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True Calling (Atroxa x Effigy)

“Yes, actually,” Lilura answered him matter-of-factly, “Well, I would have liked for it to, but I knew it was a long shot. The more experienced you are, the more you can control a spirit. Once I have a little more practice, commanding it to do something as simple as shut up should be successful. The more contrary the command is to the spirit's will the harder it is to make them obey.” She explained this to him as she put away the pouch and walked over to her horse. She blinked a little though when Durihan spoke favorably of what she'd just done, glancing at him a little unsurely before she shrugged. “It was successful, nothing impressive,” Lilura obviously had high expectations of herself, she had to. She had no one else to hold her to a standard, so she did it herself.

They went back home and to bed, a few days passed and Lilura met her guard out at the stables, pulling on her riding gloves as Durihan appeared. His question made her brows arch a little, “Because I want to go riding,” she told him as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I also have something for you,” she added with a bit of a smile, looking up as two stablehands came out, each leading a horse. One was leading Bayard, the other was leading a handsome chestnut stallion, slightly larger and more robust than her own horse, his red coat dotted with scars of varying sizes. She took the reins of both horses, but looked at the chestnut, “This is Hector,” She told the former knight, “My father bought him a few knights ago, thought it would be impressive to ride around on a former war horse, but he couldn't handle him.”

She looked back to Durihan and handed over the reins, “He's yours now. I'd ride him myself but Bayard is the jealous type, aren't you boy?” She looked over at the dark gelding, pulling his head over and kissing him on the nose in an uncharacteristic display of affection. The horse seemed to actually like it though, returning the attention by bumping his forehead against her shoulder.
Before Durihan could respond to an engagement of social banter, Lilura would say she had something for him, and just like that she had presented him with a horse. Durihan was left speechless as he looked at the creature. Horses weren't cheap, so for her to do this was definitely some sort of sign of affection right? Sure hearing that she didn't pay a single coin and that Hector was a hand me down horse from her father should of lessened the impact but Durihan was actually taken back a little. He was no casual rider though, only riding in jousting tournaments or actual field combat. Hell it had been years since he had riden anything, the closet thing being that wagon that was pulled by a horse. So to see a war horse again.... It only served to throw him down memory lane once more.

The man found himself circling the creature. His hand softly running over the various scars on his body. Durihan could tell from each kind of scar how the creature had been hurt. A spear, an arrow, a sword... Coming back full circle he looked to the creature, having to laugh a little. This was just perfect. And so he turned to Lilura, “You are too kind..” Durihan stated, moving to Hector's side before pulling himself up and onto the saddle.

“Easy..” Durihan said to Hector, of course getting the same treatment that Lennox probably did. However Durihan was more then used to a fight, and as the two rode off Hector would stop resisting him as Durihan showed he wasn't giving up in the slightest. But stubbornness and brute force could only take one so far. Out of practice he wasn't used to using his legs properly to keep from aching, his posture poor which only served to make the bumps of the ride that much more of an issue. Any chance Lilura got to look at Durihan would show her the irritation the man was going through, but of course he wouldn't openly complain. Not after she had just got him a horse after all.
Lilura arched a brow as she watched him inspect Hector, though 'inspect' wasn't the right word, more like admire. She wondered if he was thinking about battles he had been in, and thought that maybe one day she should ask him about them, but not today. When he came back around and told her she was too kind, the girl sniffed softly, “Hardly, you need a horse to go riding with me and Hector needs a rider. You're both grouchy old men stuck in your glory days, obviously you're perfect for one another.” That said, she swung into Bayard's saddle as well, riding off with Durihan in tow.

It was obviously pretty quickly that the former knight was seriously out of practice, and after a while, the girl finally snorted at him. “You ride like a bearded sack of potatoes,” she informed her guard, “We're going to have to start riding more often so you don't start aching so quickly...” Lilura decided. She was thinking about taking mercy on him and heading back when something caught her eye just off the trail. The girl gave an audible gasp and turned Bayard off the path, making a B-line for a clump of bushes. “A grass dragon!” She exclaimed softly, looking at a very dark green twisting plants with wicked thorns all over it.

“I'll collect this then we'll go home okay?” Lilura told him, starting to dismount, but seemed to struggle a bit before cursing under her breath. “My right boot is stuck...” she growled, still trying to get her boot free, “I need your help.”
Sack of potatoes!? How dare she, Durihan might of started his decent into older adulthood but he still had strength in his body! Obviously he was taking such comments the wrong way but from Lilura's oh so cocky tone of voice it became apparent that this was a part of their social bantery. Or at least he hoped that was how things were. She probably would of insulted him again if it wasn't for the gasp that came from her lips. A what dragon?

Durihan followed after her, not really sure what she was talking about. All the man could see were plants and bushes around, all more or less the same. But what did you expect from the man? Whatever the case Lilura was set on getting her plants and Durihan watched... And watched. Lilura had gotten herself stuck, or more precisely her boot stuck. The man did nothing until she actually said she needed his help.

“Alright what's the matter?” Durihan asked, dismounting and walking over. However right when he stood beside her she seemed to get herself free. In such an awkward manner that she lost her balance and fell right into Durihan. What had he taught her about balance during their sword fighting lesson hadn't settled at all! It was a good thing he didn't say anything because he would be surprised as well by this and forced to the ground by the woman. At least he served to cushion her fall.

So there the two were, Durihan laying on ground with Lilura on top of him. She had landed rather hard on him, and even though she did have some rather attractive female features to her flesh... She definitely had some boney parts too. “Ahhhh...” Durihan groaned a little, having even hit the back of his head a little harder then he should. But what was in front of him he couldn't help but gaze at. Lilura's face only inches from his, the sun up above giving her a sort of glow that encircled her head. It didn't take long for Durihan to act. Why not after all? She hadn't killed him so far.

His hands would come up to rest on her hips, holding her softly in place as his head moved as well. Kissing her for the second time now as they laid there together. Much like the time before the kiss was very intimate, much more then the peck on the lips. And there was no pathetic shaking or gross sweat either. Definitely an improvement!
“What do you mean what's the matter? I just told you my boot is stuck,” she griped at him, rolling her eyes at her guard as he came over to her. About the time that Durihan got close enough to help her though, her boot finally came free. She had been putting all her weight on her left foot, so as her boot came free, there was nothing to counteract that, and she ended up tumbling over and onto Durihan. She landed on top of him with a grunt, and he wasn't exactly made of pillows either, still thought it could have been a lot worse.

“Damn it...” Lilura groaned, her hands trying to take of her weight off of him, one on his chest and the other on the ground beside his head. She noticed him staring up at her just before Durihan kissed her, the girl's eyes going wide and her body stiffening in surprise. The bottle she'd been shoving everything into cracked though and she found herself kissing him back. She leaned into him, her head turning slightly to let her lips mold against his properly. Her body softened against him as she deepened their kiss, pouring the pent up emotions of the last few weeks into their contact.

But just as quickly as she released herself, she drew it back in, her body stiffening as she pulled herself free from him. “Damn it Durihan!” She snarled, climbing off of him quickly and taking a few quick steps back from him. She was panting like she'd just run a mile, gray eyes a little wide, “Stop it! Just stop! Why can't you leave me alone?!” Lilura snapped at him, “I have too much to do to go... complicating things getting involved with anyone, especially some one like you!” She wasn't even sure what she meant by that, except that he had baggage and a past, having him as a guard was risky enough, a lover? That was just asking for trouble.

“Why? What is it with you?! Do you just have some sort of weird attraction to people you're supposed to protect? You're nearly twice my age for crying out loud! This is probably just some perverted fucking game to you isn't it?” she was shouting at him now, looking upset and angry and a hundred other emotions that she kept buried down inside her in single-minded quest to get back at the people who had killed her mother and practically exiled her family. “Well if you think you can just fuck with my head because I'm young you're wrong! You can pack your shit and leave if you think that that's what you're going to do! Go get your rocks off with some whore and leave me out of it! I'm not going to be some... conquest for you!”

And with that the girl turned back to her horse, climbed back into the saddle and turned him sharply, putting her heels to his sides to drive him into a break neck gallop back down the trail and to the castle.
Durihan wasn't sure how to react to this. Lilura actually moving into the kiss. The way her hand slightly gripped at his chest, how she pressed her lips into his. It was breath taking, sure a whore could do the same... But it wasn't like this. Passion to be wanted, passion to share. Any longer and the man would step things up, maybe even press his tongue to her lips. Would that be to much?

But it seemed where they were was too much and Lilura was quick to push free. Now that was surprising, he was sure that after that sort of response that the two would have some more intimate interactions.. Not a quick snarl and steps away from one another? He just laid there though, looking up to Lilura in a confused state as he listened to her. What else could he do anyways?

However how she shouted at him, how she insulted him. This was very different from their usual banter. Like when he had pried to far into Lilura's goals. Underneath that hard shell she hid behind... There was still a girl, filled with emotions and feelings that once let out seemed to spiral out of control before being shoved back in her place. She felt like she was being taken advantage of? She felt like she was nothing more then some goal? It left Durihan to wonder why she thought that. Were their circumstances that severe? Hell he wasn't a child there was no easy way to go around what was happening. But a long time ago he had given up on what he should do... What he cared about now was what he wanted to do, what felt right. But that could very well bite him in the ass again.

The ride back was slow for Durihan, wanting to give Lilura plenty of time to be by herself. To put distance between the two. Of course before he rode back he made sure to stock his saddle bag with the whatever dragon Lilura was so excited for. Only because she had pointed at it for but a moment or else he would have been lost. Coming back to castle Balfour Durihan found himself standing in front of Lilura's door with a sack full of grass dragon, though as he stood there he couldn't bring himself to knock. He was probably the last person she wanted to see right now even if he was baring gifts. So he found a servant, telling them to give the plants to Lilura before going to his room.

So as the servant knocked, waiting for Lilura to answer before telling her that she had grass dragon from Durihan, Durihan would be in his room packing. Sure what Lilura had said might have been in the heat of the moment, but at the same time even in such passions Lilura wasn't the kind of person to not mean the words she spoke. Durihan had gotten to Lilura's core, and once there Lilura made it perfectly clear that she wasn't comfortable being exposed like that and would rather him leave then keep opening her up in such ways. That much was true, and what was sad was that Durihan had very little to pack. It felt like he had spent years here at Castle Balfour when really it couldn't have been more then a couple months. If even that.

Lilura wouldn't leave her room, Durihan deciding it would be best to leave at night. So he waited, eating one last meal before he went to the stables to pack Hector with his armor. A few servants even made a bag filled with some food and supplies. If anything Durihan had served Lilura better then other guards had. And those servants that actually cared for the girl had seen that. But as Durihan got ready to saddle up he couldn't help but go back. Not in hopes of Lilura stopping him, but like any old fool the man would never just run away. That was against Durihan, even if he was a has been at this point.

“Lilura..” Durihan called out from the other side of her door, having knocked and even tried to open it. But the door was locked. “I packed my things and am here to say good bye.” The man stated calmly, even sighing a little as he stood there. “It's funny really, I don't know if it is some affliction that puts me in these situations. Or some curse. But I know I can't leave you alone... Because you cared for me, I can't leave you alone because at the worst part of my life you saw it fit to save me... Be it just so you can use me, Be it for your entertainment... I don't know but you still cared for me. And I could never thank you enough for that.” Durihan started, smiling even as he continued. “It would be so much easier if I could blame this on some weird attraction to those I protect... But there is nothing easy about what I'm feeling. What I think you are feeling too. I am old, pretty much twice your age... And yet here I am, like some squire laying eyes upon a maiden for the first time. I would never insult you in such a way to chase you in some perverted game. We both know how much more you are then some whore. In way would I ever berate you in such a manner.” The man sighed, nodding his head as he knew he was coming close to an end to all of this.

“And I think you got it wrong. You were not my conquest.... But I was yours. I don't know why you didn't give up on me.... But you didn't. You pushed me, you mended, you gave me purpose again... And just know I will always love you for that Lilura Balfour.” That felt good to put in words, Durihan nodding his head before he turned to leave. Who knew what was next in his life, but for once he was actually looking forwards to it now. Maybe another trip to Oberfell, or he could try his luck in the Forest of Arlanthia.
There were a lot of reasons why Lilura had said what she did, why she had accused him of just being after a conquest. But what it really boiled down to was a surprising amount of insecurity on her part and a very jaded outlook on relationships. Love and passion? She didn't know if those really existed, not the way people seemed to want them to. No, there was always some sort of ulterior motive going on, there was no way that Durihan's interest in her was genuine. And why would it be? She was almost a child compared to him! Why in the world would a man like him be interested in her except for the usual, perverted reasons a man in his thirties formed an interest in a girl still in her teens? Some twisted way to relive his youth or something. Lilura saw nothing in herself valuable enough to make him want anything more than to satisfy those sort of twisted needs. She refused to be used like that, to be so weak as to succumb to that sort of treatment, to be degraded in such a way.

While the ride back to the castle might have been slow for Durihan, for her it was a blur. Bayard stretched his legs eagerly for his rider, not sure what it was they were running from but he knew she wanted away from something and he was happy to oblige. She left him in the care of the stablehands though and hurried up to her room. Lilura didn't know what to think of all this, she was trying to process it all, but it was difficult. She kept trying to shut back down, block it all out, bottle it up, but that just didn't seem to work as well anymore. Not now that there was a crack in her bottle, things kept spilling back out, filling her mind. And it was all Durihan's fault! She had been just fine until he came along! The girl flopped on her bed and buried her face in a pillow, screaming into it. He was both right and wrong though about her not wanting to see him, she didn't, she never wanted to see him again, but at the same time she wished he would come barging in and just... she didn't know.

She didn't think that he was really leaving though, she hadn't meant that at all. Well, sort of, she'd meant it if Durihan really was just out to conquer her. If he wasn't though... then no he certainly wasn't allowed to just pack up and leave no matter what she said. So when she heard him outside her door, she sat up quickly, looking surprised as he said he was there to say goodbye. Lilura stared at the door as he spoke, pouring his heart out into her hands. She didn't think she'd ever heard anyone ever be so honest and just put themselves out there like that. She knew she had never been able to do that. Her eyes dropped to her bed as he kept talking, trying to process everything he was saying, but her eyes widened and she looked at the door as he said he loved her. She knew from the way he was saying it that he wasn't in love with her, or maybe he was... she didn't know. Not all of it made sense, she had questions to ask him, and that meant he couldn't go anywhere.

Lilura climbed off her bed quickly and sprinted to her door, still dressed in her tunic and trousers, her feet bare, making them slap against the stone of the hall as she got her door open and got out of her room. “Durihan!” she shouted at his back, “You're not going anywhere!” She growled, stomping over to him and grabbing his arm, pulling at it to stop him.
The man was surprised to hear a door unlock. It could have been any door in the hallway, what were the chances that it was Lilura's? However logic and reason seemed to either play no hand in this or had put it's hand fully into the pot as Lilura called out to Durihan. The man smiling but more out of disbelief then joy. Those weren't words that you went back too. Sure that's what poets spoke of, but those were words to think on, to ponder and cherish. Not act on. Durihan found himself stopping though, Lilura doing more then ordering him to not go anywhere, she came over and grabbed his arm to try and pull him to a stop.

That got the man still, taking a few moments before he turned to her. Why did she come out? Why did she stop him? Did she feel the same? Or did she feel at all? Even through the growling Durihan could see how lost she was, but at the same time actually making a choice through all the chaos she had feared. He could only smile down at her, rather relieved that she did come out and stop him. But what was there to say to her now? He had admitted his good byes, and yet she didn't want him to go. What else could the man do but act?

So he stepped forwards into Lilura. Leaning down so he could kiss her for a third time. His hands moving to her body, holding her against himself as he tilted her his. In a truly passionate embrace Durihan held onto her like she was his world, his lip more forceful then before, but in no way over baring. That caress ever present as he held Lilura to himself, there could be no way to deny this now after she stopped him right? At least that was what he thought this all meant.
Lilura glared at the back of his head for a moment as he seemed to consider not turning around. She worried that he wouldn't, that she'd made too much of a mess of things for him to continue putting up with her now. She started to say something, though she wasn't sure what, but then Durihan did turn around and she just looked at him, completely at a loss for words, a rare occurrence in her life. She always had a witty come back or a biting remark, but not this time. She honestly didn't know what she felt, it was something she struggled with, processing her emotions and her feelings. Lilura had shut them down a long time ago, and never allowed them to come back properly. What had been an easy solution at the time had become her default way of handling herself.

So she wasn't entirely sure how she felt, but she knew she didn't just want him to stay because he was useful to her. She was sure of that if nothing else when Durihan smiled down at her, her cheeks blushing a little as she realized that this was about as vulnerable as she'd ever made herself with anyone. Thankfully, he took full advantage of the situation before she could shore herself back up and pulled her to him in another kiss. Lilura yielded to the act readily, this time she was prepared for it, her lips meshing to his and her gray eyes closing as her arms went up and around his neck. It was a far more passionate, demanding kiss than the previous two they'd shared, and she found herself falling into it willingly.

After a long moment though, the girl struggled free, panting slightly and her lips red from the force of their kiss. She had to blink a few times in an attempt to clear her mind enough to try and disengage from him, grabbing his hand and taking a step back away from him. “Not here,” Lilura told him, her voice a bit dazed as she tugged him with her back towards her room, getting her door open and pulling him inside with her. About the last thing she needed was a servant seeing them and running to her father. The man was a tool, but he would put his foot down over his daughter behaving so inappropriately, especially with Durihan. Safely back in the privacy of her room though, Lilura took the initiative this time, stepping back into the larger man and catching his lips in an insistent, heated kiss.
There was passion returned to Durihan as the two kissed. With how Lilura brought her arms around his neck... How her hands gripped at his shirt as they kissed. This was definitely a much needed reaction after the first few attempts had resulted in failure. But that would be left to question now seeing how Lilura was now embracing the moment. Call the ice breaking kisses, they were the stepping stones to greater things.

To the man's surprise however Lilura would slowly pull back, making her way out of his embrace. She was moving to fast for him to feel any hurt or confusion, if anything Durihan was more mystified with the moment. Though she never broke physical contact, the man's hand in hers he followed willingly as she pulled him back to her room. Once inside her chambers however the passion would grow a flame once more, Lilura actually kissing Durihan for a change.

He couldn't help but back up to the door, his hands returning to their place on Lilura's body. Gripping softly and pulling her to his own as their lips meshed together once more. Where her head tilted to one side Durihan's would tilt to the other, their lips almost fighting for control of the kiss. Durihan found himself enthralled though with Lilura's advance, pressing harder against her, going so far as to even turn the two and push Lilura against the door only to assault her lips again and again with his own.
Durihan might not realize it but he was making her eat her words with this encounter. She'd always thought that romantic passion was some sort of farce, an imbecilic notion that people chased after to find some measure of happiness. Her brief encounters with the opposite sex, including the one that had resulted in her losing her virginity, she hadn't felt even an inkling of an real passion or fire. They had tried, of course, but Lilura was apparently hard to really impress. Durihan had some how managed to do so though.

It was a little scary though, the girl was all about control, control of herself and control of others, but she could feel her self control being worn down with each passing second. It was a struggle at first not to fight it, but Durihan helped, it was easier to stay grounded in reality with his hands on her body and his lips trying to dominate hers. She fought back as well as she could, his beard scratching at her face but in a surprisingly pleasant way. She had always thought that facial hair might be an annoyance, but it turned out to be more of a stimulus than anything else.

Lilura's hands gripped him tightly, one holding onto the back of his shirt, the other slid up the back of his neck to twine her fingers into his hair, holding onto him like she needed an anchor. Which she did, it was all almost a little overwhelming, but in an entrancing way. She found herself practically crushed between Durihan and her door, pressing back against him in an attempt to try and not just be completely taken over. Her lips fought back in their kiss, her chest rising and falling against his, clinging to him tightly as her tongue brushed against his lips curiously.
It was true though, at least in this moment. The words she had spoken to him in anger and frustration. This would be the second time that he had fallen for someone he was protecting. Someone of a “higher” blood line. Who knew, deep down inside maybe it was some sort of thrill of a conquest. To have what was not suppose to be his. But even so the thrill wasn't achieving something, it was relishing in it. He still loved, he still cared. Why not indulge as well? What couple didn't? But to call Lilura and Durihan a couple? That was yet to be seen. Tomorrow would probably shine light on such a question.

But for now Lilura was his, her tongue brushing against his lips for only a second. His own tongue coming out to touch hers, to caress hers. Inviting her to explore his mouth while his tongue pressed to enter hers. To taste her saliva. Finding it pleasurable Durihan groaned into their kiss, pressing himself against Lilura more. A grow bulge she had seen when he watched her naked now pressing against her as they kissed.

His hands would move, pulling at her tunic, pressing against her form. In no time at all they found flesh beneath the tunic, the tips of his fingers enjoying the warmth of her soft flesh. Their enthused kiss coming to an end just so Durihan could move to Lilura's neck, burying his face there to kiss and suck at her exposed skin. Groaning into her, needing her.
Lilura would probably balk if anyone, including Durihan, went so far as to all them a couple. That was... well that was kind of a leap. She still didn't know what she thought of all this, it was just happening so fast and she didn't have time to process at all. That was probably a good thing though, knowing how she was, if Durihan gave her the chance to think she would probably overthink and decide this was just too much of a risk, and try to stop him, stop herself. She didn't want to stop though, she realized that in the back of her mind as he groaned into their kiss, she just had to keep the momentum going.

Her tongue rubbed against his, lips parting to allow it to invade her mouth, the act intimate and passionate. She could taste him on her lips and her tongue, pressing her mouth into his hungrily. Lilura became very aware of the hardening bulge pressing against her, and she surprised herself with an instinctual response, pressing into it and rubbing herself against him. She felt a small lick of flame in her stomach, quickening her blood until she could hear her pulse in her ears.

Durihan's fingertips against her skin about did her in though, the textured callouses a distinct sensation against her soft skin. When their kiss ended, she took the opportunity to try and catch her breath, panting softly now that she was free to actually breathe. Not that that did much good as his mouth devoured the sensitive skin of her neck, making Lilura's eyes close and a soft noise escape her throat, her pulse quick and desperate under his lips. “Gods,” she whispered hoarsely as her head tilted away from him, exposing her neck for him. Her eyes opened to cast a glance at her bed. “The bed,” she gasped, tugging at him insistently, since it seemed she'd been reduced to monosyllables.
Every action a reaction. Durihan would press into her and she would grind back against him. His fingers would grip at her flesh and she would groan under her breath. His lips attacked her neck and the girl shivered in new found ecstasy. What was there but this moment right now? His hands wanted more, going further up her tunic, wanting to feel her breasts that he had only seen before. Wanted to run his fingers down her spine, to explore every inch of her oh so “forbidden” body. Just the word was a joke in itself used by Lennox. Lilura after all was very much in control with what she did with her body, even if right now it felt like there was no control at all.

He would pull back from her once she said the bed. Taking a few moments to look at the woman before he couldn't help himself. His lips coming to hers in a needy kiss. Her lips were soft and full, warm to the touch that he oh so needed. And as they kissed his hands would drop down, over her ass and to the back of her thighs. Lilura finding herself suddenly being the one taller then Durihan as he held her up, tilting his head back so they could still kiss.

The man walked over to Lilura bed, holding her still as they kissed. He couldn't help but smile, Lilura's reaction to being lifted up always a treat. But she would soon be placed down on her bed, till she was sitting at it's edge and their lips still connected. Durihan bent over now, slowly pulling back, sucking on Lilura's lower lip so it would be pulled along till it could slip from Durihan's lips. The man smiling as he looked to Lilura now on her bed. “Anything else?” He asked her, finding some humor in following orders like he did with his job, only now for pleasure.
Lilura always scoffed at the idea of her father having some notion that she would be more valuable if she were 'untouched' and 'pure'. It was ridiculous if only because he obviously had no control over his daughter, the girl did what she wanted. And right now she wanted Durihan. Her reactions were eager and needy, all of it signals to him that she was perfectly willing and ready for anything he might throw her way. Within reason of course. Lilura wasn't as experienced as most of the women he had been with, save perhaps the princess, she assumed anyway, but so far, she was receptive t everything he did to her.

When he kissed her again, that was returned eagerly as well, the contrast of his soft lips and the rough texture of his beard and mustache fascinating her. The girl's tongue nudged against his lips, working it's way between them into his mouth, tasting him hungrily. His hands distracted her for a moment as they ran over her ass, she let out a surprised noise however when he gripped the back of her thighs and picked her up. Lilura gave a soft laugh into their kiss, her legs wrapping instinctively around him as he carried her over to the bed and deposited her on the edge.

She was able to actually look at Durihan as he caught her bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth until he pulled away enough for it to slip free. His question made her laugh again, grinning at him a little, her lips were a little red and swollen from his kisses. “Yeah, you're still wearing your clothes. That could be a problem don't you think?” Lilura asked him teasingly, tugging at his shirt.
Durihan found himself gazing at Lilura as he bent over where he was. Her lips having gotten a little red and swollen from his advances. He bet his probably had gotten a few shades lighter too. The girl was as breath taking as ever. The way she looked at him made Durihan feel like a man, something that was too few and far between over the years for him.

“Oh you're right.” Durihan laughed a little, soon standing up straight. His hands going down to the bottom of his shirt. Lilura had seen his body a couple times already, though the situation was much different. Pretty much every time he was dying or sick or something. Covered in bandages here and there. He was excited to see her reaction now. He pull up on his shirt, the fabric going up and over his face before he tossed the cloth to the ground. Everything was where it should have been, his scars still remaining over the muscles he had carved over the years.

He would reach down to Lilura's tunic, and much like his own shirt he would pull it up and over Lilura's body. Having to get a little help from the woman with her arms and such, but there was no resistance. Once the two had lost their shirts however desire would kick back in and Durihan found himself on top of Lilura. Kissing her once more and even pushing her back till she was laying upon her bed. The man's hands now running over her soft stomach, working their way up to her breasts. Lilura's bra was still on, but that didn't stop Durihan from groping at one. His large hand working at the fabric and the flesh beneath it as their lips never parted.
Lilura liked the way he looked at her just as much as he liked how she looked at him. He didn't look at her with indifference or distrust or like she was just an annoying child, he looked at her like she was a woman. He took her seriously, and he wanted her. And Durihan was very much a man to her. So she watched him hungrily as he agreed with her request, pulling off his shirt. She had seen him practically naked on a few occasions, but it hadn't exactly been an appropriate time to really go looking him over.

This time though, she had the time and opportunity to actually appreciate him, her gray eyes running over him curiously. She had, obviously, seen at least one man naked, but she hadn't been overly impressed. Durihan though, she found him much more interesting. He wasn't perfect, he was covered in scars, and he was a might harrier than the man she'd been with, and it was obvious that he hadn't been exactly been kind to his body over the years. Lilura didn't care though, she couldn't resist the urge to touch him, her soft hands pressing against him low on his stomach, just above the waist of his pants, as he reached down to grab her tunic.

She wasn't able to touch him for long though as he pulled off her shirt, having to lift her arms to let it slip off her body before it was gone. Durihan didn't seem to have the willpower to keep going right then though, leaning back down over her, his body forcing hers down onto the bed as he kissed her again. Lilura returned it eagerly, her tongue sliding along his lips as his hands ran over her stomach and up to her breasts to grope at one through her bra. The girl mewled softly into his mouth, her hands running over his shoulders and down his back, her fingers pausing to run over the scars that were etched into his flesh as she came to them. The girl pressed into his touch, her legs winding around him tightly to rub against the still present bulge in his pants.
It was true, Durihan hadn't kept his body over the years. There were some essentials of course, he was still strong, still built. He had to be with training and fighting for a living. But he didn't care much for anything else. Whores didn't after all since they were paid not to. So why should he bother with grooming? Well for a few moments he definitely felt some shame. Not with his body, but more with that he hadn't exactly shown or given Lilura what she deserved. Which in their lust and passion was nothing less then perfection. The man would definitely get on that later.

But now he had a woman mewling in ecstacy. He would be grinning form ear to ear if it hadn't been for their lips locked. His tongue joining hers as it came to play, pressing against hers, pushing into her mouth. Durihan's hand continued to grope at her breast, regret soon settling in as he wanted to feel her bare flesh beneath the bra. So he would pull back, his eyes on Lilura's chest as he went into declothing mode again.

His hands pushing their way underneath Lilura, a smile on his face as she would have to help a little. Just enough to prop herself up on her elbows so he could deal with her bra. This only served to bring the woman's face to his again and Durihan couldn't help but kiss her once more, groaning into their kiss as he undid her bra. Luckily they could continue like this and Lilura could still remove her garment. And once it had joined the floor with the rest of their clothing Durihan would slowly force her back down. Their kiss lasting for but a moment before the man would move down, kissing at her cheek, her chin, her neck, her chest.. And finally her breast.

Even for a girl her age Lilura's breasts were very developed. Many women would be jealous and here they were now bare to Durihan. One of his hands would return to their spot to grope at her breast, while his lips would kiss their way to her nipple. The man treating her sensitive nub with the utmost care and desire, sucking on it before running his tongue against her. And Lilura's attempts to stimulate his bulge wouldn't go unnoticed of course, especially now when she made his groan it would only serve to stimulate her nipple.
Lilura's lips parted willingly to let his tongue into her mouth, sucking on the warm muscle gently as he kissed her with his hands still groping at her over her bra. She was about to start removing it herself when Durihan seemed to grow a bit impatient and decided to take matters into his own hands, literally. So she let him, lifting herself up a bit to make it easier as he dealt with the clasps at the back, ending up in another kiss with him, her arms around his neck again. She let him slip out of her grasp though as he kissed his way down her neck and her chest, making a b-line for one of her breasts.

There was no more obvious a sign of her being just on the brink of womanhood than her breasts, full and soft, still perky with youth, he was right in that many women would be jealous of this particular aspect of Lilura's body. Just as, in turn, there were many men who would be jealous of him and his chance to be so up close and personal with them. His lips against the soft skin of her breast made her sigh softly, her hands running through his hair, but when he finally made contact with her nipple, Lilura couldn't help but gasp. She pressed into his mouth a little, not able to stop her body's reaction, squirming and fidgeting as his lips and tongue worked on the sensitive peak, sending ripples and currents of pleasure through her, rewarding him with soft sweet moans.

Paying attention to her breasts moved Durihan down her body enough that it was the girl's thigh that ended up pressed between his legs, rubbing against the bulge there half in an attempt to return some of the pleasure he was giving her, and partially just as a welcome side effect of her body's reaction to his attention. Lilura was still even then treated with an additional stimulation as he groaned in response to her soft thigh pressing and rubbing between his legs, the vibration of his mouth against her nipple making the girl's back arch. This was entirely different from the unimpressive, boring fumblings she'd experienced before. She didn't know if Durihan was just that much more experienced, or if it was her that made the difference, her attraction to him and her enthusiasm for this encounter. She didn't dwell on it, she didn't have the space of mind to do so.
Well he definitely hadn't lost his touch. Lilura's moans were testament to that. And her body language only further solidified that the girl was very very pleased with what he was doing. True be told this was only the beginning. He imagined that Lilura never really experienced the joys of sex, even if she had been with someone before. Just from her attitude and outlook Durihan could tell, but that made the man wonder if things would change after tonight? He definitely was going to make this as pleasurable as possible for the girl.

So he would pull back from her breast, his lips having plenty of suction to pull off her breast with a small pop. The man smiling as he picked up where he had left off. Kissing from her breasts to her stomach. Before long Durihan was kneeling on the floor beside the bed, Lilura unable to accommodate him in much of anyway, but she would get the chance soon enough once Durihan was finished. His hands going to Lilura's pants to undo and start to pull off. The two had a common goal, sex after all. So working together was easy to remove articles of clothing. In just her under garment Lilura laid there, Durihan look up at her body and her face before he started to remove the last piece of clothing on her body.

And just like that the two were back to when Durihan had first seen her naked. Her tuft of pubic hair trimmed and groomed perfectly. The folds of her pussy before him. Durihan wasted no time, taking the initiative that her previous lover might not of taken. She would feel Durihan's lips pressed to her lower ones, his hands coming up to grab hold of her hips as he began to serve her orally. His upper lip moving up to press against her clit, his tongue running up her slit before pressing just enough push between her folds, only to pull back and repeat the process.
Lilura groaned softly as he pulled away from her breast, starting to almost take it with him before his hold on her flesh gave out with a soft 'pop' before she was actually released. It was almost a relief really, her body finally able to relax a little. The girl's face was flushed and her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, her hands lingering on Durihan as long as they could before he descended out of her reach. She let her hands fall to the bed instead, watching him as he kissed down her stomach, his lips causing waves of goosebumps to march across her pale skin. Lilura was secretly a little ticklish there as well, and did her best to suppress the soft, very uncharacteristic giggle that started to bubble up her throat, not sure if she was successful or not, but glad that either way, Durihan seemed to intent on his goal to notice much.

She lifted her hips for him as he undid her pants and pulled them off, her legs soft but strong from years of horse back riding. Then she was naked, perched on the edge of the bed in front of him with everything on display, about as exposed as she'd ever been with anyone. She had been naked of course, but Durihan kneeling down between her knees on the floor, looking up at her, was a far more intimate arrangement than anything from before. Lilura loved the way he looked at her though, making her face turn red all over again as her gray eyes watched him curiously.

The girl wasn't expecting him to lean in and press his mouth to her pink folds though, not that she would complain. It was an act she had of course heard about, but not one she'd had the privilege of experiencing. That had never particularly bothered her, she'd been so unimpressed with everything else that it hadn't seemed like a great loss, but that was before Lilura realized what she was missing out on. She was far from innocent, despite how sex had been villainized for most of her life, she was still very human and like anyone going through puberty she had explored herself. So the sensation of being touched wasn't foreign, but it was an entirely different thing to have Durihan's lips and tongue doing the touching this time, drawing another soft gasp from her at first contact.

Lilura's legs parted more for him of their own accord as he serviced her, her hands gripping the sheets under her as his lip worked over the most sensitive part of her body, his tongue tasting the effect he had had on her so far. She didn't attempt to rein in the sharp moans he caused, her hips moving to press her pussy into his mouth eagerly, the girl panting softly and her body squirming.
Oh the taste of a woman in the thralls of passion and lust. Durihan enjoyed it as much as a man could. He was doing this to her, Durihan was pleasuring Lilura. The way her body squirmed, the way her lips opened to moan out to him... All of it was perfection in physical form. Lilura was now his to do with as he pleased, at least if you looked at it in a sort of primal sense and Durihan knew exactly what he wanted to do. And Lilura seemed oh so willing to go along for the ride.

His hands did their best to hold her down without forcing her in place, the man enjoying how her legs parted more, how her body squirmed here and there whenever he pressed just hard enough against her clit. His tongue would venture further, to enjoy the heated embrace of her vagina. Durihan would press harder into her, bringing his tongue up and out of her to run along her clit. He couldn't help but show it attention, kissing at the nub before starting to suck at it.

And as much as he wanted to take her now, he wasn't exactly a young man anymore. Now wasn't the time to think back on past experiences but there had been a time where Durihan could of taken the full night in pleasing a woman. But now, he would only have one maybe two actually tries at sex before he wouldn't be able to perform in such a way. So he planned to treat Lilura to an orgasm in this way first, or at least get her to the point where she demanded or begged him to stop with this foreplay. Whatever the case was Durihan would press repeated against her clit with his tongue, pushing it back down to delve into her pussy once more. Using his upper lip again to stimulate her. In everything he made sure to always pleasure her, back and forth no matter what he was using Lilura would always be hit with some sort of wave of ecstasy.
Lilura definitely was at his mercy at this point, too enraptured to even think about putting up any sort of a fight against anything but the most contrary demands. Anything to keep him from stopping, she was too in love with the feeling of his lips and tongue at work against her flushed, sensitive sex. So she wouldn't be begging Durihan to stop any time soon. If anything her every reaction encouraged him, her back arching and hips rolling into his mouth, making her body move in a slow, sinuous motion despite how his hands tried to restrain her.

His near constant attention to her clit made the girl moan wantonly and squirm, her hands gripping the covers hard enough for her knuckles to turn white, her eyes alternating from shut tight to staring wildly at the ceiling over her bed. A ball of heat and pressure built deep in her loins, making her blood run hot and quick, growing tighter and tighter as Durihan lashed and caressed her with his lips and tongue. Lilura felt like some one had poured fire in her veins, fueled by a furnace in her depths, her skin flushed and hot, starting to acquire a sheen from sweat. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she drew panted breaths, desperately trying to make it so she didn't feel like she was just going to melt.

Lilura was certainly falling victim to his successful strategy to ensure that she was constantly being assaulted with sensation and stimulation, that ball of pressure growing bright and hot until she felt like she was about to break. She struggled against a rush of ecstasy so intense it was almost frightening, the pressure building to an almost unbearable point. Her moans built to a crescendo and her body writhed in an attempt to provide an outlet for the overwhelming current coursing through her, but to no avail. The pressure in her body snapped, ripping a soft cry out of her chest as her hips bucked as she came in his mouth, a few trickles of her juices managing to escape anyway to trail down her thighs to the bed under her.
There were signs of Lilura's impending orgasm. The way her squirms became sporadic, how her body started to glow with a soft sheen of sweat. How her separated moans curled into a drawn out cry of pleasure. And her legs, almost kicking with some force to them, Durihan keeping her on the bed as he continued to pleasure her. Right to the very moment Durihan would practically worship her sex with his tongue, with his lips. And when she climaxed her welcomed it.

The taste of her juices only fueled Durihan more, kissing and licking at her wet lips. Not too much though, over stimulus after an orgasm could be considered wasted. What with the euphoria that followed such a climax. The man giving Lilura's pussy one last kiss before he started to rise. His lips and cheeks had Lilura's juices on them, but that was the least of their focus's as Durihan went to undo his pants.

He let out a sigh of relief once he had gotten his pants and underwear off, his cock finally free of it's fabric restraints. Durihan was very much hard and throbbing for Lilura, his cock practically pulsating for the promise of sex. What hung beneath were two heavy set balls, more then ready to fill Lilura with Durihan's seed. He gave Lilura some time to recover but not much, his hand going to his member as he moved back down and on top of her to get into position. Rubbing the head of his cock against her dampened entrance, Durihan couldn't help but let out a groan. Slowly beginning to push the head of his member into Lilura's pussy. Even though she had just orgasmed Lilura would most definitely be tight, lack of practice and partners would make sure of that. Which made the initial entry that much better as Durihan would even moan in whatever way a man moaned. Continuing to push each and every inch of his cock into Lilura.
The ecstasy of her orgasm was almost overwhelming, Lilura's body writhing as she gasped for breath and expended each ounce of air in vocal praise of his efforts. She rode it out as best she could, finally starting to regain some semblance of self control after a few blissful moments. As was to be expected though, she grew incredibly sensitive, gasping softly and twitching as Durihan gave her wet and eager pussy a few last acts of attention before he sat up. She didn't have long to bask in the afterglow of her orgasm before he stood and undid his pants, making it very clear that there wasn't going to be any sort of lull before they got down to what they both really wanted.

She wasn't going to complain though, merely trying to catch her breath as he got his pants and underwear off, looking him over once he was naked. Lilura managed to give a tired, but suggestive smirk, her eyes lingering on his turgid cock, obviously just as ready for this as she was. She had honestly never seem much of an aesthetic appeal in the male anatomy, and while she didn't think she would ever find it in and of itself attractive, there was something very arousing about knowing that she'd made him that way, that he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. Because she did want him, looking at him made her surprisingly aroused all over again, hungry for him, an aching need for him to be inside her blooming in her depths.

Durihan didn't give her too long to recover before he moved back on top of her, the girl welcoming him back with a yield of her legs spreading to accommodate him. His swollen cockhead rubbing her still freshly satisfied pussy made Lilura gasp, but when he started pushing inside her she let out a low, hungry moan. “Oh gods...” she groaned as she felt her walls stretch around his girth, making her pant as he pushed to fill her. It had been a while since she had even had sex at all, but her last partner hadn't been as big as Durihan either, so the sensation of being filled so completely was a new one, surprisingly satisfying and intimate. Her legs wound around his waist and her arms wrapped around his body, claiming her in her own way but also clinging to him in a need for something solid to use as an anchor.
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