideas in mind. Leslie usually prided herself on being the perv in the room, of having the mind constantly thinking about sex or pleasure, but apparently she was not always the most lust addled one in the room. While she was half-asleep standing up, body heavy and eyes drooping when she was supposed to be thinking about pajamas, Jessie was making a move. The bodyguard was jolted awake by the feeling strong hands on her hips. Her eyes opened as she was spun around and shoved into the dresser, a small surprised gasp escaping her lips as she found her body wedged between the hard wood and Jessie's scrumptious body.

Leslie returned Jessie's kiss with as much fire and passion as was being given to her, hands finding their way to her neighbor's ass, squeezing as her lips pressed firmly against Jessie's. As sudden as it was Leslie wanted it, she had been aching to press her lips against the cop's the entire night, and had wanted to do much more for so much longer. Unmet desires seemed to be a theme for Leslie as of late and so getting even the slightest win motivated her enough to bring all of her senses back and push sleep far out of mind. Thank Christ neither of them would need to wake up for work in the morning, though she had a small hunch someone may wake them if Jessie didn't return at some point her house guests deemed appropriate.

Leslie focused on the kiss, chastising herself for even thinking about other people. She wanted to think about nothing else but the kiss and what she hoped came after, which to her pleasure hungry mind had so many possibilities and only some of them would end with her satisfaction. "H-Hey, Jessie!" She whined, voice crying out as she was all but thrown on to the bed after the kiss, barely having time to savor the kisses that preceded her relocation. As surprised as both Leslie and her voice were she didn't struggle, not only because she could feel the almost unbelievable strength Jessie was using but because she wanted it more than anything else. She was a sex addict in her own way, perhaps not as desperate as those who had been diagnosed, but at least as far as Jessie was concerned she was. In their trial together there hadn't been a single time or type of play that she had rejected, nor was their one she didn't fucking love. Everything the cop did to her seemed to feel amazing and she complied to the guiding, or rather demanding hands of the fiery woman.

"Y-Yes Mistress." She whined, speech instantly reverting to how she addressed Jessie when they were together, her voice low as her well conditioned body quickly took up its position. She was soon on her hands and knees and her glorious curvy ass was raised as high as the hunter could manage. She was so absorbed in obeying that it took her a moment to realize her panties had been lowered as well, the cool air finding its way in to tease her glistening slit the indication. She moaned gently, hands holding on to the sheets as her head hung downwards, Leslie so tired and horny that she offered herself entirely to Jessie, even keeping her head down.

A smack finally brought her voice out to a loud level, a yelp of surprise escaping despite the fact that every time Jessie wanted her ass it had been for spankings. It was soon followed by moans however as lips and tongue followed swiftly to soothe her reddened rear. Her delicate voice game out in timing with Jessie's pleasuring, and it wasn't until she lifted her head a bit that she recalled how thin the walls are and who was on the other side, causing Leslie to bite down on a pillow to muffle the next content moan. When it subsided she lifted her head and looked back, a deep blush on her cheeks as she reluctantly brought up her worry. "Jess---" She stopped, stifling another moan. "Jessie... Your parents are going to her me." She was whimpering, wondering if Jessie even cared in her current state, previous slurred words giving away just how drunk her neighbor was, because they had gotten pretty drunk before without that happening.
“Mmm…” Jessie hummed her approval of Leslie’s rear as her teeth sank into another firm but fleshy mouthful of ass. No one would be able to see the marks, but that didn’t matter, as long as the two of them knew that they were there, brands that belonged to Jessie, she was perfectly content. Out of her peripherals, she noticed a few dark streaks on Leslie’s skin. ”A tattoo? Maybe? It was dark in the bedroom, and her human form was bound by the limitations of her human eyes so she couldn’t quite make it out, though she’d be sure to inquire about it later, if she remembered (though in her current state, she was liable to remember very little about this evening).

Slender eyebrows rose in surprise at the sound of her name. Leslie had already addressed her as ‘Mistress’, she had thought that they had both assumed their roles of master and pet. For a moment she was concerned that she had hurt her lover, but the interruption turned out to not be so important at all. Jessie couldn’t give less of a fuck if her parents heard her teasing her mate. Her focus had been entirely on Leslie’s ass. But as her girlfriend- er…- trial girlfriend brought up the good point that they were going to be found out, Jessie could only smirk. It was going to be Leslie that they heard moaning like a whore, not her. Hell, Leslie could’ve just been masturbating, no one would be able to tell the difference. So this problem of her parents hearing them, was really only a problem of Jessie’s parents hearing Leslie.

“If you’re worried ‘bout moaning like a whore, then muzzzzle tha’ filthy mouth of yours with a pillow.” Jessie growled, a little annoyed that Leslie was interrupting her play with such a trivial matter. While it was true that she never allowed her pet to muffle her moans, tonight was a unique occasion. Somewhere underneath all that drunken aggression and lust was Jessie’s rational mind, that part that knew Leslie had tried so hard to impress her parents and was just concerned about blowing all that hard work for what was likely to be less than an hour of carnal delight. So she softened, if only for a moment, just to more tenderly remind her lover, “If you really want me to shtop…you know what you hafta say.” Safe words always broke Jessie out of her dominatrix spell; no matter how deep into the role she got, saying a safe word would remind her to protect her sub, to not let anything bad happen to her. And if Leslie didn’t think she could control herself, if she truly was afraid of sending the wrong impression to Jessie’s parents, then the cop would stop as soon as she heard the word ‘neighbor’.

”Fuck I hope she doesn’t call stop.” It was a selfish wish, but Jessie really didn’t want to give up her position of worshipping Leslie’s ass. She was actually having fun peppering the sore left cheek with harsh bites and soothing kisses. Jessie wasn’t neglecting the other either, her hand had taken up residence on the right curve of her pet’s rear. Her blunt nails raked over the flesh, lighting it up with pain and causing the skin to become more sensitive to every torturously light touch or rough grab that Jessie gave.

Leslie’s scent was absolutely maddening. Jessie had denied herself time and time again from tasting her pet, knowing when she did it was going to be the end of her self control. Tonight was no different, the temptation to dip her head down a few inches lower and finally coat her tongue in Leslie’s juices was nearly overpowering. So to busy her tongue with something else, Jessie pulled back. She nudged Leslie’s legs apart, making her spread herself wider and lower her body just a bit so that Jessie could comfortably situate herself behind her pet. Both hands gripped onto those slightly spread cheeks, spreading them further so that Leslie’s taboo hole was bared to her.

She could have easily just dove forward and begun hungrily licking, but Jessie paused, long enough so that Leslie would become painfully aware that the cop was inspecting her most private place. “Kinky pet, aren’t you?” Jessie taunted, her voice a whisper because she knew that by now, her parents must be in the room next door. “So wet for me, even though you know I’m not gonna to play with your pussy at all tonight…” That would be considered sex after all. At least if they did a little anal play, Jessie could somehow rationalize that it wasn’t sex, not really. Her thumb pressed forward, lightly teasing along the puckered ring of muscle before her. “Don’t you dare cum… I know you’re a horny little pet, but I’m not going to have you ruin all your training by cumming because of my mouth. The first time you cum for me is going to be all over my cock, not all over my tongue.” Jessie was pretty firm with this desire, and if Leslie couldn’t control herself until then, the punishment was sure to be severe.

After teasing Leslie’s taboo hole with a few light, sweeping circles of her thumb, she decided it was now or never. She dipped her head forward, letting her warm breath ghost over the seldom touched skin before following up heated air with a heated tongue. The flat of her tongue ran up the length of the crevasse of Leslie’s rear, two light, teasing licks before she started licking her lover in earnest. Her tongue swirling and teasing the tight ring of muscle, pushing against it a little harder every once in awhile to get Leslie used to the pressure so that she would relax and Jessie could work the tip of her tongue into her ass.
As amazing as having Jessie touch her felt Leslie was still worried about being heard. Part of her didn't really care, but the bit that wanted to impress the hell out of her neighbor's loved ones did. She didn't want them to think of her as some cheap slut, because if that idea even came up she was sure slander would be thrown around full force, especially by Jackson. Jessie's irritated tone when she answered Leslie's worries wiped all fear of being heard away and replaced it with a more dire worry, upsetting her Mistress. If there was one thing Leslie had learned in her time as trial girlfriend it was not to piss Jessie off, and it only became more dire once she slipped in to her role as Mistress, and it was a role she didn't have much trouble changing to. So in an instant she went from worrying to whining gently and whispering a gentle, "Yes Mistress." The chastisement didn't have a halting effect on Leslie either, in fact being talked to in such a way and having Jessie angry at her only turned her on all the more. Besides, even if it ruined her standing with her parents as long as Jessie was happy Leslie would be happy, especially when making Jessie happy involved being fondled and licked.

Jessie's touches were driving her wild and it was impossible to hold back her voice as she was given a perfect mix of gentleness and roughness. Every scrape of her nails and bite of her teeth was setting Leslie off, the licks and gentle trail of slender digits doing the same. So she took Jessie's advice and bit down on the pillow in front of her, pulling it beneath and letting it soak up the moans that her Mistress was so diligently bringing out of her. Jessie was so skilled at guiding Leslie along whatever path she desired, her words and body moving the bodyguard like a puppet, helpless to escape the desires and quite content with being swallowed up by them. It was no different when Jessie was drunk, she was still skilled in making the hunter's toned body move however she wanted it to. In this moment it meant her legs spread and ass lowered, dropping from her hands to her elbows to get comfortable in the new position.

As experienced as Leslie was with women and sex she had found herself out of her element with Jessie. It wasn't just the Mistress and Submissive roles or the BDSM play, it was the entire orientation of it all. Usually when she picked up women she found herself with cute introverted girls, those and some frivolous party girls who would do anything for a good fuck. Still, her charm lent itself to seducing the quiet girl sipping on a drink who was too shy to go interact. She would flash her smile and make her move with intelligent banter and a seemingly innocent intention. Then she would go deeper and take control, always in control. It was very rare she had been with someone who took the reigns, and not by choice but because doing it the way she did was easier than unloading her bullshit one-night stand plays on confident women. Even when she tried it rarely worked, because either the confident women would turn her down or be playing a similar game to her own, though often times classier. Leslie had always been about a quick fun night.

That was Jessie's problem with her from the start, because she had this idea that Leslie's idea of a good night before they had met as who she was. It wasn't and she was striving to prove that. Still, while she was working to do just that it still affected the relationship in its own ways, like how being on her hands and knees still felt a bit backwards. Fucking amazing, but backwards. That didn't stop her from enjoying every damn second of it, even nodding as Jessie asked, most likely rhetorically, if she was a kinky pet. The realization of what those words really meant dawned on her as she realized just what part of her was well exposed with what Jessie was doing. She blushed gently, breathing heavily into the pillow as she thought about how long it had been since her ass had received any attention. She had always been a huge fan of anal but it wasn't something she just did with anyone, one night stands never got there, because she felt it required trust, as odd as that was.

Her embarrassment was cut short by the words she had expected but hoped not to hear were spoken... Another night without her pussy being touched. She was started to feel desperate, not even for the pleasure but for Jessie to just accept her. Perhaps she had gotten her hopes up after such a wonderful night, but that thought line was quickly squashed out. She lifted up her head when Jessie began to focus on her butt once more, "I understand Mistress... I won't cum." She was chewing her lip as Jessie painted a lovely picture of when she would get to cum, though most likely she was so horny anything sounded amazing. Still, there was something about being told she was going to cum over Leslie's cock that had her shivering quite literally.

For the moment she kept her head out of the pillow, soft moans escaping her lips as the cop used her finger to tease hr hole, nothing she didn't think she could handle and control. She felt like she could keep her moans low, thus pleasing Jessie's seemingly insatiable desire to hear her voice and still keep anyone else from hearing. Of course things couldn't go her way, they never did, because as she relaxed and let her eyes close to enjoy every touch Jessie decided to dive in. There was no slow transition and before she could stop herself her breath caught and she moaned loudly. "O-Oh fuck!" she nearly bit her tongue as she tried to stifle her moans, unsuccessful on all fronts and resorting to shoving her face back into the pillow as the tongue swirled faster and faster around her tight puckered hole.

As humiliating as the idea of being heard was she was more turned on than she ever had been the amount of juices flowing between her legs and quivering of her flesh were signs of that. Not to mention the moans that were audible even through the pillow, though Leslie hoped it was enough to keep them isolated to the room, just for Jessie's ears. As she moaned into the pillow her hands gripped the sheets, her thighs quivered, and her back arched. Each section of her body was lit up with pleasure and a desire for more. More than anything Leslie was relaxed, driven up a wall by lust but completely at ease simultaneously, trusting Jessie completely. That made a difference in every type of sexual situation, but certainly in anything anal. Being at ease and trusting of your partner was important, and the reason why Leslie rarely let anyone touch her butt. She didn't really trust anyone, but Jessie was the exception. That made the battle not against discomfort or the act, but against not cumming, because it felt fucking amazing and it was going to take effort not to climax if Jessie decided to continue, and of course Leslie being a total slut wanted it as much as she wanted it to stop, her disdain for the punishments only rivaled by her desire for that tongue to delve deeper into her spankable ass.
Having her nose buried in a luscious ass was a rather Beta thing to do, but Jessie didn’t care in the slightest. After all, she hadn’t asked permission, hadn’t slowly or tentatively eased into the act in order to let Leslie get ready. Jessie was hungrily exploring Leslie’s most private, taboo place, claiming that ass for herself with every lick and graze of her teeth. “Mmm…” Jessie practically purred as her tongue continued to circle Leslie’s tight little hole, drawing out a wonderful loud moan from her pet. Such sounds only spurred her on further, making Jessie eager to have her pet give her more of those sweet moans.

As Leslie buried her face into the pillow, trying muffle herself in the process, a growl rumbled in Jessie’s throat. She vaguely recalled that she had given permission muzzle her mouth, but that didn’t mean that she had to approve of the result. So she started licking with renewed vigor, stiffening her tongue so that she could force it past the tight ring of muscle. Her nails dug into Leslie’s perfect ass, grasp growing tighter on those firm cheeks as she tried to get a little more leverage so that she could thrust her tongue in and out of Leslie’s ass better.

Jessie was frighteningly close to losing herself to her wolf’s consciousness. Leslie was growing more aroused with every prod of her tongue; the werewolf could smell her sweet juices filling the air and hear her moans growing louder, even with the pillow there to dampen the noise. Jessie could feel that wonderfully wild haze tugging at the corners of her mind, a sensation that she assumed was akin to when a pet was in ‘sub space’. The only discriminating factor was that when Jessie lost all control, she did whatever the fuck she wanted.

The annoyance that came from hearing only half a moan finally made Jessie snap. With a frustrated growl she backed away, getting enough clearance so that she could flip her pet over onto her back without getting knocked in the head with her leg from manhandling her. For weeks she’d been denying Leslie, which also meant that she had been denying herself. She couldn’t take it anymore, Jessie wanted to taste her, wanted to hear her, and she wasn’t going to be denied her wishes. Before Leslie could even protest or question her, Jessie’s hands were on her inner thighs, forcing them to part as wide as they would go so that her pet was totally exposed to her. She didn’t admire the view of swollen lips and a glistening ass hole for long, Leslie’s intoxicating scent beckoned to her. Jessie quickly leaned forward, her tongue running up the length of Leslie’s slit so that she could get a proper taste. A relieved groan spilled from her lips as she enjoyed the salty sweet juices.

Finesse was soon replaced with raw enthusiasm. Jessie hungrily lapped up Leslie’s juices, her tongue flicking and fluttering, pulling out every trick she knew in an attempt to make Leslie scream. Jessie took Leslie’s clit into her mouth, brutally pinning the swollen nub against her teeth while her tongue lashed over it again and again.
While Leslie was trying to endure the oral assault and keep her voice low Jessie seemed to be doubling her efforts. Leslie had the feeling that her moaning was what was doing it, because while Jessie had allowed her to muffle it she would never have been able to under normal circumstances. In fact the time or two she had tried before had led to Jessie ripping whatever it was keeping her quiet. As if it wasn't difficult enough to hold herself in check previously it was only getting more and more difficult. She was barely holding it together as that delicate tongue was pushing in to her tight ass. God it felt so fucking good, she was squirming and quivering with every thrust of that silken tongue. In contrast the dull pain of fingernails dragging across her plump backside was incredible and causing her to shudder as claw marks were embedded in her flesh. Knowing she was being marked had always turned Leslie on, from the first time she had her neck marked by Jessie's hickey she had felt exquisite. She had never felt that way of marks before, including the tattoo on her thigh.

As if it wasn't difficult enough with the pillow helping her, Leslie soon found herself being flipped over, a surprised squeak slipping from her mouth as her back hit the bed. The surprise didn't end with that and she looked down to see the most hungry looking Jessie she had ever seen. This was not the usual Mistress mode she was seeing but something of a completely different level. For once Jessie looked like a true beast, hungry and a bit disheveled with piercing eyes. She felt like prey and it had her frozen, unable to protest as the woman dove in and shoved her legs apart. She gasped as the open air hit her glistening slit. Jessie didn't give her a moment to prepare before what she been waiting for since the day they met finally happened. Jessie was actually licking her pussy, glorious tongue rolling across a part of her that had been so completely ignored for longer than she was use to. It was incredible but also a bit disconcerting. Jessie going so far made it impossible for her to hold in her voice and almost immediately she began to cry out.

"Oh fuck!" She cried out easily loud enough to be heard from the other apartment. Her hands flew down and gripped the sheets and her head pressed back against the pillow she had been using to muffle her flowing moans just moments before. She tried to muffle herself but couldn't. She whimpered, considering asking Jessie to stop, calling her Mistress to get through or even try using the safe word. It wasn't just so she wasn't heard but because seconds in to those sexy lips against her slit and she could feel an orgasm building. Jessie knew what she was doing and was quickly proving to Leslie that she knew how to pleasure a woman to an impressive degree despite her monogamy streak. Leslie remembered what Jessie had said when they started and that cumming wasn't going to be all puppies and rainbows, that there was a punishment in store from an angry Jessie if Leslie forgot her place and climaxed without permission.

She wasn't sure whether to cry out for Jessie to stop or for permission, but she never had a chance to make a decision. Her moaning had reached the ears of those in the other apartment, and just when Leslie had forgotten who might hear, banging on the wall reminded her. "Callate! No me puedo dormir con tanto ruido! Acuestate!" it was a string of angry Spanish being hollered through the wall. It was an instant turn off as Leslie's heart was ready to burst through her chest and her body felt cold and clammy like it would if she had been caught doing something horrible. So she stopped, "Jessie!" She hissed, "Neighbor, neighbor!" She hurriedly spoke and there was desperation in her voice. She had been right at the cusp of cumming but there was no way in hell that was happening anymore.
Jessie had always stuck to her plans when it came to her pet. Whatever she said in the beginning of a scene, she always followed through with. Consistency was exceedingly important when training a new sub, but tonight was different, alcohol was making her state of mind less than useful for a scene. Jessie had said that she wasn’t going to play with Leslie’s pussy at all tonight, but here she was, buried between her legs and making it exceedingly difficult for her sub to obey any of the rules she had put in place.

This was exactly what she wanted: Leslie moaning and writhing beneath her ministrations, totally uninhibited and almost as wild as she was. Still, she felt like her lover was holding back… In Jessie’s drunken state she couldn’t think of any rational reason for Leslie to give pause. The cop had entirely forgotten that her pet wasn’t supposed to cum, and was oblivious to the fact that a thin sheet of wall was separating the two of them from her parents. She was just so intent on making her lover tremble with pleasure that all she could do was conjure up ways to really turn Leslie into the wild, pleasure addled slut that she knew she could be. Jessie’s focus was poured entirely into Leslie’s pussy. She took that swollen nub into her mouth and began to suckle on the poor sensitive bud.

The only senses that were working were her sense of taste and smell. So when the sound of banging and aggravated Spanish came through the wall, Jessie didn’t even acknowledge it. Nor did she quite respond when her name was called by her lover. It was only when the word ‘Neighbor’ was practically shouted that she froze mid stroke of her tongue. The haze that had blanketed her mind quickly dissipated and she pulled back slightly, blinking a few times. “Huh?” Jessie grunted, confused as to what was wrong. “You okay baby?”

“Mañana tienes que madrugar; acuéstate!!!!”

The sound of her mother shouting made her flinch. Jessie had the good sense to be embarrassed, a blush spreading across her cheeks as all the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. ”Fuck…they heard us…” Sex was a less taboo subject for werewolves than it was for humans, but the whole situation was still embarrassing as hell. She quickly scrambled up Leslie’s body, moving to lay next to her so that she could nuzzle her neck and pull her close. She was trying her best to make her lover feel safe and protected again, to at least salvage a little bit of their night together.

“I’m sorry baby… I dunno wha got into me.” It was a little white lie, Jessie knew exactly what had gotten into her. But she wasn’t about to tell Leslie that she was secretly a werewolf and had a predisposition for losing all control. “I’ll tell them it was my fault…don’t worry about it.” Jessie ran her fingers through Leslie’s hair, tucking a few errant strands behind her ear before she affectionately stroked the bodyguard’s cheek. She didn’t want her parents to think poorly of Leslie, especially since her new girlfriend had tried so hard to impress them tonight.
Leslie was absolutely mortified by the sound of the disapproving mother, hands covering her eyes and a blush burning her cheeks. It was humiliating and she felt like all the hard work she had done to be impressive had just been undermined. She had spoken Spanish with a pretty damn good accent, she had made a delicious dessert when she could barely cook pasta, and she had been delightful and proper the entire night. None of that would be remembered when compared to her loud inappropriate moaning that disrupted Jessie's family's sleep. She whined as more angry words came from the other side of the wall, a direct order to go to bed with disapproval coating every word. She would have to try and think of something to make up for it and hopefully remain in the good graces of the family she hoped to see much more of by Jessie's side. The only bit of luck came with Jessie stopping when she used the safe word. It was good that she had actually been listening and finally noticed her mother's sharp voice.

Jessie's soothing nuzzles and embrace soon calmed Leslie down and she removed her hands from her eyes and snuggled up close to the cop, whining gently but giving her light smooches after a moment of gathering herself. She wasn't upset, there was no anger, but Leslie was incredibly embarrassed. This wasn't like being heard by some asshole neighbor or someone she didn't give a damn about, that had never bothered her, but when the first person she found special had her parents over and those parents first impression now included her moaning... That got to the hunter. It was impossible to remain frazzled with Jessie by her side though and she soon found herself completely calm. Her blush slowly faded and her body grew comfortable in her lover's embrace.

Everything felt okay again and she let herself close her eyes and slow her breathing back to normal. It was only then she realized how disappointed she was that it had ended, even if she was still much more relieved. She was throbbing with want and it wasn't going anywhere. Humiliation aside, and not the good kind, Leslie had been quickly succumbing to Jessie's skill and it had felt heavenly. She would have liked to finally climaxed from Jessie. Still, she had made the right call and she knew it would be more special when Jessie used her cock to take her as opposed to the oral. As she finally settled in to spoon for the night and get to sleep like they had been instructed by Jessie's mother, she couldn't help but rub her butt back in to Jessie's front. "You know... It wasn't all you... I wanted it pretty damn bad myself." She said the words softly, a gentle tone as she let her eyes close, and a little reassurance that Jessie was not alone in her desires.


Vibrations woke Leslie, the sound of her phone purring against the carpet rousing her grumpily from her sleep. She had long since been an odd sleeper. She could make it through a thunderstorm of being poked and prodded by someone in her bed, but the sound of a vibrating phone or footsteps would snap her out of her sleep in an instant. Perhaps it was the long years of needing those skills. Still, it brought her out of a very sexy dream featuring the gorgeous woman wrapped around her and that made her grumpy. She had to see what it was mainly due to her line of work, but also because she always answered her phone. It was just something she did, whether it be a number she didn't know or someone she didn't want to talk to she would answer it. To her that was important.

Leslie refused to wake her sleeping beauty though and slipped out of bed as quickly as she could while not disturbing her beloved. When she finally grabbed the phone she rushed out of the room and to the living room, taking a seat on the couch as naked as ever and answering the phone. "Yeah?" Her voice was sharper than she ever had it with Jessie, because the number was an employer she really fucking hated. He paid extremely well and the only redeeming factor of the scumbag. He wasn't a criminal but he was a rich douche who always got in to trouble when she was around because he often used her for the most ridiculous things. Though it was an odd hour even for the prick calling. "I need you for something. Meet me in an hour so I can fill you in... Oh, and don't worry, I'll pay you well for the short notice and the particular job I need done."


Leslie had a bit of time before she had to leave and she had left Jessie a delicious breakfast, and one that would sit well enough to be good whenever she got up, as well as making her one cup Keurig, which she had gotten because it could make coffee and tea and it was good for both of them, as well as making some alcoholic drinks for one. She had also left what she thought was an adorable note for Jessie.

Dear Jessie,
I'm not sure if I've made it clear but you make me so damn happy. Last night was amazing, yes even the part right before your mother busted us like two teenagers fooling around in secret. I don't think I could have been embarrassed unless I liked you so damn much, and wanted them to like me. I hope you realize I'm serious and that you enjoy the breakfast I left. Let's go somewhere romantic for dinner, and if you family wants to come it's on me.
Yours in every way possible,

The day had gone downhill from there. The job had been shit from the start, a shady ass meeting with a top class douche. He had decided to invest in what she could tell was stolen goods. It hadn't gone bad immediately and they had left safely with the merchandise. It had become shit after that, when it should have already been over. Apparently the asshole had swooped in and bought the goods beneath another bidder, and they had found out just soon enough to make a move while Leslie was still with him. It was unlucky for her but lucky as hell for the rich prick. His two other bodyguards were a joke and their loyalty disappeared the moment the vehicle had been hit and the ambush commenced. Fucking bastards, so much for soldiers knowing how to handle the pressures of combat, chances were they were a couple of the losers who come back after doing nothing and still thinking they were hardcore. Pussies. They had only fired a few shots before they limped away. That all happened before Leslie had even crawled out of the overturned SUV. She had been right on the side that had been hit and dazed for a few moments, just long enough for things to really go to shit.

By the end she was the only one still standing though, kind of, the three gang bangers laying in a pool of their own blood and only three of Leslie's bullets missing from her clip. "Hah... Hahaha." she chuckled to herself as she sat leaned back against the overturned SUV, her employer having come to somewhere in the middle and just having scurried out when the shooting concluded. Cop sirens could already be heard right around the corner, but Leslie was still laughing. "What the fuck are you laughing about? I almost died!" She looked over at him, removing her hand from her left shoulder and revealing her bleeding bullet wound. "I'm laughing because as horrid as their aim was with those automatic weapons they somehow managed to clip me." It wasn't funny at all but Leslie always laughed when she was in pain or uncomfortable. At the very least it was a superficial wound, nothing serious, but it still hurt like a bitch. She looked back at him as she covered the wound again, "By the way, you're giving me double what we negotiated before this shit, and never call me again." She gave him a nice smile before leaning back and sighing as she waited for the cops to come and ask her a million questions. She needed to call Jessie.
Jessie smiled to herself as Leslie attempted to reassure her that this hadn’t been her fault entirely. Sometimes, the other woman could be a little odd, irresponsible, and a few other unattractive qualities…but when Jessie really needed it, Leslie could be the sweetest person that she knew. The cop nuzzled at the back of her lover’s neck affectionately. Soon she was asleep after getting lost in Leslie’s familiar scent and the darkness of her hair.

In the middle of the night, Jessie felt the mattress shift and the heat in her arms disappear, but still, she did not rouse. Strange noises didn’t really bother her, after all, she lived in a family full of Latinos, her home had never been quiet growing up. She slept like a rock, only ever waking if she was touched or if there was a scent in the air that belonged to an intruder. As the bed began to cool beside her, she grunted softly, instinctively grabbing, searching for the warm thing that she had been holding. All she found was Leslie’s pillow, but that was more than enough for the exhausted cop; strong arms folded around the pillow, cuddling with it just as she would with Leslie.


Jessie woke up hours later, feeling groggy even though she had slept for way longer than she needed to. She sat up, holding perfectly still and listening as hard as she could for the sounds of her lover, but no disturbance came to her ears. With a sad sigh, she realized that Leslie must have been called to work early and they wouldn’t get to spend time together this morning. It pained her to admit it, but Jessie really did miss her neighbor whenever she was gone. Like a sad pet whose owner had left them to go to work, Jessie whined and trudged forlornly out of the bedroom once she had gotten dressed. Thankfully the smell of cold breakfast cheered her up. Jessie smiled, touched by the little act of kindness from her potential mate. Her heart fluttered as her eyes came to rest on the note by her meal. It was sweet, moving, and definitely written by Leslie. Only her neighbor would include ‘damn’ and ‘busted like two teengagers’ in a love letter.


The rest of her day went by pretty smoothly. Jessie had been assigned a partner when she had first transferred to the precinct, someone that was just meant to guide her. But her and Davis worked so well together that they hadn’t been separated, even after her probation period was over. They responded to an excess noise complaint and a burglary in progress, both two really easy assignments to handle. Now they were on their lunch break, hanging out in the cruiser as they munched on sandwiches.

[“CPD Dispatch to all CPD Officers. Please be advised of a disturbance on the corner of Broadway and Lark. Motor vehicle incident as well as shots fired. Repeat, shots-“]

“Wanna go?” Davis’ deep baritone rumbled from the passenger seat.

“Of course I want to!” Jessie huffed. Just because she came from a precinct out in the sticks didn’t mean that she didn’t know how to handle herself in the city. “Believe it or not, rednecks shoot at each other too.”

[“Unit 3-66 en route. ETA 10 minutes.”]

[“Units 3-33 and 3-17 en route. ETA 10 minutes.”]

[“Units 3-15 and 3-20 en route. ETA 5 minutes.”] Jessie chimed in. She handed her half eaten sandwich to Davis to wrap up for her before she flipped on her lights and sirens, scaring the shit out of all the other motorists around her. ”Heheheh…never going to get tired of that.” As soon as the way was clear, she was tearing down the city streets. The moment they turned onto Broadway, traffic was already at a stand still three blocks away from the crime scene, so Jessie and Davis had to abandon the cruiser and hoof it the rest of the way.

“Back! Everybody back.” Jessie and Davis were both shouting at the crowd of people that was starting to form. It never ceased to amaze her how people gathered around a potentially dangerous situation. Thankfully the fire department was responding to the car crash portion of the incident, and were already herding the majority of people back a safe distance.

Jessie could smell blood in the air, even over the scents of heated metal and burnt rubber. It took a little bit of maneuvering but finally she got into a position so that she could see a body down, quickly nodding over to Davis to show what she had found. The two of them decided that it would be better to go in than risk more potentially innocent people bleeding to death.

“CPD!” Jessie boomed as they approached the mangled vehicles and injured criminals. “Drop your weapons. We’ve got you surrounded.” When she heard the sound of metal hitting pavement, she nodded her head for Davis that she was ready. He came around the front of the overturned SUV while she came from the back, both their guns training on the last two figures left conscious…one of them a figure that Jessie knew intimately.

“Les?” It felt weird, standing there, pointing a gun at Leslie. But her lover had to realize that this didn’t look good, not even a little bit. Leslie was alive and three other people were bleeding out. As much as she trusted the other woman with her life, her officer training won out. Besides, Davis was there, and she didn’t want to look like a dumbass rookie cop infront of him. Jessie wouldn’t put her gun down until she saw all of Leslie’s weapons on the ground. The moment she did though, she holstered her weapon and quickly moved to kneel down next to her lover.

“Need a medic!” Jessie called out. Then she sighed, inspecting Leslie’s wound a little bit before placing her hand over the wound to help put pressure on the bleeding. “Fuck, Les… You know it looks really bad when you shoot all the witnesses, right?” All she could do was hope that the three guys Leslie had shot had really long rap sheets and that witnesses could testify to her girlfriend defending herself and not instigating this mess.
Cops, they always made things complicated but Leslie was glad they were around, at least when she was in the right. Luckily she was in the right this time, self-defense and her permits all being in order, as well as her contract with the douche would all be saving graces, and of course the assholes who ran would be able to corroborate the initiation from those who couldn't speak any longer. Still, it didn't make the start of the cops arrival from being a pain in her ass, they always had questions and treated her like the one in the wrong until they figured out what had happened. It was their training and it made sense but Leslie had been through this enough times to know how annoying it was. Not that it mattered, police meant someone to patch her up and as much as she did herself gunshot wounds were not one of those things. Fortunately it was a through and through and hadn't hit any vitals.

The sound of an officer ordering her to drop her weapon made her laugh as she tossed it aside, the voice being quite familiar. When the cops made their way around the vehicle she couldn't help but sigh, it was Jessie, of course. Not that it was a bad thing, it was a mixed feeling situation. On one hand Jessie knew her, on the other... Jessie knew her. She had to make sure to treat it more carefully than with any other cop, making Jessie look bad was the last thing she wanted and she slowly revealed and set her backup firearm aside, as well as a knife from her pocket. Then she tossed her permits over as well, all of it in the slow and non-threatening manner only experience could teach. "Everything you need should be in there officer." She couldn't help but smirk a bit turning and giving a small out of place nod to the other cop who had been making sure her employer had nothing on him, which he didn't.

Leslie looked back to Jessie as she called out for a medic, sighing herself and then shrugging, which brought a pained wince to her face and a "Fuck!" out of her mouth, her desire to be nonchalant failing miserably. "Don't worry, I only shot them because they decided today was a good day to ram us and unload automatic weapons at me. Maybe it was? I don't know, all I know is it didn't end well for them." She was making no sense as usual but she seemed in decent enough spirits. "Besides, the other clowns this guy hired can be tracked down and corroborate the scene, that's the least the cowards could do." She muttered the last bit before turning to the rich bastard already complaining about being treated like a criminal. "Hey dick, zip it and be thankful you're not one of the bodies on the ground. Good god." She rolled her eyes and leaned back against the car, ignoring the bickering directed at her now that she interjected. Ugh... Worst. Day. Ever.


After getting patched up Leslie had spent a few hours sitting in an interrogation room and waiting, which was fucking boring. It didn't make it any better that her left arm was in a sling to help in the healing process, a shoulder wound needing restrained mobility for the first week and the first day or two a sling was a good idea. Of course Leslie wouldn't need that, she had a rather impressive ability to heal, but for the first day she could keep up appearances. A pity though, her dominant hand may have been her right hand but she tended to masturbate with her left...

As Leslie sat inside 'stewing' an officer made his way around the corner to Jessie, handing over a full report on the forensics and case. It was all pretty straight forward, the ramming was done by the other car, tire marks on the road proving that much. The other two bodyguards had given their stories as had Leslie, and it was being ruled self-defense on her part, especially considering the three guys with automatics had all been arrested before for various crimes. It was rather open and shut, which was lucky considering it eliminated questions about just how he had obtained the merchandise in the back of his SUV. It hadn't been drugs because Leslie knew better, it was rare gems, which was easy to explain as a rich white guy who was using Leslie and the other two as protection while he transported it.

On the other hand the report was also a bit of insight into what kind of person Leslie was because it had her file in it, which was a cluster fuck of juvenile arrests and previous cases of self-defense. None of it was terribly horrifying but it was obvious she had been a trouble maker early on. Not only that but the accident report had three dead with three bullets shot, which wasn't exactly the norm for a bodyguard and especially one with no official military training. She was a better shot than most and it was unusual, but that was how it was. She was almost as good with a bow as well, but not quite. That level of accuracy under pressure was demanding in her previous life, because if not death would surely follow. The life of a hunter wasn't one people survived unless they were able to perform, and Leslie had been rather skilled.
The problem with arriving at a scene first was the fact that everything involving it became your responsibility. All the paperwork, all the interrogations and legal bullshit that came after a crime was now the responsibility of Leslie and Davis. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad, the case was less of a cluster fuck than it appear. Plus Davis was looking to make Detective one day so he didn’t mind doing all that work, And Jessie found it as a nice change of pace from sitting in a squad car, waiting for a crime to happen.

Jessie didn’t like the fact that Leslie had to wait in an interrogation room. It was a common technique used to soften up a perp: force a person into a small room with no windows, no clock, and nothing to do usually got them to talk, if only so that they could go home. But in her opinion her lover should be home, found innocent, and resting that injured shoulder. She didn’t know whether to be relieved that the wound wasn’t bad or hopping mad that Leslie had put herself in a position to get shot in the first place.

As one of the other officers came around with Leslie’s file, the cop sighed. Initially, she didn’t want to pry into Leslie’s life. Jessie knew a lot about her neighbor, all the important stuff anyways. But, before she could let Leslie go, she needed to go through her file and give a summary to her boss. And if she was honest with herself, she was actually a little curious about who Leslie had been before they had met. Reading her file raised a lot of questions though… Jessie had expected to see a military background. Jessie had learned to handle a firearm from her father, but Leslie had no family. ”So who the hell taught her how to fire a gun so well?” In the end, Jessie was sick of the case and just wrote sniper level marksmanship as one of Leslie’s many quirks.

After the file, it was time for interrogation. It was less of an interrogation and more of Jessie just getting a written statement of what had happened. They already had the accounts from the two other guards and their boss, as well as a few from a handful of witnesses. All they needed was Leslie’s in order to make the set complete.

“Alright Les, just sign here and you’re free to go.” Jessie said as she entered the small room. She nodded her head a little bit in the direction of the camera in the corner, a silent reminder for Leslie to behave because they both were being scrutinized by the higher ups. Jessie slipped a piece of paper across the table for Leslie to sign, “If you want to wait around a little bit I just have to finish up this paperwork and then my shift is over. I can take you home.” ”Or just ravish you in the car…”

Jessie had been a nervous wreck after seeing Leslie bleeding. It had killed her that she hadn’t been able to stay with her while she was getting patched up, as a responding officer Jessie had had a lot of paperwork to do, things that needed to be filled out right away while the memory of what had transpired was still fresh in her mind. Now she wanted to make up for all of that…and maybe (if Leslie wasn’t in too much pain) give the bodyguard a little punishment for getting shot.
Being kept in an interrogation room had never bothered Leslie, because as odd and hyper as she was on a normal basis, she was different when things were serious. She hadn't been the average flirty smartass, and she hadn't done anything that could get Jessie in trouble. It may have seemed like she was merely behaving at first but it was more than that, it was simply another side of the bodyguard. She spoke well without cursing, she presented herself well and kept a rather dignified posture, and she sat in the interrogation room the entire time without saying a word or moving more than a few inches when her shoulder bugged her. It was as if someone had bottled up the quirky firecracker segment of her personality. That didn't mean she was thinking in the more responsible manner, in fact she was absolutely bored out of her damn mind, but the professional Leslie was able to keep herself together pretty damn well. This was her because while she did have some crazy traits and hobbies she indulged in to an extreme she also always kept things disciplined enough to get by, she just didn't like to.

When Jessie came in the room and told her it was almost over and that all she needed to do was sign she was ecstatic. She gave a small smile and normal "Thank you." Understanding they were still under the prying eyes of the other police officers, and took the paper to sign. Her sloppy handwriting hadn't changed. With that she pushed the paperwork back across the table and leaned back in her chair, looking up at Jessie and finding herself thrilled that the cop was okay being seen leaving with her. Hopefully she could salvage the rest of their day after the awkward situation earlier... Gah and she had left a note and breakfast and had dinner ideas running through her head. She couldn't help but wonder if Jessie was still going to feel like going out or having some romantic dinner with her after the whole shootout and half the day in the precinct thing.

Oh fuck and her family, what were they going to think of her now. First she gets yelled at by Jessie's mom due to her loud moaning as everyone was trying to sleep and then she gets shot. They were going to be horrified about the person their daughter was dating. Oh yeah that was going to be a conversation full of fun, such as talking about Leslie being a bodyguard and having killed people and not feeling any remorse as things were. She never really did, not anymore. Then again she had only killed killers and gangbangers. Even as a hunter she had managed to keep her conscious clean and avoid the pointless killing of people just because they didn't happen to be full human. Though perhaps turning a blind eye was just as bad as doing the killing herself... That was part of the reason she had left, their ideas were ridiculous.

She sighed as those thoughts, she didn't like thinking about her past life. "I'd be more than happy to wait." She smiled as she stood up from her seat and walked over to the door, so tempted to kiss Jessie but keeping her hand to herself for the time being. "I'll just wait in the lobby until you're done and we can grab something to eat." She was starving and would love to grab some food whether it be a nice dinner or fast food. She still had her heart set on a romantic night, but after the day she had some fast food or a pizza and a night with Jessie would be nice as well. She left the room after that and took a seat in the lobby, content to wait as her mind wandered. She couldn't help but think that maybe romance in another aspect like cuddling all night and rejoicing that her wound wasn't bad, and as odd as it was Leslie was thinking about how she had just made a ton of money after the way things went down. It wasn't a fortune because it had been a short job but the flat fee for her services, the rush fee that had been negotiated, and the scale for danger and injury, plus her demanding more money after his little trickery on the circumstances... Yeah it was a nice amount. It was odd though she didn't really need money because instead of gambling she had been spending time with Jessie, the lovely woman monopolized her time and had her reserves flush.
“Alright, I’ll be just a little bit, promise.” Jessie truly ached to kiss her, perhaps it was evident in her dark eyes just how much she wanted to but couldn’t. She even hesitated for a moment and looked like she was about to lean in and press her lips to Leslie’s cheek… but ended up changing her mind, abruptly doing an about face so that she wasn’t gazing longingly at her lover. It was unnerving to think about the hold that Leslie had over her, even without them being official yet. She shook off the feeling, then headed off towards her boss to drop off the files and answer any lingering questions.

Half an hour later, Jessie was finally clocked out and ready to go. She couldn’t wait to just wind down with Leslie after this stressful day. “Hey.” Jessie smiled as she entered the lobby. Although she was mentally exhausted after these past few hours of paperwork, the cop immediately brightened up when she laid eyes on Leslie. “All set to go babe.” The brunette offered a hand to help her lover out of her seat and then leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. She couldn’t do much more, there was a clerk and a few cops milling in and out of the lobby as the shifts changed over. But that little kiss on the cheek was proof enough that Jessie wasn’t afraid to show affection, as long as the time and place were appropriate.

“I know you wanted to do something romantic for dinner…but how ‘bout we just go grab a bite to eat from McGeary’s? That way I don’t have to change.” McGeary’s was pretty much just a cop bar. Sometimes firefighters, EMS personnel, and public defenders would gather there too, but it was rare to see any sort of civilian in there. So it would be safe for Jessie to relax there in uniform, plus the food was pretty good. “When your arm’s good enough to hold a steak knife, we can go somewhere nice. I’ll even dress up for it.” The cop grinned, she already had a dress in mind for their night out, something that would definitely make Leslie’s jaw drop.

Hand in hand, Jessie led the way to her car. She only paused for a moment, when Davis, who was also getting off his shift, passed by them. He whistled and grinned, so of course Jessie couldn’t help but flip him off with a smirk. Davis was a nice guy and a good partner, so she wouldn’t chew him out the way she would anyone else that dared to catcall her. Once they got to the car, she held the door open for Leslie and made sure she could get buckled in on her own, then headed towards her side of the car.

“Are you okay?” Jessie asked, her hand resting on the key in the ignition but not turning the car on just yet. Alone in the parking lot of the precinct was as good a time as any to take stock of Leslie’s feelings. Ending a life wasn’t easy. Jessie herself had ended two lives, one had been a werewolf, another was a drunken man that had pulled a gun on her. Killing rogue wolves was part of her job as Alpha; she needed to keep the pack safe and prevent humans from discovering their existence. Ending the life of a drunk human had weighed down on her for awhile…it still did if she were honest with herself. So she was curious to see if Leslie was alright. If her nonchalance was just her bottling it all up, only to have it explode at a later date, or maybe she just truly felt no remorse about what had happened because those men had shot her, they obviously would not have hesitated to kill her. “I mean…about all that stuff back there.”
Waiting for Jessie wasn't all that bad, Leslie could keep herself entertained well enough, but it wasn't without some awkwardness. While most were too busy to take notice of her the occasional person seemed to be quite curious and they would take multiple glances in her direction. Maybe Jessie had just made an impression and they were curious about her since they seemed to know one another, a fact that had been impossible to hide even if they were both being discreet about their relationship. It made her smile to think that people were already curious about Jessie, she was a rather magnetic person and it wasn't a surprise whatsoever. In fact she was expected more jealous glares than curious glances, but if those were being tossed around she hadn't noticed. Then again maybe that had done a decent job hiding the nature of their relationship. That or they didn't want to get shot, yeah that could be it. Leslie had to stop herself from busting out in laughter at the thought, maybe there would be an upside to the day, it would help keep others at a distance.

It's not like Leslie hadn't realized it already but she felt like Jessie belonged to her. It had nothing to do with their dominant and submissive thing, and everything to do with her feelings for the gorgeous cop. She liked Jessie so much and enjoyed spending time with her, and as unreasonable as it was when Jessie hadn't even officially accepted her as a girlfriend, Leslie didn't like the idea of her being with anyone else. She wanted to monopolize the dominant woman in every way.

When her wait finally ended Leslie couldn't be more excited to leave the police station. It had not been the first visit she wanted, it wasn't the sweet gesture of lunch or a little visit she had envisioned. When she got the kiss on the cheek she giggled and fought the urge to nuzzle Jessie in front of everyone, which wasn't many people but still not 'appropriate'. "As long as we eat I really don't mind what we do for tonight." She was tired and her shoulder was throbbing. Time with Jessie would be enough for her, and really there was little that wet Leslie's appetite like fried or greasy food. So while romance would have been nice some salty fries and a juicy burger sounds fucking amazing. Oh and a stiff drink to serve as her painkillers, because she absolutely refused to take pain medication ever, partially because she healed quickly but mainly because she didn't like taking medications. She didn't even like to take Tylenol or Advil.

It wasn't until Jessie mentioned her arm healing that something dawned on her... Jessie was a cop and not stupid, it was going to be tough to explain her quick healing. She would just have to play it off and see what happened. If she didn't say anything she typically didn't have many problems, though how close her and Jessie were was not typical for her life. Ugh. "Hmm, maybe I'll have to dress up for you as well, be feminine for once... I mean, I do have a few nice outfits that aren't suits." She paused for a moment and sighed, "My suit... I almost forgot I lost my suit in the accident..." She sulked but cheered up as her hand was taken by Jessie's and they finally left the building.

Despite a bit of a friendly partner thing between Jessie and the man Davis they got in the car soon enough, Leslie having little problem getting in to the car and buckling herself. Jessie was apparently worried about her though and she looked over with a bit of hesitation showing in her eyes. It wasn't why a normal person would hesitate, in fact it was quite the opposite. This was more nerve-wracking than anything else Jessie knew about Leslie. The fact that killing people did very little to her. She wasn't going to cry or freak out... What would Jessie think about that? Part of her wanted to lie because that was her go to when she found something uncomfortable or difficult to deal with, she would lie and play to what people expected. "Honestly Jessie, these were not the first and I doubt they will be the last... I haven't been affected by this kind of thing in quite some time..." She gulped afterwards, hating how the idea of lying to Jessie seemed worse than saying something borderline psychopathic. "D-Don't get me wrong, it's just they kind of deserved it."

She took a deep breath and watched for a reaction while she tried to think of better words to explain herself, but explaining herself seemed a moot point. Instead she opted to just be herself and hope Jessie wasn't scared off by her attitude towards death and the situation, because that part of her wasn't going to change. Leslie had become desensitized to killing long ago, more than ever when it involved bad people. "Now, let's go get some grub! And maybe watch some TV. Anything that doesn't make me move too much." She chuckled, her high energy back and the professional more serious Leslie being pushed back under the quirky surface.
The first reaction that bubbled up was one that would debate the sanctity of a life and would argue the necessity of a justice system to deal with criminals. A strong moral compass was what kept many modern day werewolves from attacking humans, that and the fear of revealing their existence to the world. So Jessie’s feelings about not ending a life, even a life that deserved it, were strong. Leslie’s response gave her pause. On the one hand, lack of remorse sounded like the mark of a sociopath; but on the other hand, she knew many cops that told themselves ‘that criminal deserved it’ in order to deal with the guilt that came with ending a sentient life. That was what she told herself as well, wasn’t it? ‘They deserved it’ or ‘there was no other way to keep others or myself safe’. So rather than get ontop of a soap box, she merely nodded and seemed accept Leslie’s response as one that was a little cold hearted but also reasonable. “Just…try not to shoot to kill next time, alright? Makes my job a little bit harder when everyone is dead.” With that, she leaned over and nuzzled Leslie’s cheek lightly, planted a kiss right along her jawline, and then shifted back into her seat so that they could get going.

Dinner was surprisingly fun. A couple of Jessie’s cop friends were there and she wasn’t able to deny them having dinner with her and Leslie. The one thing she didn’t care for about being an Alpha was the strength and charisma, traits that drew other towards her even if she would have rather been alone. But it wasn’t so bad, it gave Leslie a chance to meet a few people while also giving Jessie the opportunity to be the protective girlfriend. For most of the night her arm was wrapped protectively around the bodyguard’s waist, holding her close as they ate and chatted with Jessie’s friends. Everyone seemed to like Leslie, especially because she could talk shop with them.


After a long day, Jessie was happy to finally head home. She brought Leslie back to her apartment because she had work in the morning and it would just be easier if they stayed there for the night. In private she was finally allowed to kiss Leslie properly. The moment that the door had shut behind them, Jessie pulled her lover in close, her lips pressing fiercely against the bodyguard’s in surprisingly feverish kisses. The urgency in how Jessie kissed her was the only sign all day that the cop had truly been worried about Leslie, even scared when she had found her shot and bleeding. But Jessie was tough, she would never actually admit those things, even if how she behaved showed them.

“You know… I was prepared to put an end to your trial run today…” Jessie whispered as she nipped Leslie’s bottom lip once she had to pull back for air. Her lover had done so well last night with Jessie’s family and had been so good for weeks that the cop was ready to officially call Leslie her girlfriend. Though…now that the bodyguard had a gaping hole in her shoulder, that sort of threw a wrench in the works. “But since you went and got yourself shot, I suppose we’ll just have to do something else tonight…” The cop paused, thinking it over. How was she supposed to punish Leslie for getting shot when she was afraid of touching her lover and wounding her further? It only took a moment for it to click that she was still in uniform, the idea of a striptease blossoming into her mind. “I think you need a reminder of what you’ll miss out on if you aren’t more careful in the future.” Insistent hands gripped Leslie by the waist and walked her backwards towards the couch. “Sit, stay, and don’t touch.”

Usually she was more comfortable being a tomboy. But Jessie drew feminine confidence from her wonderful voluptuous ass and supple breasts. It made her less objecting to doing things that were more feminine, such as dancing around the living room in her underwear. And she definitely didn’t mind giving a little show if it meant torturing her pet in a safe way. Jessie backed up from Leslie, only so that she could turn on her sound system and flip to a song that would suit her purposes. The young Latina could have probably shaken her ass in the strip club with the best of them. If there was one thing that she certainly excelled at, it was dancing. But her song choice created more suspense and control on her part than a song that one would hear at a seedy gentlemen’s club. Feeling Good’ might be a little old and burlesque-y, but Jessie did so love the dramatic, slow and sensual beat.

As the song slowly started it’s build up, Jessie took her time to get into character. Her walk took on more of a confident strut as she stepped directly into Leslie’s field of view. Her silken, wavy hair, that was always pulled back into a neat, regulation bun was pulled out of it’s tie and allowed to spill all over her shoulders. As the song really started up, Jessie pushed off the wall that she had been leaning against. Her hips swayed tantalizingly as she sauntered towards Leslie, hands busying themselves with undoing the buttons on her uniform. Every move was deliberate, unhurried, and revealed delicious looking caramel skin at an agonizingly slow pace.

By the time every button was undone and the strip of her dark skin covered in a skin tight white cami was revealed, Jessie was close enough to Leslie that she could have reached out and touched, but hopefully her pet would remember the easy rules of ‘sit, stay, and don’t touch.’ She moved to straddle her pet, hips grinding down into her lover’s as she peeled off her top, revealing more smooth skin and defined muscles. With a smirk she draped the navy blue uniform shirt over Leslie’s head and got back up. By the time Leslie got that shirt off of her, Jessie was sauntering away and peeling off that skin white cami.
Leslie could sense the hesitation in Jessie's response. It seemed her response hadn't been the one Jessie had really wanted, but she couldn't help the way she had come to feel. It did make her ponder just what kind of person she was in the eyes of others. To her the emotions made sense, her philosophy and actions seemed correct, but she was well aware that to most people her ideals were wrong or morally haywire. Her life had demanded it though and before she knew it that was normal for her. As a young woman she had begun her training and while normal girls had gone out with friends or indulged in hobbies Leslie had gone straight to the organization to get another step towards becoming a killer. That wasn't how she thought about it back then, but that was the indoctrination used on her and many others. Leslie had eventually snapped out of it and realized the life she wanted to live was not that of a hunter, but so much had happened before she came to her senses, and in many ways she would forever be part of the order.

Some of those ways were her advanced healing abilities, she would always have her combat skills, and among other little traits there was her mentality on killing. For someone who faced dangerous creatures the preservation of life was no a high standard. Only survival was, so to her taking the quick kill shot to ensure her own survival always seemed rational and was an instinct. If she wanted to let someone live she would need to make an effort. "Okay, I'll try and remember the next time I find myself in a firefight." She smiled, almost sounding sarcastic but being earnest.

After the heart to heart about killing people, a lovely topic indeed, they finally went to go grab dinner. While Leslie had expected as much it was still interesting to watch people flock to Jessie. Leslie was attractive, charming, and often gathered attention and wandering eyes, but it was nothing compared to Jessie. Truthfully Leslie hadn't noticed when they first met, because at first glance she had only been captured by the beauty. The cop was truly magnificent and Leslie loved being next to her, the protective woman keeping her close and the bodyguard enjoying every second. Not to mention her friends weren't that bad and the heavy drinking helped settled whatever pain hadn't been dulled already.


By the time they left Leslie was more than a little drunk and as horny as ever, if not more. So when she was pulled in for a kiss she reciprocated with as much fever and passion as Jessie was giving her. "Planned on?" she questioned almost instantly, the amazing kiss not distracting her enough to ignore those words and what came next. "Jessie..." She almost whimpered and whined about the past tense of the trial run being over, but she managed not to say any more despite how badly she wanted to. Leslie wanted to tell her not to keep pulling her along and to just let them be a couple, remove the fucking trial part, because Leslie had been all in for quite some time and every emotion she felt was on that level. She just didn't like the idea that if they broke up she would be torn up about it and Jessie would have thought of it as nothing more than a failed trial. She didn't want to push it though and instead sat on the couch and nodded, being obedient and giving in to Jessie's wish. She wasn't going to move and she wasn't going to touch the cop.

She had a feeling what came next but it didn't prepare her at all. In fact Leslie was practically drooling as things started to heat up, the arrival home quickly turning in to a little show. Oh what a fucking show it was going to be, another torturous endeavor by Jessie to push the hunter to her limits. Jessie was so fucking gorgeous. Every feature was perfect, begging to be caressed and licked, to be the center of Leslie's affections. So watching was difficult and only became more so as each inch of flesh was revealed slowly, antagonizing Leslie when she already had so much sexual desire pushing against her self-control. She needed the release but was once again being denied Jessie's touch as well as the opportunity to touch the woman she loved. Oh how tired she was of being safe. For once she would have liked to do what Jessie said but afterwards have the position of girlfriend and be able to kiss and feel up that gorgeous body. Sure Jessie may get on to her but she could feel confidence as long as it was all official.

As Jessie pushed further and further into the routine Leslie found herself unable to handle it any longer, but she wasn't going to disobey. She didn't pull Jessie in when she straddled her or take a nice group as the uniform top was removed. Instead she pulled the shirt off of her head and let it fall to the ground before undoing the top button on her hands and sliding her hand down under her panties. It was a bit awkward with only one hand, and it wasn't the one she would normally use, but as she leaned back and got comfortable it became easier. Her fingers began to stroke her sex as her eyes remained glued to Jessie. "I can't hold myself back Jessie..." Was all she said and her excuse was ended with a soft moan as she buried a finger inside her soaked passage.

Leslie wasn't going to get up or touch Jessie but she couldn't hold herself back completely. Leslie's lust had grown uncontrollable with the alcohol lowering her inhibition. She simply couldn't keep herself from acting and doing something. In her current state of mind touching herself seemed like the right decision. It would keep her under control while not going against Jessie's rules. Besides, she had the best damn masturbation material even right in front of her and no hopes of sex after what Jessie had said. If she had gone home she would have done the same, and as the strip show continued her efforts became greater, the bodyguard not starting slow at all but pushing a second finger inside her tight channel almost immediately. "F-Fuck..." She gasped, never taking her eyes off of Jessie. She wanted to see every curve and enjoy every movement, not to mention as far as she had already gone without asking permission Leslie was still very much watching for any signs of displeasure from her neighbor.
Usually when Jessie stripped out of her uniform, the underwear that was revealed was a very anti-climactic sports bra and a pair of cotton boyshorts. She never knew when she was going to have to chase down a perp or work extra hours, so she liked to be comfortable underneath her uniform. But tonight was different, tonight she had planned something special, she really had meant it when she had said that she had hoped to take their relationship to the next level. Unfortunately Leslie getting shot had thrown all of those plans out of the window. But still, what was underneath the white cami was proof that Jessie had meant to claim Leslie tonight. The cop was wearing a particularly risqué black lace bra, something she never would wear unless it was for a special occasion. And there was no doubt a sexy pair of matching panties waiting to be revealed, once she finally got rid of those dress pants.

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me~

“Tsk, naughty girl.” The brunette teased as her audience slid a hand down her pants. But the half naked Latina didn’t look mad. Quite the contrary, her eyes actually lit up at the loophole that was being exploited. Usually roles were a little reversed, Jessie being the one with the exhibitionist streak. It was rare that she saw Leslie so blatantly play with herself infront of her, and the sight sent a jolt of desire through her body. Thank goodness she hadn’t had anything to drink tonight, otherwise she might lose it like she had yesterday.

Slender fingers played down the center-line of her torso as Jessie continued her dance, grazing the curves of her bare breasts as her digits danced their way down her flat stomach and to her pants. Every move was slow, drawn out, somehow making her sexy even when she was doing something as mundane as removing her belt. Biting her bottom lip seductively, Jessie undid the button of her navy blue pants and eased the zipper down. A few slow sways of her hips and a little guiding of her thumbs hooked over the waistband had her trousers dropping to the floor, revealing those lacy black panties that had been silently promised.

Now wearing next to nothing, Jessie eased herself onto the floor, making her way towards Leslie. Even on her hands and knees, she looked graceful, like a predator slowly slinking towards her prey. It was a good view too, her breasts now looked heavier, larger, her cleavage more enticing. The muscles in her back and arms rippled with each controlled movement as she stalked towards Leslie.

And a bold world
Foooor me
Oh fo-oohoohorrrrr me~!

As the music crescendoed, Jessie grew closer and closer to Leslie. Just in time to lean forward, her head between Leslie’s parted knees so that she could bite her lover’s inner thigh. Perhaps getting so close had been a mistake…the moment that Jessie had bit her, she also became bombarded with Leslie’s intoxicating scent in such close quarters. Immediately she was drawn to the memory of last night, of how her animal side had lead her to practically devour her lover’s soaking wet slit. A shiver of delight ran through her body, and for a moment, just a split second, her eyes appeared a golden amber in the light.

Oh freedom is mine!
And I know how I feel~

The cop snapped out of her temptation to rip off Leslie’s bottoms and feast upon her delicious slit. She crawled up her lover’s body instead, being very careful to not disturb Leslie’s bad arm in the process or interrupt the hand that was still down her pants. She straddled her lover’s thigh, knees very carefully balancing on the edge of the sofa as Jessie leaned forward, kissing and nibbling at Leslie’s neck. She arched her back, angling herself in such a way that her lover could just look down and she’d be greeted with a view of the cop’s luscious ass swaying back and forth just out of reach.

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life~!

“Mmm…” Jessie purred as she affectionately nuzzled Leslie’s neck. She worked her way upwards to her lover’s ear, flicking the lobe gently with her tongue. “Such a naughty girlfriend I have…can’t wait to cum for me, hmm?” Warm breath ghosted over Leslie’s neck as Jessie whispered words that would be the closest thing that her lover was going to get for permission tonight.
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