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We Meet Again (AndNich123 & Adam)

The car had taken her to the airport never missing a single note of the dreaded waltz. Tessa had come to loathe that song, and yet, she somehow felt closer to James as the notes droned on at an insanely loud volume. Once the car reached the airport, the driver came around and opened her door, the waltz still carrying on. Tessa had no bags for him to retrieve. So as she exited the car, panting, grateful the noise of the busy terminal, the driver returned to his place behind the wheel and left her. Her face was flushed as a thin sheen of sweat had formed. ‘The pills. It’s gotta be the pills. Get a grip.’ She took a deep breath and entered the building making her way to her departure gate. Presenting her ticket, the kind attendant smiled and told her she could board. ‘Great. One step closer to whatever James has in store for tonight.’

The plane wasn’t overly crowded. Tessa was glad for the warmth of the cabin. In the car, on the ride over, and outside the airport, she had shivered from the cold. Some even asking if she would like a coat. Other simply laughed and snickered at her attire. She had followed every single one of his orders, right down to the pink nail polish. Some horny frat boys teased her about how much did the guy pay for her for the night. ‘If only you knew. I’m the one paying. Trust me.’ She took her seat next to an old man. He looked up from his book, over the top of his glasses with his caterpillar uni brow at her. His top lip covered by an equally bushy mustache. “Hi,” she whispered to him. He literally looked her up and down and returned to his book muttering, “slut.” ‘Yeah? Well if I’m a slut….there’s no if. I know I am.’ She didn’t bother to attempt to speak with him anymore. The only person she did speak with was the flight attendant who she took a drink from. ‘Probably not the smartest thing Tessa. You’ve got those pills in your system, you have no fucking clue what they’re doing to you, and you just down booze!’ One drink turned into another and yet another. Her tolerance was high, but the pills began to work their way further into her body. The cabin of the plane seemed to flucuate. She grinned watching it appear to expand only the stiffen as she thought it was smaller. She noticed her fingers going numb and inspected them with the same curiosity a child would when seeing something new for the first time. The old man beside her seemed more annoyed with her as she did so. “What the hell you on,” he asked her. “Life old man,” she told him with a laugh.

By the time the plane landed, the buzz from her drinking had worn off. The pills were still heavy in her system. She noticed her hands and arms starting to feel the effects as they felt like weights hanging from her body. By this point, she was clearly struggling to breathe against the uniform. It had been squeezing her since the moment she put it on her. The monstrosities that James called gifts felt as if they were crushing her chest against the material.

There was another car waiting for her that harbored the same ominous feel of the first one. A driver that appeared to be more of a robot than human opened her door once more and closed it behind her. She looked for a door handle, something to lower the window, anything, but as she suspected, this car was as ill equipped as the other one had been. Once his door closed, she watched with sinking sadness as the privacy window rose once more and the sound of the waltz came to life. “No,” she whimpered covering her ears. Clearly this had been some plan to driver her crazy, to punish her, to torture her. The car moved at an incredibly slow pace. Tessa was sure she could walk faster than this. Again, there was no doubt in her mind this was on purpose. She watched as the familiar sights came into view. ‘We’re close.’ Tessa had never had such mixed emotions in her life. ‘The closer we get to that school, the closer I am to ending this music, this whole ordeal, but I’m also making my way to him and his evening from hell.’ The car turned into the school and slowly rolled to a stop just outside the gates. The driver come around and opened her door for her. ‘I could get out of this car and bolt. I could get away. NO! He’ll go after Cammie. Cammie! Your sister! You have to keep her safe.’ Tessa wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince herself that was the only reason she was doing this or not. Either way it gave her just enough to rise from the car. The door slammed behind her, and the car left leaving her alone to face her fate.

She gulped, feeling her throat dry now, before she brought her hands to the rusty gate and pushed it open. Shivering, her teeth chattering, she slipped through the heavy doors and began the walk up the walkway. The sounds of the school she had grown to love, been raised within it’s walls, and spent many years tormenting people like James came to life in her ears drowning out the sound of infernal waltz. The wind picked up for a moment, chilling her to the bone, and she froze in her tracks, her arms folded across her body tightly as it blew her braids back before it settled down once more. One thing was clear. The drug did nothing to warm her body. Her fingertips had pressed into her skin so tightly, and Tessa failed to feel just how strong of a grip she had on her own body. ‘I….don’t feel my arms that much. My sense of touch is….dulled.’ She grinned like a drunk, hazed out drug addict. “Cool,” she whispered. Even her lips tingled. Her clit rubbed along the material of the panties, but even that somehow seemed to be a distant sensation. ‘I can’t feel….well. The doctor? He knew. He didn’t want me to….feel. It’s not just a painkiller. It’s a pain blocker. Thank you doctor.’ The breeze picked up once more, cooling her face, kissing the sweat on her forehead and cheeks. Tessa's head began to feel strange. Sensations of being lightheaded came over her. 'The pills. It's the pills. Shit. Get a hold of yourself Tessa!' Tessa began to feel almost weightless. Every fiber in her body began to tingle. It was all pleasurable. The very feeling of her material hugging her body made her excited. 'Shit. It's gotta be the pills. I'm gonna fucking cum if he lays a hand on me!' She moved slowly, carefully, as the school loomed in front of her, and there he was. He came into view, dominating the entrance of the school. ‘It’s too late to turn away now. No. I can’t. I don’t want to.’ She was shocked at just how honest her own thoughts were becoming. ‘A truth serum as well? Impossible. Such things don’t exist. Besides. What use would James have for such a thing,” she grinned. Tessa stopped at the first step and looked up at him. ‘Do I speak first or wait for him? Would it be rude? Will he get mad if I do? Will he get mad if I don’t? Fuck it!’ “Hi James.” It may have been the wrong move to make; she was going out on a limb and doing it. ‘What the hell? If I’ve already fucked up, I might as well go all out.’ “You look very handsome this evening,” she told him as her body trembled from the bitter cold.
He watched her approach him over the school yard without moving an inch, not even making eye contact to aknowledge her pressense. It took him a lot of effort to control his breath, to keep his calm, to stop the sweat to break out from his forehead and to force the blush away from his cheeks. He felt like a teenager again, a nervous teenager about to loose his virginity. Although he had performed the act of physical love with multiple women - most of whom had been prostitutes in one way or another - it felt like this would be his first time. At least the first time it really mattered.

Even though he had planned metucously how to get her to this meeting, this date, it struck him as she was walking up the stairs towards him that he had made no actual plans for what to do once he got her here. He swallowed, and at leasat to him the sound echoed over the empty yard. Then he realized that he could do whatever he wanted. Unlike the actual first time this was not a girl who he had to please, he did not have to be good, he did not have to impress. She was just a sextoy, nothing more. Being nervous about it was just stupid - he might as well be nervous about masturbating. So when she finally reached him and complemented his looks, he did not have to force the smug smile over his lips as he replied her "And you, off course, looks like the whore you are."

With those not so inviting words he turned around and tried a couple of different keys in the look until he find the right one. The doors opened with a squeel and he put a firm arm around her waist and led her inside, as if he was his date to a school dance. They entered a dark corridor with rows of grey lookers on both sides, periodically abrupted by class room doors or notice bordes with announcements about upcoming footballgames, the annual chess tournament, next weeks menu in the cafeteria, the cheerleadingsquads practice hours. "Brings back memories, being here, doesn't it?" he said, letting his hand slide down over her back towards her ass, giving it a soft squeeze.

In fact it did bring back a lot of memories to him, and not of a particurlary good kind. He had suffered through a lot of pain and humiliation in these corridors. Even know, a decade later, he was half expecting someone to jump out from the shadows and push him into a looker. Why on earth had he thought this was a good idea? How was reminding himself of this place gonna help him get over her? Because you will make her suffer, worse than you ever did. He reminded himself of that over and over, until it started to make some kind of sense to him again.

Without really realizing it he had led her to the gym hall. Might as well continue when I'm here, he figured and pushed the doors open. Someone had left the lights on, and a lonely basketball was lying in the middle of the court. Immersed in thoughts he went to sit down at the front row of the bleachers next to a pair of pink pom poms some cheerleader must have forgotten after practise. "Do you remember when I asked if you wanted to go to the prom with me?" he asked, not caring that his faint voice sounded rather pathetic. "It was in here, I saw you practicing and you were just so beautiful I knew I had to do it even though I knew you would shot me down." He sighed, cleared his throat and continued. "You didn't even bother to say no, or even insult me. All you did was saying that for my sake, you would pretent you didn't here that. That was your idea of kindness."

He felt sick, he almost wanted to puke. "Hey, is it true that you got fucked by Marc Hannigan under the bleachers, by the way?" he asked trying to sound upbeat in a desperate attemt to change the subject.
“And you, of course, look like the whore you are.”

The words cut her to the bone. She closed her eyes for a moment, glancing away from him when she opened them. ‘James you got me here. You’ve won. You’ve proven you’re bigger, stronger, more successful, and even a better person than me. Why do you still have to be so cruel? I get it! I hurt you! You’re hurting me too. So what does that make you?’ Broken from her thoughts as he put his arm around her, she reluctantly entered the school. There was a sinking feeling of doom and dread as she entered through the doors with him. One of, ‘I’ll never make it out of her alive.’ She looked back over her shoulder at the sky. The stars were so beautiful, and she feared it might be the last time she ever saw them. There wasn’t any doubt that James wouldn’t kill her. At least not on purpose. He had already proven how much he could lose control, and there was concern that tonight, this last date that he wanted with her, would be the night he would inflict the most pain, the most damage, he possibly could. ‘He must have something planned. He even said the pills the doctor gave me wouldn’t help much.’

As they traversed the halls, she became aware of many things. The all too familiar smells of sweat and books. She had hated that smell when she was in school there. The scent of teenagers with raging hormones as they went about their lives. Lives that back then seemed so important, so complicated, so full of drama. Now, looking back on those days as these memories began to fill her mind, she realized they were pointless days, and she had enjoyed being the queen bitch she was. It was the only time in her life where she commanded respect and got it. Here was James beside her, a man who now did the same thing. The only difference was he didn’t hurt people on a daily basis. He was a good man who worked hard to get where he was. He didn’t step on people and make them afraid of him like she had done. ‘You really are the better person, but you would never believe me if I said that. No. Cammie is crazy. I can’t tell you what you think, what I feel. You’ll just laugh in my face like I did with you, and I would deserve it.’ Her arms were tingling as the drug’s effects kept working through her system. Her lips even felt like static electricity was running through her. Her body felt light. “Yes. It does bring back memories.” That was all she dared say, and literally she waited for some sort of reaction from him that never came. It was shock and a relief.

Nearing the gym, she stole a glance of him. There was still a rooted terror inside her. She had no idea what James had in store. ‘He’s gonna beat me in here. He’s gonna hang me from the basketball goal.’ He pushed the doors open, and she found herself bathed in the soft glow of the huge lights hanging above them both. Once more a room in this school that held a lot of memories for her. She looks to him directly as he speaks. “Yes,” she whispers. It was true. She did remember that day. Since James had come into her life again, she was remembering more and more about him. Watching the jocks torture him, knowing she could have stopped it by saying something, but being too afraid of losing her status. No. Instead, she stood by, arms crossed and watched them beat him; push him around, even dunking his head into the toilet before throwing him into a dumpster outside. Yes. She was remembering more and more of him. How he looked when he was hunched over a desk hard at work at some assignment she had given him to do for her only to bitch at him when he messed it up somehow. The memories only seemed to get worse and worse the more she thought about him and their past. ‘I’m sorry James. I was just a teenager. My ideas, my thoughts were warped. I wasn’t the nicest person. I made mistakes.’ She had to look away as the memories, his voice, all the reminders were simply too much to take. She couldn’t even look at him.

His tone had seemed to change, and he clearly had no idea of the subject he mentioned. Tessa turned her head quickly to him, her eyes glaring. “Marc Hannigan? Marc Hannigan? No. It wasn’t true. I was going to, but the boy couldn’t keep his dick hard enough long enough to fuck me, or any other girl in the school for that matter. You didn’t hear? He’s gay now and married to another man. You see he was trying to prove to the school he wasn’t a fag by fucking a real girl. Too bad he wanted a guy’s ass instead of girl’s pussy. No James. I did not fuck Marc Hannigan. He spread the rumor that we did to make the rest of his time here in this school bearable. “The distain dripping from her words as he had brought up a touchy subject for her. It had further hurt her reputation as Marc had his own reputation for being a ‘good boy,’ she became known as ‘the slut who took Marc’s virginity.’ Nothing could have been further from the truth, but the minds of teenagers will latch on the worst possible gossip because it’s so easy to believe the bad stuff James. She looked away from him, the hurt read on her face like a book. ‘Your life here wasn’t the only one that was difficult James. What looks perfect to one person is clearly flawed to another, but I don’t expect you to believe that.’ She kept her thoughts to herself not wanting to anger him. After all, right now he was talking about the past and even trying to be normal. She wanted to keep him that way.
"Huh, funny." James said. "I am sure you would have let him fuck you, though, had his cock been hard enough." He was starting to feel better now - even though his mood seemed to be on a roller coaster ride right now it was going up. He liked the defensive tone in her voice, it was so obvious this still mattered to her. Perhaps that made him feel less pathetic for being so stuck in the past as well.

"You know I used to keep track of the guys you fucked? I wanted to have you so badly, so I figured I had to know if you were single so perhaps I could make a move or something." He laughed at that now, understang very well how silly it had been. "But it was impossible." he continued. "There were always a new rumour about you sucking someones cock or spreading your legs." He chuckled, like it was the good old days he was remembering. "I don't think you liked it particularly much. I mean the fucking. I just think you were to stupid to say no. With is all very fitting because I don't think you will like tonight very much either. But I don't think you will be saying no now either."

He turned around to look at her. For once his eyes were not completely cold, but filled with pity. But clearly not enough pity to go easy on her, because in the next second he reached out and grabbed her top, tering the front half open with a loud rip, giving her obscenely large breasts more room to bounce. "That will make you more fun to watch. Get out on the floor. I want to see you do some cheering."

He grabbed the two pink pom poms and threw them out on the floor. "Make my dick hard. Make me want to fuck you. Give me a cheer for how much you want to get fucked, Tess." He leaned back to enjoy the show.
‘It’s sad really, James, that you kept a journal of my sexual exploits. I guess your lack of a life gave you plenty of time to do that.’ As soon as the cruel thoughts passed through her mind, Tessa’s expression was one of pity and sympathy for this man. What hell his life must have been like back then, and she was very aware she had been a large part of that. She wasn’t sure if he truly did have feelings for her, or if he was simply a stalker back then.

‘Too stupid to say no? Who the fuck do you think you are James? You arrogant son of a bitch. I guess not getting any pussy back in high school made you a bitter mother fucker. Of course Tessa liked it, but the sad part was that most of the rumors were just that. The rumors helped perpetuated her standing within the social hierarchy that is high school. Sadly to be accepted, to be part of the inner circle, one had to uphold certain images. Tessa wasn’t beneath letting a few lies pave the way for her to sit atop the throne that she so rightfully ruled from.

She jerked, taking a quick step back as his hands tore open her uniform. Granted it was now easier to breathe, her first instinct was to cover her chest, but she knew James would not like that. So she forced her hands down by her sides. ‘Pervert. You want to see them anyway. Well go ahead! Take a good, long look. After tonight, you won’t see them again. First thing, as soon as I can, these THINGS are coming out.’ Her face reddened, partially from blushing and the rest in anger. She looked down at the pom poms with disgust. ‘You’re fucking crazy. You want me to give you a cheer about how much I want to get fucked? Hell I don’t even remember the high school cheers.”

She brushed a few stray hairs from her forehead before leaning down and picking up the pink pom poms. Not speaking a word, Tessa turned and headed towards the area where she and the rest of the cheerleaders would entertain the crowds and encourage the team to win. Her eyes scanned the empty bleachers, and slowly she started to see the faces of the fans filling in. The sounds of the game, the crowds, it all began to rise in her ears. Looking over she saw James. He blended right in. As if he had always been there. Then she realized. He had. “You were never too far away. Always there every single day. A smile on your face despite people….people like me. The real you is all you wanted us….me to see. Now I do. I see you. Here I am, down on my luck.” She throws the pom poms down with force and rage. “And all I want to do is FUCK. I see you differently somehow now, being oh so pushy. So get up and come over, and claim my pussy. Here I am James, with my cheer to you. It’s exactly what you asked me to do. I’m going to end it by being very blunt. Come on over her and fuck my cunt.” Tessa wanted to drop to the floor and spread her legs, being true to her cheer. She had made it up on the spot, and while it was cheesy, it was the best she could do. ‘If I lay down he might come over and kick me. No. Better to stay standing. If I fucked up with my cheer, I’ll find out soon enough.’ She swayed back and forth like a scared, nervous teenager. Unable to contain her anxiety, she crossed her arms covering her chest. “I’m sorry James. That’s the best I can do on short notice. In cheerleading we had weeks, months to work on routines. I had a minute. Besides,” she swallows, knowing she might be going too far. “I do my best work with my body. Like all good whores. Right?” She wanted to hold her breath. To be honest, she wanted to run, but she knew it would only make things worse. The last time she tried to run he put her through a glass table. Plus there was also the threat of her sister. No. It was better to stay put and hope for mercy. If it wasn’t there, then it would be time to beg and hoper her pleas did not fall on deaf ears.
He looked at her with blank eyes, bored with her performance. After she finnished he just sat there in silence for a while, almost like if he had fallen asleep only that his eyes were open and staring at her in contempt. With a sigh he slowly got up from the bleachers. Shaking his head he walked up to her, not stopping until he was standing so close that she could hardly breath without her pumped up tits brushing against his breath.

"Usually a cheerleader would make a point of showing of her body." he explained in a voice coated with false sweetnes. "Show some ass, some legs, some bouncing of the breasts?" He grabbed her by her sides, and to demonstrate he lifter her up on her toes and started to shake her body up and down like an almost empty bottle of ketshup making her balooned tits bounce out of the torn open top, her nipples exposed to the cold air. "For a whore, you are really bad at taking instructions."

He put her down again, so hard and abrupt she almost fell over. Quickly he grabbed her left braid to keep her standing, and then used it to pull her head down so she had to bend in a 90 degree angle, inadvertably pushing her ass to his crotch. The skirt he had given her was to short to cover anything up when she bent forward, so it was her pink cotton panties that were brushing against his black suit trousers.

While he reached in between her legs he could feel how his cock grew stiffer from the preassure. Until now she had not done much to arouse him, but the prospect of fucking her, of being so close to stuffing her with his cock, made the blood flow from his head to his junk. With his hand he pushed the crotch of her panties together, so it formed a cotton rope that easily slid in between her pussylips and lay tight over her exposed and swollen clit.

Without thinking he ran his fingers up the length of her vagina until he found the nub, and grabbed it between his thumb and index finger. Slowly he applied some light preassure, and twisted it around ever so carefully. It was the first time he explored his creation, and he was very satisfied with the result. He just wanted to get his pants of and filll her up with his dick, make her scream in pain or pleasure as he pounded her brain out, stretch that cunt out until she ruptured.

It took him all of his willpower to remove his hand. Not yet. Not here. He would make her suffer some more before he gave her her reward. So instead he gave her a firm push forwards, trying to make her loose her balance.

"Now crawl on the floor where you belong, bitch. To the chemistry lab. I will follow you, so wiggle that ass for me. And while you crawl, why don't you tell me what you dreamed about doing in ten years time the last time you where here, when you still had the dignity to actually walk the corridors. Give me your dreams and desires, bitch. I take it that being a whore was not your proffesion of choice."
When he stood up, her heart skipped a beat. ‘Here he comes. Get ready. Brace yourself. How can I brace myself for something like this? Something like this? You don’t even know what he’s gonna do. Just relax. Breathe.’ Both concepts proved much harder than she thought as he neared. Every muscle in her tensed, and she held her breath. She could smell him as his eyes mewled over her form. Her eyes never left the floor until he grabbed her, shaking her. She gasped, whimpering like a child being forced to complete a chore they never wanted to do in the first place. ‘Whore? There it is again. That word. If that is all you see me as, then why the fuck are you wasting your time on me?’

Her feet touched down flat, and she nearly fell over. Stumbling forward a step, it was his grip on her braid that kept upright. She cried out, reaching for her own scalp. Tessa almost grabbed his hand, but before her fingers could touch him, she stopped. ‘No. That would be stupid. Do NOT touch him unless he wants you to. Come on Tess. Try to make tonight as smooth as possible.’ He pulled, bending over like some a puppeteer pulling the strings of a marionette. Her body brushed against his, and for one moment, she held her breath, stilling, and reveling in the touch. She knew how much she did want him to touch her. ‘It makes no sense! This man has beaten me, scared me, and I still am attracted to his body? I am afraid for my life right now, and I want him to touch me? Get a hold of yourself Tessa! He HATES you! He will never feel anything for you! It is impossible for him to love you! Love me? Do I want that? I don’t know what the fuck I want!’

Tessa groans as he pulls her panties tight, the line flush against her clit, a source of pain as well as pleasure now. He intended to use if to the first and not the latter. That was clear as she felt his fingers finding it and capturing it. Her mouth open, her face racked with pain. She felt her pussy wet as he manipulated her clit. Her panties pulled tight along her ass, just covering her tight opening.

He released her, and she felt the force of his shove landing her on the floor. Not having time to brace, she landed on her belly with her hands flat on the floor. Tessa brought her knees up nodding. “Yes James.” She began to crawl, knowing it would take a while to get there like this, but it was what he wanted. She fell into a sensual rhythm, sliding her knees across the slick floor, moving her back, her ass, like a panther in the jungle. Her new breasts hung impossible low as her arms forced them together as she crawled.

Tessa was the center of a lot of rumors back then, but the truth about her was something most people didn’t even know. “I wanted to sing and play. I had a very small group of friends that I was in a band with. Most people didn’t even know it. Well. The popular ones didn’t. We performed in underground clubs back then, barely paid for our services, but we didn’t care. It wasn’t about the money. It was never about the money. It was about the music. We all loved it so. I play the guitar and the piano. Most people still don’t know that. I was the lead vocals for the group. Times changed though. As graduation came up, a couple of the guys announced they were going to work for their fathers at various jobs. A body shop, a salvage shop, and a construction company. Another guy, one of my best friends, he was going to marry his sweetheart. He did. They have two kids now. Actually they have more than that. Their marriage broke up, she remarried someone else, and they had kids together. She wasn’t happy though. So they divorced, and she remarried her first husband. I guess if true love exists, it always finds a way. My other best friend went to work for her father’s company. He owns a computer empire, and she was groomed to take over. She’s doing very well. Who knows? Maybe you do business with her company. Coleman Computers.” She smiles at the thought of her friends. “They all such bright futures. Me? I still wanted to make music. So I tried to find a band that I could perform with. I had a little bit of luck, but nothing seemed to work out. I took a job in a restaurant. It wasn’t enough money to pay the bills. So I took up a second job. I was running myself ragged. Daddy wanted me to come back home, but I didn’t want to admit that I couldn’t make it on my own. So I went to work for an escort service. The rest you know. I still sing and play when I’m at home. That’s about it these days.” She came to a halt at the door, and lifted up on her knees, pushing the door open. The smells seemed to be unleashed as she did so. Memories were not as strong from this place. The class always seemed over her head only making her feel stupid. She continued crawling inside and coming a stop once more as her head turned to the side, with her eyes still down, awaiting his instructions. Her heart rate increased as she was more than aware of all the chemicals in the classroom. ‘What are you gonna do now James? Are you gonna….please don’t. ‘I beg you, I will beg you, please….don’t….hurt me….in….here.’ Tears threatened as she had no idea what he would do, but the possibilities seemed to be filled with unimaginable pain. “James,” her voice low, almost a whisper, shaking, she looked up into his eyes, her face flushed, eyes wet, and waited.
"A band?" he asked and the laugh that followed was genuine for once. He followed her with slow steps - her crawling like a cat with her tail in the air about to attack an imaginary mouse was not very fast. His eyes were fixed at her exposed ass, the pink cloth of her panties moving between her pushed apart pussy lip as her legs moved. It was a funny sight, she looked redicuolous but at the same time the swaying of her hips were strangely hypnotic. It took him some effort to hold his instincts back and not just bang her out there in the corridor.

"You should just have had one of those boys fuck you up the ass on stage, bitch." he continued in a mocking tone. "You always squeel and scream like a little rock star when you get it up the ass. And if the music sucked at least they would have enjoyed the show." To laugh at his own jokes was a bad habit James had. It came with being a boss - since everybody always laughed along when you were in a position of authority it came naturally to laugh yourself.

"So basically..." he said while she crawled into the chemistry lab, her knees and elbows probably soar by now and dirty from the uncleaned floors. "...your plan was to let others work for you in school and then become a pop star even though you lack talent?" He didn't have to add any insults to make it sound degrading, all he had to do was to retell her story. "And if that, who could ever have imagined, did not work out your plan B was to suck dick for money? Take it up your ass to pay the bills? That's so fucking stupid I don't even feel bad about doing anything to you. You should really have seen this day coming."

He looked down at her, just to get the fulfillment to see how she was taking it all. Her pleading eyes just made him frown, and without any attempt to answer her wain request he simply stepped over her into the room. "Get up, fuckrag." he muttered.

The room was dark, and when he switched on the light the fluorescent lamps blinked like flashes. There were a bunch of calculation left on the blackboared, it looked like they had been doing titration. An experimental setup, a graduated cylinder mounted on a ring stand over a beacon filled with some green solution, was left on the sturdy oak katheder. 'Those lazy teachers...'

Next to it lay a textbook - Elementary Chemistry by Atkinson - that he picked up, absentmindedly starting to riffle through the pages. It was the same as they had had in school, only a never edition. The images of molecules and reaction formulas made him think of Mrs. Eisengreen, their chemistry teacher. She had been a nice lady, but most student had found her old parched voice unbearably boring. She retired the year after they graduated. He remembered that he had felt sorry for her, since they had given her career such a bitter end.

"Do you remember the difference between an anode and a catode?" he asked her without looking up from the book. "Or why nitrisic acid will disolve silver but not gold?" He shook his head, still without removing his gaze from the pages flickering before his eyes. "Do you even remember Mrs. Eisengreen, you little bitch?"

Without giving her a chanse to respond to that last question he slammed the book together and then with a backhand punch so quick he even surprised himself he smashed the book hard over her left ear and cheek, as if he had asked her to get up only so he could strike her down again. As he followed through with the movement he lost his grip and the book and it crashed into the beacon of the experiment, tipping it all over onto the floor in a loud bang.

When the sound dissipated he heard his own breaths, and he realized that he was breating heavy as if he had just ran a marathon. His forehead was suddenly dripping with sweat. His usually so calm face felt red. Clearly, it was time.

"You better start sucking my cock this instant you worthless little cumdump. Get her and get your lips around my shaft, NOW WHORE!" He started off in a whisper but could not stop his own voice from rising up into a roar. He screamed not only because he wanted to scare her. No, the truth was that he himself was afraid of what he might do if she did not start to please him soon.
‘No! That was not my plan. It was not my life’s ambition to be an escort. How did you manage to get to where you are considering you don’t listen to people?’ Tessa never doubted she had talent. She knew James would have never heard her perform anyway. The places the band performed at where not his style. Her mother, an accomplished pianist, had nurtured her talent, literally to the point where she was pushing Tessa. At a young age she had her sitting at a piano smacking her fingers if she made a mistake. Tessa grew to hate it, taking up the guitar only to anger her mother. Much to her surprise, she enjoyed it and was good at it. All facts that James, and most of the entire student body, never knew about her.

She stood at his command. Her knees were stiff and covered in a black almost powder like coating of dirt and grime. Her hands were equally as nasty, but she made no attempt to clean either of them. ‘He probably likes me this dirty anyway. He thinks so lowly of me. What difference does it make if I’m dirty? He’s the one rolling around with a whore. He’s already making himself dirty enough.’

As he moved through the classroom, picking up the book lost in his own thoughts, memories of being in this classroom with her friends came back to mind. ‘No Tessa,’ Callie giggled. ‘You can’t get it that hot. You’ll make the beaker burst, and Mrs. Eisengreen will have to clean it up.’ A young Tessa grinned. ‘And I care because?” She pushed the beaker over the flame waiting for it to burst. The only reason she stopped was because of the look on Callie’s face. “You stopped? Why?” Tessa nudged her arm. “You looked….scared. You’re my friend.” Callie grabbed the beaker and let it fall to the floor shattering. “Ms. Coleman,” Mrs. Eisengreen called to her. “Yes Ma’am.” “What happened?” “Well I….” “I did it,” Tessa interrupted standing. “Aracadia. I should have known. Clean your mess up. Now.” Tessa nodded. “What did you do that for?” “Come on. I’m a fuck up. They expect this shit from me,” she winked. The two giggled as Callie helped her. This place didn’t hold all bad memories. A soft smile on her face as she remembered her friend. Her now long, lost friend who had moved on to bigger and better things leaving this small town and her other friends behind. It wasn’t the memories that hurt. It was being forgotten. It was assumed to be good for only one thing. Like a whore.

“No,” she answered. It was truth. Tessa knew she wasn’t smart. Tessa never claimed to be. College was another opportunity Tessa missed out on, and now she regretted it. She started to open her mouth to answer his last question, but all she felt was a sudden pressure against her face. The sounds of the beaker shattering seem to be in slow motion as she watches the shards scatter across the floor as she lands. It reminds her instantly of the glass table. ‘No! Not again! Please James! Don’t do this to me!’She was thrown to the floor once more, crashing down on her hip and tumbling to her side. Her cheek throbbed. The dull ache arched underneath her eye as well. She felt like her ear was covered as the impact of the book had left her stunned. Certain blood was trickling from it, she reached to touch it and examine her hand. Tessa flinched hearing his voice boom. His face reddened, and he looked like a volcano ready to explode.

She crawled over to him, favoring one side with her head lulling. On her knees, her trembling hands began to work his slacks open so she could free him. It was far more difficult than it should have been, and she feared his reaction. Every second that she felt was taking too long, her anxiety rose only making it more difficult. ‘Hurry! He’s gonna get mad! Move! It’s just a button! It’s just a zipper! Faster!’ She fought her tears back knowing they would only get in the way. It would serve no purpose with James. Like her, he had no use for her tears. She reached inside his open slacks and took his cock out. He was already so hard, so ready. The tip glistened as the veins pulsed with his heartbeat. It was as raging as he was. She wasted no time with foreplay, with licking just the tip while her eyes met his with a sultry stare. Her mouth devoured him quickly, sliding as much of him inside as she could. He was massive, stretching her lips tight around him. Tessa was shocked at his girth. ‘There’s no way all of this will fit inside me. He’ll kill me with it. It’s gonna….hurt. Fuck I’m so fucked.’ She knew there was no need to ask, or beg, James to be gentle with her. Gentle was not a word he would use even in her presence much less a manner in which he would take her. She pumped his cock quickly absolutely terrified to look up into his eyes. ‘What if he doesn’t want to see my face? I can’t risk it. Not while I’m this close to him. What if he does want me to? He’ll tell me. Either way, he could get really pissed at me. I don’t care. I’d rather risk it. I’m fucked either way I go. I can’t win with James! Please be pleased by this.’ She was giving him all her best tricks considering the circumstances. Normally she would have showered a man with teasing, taking her time, but James did not seem to want that. He wanted pleasure now. He wanted her mouth around his shaft now. He had literally voice that. So she was giving the best she could, and even then she somehow knew it wouldn’t be good enough. ‘At least I’m trying James. Please. See that. See that I’m doing everything you ask of me.’ Tessa knew she wanted to please him. It wasn’t just to keep him from hurting her. She knew this would be her last time with him, and when his guard was down, in the few rare moments when she saw James the man and not James the monster, she had seen a man she would like to know, to get close to. It was that man that she was hoping to please. It was that man she was hoping to see.
For a whore she was suprisingly clumpsy when it came to such a simple task as opening a mans trousers. She must have been on he knees like this a hundred times before, ready to get her mouth properly used, and still she could not get it right. Just as he lifted his right foot, ready to give her a hard kick in the crotch to teach her to hurry up, she felt a pair of warm wet lips embrace his cock. The sensation made him relax, breath out and put his foot down. A warm feeling started to spread through his body, emmanating from the tingeling in his cock as she sucked it as hard as only a truly desperate whore would. Even though she seemed to have some problem handling his size - something that should be a shame for someone in her profession - he had to admit that she was not entirely unskilled at this fine art.

He leaned back against the oak katheder while the girl at his feet seemed to be completely captivated by his thick member, like a lost westerner staring into the eyes of a hypnotic cobra in India. Looking down at the blonde hair that was bobbing up and down beneath him, it seemed to him that she had lost herself completely in a world conisting of only her mouth and his dick. It was time to wake up for the sleeping beauty.

He grabbed an old and frayed wodden ruler that was leaning against the katheder, exactly a meter long according to the gradient. First he made a test lash through the air, pleased with the whining sound it made. Then, in quick procession, he spanked her hard on her bare ass, exposed as the short skirt did not do a very good job in covering it up. The sound of the supple wood smacking against her fleash was like music to him, there were something pure and clean about it. He could have listened to it for hours had he only had a recording of it. Sadly he didn't, so he had to proceed to play some more on his instrument of choice to get to listen to its fantastic music. He did his best to hit the same spot over and over again, but varying the pace so she would never be completely prepared - he wanted to feel the effect the shock wave had on her lips, wrapped around his cock as they were, after it had gone through her slender body.

It was a fun game to play, but like all games it got boring sooner or later. "Look at me, barbie doll." he said, lowering his gaze down at her. "You clearly need some structure to do this right." He underlined the last word by an exceptionally hard smack over her ass with the ruler - he could hardly wait to see the marks he was making. "This stick here - no, cumrag, not the one you are sucking, the one I am hitting you with - will be your metronome. I will give you a steady pace, and everytime I hit you I want my cock to be as deep as you can physically fit it in your little cocksucker mouth." He gave her another slap, to make sure the message got through. "And I need you to prepare that cunt of yours for me, bitch. Use two fingers, they go in your cunt, all the way, when my cock goes in your mouth. Same rythm, fuckdoll."

Without further ado, he started his work as a conductor with a slow and steady rythm. Without really thinking about it he fell into a triple time, beating her even harder every third slap. Then, still without really realizing what he was doing, he started to quietly hum a melody to the beat. And not just any melody. It was their melody.
She felt him relax, and a sigh of relief washed over her. ‘He likes it. I’m doing something right.’ Tessa continued her pace, pushing him to the back of her throat as much as she could. Nearly gagging herself on his length, she could feel her stomach muscles wrench before she had to gain her composure as she pulled back from him. So far he wasn’t attacking her, and thus her confidence began to build that he truly was enjoying her efforts. There had never been a complaint before in her skills, and because of how they met, James already knew exactly what her skill set was. As her lips stretched as far as they could, forming a tight seal around his cock, thoughts of that first meeting came back to her. How she had teased him and he returned in kind saying they were not hiring people of her particular skill set or something equally as hurtful as that. Even then she had a chance to redeem herself, to not anger the sleeping beast, but no. She had to push him. Just like she did in high school, Tessa did not know when to shut up. Now she was trying her to best to not poke at the now fully awake beast who was towering above her.

The sharp crack of the wood smashing against her exposed flesh drew a muffled cry from her mouth that she was certain vibrated along his shaft. Her eyes opened wide in shock, and for a split second, she stilled. Her mind quickly adapting, she pushed forward with her mouth, descending down along him. Each time the wood whipped through the air, the distinct sound heard, followed by the thwack against her bare ass, she tensed. Though he changed his pace, that sound, that awful, terrible sound always let her know just seconds before the wood burned into her skin. Each stroke felt as if more and more power was behind it as he punished the same, exact spot over and over at times. Warm tears began to roll down her cheeks, past her lips, dripping from her face. Still she followed through with never stopping. She suckled him harder, her tongue swirling along the underside of his cock, as she pumped her mouth back and forth. Her nodding a bit with each pass, she pushed him further when she could. Her first cry against him was just the first of many. They only grew louder as he continued to spank her. Her hands balled into fists resting on her knees. There was never any intent to hit him. It was a coping mechanism. She tried to focus her pain. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and as the ruler connected, she was sure it was slicing into her. ‘Please….James….stop! I’m ….sorry! I was….a bad girl! I’ll….be good!’ Focusing her own thoughts as she worked his cock was becoming increasingly difficult. Her lips quivered against him, and it took most of her control to not accidentally bite into him as her entire mouth began to tremble. The pain began to spread across her entire ass as he painted her skin with reddened stripes and welts. James did not seem to want to leave any skin untouched.

Just when she was sure she could not handle another stroke, another hellish strike from the unforgiving wood and James, he calls to her. ‘Barbie doll? It’s better than slut, whore, or bitch.’ Her blue eyes lifted to meet his gaze. Her make-up a skewed mess as her tears had stained her face. She groaned louder than before as the incredibly powerful blow landed on her most sore and tender spot on her ass. Though she closed her eyes, she quickly opened them looking at him still. He was giving her instructions on how to suck his cock. ‘If you know so well what you want and how you want it done, then do it to yourself bastard!’ The ruler connected, and she leaned in taking him as far to the back of her throat as she could. ‘Fuck myself? You should fuck yourself!’ Her hand was shaking as she placed it between her legs. It was clear how wet she was already just from her hand grazing her pussy. Her exposed clit tingled at the slightly touch, and Tessa groaned even more for him.

He began his steady rhythm, and she flowed every cue, every smack, doing exactly as he had ordered her to. The last hard strike and she would push him further inside her mouth. She shoved her fingers inside her pussy, touching her clit, and sending shock waves through her hips. As the intensity of his strokes and rhythm grew, she took him deeper into mouth, finally piercing down into her throat. Her muscles tight against him as she nearly choked. She could hear the wet sounds from her pussy as she finger fucked herself to the beat, and then it occurred to her. It wasn’t just any rhythm. ‘The waltz. Our waltz. It’s our waltz. He’s beating my ass to our waltz. Just the first night.’ Instantly that night sprang into her mind. Her on the floor, face down, with his shoe pressing into her cheek as he swung at her with his belt. Her eyes reflected her recognition. ‘Oh James. How could you?’ Her eyes squinted as new tears traveled down her face just as the previous ones had done just moments ago.
Her cock-sucking wasn't that bad. With her pink lips were glues to his shaft she was obediently forcing as much dick as she could into her mouth with every strike of the ruler, but that still left a couple of inches of his penis dry. The rythmic beatings he let her endure seemed to encourage her, because as he increased the strength he felt how she pushed the head of his dick all the way to the back of her mouth and down the tight pipe of her throat. But even then her face always spasmed and she pulled back before she had managed to swallow his full lenght. Despite this shortcoming, he had to give her some credit - judging from the desperate look in her eyes she was at least trying to push herself to her limit. No whore, and certainly no lover, he had fucked before had manage to take it so deep without the assitance of his physical force. Indeed many prostitutes had let him force his whole dick down their throats, but they had been kicking and screaming while he pushed their heads down on it. None of them had gotten this far on their own, without any restraints, without any force, by just doing it to themself like Tessa was doing over and over again while tears rolled down her cheeks.

He would need to help her with the last inch, to take her not just to the limit but over it, but he was in no hurry. Listening to her choking, to the smack of the ruler against her ass, to the squishy sound of her fingers fucking her pussy was like meditation to him and he got lost in his rythm and melody, loosing all sense of time. He just went on humming - "na na na na naaaa, na na na na naaaaaaa" - while she devoured his cock. He was barely aware enought to remember to switsh his beating over to her other ass cheek so the markings would be symmetrical.

He had no idea how much time had passed when he finally started to get bored with her - every time she aimed to take his whole length inside her warm mouth and still failed started to seem like an yet another dissapointment. It was time to teach the bitch a new lesson. He dropped the ruler and grabbed her two pony tails, using them to swing her whole body around as he turned half a circle without letting her mouth leave his cock. She ended up sitting on her ass, legs spread around his, with her head pinned between the oak catheder and his pelvis - a perfect position for him to thrust from. She looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a truck, unable to escape, as he loocked down at her. "For fuck sake, swallow it all, cumdump. I want your tongue on my fucking balls." he said in a just barely composed voice, so tense it could explode any second. He took the opportunity to spit down at her face, landing a big warm swab of saliva between her eyes, and then he made his first thrust.

In this position it was childs play to force himself down into her warm and tight throat. Holding her head in place by the pony tails it hit the katheder with a bang, and then since the heavy piece of furniture would not move a millimeter he could direct all his strength at penetrating her mouth. Already on the first slam he head her nosed pressed into his pubic hair and her lips all the way up his base. "Aaahhh..." he sighed in relief, even though the relaxation of his body was not at all mirrored in hers. "Keep rubbing that cunt, fuckmeat, keep it wet." he ordered as he pulled out to give her a second to breath, just to interuppt her breath by slamming his cock down her throat again.

The sensation of penetrating her fully, of conquering her body through her mouth, was so arousing that he knew already after the second thrust that he would have to cum deep down her throat, as soon as possible. Quickly he started to hammer away, only sliding his dick out an inch or two before he pushed it down again, never really letting her tight throat lose its pleasure bringing grip around his head. A burning sensation arose in his cock, he could feel how he was about to burst. Panting loudly he pushed harder and faster until his hips were aching. But the burning just increased, without any relief, almost as if there was some kind of knot not letting his orgasm out, keeping his cum inside him while the preasure built up more and more but to no avail.

Frustrated he pumped harder into her open mouth, convinced that just more of the same would solve the problem. He only stopped his furious pounding when pure physical exhaustiong prevented him to go on. His white shirt was already soaked in sweat, the salty liquid was running down his forehead into his eyes, and his field of vision was shrinking with stars dancing in front of his eyes as if he was about to pass out. Taking a deep breath to regain his composure he started all over again, giving her, giving his cock, the same treatment one more time.

He knew only a mad man would try the same thing twice expecting different results, but he was so desperate for that sweet relief she refused to give him that he could not think clear beyond his animalistic instincts. So again and again he fucked her face without mercy, stopping only to give himself time to catch his breath and her time to regain some oxygen in her bloodstream. But no matter how hard he rammed his member down her throat she would not give him his relief, his frustration only growing stronger with every attempt.

After an eternity without any results he stopped. On the verge of crying he stepped backwards, hyperventilating even though he tried to breath calmly, his cock as hard as ever glistening in a coat of her saliva. For the first time since he started the pointless pounding he looked down at her face, shaking his head. "Why... why..." he stuttered in a voice that was more desperate than authorative. He took another step backwards, away from her, but his trousers had fallen down to his ankles and he fell backwards, hitting his head against the floor.

His shirt felt like an iron shell suffocating him, his tie like a noose strangling him. His head hurt. The lamps hanging from the ceiling looked so blury. "Why... why wont you let me cum?" It was hardly more than a wisper. "Please, just make me cum."
The slapping in time with the hypnotic melody droning away in her head seemed to go on and on. She feared the cracking of the wood against her ass as her skin burned, ached each time the ruler connected. James’ treatment of her was unforgiving. ‘I can’t….I can’t take another one! Stop! I’ll never be able to sit down again!’ She felt something wet slowly starting to roll along her skin before the ruler smashed it. She wasn’t sure if it was blood or sweat. When the ruler continued to punish her, she was sure it had to be blood as it felt as though it were cutting into her. Tessa sobbed into, and along, his cock. Even as he changed sides, she found little relief in that. It only meant the other side would soon be in as much agony on the one he just left throbbing and blazing. Her entire body trembled as the adrenaline flowed through her. Had it not been for that, along with the pills the doctor gave her, she never would have been able to endure such a timely beating at the hands of James. Her fingers pumped her pussy the entire time, as he had ordered. Strangely she found she was incredibly wet. ‘It’s my fingers. Fuck a woman’s pussy, and she’ll be wet. I’ve had enough men to know this.’ Secretly she wasn’t sure if she was stating a fact or trying to convince herself. She never thought the beating was arousing her. There was only one thing that could excite her much. James.

James moved, guiding her with less than a gentle hand. Even though she was aware of her position, her situation, Tessa would have never tried to escape. The glass table had taught her that lesson. Never try to flee from James. He is always in control. When he’s ready for you to leave, he will let you know. She looked up into the face of the man that had her so confused. On one hand she wanted nothing more than to push him out the window and flee, but on the other hand she dared not even think what she was feeling. Her blue eyes met his, guarded. Walls in place to protect her heart, she couldn’t resist looking at him. He was a towering force above her. She wanted to push his cock further in her mouth. She wanted to taste more of him. Simply put, she wanted to please him, to have him, and it was at that moment, as those thoughts melted into her mind, her body, that his warm saliva landed between her eyes. She left it there, only closing her eyes for a second. ‘So what? You wanna spit on me? Go ahead! Does it make you feel like more of a man James? Do you like how I look with it there? Hmmm?’ ‘Cumdump.’ She hated the name. ‘Tessa asshole. If you’re going to torment me, the least you can do is call me by my fucking name!’ It was more of a comical thought, and she honestly had to fight to hold the smirk, the chuckle, down in her throat along with his shaft.

The first time he thrust his cock down her throat, her head bounced off the heavy katheder behind her. She closed her eyes, groaning along his shaft, as she fought to stay with him. Blackness threatened, and Tessa was sure unconsciousness would consume her. As he pulled from her mouth, she took a breath though, only to have it cut short by his massive meat closing her airway. Somewhere, amid nearly passing out, she had heard his command, and her hand never left her pussy. She rubbed and fucked her wet snatch as if her life depended upon it. Perhaps somewhere, in the back of her mind, she was afraid it did.

Without warning, James began to pound away at her open mouth. Tessa’s body flailed against the katheder. Her legs kicked wildly, at first, as she tried to form a rhythm where she could breath, but James was not pulling out enough to give her much relief. Her hand never left her pussy, but her efforts began to slow as her need for oxygen grew. Her wide, blue eyes looking up to him, trying to find some reasoning with him, fell to his hips that were dominating her. ‘He’s going to kill me! I need air James! I need to breathe!’ Though her heart pounded in her chest, the longer her abuse went on, the more the signs of her life sustaining oxygen deficiency began to show. The small gasps she was able to steal were simply not enough. Her legs slowly began to just twitch slightly, mimicking a fish out of water. Her free hand lay motionless as her other hand barely worked her sloppy, dripping pussy. She was aware of a time when he actually stopped; giving her time to take some much needed breaths. Tessa drank in the air, filling her lungs over and over, as if it would be her last chance. She never knew when, or even if, he would start again. Much to her dismay, she soon found his cock; ball deep, in her throat again. She could feel his body tiring, and it occurred to her. ‘He hasn’t cum. Any other man would have blown his load down my throat by now, but James hasn’t. No. He can’t. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You can’t fucking cum! You pathetic, worthless piece of shit! You can’t cum! A dog humping a bitch can cum, but you? You fucking torture me, get me right where you want me, you’re living your fantasy, and you can’t cum. I’ve got your dick down my throat, and you’re the one choking!’

She watched him, confused, as he backed away from her. Her chest heaving, she listened to him, hearing something in voice she couldn’t believe. Humanity. ‘No. Please don’t. No James. Don’t show me this. Not now. Not here. Not ever! Fuck you James!’ New tears rolled down her cheeks anew, and he had no idea why. This was the side of him that she was so drawn to. She jumped as he fell, hitting his head on the floor. Turning, she saw the door. In his current state, she could get away, but she only turned to gaze at him. He looked so different there on the floor with his trousers around his ankles, breathing heavy. She wanted to reach out and touch him. She wanted….she didn’t know what she wanted.

She crawls over to him slowly. It wasn’t out of fear. Perhaps, for the first time since she had left out for this evening tonight, she wasn’t afraid. There was a new feeling her actions were fueled by. As much as she didn’t want to see it, she had. Her trembling hands grabbed his shoes. Her deft hands pulled them from his body, gently, not speaking a word. Carefully she placed them on the floor, neatly. Her eyes seemed to be inspecting his body, and the corners of her mouth turned upwards in a smile. She couldn’t stop it, or hide it, and she wasn’t even aware she was going it. Next she peeled his socks from his feet. Again, she handled them with care as she placed them atop his shoes. Tessa leaned down planting a soft kiss on the top of his foot. It was an action she mirrored. She looked up, taking in his face, drinking him in. Her body shifted as she began to kiss his feet. In her mind this was a show of respect. She was lowering herself to kiss his feet, and furthermore, her body craved this touch, being so close to him, and the chance to please him. Her lips kissed further up his legs. She was constantly and yet seamlessly, switching from one leg to the other. Her hands rested on his body. Warm and gentle, she could feel the heat coming from him, and she was certain she was scorching him with her own fire. Finally she made her way to her destination. Her lips, her mouth, her tongue working together to bathe his balls. Suckling him, tasting him, she treated him as a woman would treat her lover. She wasn’t some whore he had paid. She was woman showing a man how she felt about him. She took his cock into her mouth slowly, and yet, of her own free will, she did not stop until her lips meet his body. Remembering what he said, her tongue lapped at his balls as her tear stained, mascara streaked face turned red. She groaned against his length feeling the vibrations along his shaft. Pulling out just slightly, his head still wedged in her tight throat; she began to make love to his cock. Moaning, her hands caressing his balls, her throat hugged him, massaging his length, as she slowly worked him. Only when the need to breathe was too strong did she move back, and even then it was just far enough, long enough to take a much need gulp of air. Her mouth continued this. She had lost herself within him and her actions. He wasn’t the bastard monster she feared and hated. He was James, the man she had seen and was now shaken by what she felt for him. ‘James. I see you. Why can’t you be this way with me? I could…..’ She was afraid to even finish that thought. Tessa withdrew just to the tip, her lips resting upon it as she flashed her blue eyes up to him. The intensity burning there was undeniable. ‘I want you to cum baby. Please. Cum in my mouth. Let me taste you. I want to hear the sounds of ecstasy as your seed plunges down my throat. Fill me James. Cum for me.’ With her eyes locked to him, she slowly, effortlessly, took all of his cock down to his body once more and held herself there. She wanted him to cum. It wasn’t for herself. She wanted him to cum so that he could feel the relief of the sweet release. It wasn’t about her. For once in her life, Tessa was doing something for someone else and it happened to be James.
They hadn't changed the lamps since the two of them had been in school a decade ago. Were they flickering? Or was that just his eyelids opening and closing? How long had he been lying there? It felt like an hour even though he realized it was probably just a minute, but to his own surprise he did not care. Then he felt a pair of warm lips kissing his cold feet. Again he was surprised by his own reaction - after just facefucking a whore to oblivion it was strange that such a gentle touch of a girls lips would provoke such a strong reaction. He felt warmer; he could feel the blood pulsate in his cock and somehow he felt more alive.

When she reached all the way up to his thick member, still wet from ravaging her mouth, he could not help but let out a wheezing moan through his parched airpipes. It sounded like a death rattle but in was the opposite - it was him coming back to life. As she plunged her head down, somehow miraculously managing to take his full length into her warm mouth, he reached for his shirt and pulled it open, buttons flying in all directions. That shirt had probably cost more than his first night with her would have if they had just followed the normal protocol for such an encounter - fuck, pay, leave - but right now he could not care less. Right now, with his hairy chest glittering with swet, all that mattered was that he was finally free from that prison.

With her stubborn massaging of his cock inside her throat pumping new energy into his body, he managed to continue his liberation by loosening up his tie and pulling it over his head. Her insistent sucking made his cock burn with fire again, but relief feeled just as far away as before. It was time for something else. Using the tie as a lasso he created himself a collar around her neck. Gently he used it to pull her up along his body ever so slowly, his dick sliding out from her mouth with an audible pop. He did not stop until she was standing on all four over him, looking down into his eyes. And it was in that moment, when he looked back up into hers, that everything suddenly made sense to him.

It could be the fall and the impact with the floor that had made him halluzinate, but in that moment he was sure he saw something in her eyes. Something other than the cold hate, the fear, the despise that he had grown accustomed to not just from her but from everyone. Something warmer, something bigger, something much more powerful. Even though her profession was to put up an act to convince men she loved them, there were limits to how good a girl could act, even if that girl was Tessa Arcadia.

And in the same instant he realized what he needed from her to get his relief. It was symmetry. He needed symmetry.

With his face serene and calm like that of an old monk he started to talk to her in what was hardly more than a croaking whisper. Not for a second did he let his gaze slip away from her eyes while he spoke, not even to admire the fantastic mess of saliva, sweat and mascara he had covered her face with. "Tessa..." he said. "What I need is to settle your debt to me. I used to think that I could do that by using my hate for you to make you suffer, to eradicate all your hope, all your dignity, to tear down your very beeing. But that is not what you did to me. That settles nothing." He was chuckling now, amazed that he had not seen it before. It was all so obvious to him now that he knew it.

"You didn't hate me. Your tool was so much more elaborate than pure and simple hate. You used my love for you to make me eradicate my own dignity, to make me tear down myself. And that is what I need to do to you. Just hurting you until you loose yourself in a world of pain is not enough. Nor is making you love me more than anything else, more than yourself, enough. I need to make your will to please me so great that it cansels out all of your other most basal instinct - youre fears, your aversion of pain, even your very instinct to survive."

He exaled, all those words eating up the little energy he had. Probably he sounded like he was crazy. Probably he was crazy.

"Fuck me, Tessa. Fuck me like you have never fucked a man before. Fuck me until you reach the highest heights of pleasure, and when you get there, I will show you what it means to truly give in."
Looking up at him, she watched him free his body from the confines of his clothing. His chest glistened and rose and fell as he breathed. He had no idea what she thought of him in that moment. It was something she wasn’t sure she wanted him to know. At least if her thoughts, her feelings, were locked away from him inside her mind, she could protect herself from him. James had caused her great physical pain. There was no denying that, but her heart was something Tessa had walled up years ago. Her philosophy of nothing in, nothing out had helped her keep what was left of the shattered, torn, ragged remains of her heart intact.

She watched the tie coming closer to her. Even then she didn’t stop her efforts as the fear from before came rushing in. ‘He’s gonna choke me! Damn it! I didn’t please him! I fucked up! I…..’ Her racing thoughts came to a screeching halt as he guided her up his body. His efforts were not harsh. There was no hate, no anger, no forceful jerking of her along his body. Instead James used the tender hands of….a man. Not just any man though. The man. The man that had seen glimpses of. The man that had started these feelings, this slow beat that was buried somewhere deep with the tattered remnants of her heart. The fear melted, as did she, before she even came face to face with him.

As he looked up at her, she thought she saw it. Though she tried with everything she had, when he spoke, he confirmed it. James had seen her true feelings behind her blue eyes. There wasn’t any way she would have been able to hide them. They were pouring out from her. Her eyes, her expression, even her lips had to convey them. Feelings that had bubbled over like a pot left on a hot burner, the contents within her were now toppling over and out, and she hadn’t even spoken a word. ‘Yeah. He knows, but James you’re all wrong. That was never my plan, my intention. No! You’re wrong! I didn’t want you to eradicate your own dignity. I never looked at you. I never looked at most people. There’s a reason or that too! If you would just bother to talk to me again!’

Then he spoke the sweetest words she had heard him say thus far. ‘Fuck you? You will show me what it means to truly give in?’ She swallowed the lump in her throat down along with the urge to cry once more. She only nods to him before she shifts her body. Feeling his cock press into her lips, she looks down at him. Her face soft, warm, and the sweetness of her true emotions glowing. She balances on one hand and caresses his cheek for just a moment. It was a tender moment in which, for just the briefest of time, she let the walls around her heart down. Leaning down, her lips pressed to his cheek. She dared not kiss his lips. No. Too much. Too close. She rested her nose against his as her hand touched the floor once more. Her lips were still so close to his, and though she felt the way she did about kissing him, she still had to fight the urge. Tessa forced herself back up. She wanted to look into his eyes as she began to fuck him. His cock was rigid and still glistening with the combination of her spittle and his own bodily fluids. Lowering her body, her lips were spread apart as the head of his cock disappeared inside her warmth. She could already feel the girth pushing her open for him. Her lips parted as she impaled herself on his rod at a painfully slow pace. He filled her completely, nearly tearing her open as she continued to guide his cock deep inside her wet pussy. Tessa groaned in pleasure as well as pain as he continued to push her body’s limits. She feared her cunt wouldn’t be able to take all of him, but there was a greater desire that took over. It was the desire, the growing need, to please him. She exhaled slowly, with her gaze still locked to him, before she forced her pussy to take more of him. Bumping against her cervix, she continued to push until she felt her body flush with his. She opened her mouth unleashing a deep, primal howl before her hips began to move in small circles.

As hard as it was to encase his cock with her snatch, pulling up from him was just as difficult. Her tight walls did not want to release him, and yet she worked half of his length free only to lower her body back to his. The pace was creeping, and yet each time she meet his body, she was full. “No,” she whispers to him. ‘I didn’t want to hurt you James. I didn’t want to see you. If I saw you….you might see me, and I couldn’t let anybody see me. Then they would see what I really was. A hurt, little girl. I had to be strong. Maybe I was too strong, and I’m sorry for that.’ The thoughts came easy as her pace increased. She leaned up now, her fake tits bouncing slightly as she began to slam her body into his. She wanted this pace to remain slow. She wanted it to be sensual, but she wanted him to cum. She wanted to please him. The hunger for that was consuming her, taking over, stronger than her lustful need to cum. ‘I wanna make you cum James. Cum for me baby. I want you to be happy. Fill me up. Wait.’ Her eyes opened wide as she looked at him. ‘Baby? I called you baby.’ It had all been in her mind, but she was aware for it. ‘I called you baby. Not James.’ She continued to fuck him, riding his cock, her pace a quickened one as she rose and fell along his length, grinding her hips into him as she meet his sweaty body. Her own breathing labored, she leaned back giving him full view of the monsters he had created on her chest. ‘This is what you wanted James. Take a good look at them. You made them! One of them literally is YOU!’ Her walls tightened around him as she pushed her body further than she ever had before. Her pussy ached for the sheer size of his massive cock. She cried out with her head back. No other man had ever given her this much fulfillment, this much joy, this much pleasure, nor had they ever made her feel as complete as James did. She knew this moment, this feeling, would not last. ‘He hates me. After tonight, he doesn’t want to see me anymore. So I’m going to take all I can from him now, in this moment, tonight.’ She leaned forward, meeting his gaze, as her hands reached for his hands. The very hands that were responsible for so much suffering were now within her own. At first, she placed them on her legs, using his hands like they were her own, exploring her body. She never went near her pussy. If he was going to touch her there, it would be of his own free will. She led him up her chest, to her nipples. ‘This is your body James. Tonight you command it. Tonight you can have it, do whatever you like with it, to it. I want you to claim me tonight. Tonight is all we have. I know.’ She gasped; once more fighting back tears at the knowledge tonight was all she had. She brought his hands to her lips. Not once did she stop fucking him this entire time. Tessa could have suckled his fingers, but no. She placed his hand flat against her face. It wasn’t real, what she was imagining, but it was enough. The gentle touch of a lover, from a man that truly had deep feelings for the woman he was with, was all in her head, but she smiled, nonetheless, reveling in the sensation. Her lips kissed his palm, before she placed his hand around her throat. Her pussy began to clench around him, and her mouth hung open. “James! I’m gonna cum! I wanna cum! Please let me cum! Cum with me!” As the last word left her lips, her eyes widened once more as she realized those words were not in her mind. She had spoken them aloud.
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