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The 2 Captains (Me and nightsorceress)


May 31, 2009
Lawrence Stewart sighed as he stood atop the deck of his ship. He was the youngest captian in the Queen's Royal Navy being only 21 years of age but he was one of the most tactical captians in the entire navy, his most impressive feet was being able to fight off 5 pirate ships at once with just his own ship, and he didn't loose any men, true many were wounded but nothing the doc couldn't fix. They were at port right now getting supplies for the ship and giving the crewmembers a chance to relax, though this was the last day they were given to relax.

Soon the crew would have to begin another trip out to sea to begin patrols. But that was when he saw it, A man was being brought toward his ship with his crewmates holding him even though he was cuffed. Grabbing one of the ropes he jumped from the ship sliding down before he landed before them "Who is this?" he asked them tilting his head before he then saw the face of the person and his eyebrows rose in interest... "Well then, take him to the brig, we still need to be going, and we will be passing by some of the more main ports, he will get a fun trial there" he said as the men dragged the pirate onboard as he walked behind them thinking to himself.

"How would he have been caught so easily?" was the main thing he thought but he did not worry to much. Sighing he headed onboard and to his quarters where he pulled off his coat and then his tri pointed hat as he stood there. He was wearing a nice lose fitting shirt with long sleeves and under it was an undershirt and an armored vest for protection. he had on tan pants and leather boots as well as a belt around his waist that had a rapier and a pair of flintlock pistols attached. His body was rather nice being very athletically built and his head was the most handsome feature of him. his hair was short and brown when he was not forced to wear the stupid wig for when meeting with the governors of the carrebian and his eyes were such a brilliant hazel. Sighing he leaned back in his chair as he was a bit confused how he was captured so easily and he began to try and make some plans just in case. But before long he had to tell the ship to set sail and they soon did heading out to open water... he would have to see the prisioner soon.
Lily was visiting her cousins in the port when they were ambushed the queens navy. She swore to herself and she knew she put her whole family in danger. Some how they must have figured out that the dread Pirate Dante was related to these kind carefree people. She was able to make her way out of the home slipping from her skirts and blouse, underneath was a pair of mens pants and shirt. She tied her long raven colored hair underneath a black bandanna and made her way back to the house. concealing herself as a woman and turning herself into Dante.

Lily was able to fight off all most all the men, injuring them but killing them, she never took a life. She would have won two had not been for one sneaky underhanded man that used her 5 year old cousin as a hostage getting her to drop her sword. Lily vibrant purple eyes closed as she tossed her sword in the dirt. They grabbed her almost instantly.

Lily was dragged away to the Navy captain's not putting up much of a fight for fear they might return to harm her family. Lily would have to keep up the act of being a man as long as she was aboard this ship. she feared that if she let on she was a woman she would be used be these men for their pleasure.
Lawrence sighed as they were soon out to sea before a crew member said that he was ready for interrigation and punishment... Lawrence nodded as his hands shook a bit, he hated this part, the part where he had to beat a man senceless just to get him to admit to a crime so that way they could hang the right person.

Moving down to the brig he found the man tied to a chair and Lawrence grabbed a beating stick as well as a whip before walking inside "Well now... you have given the navy a lot of trouble" he said as he let the whip crack by the man's feet as he looked at him "now you will be punished for it... before the hanging..."
Lily tried to resist as she was tied to the chair. She mange to kick one of the guards but it did little good before she knew it her hands and legs were tied. Even though Lily's heart was racing she did not let any fear show. She would not give them the satisfaction of being afraid.

As the captain came into the room Lily gave a smug smile. She didn't flinch when he cracked the whip "perhaps it is another man that makes such trouble. but i am most certainly innocent" Lily did her best to hid her voice and sound more manly
"Interesting... because I have seen your face before... I was on one of the ships that your crew attacked..." he said looking down at the pirate "I know that face anywhere... so confess to your crimes otherwise..." he cracked the whip right by the left foot of his prisioner "Things will become much more violent."
"A innocent man can not confess crimes that he did not commit" Lily stared at the captain with harsh eyes. She was not going to tell them anything. her life depended on it. her chest grew tighter, as she sat there she was growing more and more afraid.
Then the whip struck hard across her chest, ripping away a layer of clothing as he then began to whip the pirate like crazy... normally the captive would be bound and nearly naked, but due to the lack of time he had given the crew they left the man clothed... and each strike of the whip brought him closer and closer to cutting flesh... he knew this would be a small torture... a way to make the man feel the threads of life snapping one by one...
Lily bit her lip hard and tried to keep her face turned away from strike after strike of the captains whip. She whimpered but never screamed out in pain. she tried to keep the tears from coming to her eyes, but they came anyway. As she tossed her head back and forth her bandanna around her head and hair came loose and soon her long raven color could be seen. much longer then any mans. her clothes were ripped and her C sized breasts and their rosy nipples could now be seen.
There was no sound after that... however soon the only noise was the sound of the waves and the sound of his impliments hitting the ground.. both the whip and the club... he stood there in shock... he... he had been striking a woman. he took a step back, and then another as he shook his head a bit, looking down at his hands he was shaking all over... he did not know what to do or what to think.
Lily sat in the chair. her breathing was heavy, her eyes filled with tears. She fought them back though as not to let a tear fall from her eyes. Her head hung down her long raven hair fell in her face. she was in so much pain. "what are you waiting for?!" she not longer his her voice, her sweet angelic sounding voice.
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