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Sex Magick - Character Profile Thread

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Jun 1, 2014
See the rules for details.


General Description: Include clothes, scars, mannerisms, personality, relevant history.)
Items normally carried on you:
Notable Items you can run home to get:
Career/Finances: (Include income, savings, debt, assets, and property.)
Relations: (Friends, Allies, Lovers, Relatives, Enemies.)
Group Affiliations:
Power Level: (To the first decimal place, which denotes experience. If your character is PL 3 with 8 experience, your Power Level can be recorded as 3.8.)
Spells Known:

Note: The GM may make exceptions for those wishing to keep information about their character out of public view.
Name: Jake Grassby
Age: 24
Sex: Male
General Description: Jake Grassby. Skilled thief, sexual deviant, and now also a sex magician. Who would've thought? Jake is known to have a moral code built on fun and good times, rendering him quite reckless and eccentric. He also has trouble taking anything seriously.

He wears casual clothing, including whatever he can find on the top of his shelf that day, unless he has to do something serious such as stealing from someone or seducing someone - the only things he innately finds to be serious matters.

He also has a large scar covering the lower part of his back. He'll often brag about getting it during some S/M play to his friends, but no one knows if this is the truth.

Items normally carried on you: A knife, atleast one lockpick and some cash.
Notable Items you can run home to get: A large leather bag, several different masks, drugs, a gun and some sextoys.
Career: Thief and bartender.
Thief: Varying income.
Bartender: 22.000 dollars/year.
Savings: None.
Debt: None.
Assets: None.
Property: Small flat. Costs: 20.000 dollars/year (including food, etc)
Overall income: 2.000 dollars/year + extra.

Motivations: Fulfillment of basic needs, money, fun and sex.
Relations: Has a large circle of friends in the inner city, though almost no close friends. This includes 'lovers', who aren't really his lovers, but do have rounds with him once in a while. He has cut all contact to his relatives, and doesn't like to talk about them. He has no real enemies, but of course, far from everyone likes him.
Group Affiliations: None.
Power Level: 1.8 (Perhaps he has been a sex mage for a short while before being discovered?)
Spells Known: Create metal.
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