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The Beginning (Ku and Cree)

Gabriel grinned. "Yeah let's do it!" He stepped into the maze. It looked just like all the old mazes he read about. "What kind of tricks." he asked continuing to walk.
Jude followed Gabriel in, the maze seemed pretty normal to start out with, when asked the question, Jude opened his mouth before snapping it shut and smirking while hopping to the older teens side in a teasing step way, "Sorry! Can't say, Gab! Don't wanna ruin it, ya see?" They kept walking and came to a crossroad, it egged the person to pick a pathway, but had equal amounts of signs for each one, so there was no way of even a hint of which one was the right way.
Gabriel studied the paths carefully before cautiously choosing the right hand path. "K i get it!" he said looking everywhere.
As they walked the sound of something rolling and when they looked down it was tiny little marbles. The little marbles stopped before bursting into little smoke puffs that would not hurt your eyes just distract and hinder you vision.

Jude through up his hand, "Gah!" He yelped waving at the smoke with his other hand.
Gabriel instantly pulled his shirt up waving the bottom like a fan and moving through it. "I never would have expected it!" he said laughing a bit. He kept staring around as he closed his eyes against the smoke then moved forward.
Jude laughed too coming out of the cloud, "Yeah! What a trick, okay lets keep moving." They did move forward and it seemed as if they were getting no where because truthfully they were walking around in an unnoticed pathway, "Ugh, its like we are waling in circles, " Jude complained after a while.
Gabriel did notice that so when or if they ever saw another path he would take it. "Uh your right!" he said groaning. He looked at Jude. He grinned, but glanced up and around slowing down.
Jude could not help but grin even if they were hopelessly lost, "I think that is another trick every time you see a new way it connects to the same way, really trippy, maybe if we just continue on the way that first got us here, we can get back on track." Jude suggested before looking around puzzled, "Problem is, which path was the one we first were on?"
Gabriel nodded. "Ok uh I don't know!" he said studying the paths. "Uh that one maybe?" he asked pointing to one of the paths that went off into the darkness.
Jude nodded and moved along the pointed out path. They stepped into the shadowed darkness and walked along the dim gloom. It was quiet and eerie. Than noises started sounding out from trumpets to owl hoots above their heads. Than those poppers started popping around them,

"Ah crap! Run!" Jude hollered. Grabbing onto Gab and running along the path the poppers never hitting them, but dangerously close to them.
Gabriel took Jude's arm and sprented down the path jumping several and running full speed his hand slipping off and he was running. He cut a corner and gasped for breath looking around.
Jude felt the grip slip off and focused his full attention on Gab not letting him out of his sight, picking up his pace, Jude cut the corner sharply yet with practice skill before dragging to a halt next to Gabriel. Bending slightly at the waist, he panted,

"Crap! This place got wilder, where are we?"
Gabriel gasped for breath sinking to his knees. "I I I don't know!" he stood and glanced around unsure. He peered back around the corner and sighed. "What--what were those things?" he asked staring from the corner to Jude.
"They were poppers, they make a loud noise when dropped and suppose to scare you, job well done eh, Gab." Jude gave a little laugh and looking about, "Let's find the middle before we both kill over..... I think its this way." He pointed over a short hedge before offering his hand to Gabriel there was a thrill dancing in his eyes.
Gabriel took his hand and leapt over the hedge in a single bound. He followed Jude not letting go of his hand. "Hey Jude how many times have you been in this maze?" he asked carefully glancing around in case of more surprises.
Jude lead along the way looking just as cautious, but feeling ready for another spurt of running. "Me? Well, just once Gab, when I was eleven. My ----- well it was a lot different guess they kicked it up a few notches." They walked having to hop over stones in a pattern. Once they did that, a hedge went down showing them a path to the awaited middle, the way out.
Gabriel frowned. Why did Jude stop one sentence. He cautiously approached the path. It was bound to be full of traps and surprises because it was the middle. He stepped onto the path and frowned waiting for something to happen as they walked along it.
They pretty much both were cautious treading carefully along. The surprises came soaking them in water as it sprayed from all sides making the ground wet and slippery. Little flower pop ups came in and out of the hedges shooting slime at them it would be hell to get through.

Jude sputtered hard and wiped at his face ducking to avoid the slime ball.

"Halt You trespassers!"

"The queen has order your arrest!"

"Surrender! You will never free Alice!"

Guys dressed as came trumping towards the two teens plastic swords at the ready to tag them out and make them go back to the start!
Gabriel grinned. He spotted an opening then shot through. "You can't take me alive coppers!" he yelled laughing. He ran down the path jumping, and ducking. He slowed down and looked around cautiously once more. "That was fun!" he said laughing again.
Jude ran after him in a blink and had to catch his balance after dodging another well aimed but missed glob of slime, bending his knee in his sliding stop, he reach down and trailed his nails into the ground making the stop much more manageable on slippery grass.

Standing straight, he laughed as well, "What a rush, ha! Oh hey Gab, look, the middle, the finish, go free Alice Gab!" The doll of Alice was locked in a cage you had to open the cage to get her, but the last trick was there was no key.
Gabriel ran to the cage and searched around. "Damn no key!" his eyes went big. "Don't worry Alice I got this! I got a thing or two about picking locks!" He dug into his pocket and pulled out a safety pen. He studied the lock then knelt and jammed the pen searching around. He was entent on his work. He picked for several slow moments.
Jude raced up behind him and searched around seeing nothing. When he turned back around he saw Gabriel picking the lock. His green eyes got wide with an impressed look, he knelt down with the boy chucking in amusement, "Man Gab, you are full of surprises!"
Gabriel laughed then found the whole. He wiggled and hit the licking mechanism with the point until he heard a click. Throwing the pen to Jude he ripped the door open and grabbed the doll. He threw her up into the air then caught her. "I got her!" he yelled happily. He turned to Jude. "J I got her!" he started laughing grinning wildly. "So is that it?" he asked looking around suspiciously once more.
As the pin flew his way, Jude reached out capturing it in his fist with a grace and than hopping to his feet and pumping the fist into the air giving a little cry of joy as Gabriel celebrated. The newbies excitement was radiant how could you not join in? Thought Jude as he help out his fist to be bumped,

"Wait a go! Gab-man! Go!" He cheered before looking around to watched the card people surround them only to burst into applauds, a lady came out dressed as Alice, "Thanks for rescuing me, pick in the box an choose a prize." Smiling she offered it out. Jude grinned and nudged Gabriel lightly,

"Get something good, Gab." Of course it was a raffle but they were all good deals.

OOC: It's a card too the cafe in central park. Used for two good uses.
Gabriel stepped forward and tentatively put his hand in the box. He felt around then pulled out a gift cared worth eighty bucks. "Look J!" he said grinning wildly and showing it off. "Good cuz i'm hungry! So now what?" he asked.
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