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Qwaychou requesting females for romance

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Aiko-Love Child

Sep 15, 2009
Hi there,
I'm qway, and am craving a long romantic story. I am additcted to RPing, and must have romance, unrequitted, difficult, struggling. Angst is my favorite, and I love writing sex scenes. I enjoy semi-lit, and the story must be there, no instant romances. No second page smut.
Here is my wishlist. Please, post here or PM me about any of them.

1. Human/robot- a typical college kid finds an unlikely friend in a high tech super secret robotic girl.

2. Were/Vamp-caught in a war, trapped and injured in a cavern together, how will they cope?

3. Cupid must atone for screwing up a woman's love life, by getting her to fall in love with him

4. human/vamp-were- a human trapped in another Lycan world must depend upon a were-vamp to help them get home...

5. anthro/human- in a post-apocalyptic world, anthros are sometimes rejected, how is the tiger supposed to cross human territory? By hiring a human escort with a sword.

6. I'm really craving something with one of my modern story guy characters, Dutch, he's dreamy. ask me about him.

I will accept angel/demon/were/vamp/human/fae/mer in any combination. I enjoy sex scenes, but story must be there and romance essential.
Thank you very much for looking!

Edit: I will accept the occassional one liner, but if it's a habit, I will close our game. I work hard to post at least several sentences, so should you.
finx said:
Who's Dutch? Hows about a paragraph sound?

Thanks for asking, he's one of my faves. Here is one of my introductions for him:

"On his own. In a tiny, cramped dormatory, asshole roomate, far from home, with a heavy workload, and no friends.
Thank god.
Dutch jogged down the dorm stairs and flung himself out into the crisp autumn morning, inhaling deeply, grinning for no reason. He loved college, away from his dad and his old school.
He walked tall, his shoulders back. He was a big guy, six foot three, amazingly muscled, even to the point of being ripped. His hair was a deep rusty red, and it hung in shaggy waves down to the middle of his back and frequently hung in his face, chisled, handsome, an easy smile and a friendly air about him. His eyes were intense green, the color of freshly mown grass in the heat of summer.
His military boots went suprisingly well with his worn, black jeans and his rugged tan sweater. He trotted and walked his way through the campus of a presitgious school, Bosworth University. Trully, all he wanted to be was an artist, a painter, but his father, who raised him with an iron hand and even put him through military school, wanted him to be a doctor.
He strode confidently through the halls, girls eyeing him, he was pretty much oblivious. He walked into his first class of the day, first class of the new year, new semester.
God, he felt great! Everything was new, and fresh for him, like he could turn over a new leaf, and just be himself.
He walked to the dual desk at the back, by the window. He glanced at the empty chair next to him in the long, black topped desk.
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