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The Newest Little Sex Witch {darkest_fate& CaptainNexus616}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The air felt thick, heavy, ominous, almost as electrified by powers that simply could not be properly processed. It oppressed the senses, weighing down on her as she blinked slowly, fighting to regain consciousness slowly. Her body felt sluggish, as if she'd woken from not just sleep, but anesthesia, her body fighting to regain control, her brain kicking in painfully slowly. Everything seemed to be in place: two arms, two legs, a head, all the right parts in all the right positions. Two wide brown eyes blinked again, though she couldn't see. Another blink, and she raised a hand. The pale white of her delicate fingers showed. So it was the room: the room was dark; her eyes were fine.

She took a breath, lowering her hand, working her fingers. Her hand brushed against her torso. she felt something, something different. Frowning, she looked down. "Why am I wearing---" she said, twisting to look. A Hogwarts uniform, ripped right off the screen. The sweater hung on her, the dress shirt, even the skirt wrapped around her hips, all done in the appropriate color combinations.

Someone had dressed Emma Watson as Hermione Granger again. The outfit didn't quite fit: she'd grown, if slightly, since she'd last put this on. Then again, they'd purposefully worked to hide Emma's growing curves, to push back her womanhood and make her look like the eternally brainy teenage girl. For many, Emma and Hermione had become too tightly intertwined. That helped explain why Emma's love life almost made Hermione's look torrid. At least Hermione likely got her love to sleep with her: Emma remained untouched. Well, she had toys, but...

Definitely not what she should be thinking of.

The foggy girl forced herself to her feet, wobbling. Her lithe, strong legs normally had no problems, but whatever had been used upon her did not seem to want to leave in a hurry. Emma felt it still weighing her, still making her body heavy, too heavy. She brushed a hand against a skirt, shifting: someone had even changed her undergarments. She'd been wearing... something else, something designer, most likely: she often did. The girl dared pull the skirt, flushing as she saw panties that matched the Gryffindor colors. She quickly smoothed that.

"I've been kidnapped by perverts with a Hermione fetish," she whispered, looking around. She laughed dryly. "You'd think they could have left me a wand, at least." Emma extended her arms, moving them in grand sweeping motions while she began taking tentative steps, desperate to explore the room around her and start answering all the burning questions.
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