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Your love's a fucking drag.[UPDATED 2/19]

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Jul 10, 2011
Well hello there. My name is Brittany. You can call me Brittany, Brit, B, Danger, basically whatever you'd like to. I'm nearly twenty-three, and I've been roleplaying for about nine years now. I'm looking for something long-term, meaning no smut. I am an absolute sucker for writing romance. I've found they are the longest lasting roleplays typically and the ones that stick with me the most. Now, that does not mean some smut elements are not welcomed. My girls are subs, therefore I am searching for a dom. I very much enjoy rough sex, so handcuffs, gags, they're all welcome. I do not have many limits or turn-offs; only a few, really. Those would be pregnancy(it's going to be a no, please don't even ask), anything that belongs in the toilet stays in the toilet, and anal(this one I can be persuaded if I really like the roleplay.) If you have something you would like to try, please feel free to ask!

I do not want to be a sex slave. Now there can be some plots where elements of slavery can be incorporated and I would be okay with it, so long as it's not the whole roleplay. We can work that out if you want.

Oh and one more thing. I'm not fond of playing multiple partners and I am not into having multiple partners. I very firmly believe one girl, one guy. Obviously this doesn't apply for background characters(i.e. parents) but there will not be multiple sex partners.

My biggest pet peeve when roleplaying is getting a post like this:

Person A smiled and said, "Why, yes, I would like that," and nodded their head. Then he leaned down and kissed Person B. Then he grinned down at her. Then he laid her down and curled up next to her.

Or getting several posts in a row that all start off like this:

Person A smiled.

That sounds so dreadfully dull. Posts like that sort of kill my roleplay mood. The English language consists of literally millions of words you can piece together to express yourself and the word 'smile' is the second word in every one of your posts? No thank you. Not only that but I cannot stand it when I get a post that tells me nothing about your character. I do not know your character but I want to. Tell me what's going on in your character's mind! All his thoughts and feelings, I want to know them all, and of course I will tell you my girl's. I have found that is the best way to really get to know your own character. Personally, I have been using my favorite character for years and I almost know her better than I know even myself. So not only will it help me get to know him, you can get to know him better too and have an easier time writing him. It's a win-win!

Post length is not important to me. I expect at least a few sentences, because I do believe that is the minimum you can include and still have some substance in your post besides just your character's actions. Post length should not be important to you, too, because sometimes you just have slow moments. But please do not consistently give me two lines. And as for intros, please, for the love of god, send me something decent. I put a lot of work into my intros and if I send you some long, detailed intro and I only get a paragraph back... that's not grounds for stopping the play, but I won't be happy with you.

One more small thing. I couldn't find a better place to slip this in, but it must be said. If we have pictures for our characters, fine. If we don't, fine. But here is all I ask: do not send me a picture of an anime kid who looks twelve. No fucking thanks. And do not tell me who to play. I obviously tailor my girl to my partner's preferences, but if you outright say "This is who I want you to play her name is ___" I will say goodbye. What can I say, I'm a loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules.

I typically stick to modern scenarios. I don't really get into sci-fi or fantasy, but it can't hurt to ask, I will say yes if I like the idea. I am not really interested in a romance plot with no drama, or a simple boy meets girl. Those are fun for the short-term, and I do have quite a few plots for them if you are interested, but they never really stick to me because honestly, there's nothing unique or strange about them. I like different romances. Romances that aren't supposed to happen. I'm talking about a girl falling in love with her stalker, being blackmailed into marriage and slowly falling, falling for a kidnapper, etc. You get the general idea, I am sure. I love the constant internal struggle of something that should not happen, something wrong, and the confusion. The doubts about falling in love, and the complete inability to stop yourself regardless of them. Those... are my favorite.

Nothing turns me off more than perfect characters. In fact, I am sort of a sucker for something a little... unorthodox.

Mental disorders, which sounds horrible but I am. Schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, DID, basically anything. I mentioned above I went to school for psychology and since I can't seem to get a job in the field, may as well apply it everywhere. If your character has a mental disorder, I will eat that up. Sometimes I throw in mental disorders for my own characters. If we incorporate those into the roleplay I will love you forever, but I understand it is a little strange, so if you do not want that, I understand. But I would love you forever if your guy was, say, an ex Marine with PTSD or something(pleasepleasepleasedothat). I don't want to offend anyone, or make anyone feel like I am belittling anything they have gone through in saying that, I just think it makes for a good story and if you are offended, I am sorry and thank you for your service.

Anyway, here's some cravings!

-Two friends grow up, have feelings for each other but never get together(Or they can. That part is flexible.) Both of them move away, have lives of their own, girl(MC) gets engaged and flies back home with fiancee to plan the wedding at the same time as YC goes back home. Awkwardness and leftover feelings ensue.
-Post apocalyptic love story.
-Arranged marriage(I have several ideas)
-Band member/fan(or other band member)
-Vampire or Werewolf/Human

I have many others, but these are just a few I can think of right now!

I roleplay here. I do not roleplay over email anymore ever since my email was hacked. I lost all records of some of my favorite roleplays, so from now on, just here, over PM. This one I won't be swayed on.

I think that is mostly it!

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you!
RE: My body aches to breathe your breath.

You had me until PM's as I only rp on threads because PM's tend to get lost or I get too distracted and forget responses to PM's for days or sometimes even weeks thinking I responded already because other PM's come in and cover up the freshness. Good luck though, considering I have a stalking scene I have attempted several times (my partner however kept vanishing without a word) I was thinking about that until I saw the PM thing. Have fun!
RE: Let's do this. Updated 7.10

DangerDays said:
I'm Brittany. I've been roleplaying since about seventh grade until I was about 19. I stopped for a while, and I'm here now at 21 trying to pick the hobby back up.

So let's get down to business(to defeat the Huns.) The reason you're here- to hopefully find a good roleplay. Yes? Awesome. Okay then. By saying yes and/or continuing reading, I am assuming you don't just want a quick smut and you're going to try to give me a unique roleplay I can daydream about when we aren't roleplaying and go down in my good roleplay hall of fame. In order to do this, though, there are some guidelines, and they are listed below:

-I am a female and I want to play a female. I can play male, but I only want to do so if they are just minor background characters to add to the story. My girls are very submissive, which means I am looking for a dominant male if I've done my math right(which I might not have. Math was never my forte.)

-I've worked very hard on my females and I will tell you all about their past in the intro. I ask that you tell me something about your character too, instead of just giving me two paragraphs that describes what he looks like. Intros are important- it lets me feel out your character. Which brings me to my next guideline:

-Do not, for the love of Lady Gaga(who I love very much,) get on me about post length. I will give you something to work off of, don't worry your pretty little head, and that is all I expect in return. Maybe a decent paragraph or two, that's all I ask. I understand sometimes there are slow moments and only one is possible, and that is fine with me, but for fuck's sake, don't give me one line unless it's the best goddamn one line you've ever written.

-I do not want a roleplay to be all sex. Sex scenes are fun, but plot makes it better. You can't build a good roleplay all on sex. Unless I just say I'm looking for a quick smut(which is rare but it happens.)

-I JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS RIGHT NOW. I might not reply quickly. I'm in college. I have a job I love very much and a job I very much like. Having a life with friends and stuff. I'm out of the house a lot, and while I can reply from my phone sometimes, I prefer not to because I can't put a lot of thought into it. So don't kill me. I'll always try to warn you before I have to go.

-Do not abandon me. I'm a big girl, I can handle it if you don't want to roleplay anymore. Just tell me.

Now that the guidelines are done(that wasn't so hard, was it?) let's move onto plots.

Sometimes it's kind of fun to just take an odd pairing and let the roleplay run. Others, it's agonizing. I'd like to have some sort of rough plan for the roleplay, if not a full-blown story.

As for plots I like, I'm personally a fan of things having to do with the mind and/or possession and anything that leads to my girls getting hurt. I loooove my girls getting hurt and being put in danger. I have a plot I've been working on and I'm still into it, but I wouldn't be opposed to hearing other ideas. I love the idea of being kidnapped, trapped, a forbidden connection, danger, and romance with someone who is mentally not all there.

Things I am not a fan of at all/I am not looking for include anything fantasy, fandom, sci-fi, futuristic, historical, incest, unless I REALLLLLLY like your idea. Give it a shot.

Now to the fun part: kinks. I am pretty wide open to anything, honestly. Non-consent, sexy clothes or lack thereof, whips, being tied up... In fact, the only things I am not a fan of would be anal, fisting, period play, and impregnation. Besides that, go for it. Abuse the hell out of my girls or make sweet love to them.

Now what am I craving?
I'd really like a romance-based. Maybe a best friend/best friend or some kind of good girl/bad boy. I'd love to hear ideas and we can bounce them back and forth. Personal favorites include:
-Guy/Best Friend's Sister
-Arranged marriage(or blackmailed into marriage...)

Some ideas I have:
-Some type of outbreak(like Walking Dead/The Last of Us type outbreak) in which two survivors meet and must learn to stop competing for supplies and depend on each other.
-Two strangers meet in a bar. They go home. Surprise! One is a vampire.
-Two people meet and begin a relationship but.. whoops, one sold their soul to the devil.

Those are just a few ideas, I'd love to hear yours!

Lastly, what do I roleplay over? I've changed it up a bit. Last time I roleplayed by email and something happened and I think that email got compromised or something. So it's completely gone now, which is a shame because I had some reallly good roleplays. So I'd prefer to keep it here now on PMs!

If you're still with me and find yourself interested, PM me.:)
Hey id love to RP with you just PM me.:)
RE: Let's Fall in Love.[Updated 4.22]

Pretty Interesting idea Danger....would love to discuss a rp with you based on romance, smut, and sensuality if that interests you? Also, do you rp on IM?
aim: owning_master
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