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Bound By Iron ~~ Pinkbunny and SV

Sep 6, 2014
Garrosh had warned that this would happen - this invasion from the other side of the Dark Portal which had been constructed. He had come from a time and a place unknown, speaking of a world that was ripe to be conquered. He spoke of the humans that resided there and their allies in the Grand Alliance, which included the draenei, her mother's people. He spoke of green orcs and their allies in the 'False Horde', as he called. It all sounded so whimsical and magical. What was a curious young woman to do? She had to see these creatures with her own eyes! Regardless of the warnings that Garrosh had brought with him, she could not simply resign herself to forgetting such tales.

Over the past few short years, this displaced orc had forged something grand - something that she was proud to be a part of. He had stopped the various tribes from falling prey to the demons that he had warned about. He had united many of the clans and formed a new Iron Horde under the leadership of the Warsong Clan's chieftain, Grommash Hellscream, the leader of her father's people, and he had just recently finished the construction of the Dark Portal which connected this world to the one from which Garrosh had come. A preemptive strike was made. A mass of the Iron Horde's strongest warriors had been sent through the portal to secure a foothold in the land, but they had failed. Now, the denizens of that world had mustered their forces and joined together. They were launching a counter-invasion, but it wasn't going much better than the Iron Horde's had gone...

Loh'Korra of the Warsong Clan, a young half-draenei woman who had been bred as something of a sick experiment, or joke depending on who you asked, now found herself deep in the Tanaan Jungle hunting down the few surviving members of the other world's invasion party. It was a strange sight to see such a pitiful creature working alongside the orcs, really. Few half-breeds were born in orcish society to begin with, most being born once their mothers had been raped and left to return to their own people. Loh'Korra's mother, however, had been a slave and so, too, had Korra herself. She had won her freedom, however, when she was just a child. When the other orc children would gather for combat practice, Korra had proven time and again that she could hold her own - proving to her clan that she was more useful as a scout and a warrior than a slave. She was a rare sight, indeed, born in orcish society and not only surviving the rough childhood that such entailed for a half-breed, but even earning her place among them as an equal.

Garrosh despised the idea, of course, but the other warriors and the elders among the Warsong sung Korra's praises. He really had to choice but to accept it, considering that the Warchief of this Iron horde was the former Warsong Chieftain.

Lohkorra pushed her way through the underbrush as she searched for stragglers. She was garbed in nothing more than a long, tan leather skirt than hugged tightly to her hips and fell to her feet in one great wave and a tight leather harness that supported her bust. She wore no boots or helmet, her harness bore no sleeves, and much of her upper body was left to the elements, but this did not seem to slow the half-breed down. She walked lightly, leaving no trail and somehow bringing no harm to her feet. She walked through patches of thorns and the vines seemed to just brush away from her skin without a scratch. It was as i the forest, itself, welcomed the half-draenei woman into itself. Some manner of magic, perhaps?
Skyy did her best to dash through the dense brush. How did she end up in this situation. Why did she volunteer for this mission? She kept asking the same question yet nothing seemed to give her a proper answer. As soon as she stepped through and say the battle unfold she simply ran. A coward, a complete loser with no value to either realm she resided in, worthless. Yet she continued to push forward as going back meant either being a captive or killed. Besides while she had volunteered for what she had now abandoned, her true reason for it was to find the Sunwell, before it was destroyed. Sadly she did not know this landscape, had no idea where she was. It seemed that the alternate realm also meant alternate landscape, she was lost.

Her clothes were tattered, loose branches catching hes robes, and now they were merely hanging by threads. She had no ways of summoning her more powerful minions, and there was no way she was about to call her imp. She wondered why she had ever become a warlock. It was obvious she was not cut out for it, each and eery one of her minions disobeyed her, Her imp would demand sexual favors, Her voidwalker would just outright ignore her and her succubus, well her succubus would reverse the roles. In fact the only Demon she felt she would ever be able to control was the Inferno, something she longed to one day control. Most Warlocks whom of which had control over their minions were unable to control their Inferno. Skyy felt differently, she felt that maybe her lack of control meant she would control the one thing others could not. Still her training had a long way to go before she would ever be powerful enough to summon the monster.

She got back to her feet, ripping a strip of her robe to tie her blond hair back. hopefully keep her face form getting too hot as she ran again. she knew there had to be some member of the Iron clan on her trail, and even sitting for a moment to catch her breath was probably giving them too much time to catch up. Not that it mattered though, an hour or four would not change anything, she was certain she had been running in circles, and anyone who could track might very well catch her sooner or later, all she was doing was denying the inevitable. She prepared a spell, while she had no control over her minions she was not completely disabled, tapping into the world of demons she could use their magic, that is what she could do. That was why she continued her studies as a Warlock. The only talent she had. As long as she had her staff, she could outlast other warlocks when it came to offensive magic.

Removing the rest of her robes, barring a bit of coverings she started moving again. Maybe she would be lucky and escape the jungle before long, maybe she would pop out right next to the sunwell or maybe she would find her footing in this Azeroth, find safety.
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