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The Inquisition (Andy1138 and Thomas_Waller)

Jul 20, 2014

Charles Merwood sat uncomfortably on the threadbare upholstery of the stage coach. His long spidery legs jammed up and folded against the opposite seat nearly touched his chin. His head settled mere inches from the ceiling and every time the coach dipped and pitched into another pot hole he would crack his skull on the roof. He banged his cane angrily against the top of the carriage. "Is there not a rut in the entire country that you fail to find, you cretin!"

He slumped down in his seat lowering himself considerably but the new position caused sharp pains to shoot through his lower back. This was his second day in this god-forsaken vehicle as he traveled from Boston to Derville. The first day his brutish servants Binsdale and Sturgis had traveled beside him but today he forced them to ride up top in an attempt to afford himself more room. "Will the torture never end?" he grumbled aloud.

Merwood tried sitting sideways on the seat and felt around in his waistcoat pocket for the letter from the Reverend Willis. He extracted the letter and fingered it with care. He had no need to open it. He had memorized the content. Willis was convinced that the black magic and witchcraft which had infested so many of the neighboring towns had indeed found a foothold in the parish of Derville. He requested that Merwood come to eradicate the foul stench of the devil's handiwork.

Willis had heard of Merwood's efficiency as an inquisitor and pleaded with Charles to come and perform God's work in their needy little hamlet. Merwood slid the paper back into his interior pocket and his mind drifted back to Johnstown, the site of his last inquisition. He particularly dwelt on the image of Elizabeth Downing.

He had submitted her name himself in order to get his hands on her. He grinned and envisioned Binsdale and Sturgis stripping her of all her clothing and strapping her into the heavy oaken chair. His cock grew in his trousers as he remembered her heaving breasts, her cries, her pleas as he cross examined her. He recalled his sexual arousal as he probed and proded for signs of intimacy with the devil. He recollected his intrusive, intimate questioning of the beautiful victim. This incited his lust once again. And, his hand slid over and pressed against his engorged cock.

It was then that the carriage slowed to a halt. Merwood pulled back the curtains to reveal his first glimpse of the village of Derville. He held his great coat in front of his body to cover his erection and stepped pompously from the carriage.

An advanced rider must have announced their arrival for a gathering of concerned Christians burst into polite applause as he exited the stage. He was pleased to note a number of nubile young women, the daughters, the wives, the maids of the town folk. Yet, before he could truly appraise the women, his hand was grasped and crudely pumped by the Reverend Willis, who ushered Merwood towards the rectory.

The onlookers were awed by the size and strength of the gigantic dullards Binsdale and Sturgis who tossed about Merwood's trunks and luggage as if they were weightless. Willis was already insisting that Merwood stay at the rectory with him and his family....
Katherine Hamilton lungs burned at she sprinted to town, she was late . There was news of a man coming to town about the rumors of witches in the town, and she was supposed to be there with her Uncle the Reverend Willis to welcome the newcomer. Like always she was walking through their wooded estate and lost track of the time. She didn't have time to change out of her dress, mud covered the bottom him of her light blue cotton dress, her dark brown hair was frizzy and there was visible specks of leaves and twigs. Her alabaster skin was flush pink from the chilly air stinging her skin as she ran.

Her Uncle was a kind man, stern when he had to be. Especially when it came to her studies and serving God, Katherine had it tough from a very young age, both her parents both passed away from small pox when she was just a toddler, it was a miracle that she didn't pass with them. Her uncle always said it was a sign from God. all Katherine had when she was growing up, was her Uncle and a few school friends. Most kids found her strange because she enjoyed nature so much, as she got older the lonelier she became, all she had now was her Uncle.

With the newcomer in town rumors were buzzing about, rumors of his unknown methods of interrogation, speculations of what it consisted of, what he did behind closed door. People really ask to many questions when it came to the Dark Arts, as long as its weeded out. That's all that matters and this was this, Mr. Merwood's specialty.

As Katherine closed in on the town she could see a group of villagers gathering around the rectory, she knew for sure the man had arrived. She slowed down to regain her breath, it wasn't far now, just a short walk. She took this time to pick the varies bits of twig and leaves from her long straight hair, running her finger through to smooth it out. smoothing out her dress, she looked at her reflection, she was almost presentable. Her green eyes glowed from the adrenaline pumping though her body, her cheeks were only slightly pink now. feeling quite adequate with herself, she calmly walked into the rectory searching for her uncle. She seen him by a tall, slender man. Katherine assumed that was Mr. Merwood, it was the only person she didn't recognize. she pushed her way through to get to her Uncle. She gently touched his arm, her little lip turned up in an almost apologetic smile. she didn't speak, she didn't want to interrupt their conversation.
"Lucifer's most pernicious trick is to hide himself in what we have come to accept as normal. People around us, nay even our loved ones can in point of fact prove to be his servants; advancing his evil means under our very noses. Our inclination is toward Christian kindness. That is the very kindness that the Dark One exploits. If your nearest and dearest are accused your first response will be to question my authority, question God's methods to unearth the truth. I serve only Him. I use the ways and practices sanctioned by the Church and its holy ministers."

After the sexual gratification of his perverted lust, Merwood's greatest joy was the sound of his own voice. He was a natural spell binding preacher and had chosen the small gathering of the most influential members of Derville to begin spreading his propaganda.

"Your duty, my good Christian folk is observation. The devils own will surely be marked with odd behaviors. As normal as they may appear in their daily routines. They will show signs: unexplained breakages, items missing, unusal meetings where the suspect seems to appear on the road and disappear just as readily, a penchant for foraging in the woods and wilds. Unkempt and eratic appearance. Be vigilant parishoners. Be vigilant."

"it is also you God given duty to pray for me in my burdensome task. I must daily wrestle with the Devil with his superhuman strength and constant lies. Pray for me. And, I beg you to pay no heed to rumors that the Evil one will spread about me. In fact if any whisper about my methods. They are to be suspected of partnership with Mephistopholes himself."

As he spoke he had time to peruse the crowd for likely and tempting victims to quench his depraved appetites. He had selected a few prospects when a young woman, late to the proceedings wove her way through the crowd and latched herself fetchinly on the Reverend Willis' arm. Her flushed complexion, flashing green eyes and young trim figure made the inquisitor's cock twitch in expectation. He could not help but stare at the darling creature. He later found her to be Katherine Hamilton, niece to the good Reverend Willis and as luck would have it a fellow resident of the rectory.

Merwood decided to take a few unpopular old ladies and solitary widows first to curry favor with the town folk. But, eventually and soon. He would have the glorious Miss Katherine Hamilton in his chair and at his mercy....
Katherine stood there listening to Mr. merwood, he sure knew how to gather a crowd. he certainly had his way with the English language. Katherine watched in amazement, it wasn't until his wandering gaze fell on her. A cold chill ran thru her body, his eyes on her made her feel exposed. She didn't know if she imagining things or not, she chose to ignore it. Though the look in his eyes were frightening. There was a glint in his eye that resembled a predators when they have locked into a poor defenseless prey. Katherine shook her head, looking down at the floor. She had to get out of here, luckily Mr. merwood finished up his sermon. That's when she discreetly made her way outside.

Katherine walked into the cold crisp night air, she breathed in the cool soothing air and let out a sigh of relief. She began to walk around the rectory to grassy area, she sat down on the dew covered grass, looking up at he night sky. There was nothing else in the world but those little whites specs floating in a sea of black and blue. Oh how she wishes she was bird to fly up. And swim in the sheer oblivion of it all.

She smiled to herself as she imagined herself a bird, flying gracefully, swooping and diving. While she day dreamed she thought of other animals that fascinated her, the humble deer, with their strong legs and beautiful tan coats galloping through the forest, running faster than ever.

Being lost in thought Mr. merwood, came back to mind. He was a handsome man, with sharp features and a lean lanky body. When thinking about him, she thought about his predator like eyes. Than an image of her little deer was grazing in a well lit sanctuary, a shadowy figure crept in the woods behind the little Doe, the wolf moved in closer. His eyes locked on her, he lunged... Katherine didn't want to day dream anymore, shaking her head she stood up. Brushing her dress off.

Katherine figured she had avoided people long enough, she made her way into the rectory. Smiling as people greeted her. She kept a constant vigil on where Mr. merwood we at, so she wouldn't have the chance of coming in contact with him.
Merwood oozed his way about the room and received that thanks and admiration most of the town folk. He refused any offer of cider citing that "any libation with a trace of alcohol leaves one susceptible to the wiles of Satan. I know a little apple cider at a reception is no sin, no sin at all. I am not a prude. But, I am so much the scrutiny of the Arch-Fiend, that I must not... I dare not." His mind kept flipping back to the trunk full of whiskey that he was want to indulge in nightly.

Many of the wives and widows who followed him adoringly about the room would nod sagely at this paragon of virtue. He received countless invitations to dinner and countless introductions to sons and daughters. The daugters and even many of the wives struck him as likely candidates for his cross examinations. He filed their names away in his mind and was enjoying the reception entirely.

A number of the guests adopted a conspiratorial tone and would begin to cite the strange behaviors and antics of one neighbor or another. Merwood's standard reply was: "Thank you citizen for your concern, a truly Christian gesture. But I would get myself in order over the next few days. And, it is imminently preferable to raise these issues when we are alone, at my desk with pen and paper in hand. I take copious notes of any reported irregularities. It is the first step in the quest for truth. Rumor must be translated into fact. Even the accused must be protected. It is my bond and my duty."

He occasionally heard names whispered by adjoining groups and not once but a few times heard the name Katherine Hamilton mentioned. He smiled at this. It might prove easier than he had expected. He was annoyed that he could not find the girl as he circulated the room.

Eventually, he spied her as she reentered the room and tried to hide herself behind her uncle.

Merwood, strode across the room, positioning himself so that the beauty was given no escape rout.

Reverend Willis and his charming niece Miss Hamilton. I realize that I have been occupied by many of our guests but it is the nature of my task. I am so pleased that we will share the refectory as we are here. It will allow me the pleasure of making boon companions of the both of you. I will have need of friends, of support, of an ear and even a shoulder at times.
I do hope I can rely on the pair of you. We will have a long chat over dinner tonight shall we. Your generosity is boundless."

He took Katherine's, cool and delicate hand in his and kissed the back of it in a most gallant and avuncular fashion.
Katherine smiled politely, as she'd know she would hear it from her uncle later if she wasn't. As Mr. merwood spoke his sultry voice sent chills down her spine. When his lips met her hand, her heart began to beat out of chest, his kiss sent a ripple of tingles thru her body. His invitation to dinner was to be expected, after all she was the niece of the Reverend, and mr.merwood was a holy man. Her Uncle at the man "it would be an honor to have you in our home, perhaps Katherine could be persuaded to prepare a cherry pie for us. I don't know where she got the talent to cook it just simply delicious." Katherine smiled at her uncle touching his arm affectionately, than shifted her gaze back to mr.merwood speaking softly "Considering our guest, I think i can make an exception" she didn't mean to but her eyes found his. They were locked, Katherine could see the glint in his eyes again, thankfully her uncle spoke again breaking the awkward Ness between them. "well Mr. Merwood it sounds like a plan!"
A few brief hours later Merwood sat at table with Reverend Willis and his niece. For the majority of the meal, the discussion centered around weather, the crops, the interesting scenery about the town of Derville and the surrounding woods.

Then, Merwood produced a slip of paper. "You are my hosts and I feel it necessary to alert you to this. The paper held just two words, Katherine Hamilton."

"It is an accusation of witchcraft. But I assure you that I do not take it seriously. I merely alert you Katherine, may I call you Katherine. Be leery of your company and who you speak to.."

"I am not here to settle petty jealousies or be used by anyone to bring down a rival."

"I do not expect more of these and am trying rather to help. You have nothing to fear my dear."

The ruse was used to introduce the topic to the Reverend Willis. Merwood knew that in a weeks time he would bring Katherine Wesson into his interrogation room and begin to have his way with her. He was near to salivating at the prospect.

Tomorrow he intended to take in the Widow Johnstone and Mrs. Darby. He had chosen them as likely and popular arrests. He would begin to ply his trade in the morning..
Katherine heart came to Her throat when she the paper convicting her of witch craft. She knew the towns people thought her odd for loving animals and nature. She knew she looked different than everyone else her green eyes and fair skin were out of place in this particular community. She was outraged at the accusations "uncle can't you do something about this?" she looked at him To the end of the table. Her uncle just looked down at the table playing with the table cloth "I told you Katherine, people were talking. It's out of my hands".

Katherine looked on in shock, she was even more furious, she stood up from. The table glaring at Merwood before she stormed out the door. Stupid inbred bastards. They only threw her to him just so they had someone to offer up. Maybe to rid them of her finally.
Merwood had finished with Mrs. Darby for this session. He looked at her with her head slumped on her naked chest, her shoulders rising and falling in sobs. Her arms were bound to the side of the chair and her legs splayed and roped to the legs of the chair. He had just finished inserting his fingers up and inside her feeling for any traces of Satan who certainly would have taken sexual possession of the curvaceous middle aged wife. He had explored her back passage as well, knowing full well that the Dark One had a particular liking for that particular sort of penetration.

He had questioned her as he probed. "Did the fiend, penetrate you here? Were there others present to enjoy his dalliance with you? Did you writhe and beg for more? Did you take his member into your mouth?" Merwood's abuse and humiliation of the buxom woman aroused him and as he looked at her now slumped in the chair, he rubbed his hand over his engorged cock. She excited him but it was not enough. Not what he truly wanted.

Binsdale and Sturgis stood on either side of the door awaiting orders. Merwood performed his perverted sexual gratification with both of them in the room. He liked his most private of actions to be observed by these two who were closed mouthed and cooperators to his rape and abuse.

He looked up at them now, without ceasing to fondle his own cock. Take Mrs. Darby back to her cell. And, go and search out the minister's niece, Katherine Hamilton. Arrest her and bring her here to me. I believe you will find her in her usual haunt within the woods behind the rectory. I have spied on her often. She has a preference for the brook that wends through the forest. I do believe you will find her there. If not, search till you do. I want her here...
Katherine sat there surrounded by tall shady trees, this was her favorite spot it was a place she could think. If she was real quiet, she could see varies animals grazing in the area. The only time she felt peace. Her white dress flowered out at all sides of her, her brown hair shined with a red hue from the sun and her eyes greener than the grass beneath her. she felt like her body was alive all over. The sun kissed her skin, Katherine laid down in the soft grass, it tickled her cheeks.

A snap of twigs and leaves broke her trance, she sat up quickly looking around, expecting an animal. Instead she seen two bulking men stalking toward her, she had seen them Merwood. She got up and ran into thicket but for being big they were quick on the feet, she felt powerful hands on her body, pulling her down to the ground, she screamed lashing out. Her palm came in contact with ones eyes another with their nose. She could feel her delicate dress ripping under their grasp. Katherine kicked and screamed getting any hit that she could. Before she knew it, she heard a loud Crack then everything went black.

Katherine went in and out of consciousness, she was being carried, she seen the town then she was out again. Next time she woke she was on the floor, she seen a chair in the middle of the room, it had ropes wrapped around it. She tried to move, her vision was going in and out. But she recognized one figure automatically, Mr. Merwood.
"Miss Katherine Hamilton, it is my bound and duty to submit you to an inquisition regarding certain complaints placing you under suspicion of witchcraft. There has been more than one submission of your name: a child of nature, eschewing normal companionship, various mishaps occurring when you are near. How do you plead to these charges?"

"Have you indeed met with the Evil One in your foray's into the woods?"

Merwood moved closer to the girl who was yet regaining consciousness. "The devil will often mark his apprentices. It is my task to seek out these marks and signs immediately upon your arrest and to constantly monitor you for any change or occurrence of the same." He snapped his fingers and motioned Binwell and Sturgis into place. The pair rapidly and hungrily assumed their places. They had enjoyed rude and illicit handling of Katherine as they arrested and conveyed her, but both longed to see the nubile young girl stripped and examined by Merwood.

Each went down on one knee. They lifted Katherine up between them and held her by the wrist and ankle as Merwood approached. Merwood ran his hands over her face, through her hair, completely around her neck. Then he slowly unlaced her bodice flipping it over her shoulders. His cock grew steadily as he performed these ritual acts. He lowered her under shift
so that both breasts were exposed and free. He began his inspection by hefting and squeezing each of them. He bent to check the undersides for any marks or tatoos. He pulled and rolled the nipples between his fingers.

He rounded the girl and checked the back of her neck and the expanse of her back, feeling, stretching, examining. He worked painstakingly slowly. When he was satisfied he stood and reached around the girl and undid any ties and stays to her skirts and petticoats. Next he slid all her garments to the ground. His assistants let go and regrabbed her wrists and ankles to facilitate Katherines undressing.

Reaching around the girl had allowed Merwood the opportunity to grind his now throbbing erection against his captives behind. He came to the front of Katherine and took in a huge gasp of air. She was a veritible Venus.

He knelt to begin his inspection of her legs and genitals. His cock unabashedly turgid in his trousers...

Katherine felt like she was flying again as Merwood's goons picked her up. She felt herself get lighter as her clothes were being removed she felt sensations on her breasts that she never felt before , the way he played with her nipples, she felt a hunger grow within her a desire,. His greedy hands left her wanting perky breasts she felt herself being flipped over he reigned her back. Then untied her skirt and petticoat.

Katherine stood there completely naked in from of Merwood, still dating she could feel him crouched before her his hands probing her legs and the inside of her of her thighs. Then she felt his hands on her woman hood,enthusiastically feeling her most private of places. She felt herself getting her wetness all over his hand. Katherine lulled her head around still dizzy from the bonk other head. She felt that she was getting some better Burbank didn't know I'd it was the arousal and hormones effecting her body.

As Merwood probed her body Katherine'a arousal built up more and more. She let out a low moan. She looked down at Merwood again. She imagined his head between her thighs finishing what his had started with his mouth. She couldn't help but shiver all over. She shouldn't be feeling this way. In pure thoughts about and man of the church. But he did have his hands probing around her womanhood. She could even see a bulge in his pants. He was enjoying this way to much. This was his big secret.
Merwood ran his hands up and down Katherine's inner thighs, ostensibly looking for signs and markings but rather lusting after the coolness and firmness of her young legs. His eyes were inches from her pouting cunt lips, he slit began teasingly towards the front of her body. "The Devil will have left his mark, often subtle, disguised as a freckle, as a beauty mark, but there none the less. I must examine them all and note any changes that transpire over the course of our sessions."

He opened Katherine's outer lips and examined the delicate folds of her labia concentrating his attention particularly upon the clitoris and the sensitive opening to her vagina. He moved in to breath in her odor and his cock stiffened incredibly. He had examined many, many women and knew how to bring about sexual desire. He was delighted that Katherine was already showing signs of a lusty nature. He would arouse her and tease her unmercifully unti he finally took her under the excuse of seeing if the Devil had prepared her for his foul intercourse and unnatural oral pleasures...

He moistened his fingers using Katherine's own wetness and delicately rolled her clitoris like a pea, just enough to get her hips rolling in want. He then ran the broad length of his index finger along the length of her inner folds, in a steady fuck rhythm. On one of those passes his finger slid into her vagina and he began his explorations of her cervix, her passage, and then he curled his finger just inside her opening and searched for that flat little spot up high and under her mound. He pressed on her tummy against his probing finger to increase the pressure and wiggled his finger to excite the girl. He wanted her desire in flames.

In effect Merwood finger fucked Katherine as the two assistants held her upright. The men also now sported lewd and enormous erections. The scent of Katherine's arousal turning them into lusting brutes.
Merwood then moistened the finger of his other hand and slid it up and down the crease of Katherine's ass cheeks, stopping to encircle her deliciously puckered ring. "Of course the Fiend's favorite orifice must be explored before we place you in the chair my child..."
Katherine has no control over her own body she heard Merwood talking about the devil leaving marks on people's bodies, and about the devil invading her body just like he was doing now. When his fingers begin to tease her, she moaned, her dizziness began to fade but she was already burning with desire to go back. When his fingers grabbed her delicate bud rolling it with his fingers at the same time stroking her folds before penetratimg with her finger "oh" her breathing was erratic, hips moved toward his hand.

As he probed her womanhood, his fingers expertly stroked her. Making her squirm, and as he wiggled his fingers she fell a fullness building inside, when he would move just the slightest, Katherine could a warm liquid pass in a steady stream into his hand and arm. As he continued playing with her, she was almost in a pleasure trance unaware of anything else but the pleasures that her body was experiencing. Katherine moans and whispers, and the sound of the wetness filled the room, and Merwood's occasional deep voice.

Katherine opened her eyes looking down at him, her mouth gaped open, breathing heavy, hair wild. Her body was flushed red, drenched in sweat. The very scent of her wafted thru the room, the smell of a arousal. When she looked down she could see the erection in his trousers. She looked back at him, her body wrecked with all kinds of sensations. She moaned uncontrollably, she was trying to speak "you are the only Devil that......." her body twitched she gasped then moaned as she felt another steady flow of cum drenched his arm. She looked back at him returning to what she was trying to say "You're the Devil that'd only envaded my body!" her voice was still but it laced in pleasure, the moans could be heard they her delicate voice.
Merwood reveled in Katherine's involuntary orgasm. He knew that he had a worthy victim for his depraved sexual urges: worthy and incredibly beautiful. His right hand continued his fondling of her moist warm cunt and he pressed and eased the finger of his left hand up and into Katherine's ass. He probed both of her openings at the same time.

"The Devil has indeed been in both these passages, see how readily you accept my penetration. There is one sure way to ascertain if the Evil one has completely debauched you to accept his unnatural acts. Tie her into the chair and we shall see. The two brutes soon lifted the naked Katherine and placed her into the chair each made sure to touch and grasp her in ways and places that were complete violation. After she was secured with her forearms tied to the arms of the chair and her legs bound to the widely set legs of the chair. Merwood gave his men another order. "Lay her back."

Each of them pulled wooden doweling from the back of the chair and adjusted the back and arms so that the chair leaned back considerably. "I am forced to perform this disgusting act as a test of your infection by the Devil's fiendish practices."

Merwood knelt between Katherines splayed thighs. He breathed in heavily almost tasting her juices. He inched his face forward and kissed her moistened cunt. Then, he began to lick her swollen clitoris. He began ever so softly, just teasing the sensitive bud with his moist tongue. Fluttering it lovingly. Then he used the broad length of his tongue to lick and encircle it. He took her clitoris between his lips and sucked it gently in and out of his wet lips.

Next, he ran his tongue up and down the full length of her cunt from bottom to top, lapping her like a dog. His next ministrations had him feathering the sensitive opening of her vagina with a pointed tongue till at last he began to tongue fuck the girl. Binsdale and Sturgis moved in as close as they dare without upsetting their Master, but allowing them to observe and enjoy Katherine's abuse.
Thomas_Waller said:
Merwood reveled in Katherine's involuntary orgasm. He knew that he had a worthy victim for his depraved sexual urges: worthy and incredibly beautiful. His right hand continued his fondling of her moist warm cunt and he pressed and eased the finger of his left hand up and into Katherine's ass. He probed both of her openings at the same time.

"The Devil has indeed been in both these passages, see how readily you accept my penetration. There is one sure way to ascertain if the Evil one has completely debauched you to accept his unnatural acts. Tie her into the chair and we shall see. The two brutes soon lifted the naked Katherine and placed her into the chair each made sure to touch and grasp her in ways and places that were complete violation. After she was secured with her forearms tied to the arms of the chair and her legs bound to the widely set legs of the chair. Merwood gave his men another order. "Lay her back."

Each of them pulled wooden doweling from the back of the chair and adjusted the back and arms so that the chair leaned back considerably. "I am forced to perform this disgusting act as a test of your infection by the Devil's fiendish practices."

Merwood knelt between Katherines splayed thighs. He breathed in heavily almost tasting her juices. He inched his face forward and kissed her moistened cunt. Then, he began to lick her swollen clitoris. He began ever so softly, just teasing the sensitive bud with his moist tongue. Fluttering it lovingly. Then he used the broad length of his tongue to lick and encircle it. He took her clitoris between his lips and sucked it gently in and out of his wet lips.

Next, he ran his tongue up and down the full length of her cunt from bottom to top, lapping her like a dog. His next ministrations had him feathering the sensitive opening of her vagina with a pointed tongue till at last he began to tongue fuck the girl. Binsdale and Sturgis moved in as close as they dare without upsetting their Master, but allowing them to observe and enjoy Katherine's abuse.

Katherine could see the enjoyment in his eyes, as she is strapped into the chair and leaned back "if it's so disgusting why you enjoying so much you......." she was cut off As his mouth came in contact with her womanhood "oh, god" she could feel his powerful tongue stroking her gently then progressively getting harder, she looked up watching him lick her. She was once again breathing hard short moans escaping, biting her lip she closed her eyes.

The feeling of his amazing tongue flicking her clit made Katherine twitch, her hips moved against his mouth, grinding against it spreading her wetness all over his face, her hips halted when his tongue in her opening "heh!" she moaned leaning her head back onto the floor. This man spoke of the devil penetrating her, she never been penetrated, she didn't know if he could see that, considering how tight she was. He was the only devil that has penetrated her.

Katherines body was experiencing so many emotions and sensations she was so lost in it all, all she could do was lay back and feel the man that was between her legs. She enjoyed it so, she moved her hips again him again. She whispered "so good"
Merwood heard the delicious Katherine mutter the words, "so good" and was sent spiraling into the depths of his perverted needs. He stood and looked down upon the captive girl and unfastened his breeches. The flap of his trousers fell open and his long cock stood out stiffly from its base.

He took it in his fist and stroked the length of it as he ogled her. "Has the Prince of Darkness introduced you to his wanton member? Did he penetrate your every orifice? Did he allow his minions to invade you also?" He nodded to both Binsdale and Sturgis who waited or indeed panted in hopes of just such an invitation. They each unbuckled their trousers and swept them and their underclothes to the floor. Binsdale the taller of the pair had a large and thick member which like Merwood's pointed towards the ceiling. Sturgis had a prodigious cock which had a vicious looking kink in the middle and swung semi erect between his legs. Like many enormous cocks it took more handling and manipulation to reach its full and frightening potency.

"We are all aware Miss Hamilton that the Fiend revels in sexual orgies and debauchery of all kinds." He knelt between the girls legs and with his fist he moved his cock up and down her cunt, moistening the head in preparation for a complete fucking. He gave his men a nod and they brought themselves to either side of the girl; rubbing their engorged pricks along her arms, against her sensitive tits, across and over her face, in her hair. Sturgis' massive member grew to its full erection as he did so.

The sight drove Merwood nearly mad with desire and he plunged his cock deeply into the girl. Ramming it home with one powerful and invasive thrust. "Ah, I see the Evil One has permitted your hymen to regrow after he fucked you. It feels for all the world that I am breaking a virgin... Oh yes... Oh yes... That...that one of his tricks."

The brutes at Katherine's sides stroked their cocks and pushed and trailed them against her body steadily as Merwood fucked her.

After his initial thrust Merwood began to ride her expertly, slowly at first withdrawing nearly to the point of removal then languidly pushing in completely. Gradually his tempo increased, bringing himself closer and closer to his climax. Until, finally he found his fuck rhythm, fast, intense. He panted and groaned, keeping up his torrid pace for minutes at a time.

Finally he stiffened, shuddered, threw his head back and roared into the air. He shot pulse upon pulse of semen into the girl's cunt, bathing both it and his cock in a thick coating of cum....
Thomas_Waller said:
Merwood heard the delicious Katherine mutter the words, "so good" and was sent spiraling into the depths of his perverted needs. He stood and looked down upon the captive girl and unfastened his breeches. The flap of his trousers fell open and his long cock stood out stiffly from its base.

He took it in his fist and stroked the length of it as he ogled her. "Has the Prince of Darkness introduced you to his wanton member? Did he penetrate your every orifice? Did he allow his minions to invade you also?" He nodded to both Binsdale and Sturgis who waited or indeed panted in hopes of just such an invitation. They each unbuckled their trousers and swept them and their underclothes to the floor. Binsdale the taller of the pair had a large and thick member which like Merwood's pointed towards the ceiling. Sturgis had a prodigious cock which had a vicious looking kink in the middle and swung semi erect between his legs. Like many enormous cocks it took more handling and manipulation to reach its full and frightening potency.

"We are all aware Miss Hamilton that the Fiend revels in sexual orgies and debauchery of all kinds." He knelt between the girls legs and with his fist he moved his cock up and down her cunt, moistening the head in preparation for a complete fucking. He gave his men a nod and they brought themselves to either side of the girl; rubbing their engorged pricks along her arms, against her sensitive tits, across and over her face, in her hair. Sturgis' massive member grew to its full erection as he did so.

The sight drove Merwood nearly mad with desire and he plunged his cock deeply into the girl. Ramming it home with one powerful and invasive thrust. "Ah, I see the Evil One has permitted your hymen to regrow after he fucked you. It feels for all the world that I am breaking a virgin... Oh yes... Oh yes... That...that one of his tricks."

The brutes at Katherine's sides stroked their cocks and pushed and trailed them against her body steadily as Merwood fucked her.

After his initial thrust Merwood began to ride her expertly, slowly at first withdrawing nearly to the point of removal then languidly pushing in completely. Gradually his tempo increased, bringing himself closer and closer to his climax. Until, finally he found his fuck rhythm, fast, intense. He panted and groaned, keeping up his torrid pace for minutes at a time.

Finally he stiffened, shuddered, threw his head back and roared into the air. He shot pulse upon pulse of semen into the girl's cunt, bathing both it and his cock in a thick coating of cum....

Katherine regretted letting her desires take over her, she found him over her with his huge cock exposed. She turned her head to see his goons release their huge cock and start to rub themselves allover her body
. Then her attention was brought back to Merwood, he was rubbing his thick cock over her opening she knew what he was going to do to here she was no longer to be pure. She braced herself for what was to come. He filled her, stretching her hole. Katherine cried out in pain. It burned deep inside her, as he trusted into her, her womanhood ached with dull pain, with pleasure hidden deep within it.

As Katherine body adjusted to his size. The pain subsided and she began to feel tingling thru out her body, she could feel him getting harder inside her. His pass quicken, thrusting faster and faster. Katherine body responded but tightening all over. Her moans grew louder, her muscles were tightening around him.

She seen his body begin to buckle and tremble then she felt a warm sensation thru her body. He had came inside her. Katherine was a moment from her first orgasm. An ache ran thru her body.
Merwood drained his semen deeply inside the captive Katherine and grinned at her body's reaction to his fucking. He stared down at his own spent cock as he slowly removed it from her depth. "It seems that the Evil one has indeed practiced upon your body, upon your tight virginal cunt. Did his minions practice upon you also. Was there an unholy orgy of sex played upon your body. The arch fiend not only gloats in fucking his devotees but in seeing them fucked. Does he not?"

Merwood moved around the body of his victim and tapped Binswell on the shoulder as he did so. Merwood stationed himself over Katherine's face as his man replaced him between her legs. Binswell's cock was thicker but not as long as Merwood's. He did not possess the subtlety of Merwood's fucking skill. He rather rammed his thick cock immediately, hungrily into her soaking pussy and fucked her hard and fast from the outset.

Merwood leaned forward watching the fucking intently. His semi hard cock he let play over the face of his victim. When Binswell quickly shot his entire store of semen into the girl, he stepped aside and allowed Sturgis to replace him.

Sturgis' prodigious cock bent upwards and had reached its full growth. He took it in both fists and eased it into the girl. Her tight cunt stretched gradually to accept the massive member. The two deposits of semen and her own juices allowed the giant cock entrance. He like Binswell began to fuck her full force from the outset. But, unlike Binswell, he seemed to take forever thrusting again and again and again, interminably. It was a violent and a prolonged fucking of the already twice violated girl.

When he finally did explode inside her, he let out a whoosh and collapsed on her naked body. Merwood pushed him off the girl and looked down with a sadistic smirk at her abused body...
Katherine's body was no longer enjoying the abuse that she was receiving, her vaginal walls were sore and raw from the abuse that she was receiving. She couldn't help but fight against the goons that were hungrily violating her. How can someone enjoy this? Taking innocent women and doing this to them, under the pretense of them being witches. If Katherine even thought about telling them, no one would believe her, she was the only virgin girl that was to be interrogated by Merwood. All the other women probably did enjoy their session with him, and they would lie making her look like a fool.

As the third man finished into her, her body shook from the abuse, she could feel herself beginning to Crack under the pressure. But she she wasn't going to cry here. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Katherine looked back at Merwood, glaring at him with the full extent of her hate, after today she was going to leave this town. She had spend many hours in the forests, she knew how to survive. There's a abandoned house deep in the belly of the forest, no one knew about it but here and it was a good distance from this place.
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