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Divergent Guardian (McD and WillowVX)

There was a certain feeling Neila got from Jackson taking care of her. It made her feel... warm. She pushed that thought out of her mind and tried to stay professional. This was made all the more difficult by the soft look in his eyes and his warm smile as he looked at her. If she were alive, she would be blushing.

"She is a rather daunting child, isn't she?" Neila replied with a sarcastic smile. Although she had no breath, she sighed. She was so relieved that Lilah was okay. "Jackson, I don't know how to repay you for what you did for her." She remained laying on the bed. She lifted her arm and put her hand on top of Jackson's. "Thank you. So very much." She gave it a squeeze and then pulled her arm away. She pulled herself into a sitting position and sat on the edge of the bed.

"The creatures that attacked you and Lilah in the woods were Lycanthrope." Neila explained. "My fathers kingdom was at war with the wolves for centuries until they finally brokered a truce. When my father was betrayed, somebody from his circle sent a message to a group of rogues and they broke the treaty. A war broke out and we barely made it out in one piece." Neila smoothed out the silk sheet of the bed and tried not to relive the horror. "But in the end, we won and they retreated. That was ten years ago. I should have known they'd be making a plan to retaliate. And Jackson?" She hesitated. She hoped he was really on her side. She was deciding to trust him. This could either be highly beneficial for her - or it would get her killed. "A werewolf bite is toxic to a vampire. One bite infects us like poison. We're dead in a matter of hours." Neila lifted her head high and looked Jackson deeply in the eyes. "So when I say thank you, please know that I mean that with a true heart. What ever I can do for you - my kingdom is indebted to you. Because without you, it could have come to an end tonight."
Jackson felt at ease with Neila. He couldn't explain why, or how. What he did know is this was not his enemy. As she touched his hand and gave it a squeeze he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Usually a warning to fight, this was different. He couldn't explain why it felt, comforting.

"Lycanthrope?" he pulls his pipe from his tattered clothes and lights it. "I don't care what they are called. You are the only person," he used the word person deliberately, she was as much a person as he had known his whole life. " that has matched my strength and speed." He drags on his pipe slowly. "These creatures almost killed both of us."

He ponders the offer of anything he wants, and truly thinks of what needs to be done. "Mistress. My ally. My friend. My Queen. I only ask one thing in return." He kneels beside her clasping her hand "Let me take Lilah to my village, she is our only weakness. Their are good people there. I can get her work and a bed." His eyes are almost pleading "You must let her go, Neila. What we might face soon is too much for her. You love her, do what is right I beg." Jackson has never been on a knee for anyone, and he hates having to do it now. In order to save the girl he will do what he has too
For the first time since she'd learned of her parent's death - Neila had tears in her eyes. It took her by surprise when Jackson knelt beneath her and took her hands in his. This strong, prideful man now begged her for Lilah's release. She shook her head and looked at him fiercely. She wanted to speak. She almost did. She wanted to tell him that was one thing she could not grant him. However, she knew that Jackson was right. But could she let Lilah go? She was so good. She was everything that was good in the world, especially when Neila was submersed in darkness. She grit her teeth and blinked, sending several tears down her face.

"So be it." Neila spoke coldly. She didn't want to show how much this decision hurt her. Jackson was right, of course. A vampire kingdom was no place for a girl, especially in such dire times, in the midst of a war. Her mind was conflicted. But without Neila there, how will she be safe? She pictured the small girl with her curtain of blonde hair in her face. "She deserves to be happy." Neila whispered. She could taste the salt in her tears. "She deserves a normal life."
Jackson could see the immense pain on Leila's face. He was a little taken aback by it. His arms reached out and pulled her close as he sat with her. She rested her head on Jackson and sobbed.

He spent the rest of the night holding her. He didn't talk much, just listened. 300 years is a long story to tell, and Jackson was happy she was sharing it. As she drifted off before sunrise Jackson laid her on her bed, he brushed the matted hair out of her face and made sure she was rested before going to get the girl.

"Lilah" his voice is soft as he woke her. "You need to gather some warm clothes and a blanket" Lilah still in a daze doesn't protest, she gathers her things and half way through turns to Jackson. "Where are we going?" She ask sleepily.
"Its not save girl, I'm taken you to the village." He readied himself for a tantrum, or kicking or screaming. Instead her eyes welled up with tears and she silently sobbed, the girl was wise beyond her years.

They made it to the village before mid day. Most of the villagers were surprised to see Jackson, he blatantly ignored any attempt of inquire into his whereabouts. Mrs Moore was a baker, and a life long friend to Jackson. Lilah would be safe there. After tearful hugs and good byes Jackson made his way back to the castle.

Sitting beside Neila as she slept he grabbed her hand. He had not slept in over a day and he drifted off in his chair next to her
Neila was taken by surprise when Jackson pulled her into an embrace. She did not fight it, however. In three hundred years, Lilah has been her only true friend. It felt odd to confide in Jackson the way she was but she couldn't help it. It rushed out of her like a fountain of emotion. Whoever started the rumor that vampire's had no human emotion were gravely mistaken. It was quite the opposite, actually. Everything felt by a human was greatly intensified as a vampire. Neila wondered if it felt that way for Jackson - or if he felt emotions like a normal human. She didn't ask. Jackson held her close to him and listened as she ranted on. It felt good to have somebody to talk to. To have someone who could understand. She couldn't recall the exact moment she'd fallen asleep. It had been a nightmare of a day and she peacefully drifted off next to Jackson.

When she finally woke - she had slept for the entire day. Jackson was sleeping in the chair next to her, clutching her hand in his. She didn't know for sure but something inside of Neila told her that Lilah was gone. Jackson had taken her to his village. After confiding in Jackson the night before, she believed truly that it was the right thing to do. However - it didn't make it any easier. Neila wanted to go to Lilah's room. She couldn't bring herself to look at the empty space where she used to lay. If it meant keeping her alive, Neila would stay away for the rest of her life. She had taught Lilah well. She hoped it would be enough.

Jackson lay slumped in the chair. Neila sighed as she stared at him. She looked at all of his scars. What a rough life he must have had as a boy. She wanted to know why he had the abilities he had. She knew it was better for him to tell his story on his own accord. Neila thought of the irony - the way he'd almost killed her the first day he arrived, and now how he'd given her his blood to save her life. How things have changed. It's almost as if they were... friends.

Neila, with exceptional speed, got out of bed and lifted Jackson onto her place. She was careful not to wake him. As much power as he had - he was still just a man. And he was sure to be exhausted. After everything he's done for her, he deserved a bed. She took his hand away from hers and laid it onto his chest. She smiled at him and left him to sleep. She needed to see the General. She needed to report the wolf attack. And while she was at it - make the laws of village hunting very clear.
The General sits at his table with a few of his soldiers. As Nelia walks in he rises in a slow manner, almost annoyed with having to stand for this 'child.'
"My queen," he nods slightly "what brings you here?" He is ominously tall and despite not being true born, he is older than Neila. He hurries the other soldiers away and pulls out a chair for Neila. As she sits he brushes her neckline slowly with his rough fingers and rest his hands on her shoulders. He doesn't wait for her to speak. He doesn't much care for anything she has to say.

"I heard through a source, that your male pet." He pauses "whatever that wretch's name is, got hurt recently." He moves in front of her and sits on the table. "You really must be more careful with your toys my Lady."

He sips his drink and waits for her to speak
The General's chamber doors were loud as Neila entered. She stood there and nodded at the General and his soldiers. As he dismissed them, she took a seat in the chair he pulled out for her. Neila sat up straight and had to stifle the urge to vomit at the way he touched her. She clenched her jaw and waited for him to take his seat.

"His name is Jackson." Neila said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And he is my personal guard. Not my pet." She corrected him with serious eyes. She chose to ignore the comment about 'being careful with her toys.' She was not a child. "Actually, that was what I wanted to speak with you about. Three from King Faelon's pack attacked both Jackson and Lilah outside of the castle grounds. It's the first we've heard from the wolves in over a decade. They might be closing in for an attack." Neila studied General Lancaster's features very closely. She'd had her suspicions that he was the one who sold her parents out. He always wanted a war with the wolves. When he asked Neila's father for her hand, he declined. He had several motives. Neila had to keep a close eye on him. Although being alone in a room with him made her skin crawl. He was tall, clean cut, and handsome. He had short, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. Neila would almost return his affection - if he wasn't such a snake.
"Jackson" his voice trails off "A guard?" He had no idea that he was anything other than a human. Neila might have disclosed more than she should have. "Do tell, how is a human able to be a guard for a vampire Queen?" He puts his hands on the table in front of her. "As for these wolves" he ponders his options "I will dispatch a few scout squads to see if it's an isolated situation."

He looks at his wall with his back to the Queen "I think I would like a face to face with this Jackson." He smiles to himself
"Perhaps, I will introduce him to William."

William was the Generals protege and a ruthless fighter. He was size wise the largest soldier in the generals guard. He was also brutal in his treatment of not only humans, but lower vampires alike. "I think it would be good if our best guards had a chance to get along." He looks at her with cold eyes "After all, if we are to be wed. they will need to get along"
Neila struggled to keep her composure. She got so defensive when Lancaster called him a pet that she hadn't realized she called him her guard. She needed to try to save herself.

"Well, with all due respect General, I didn't see you out there saving me from the wolves." Neila said in an even, professional manner. "I simply meant that he was useful to have around. He knows how to fight. And he was a useful guard to me in a time of peril." Neila looked down to smooth out her dress and brought her eyes back up to his. She tried to remain nonchalant and not to let her slight panic show. She didn't want to make it sound like she was covering for herself - which she really was. Her eyes went wide at the mention of William. Jackson was an impeccable soldier with great power, but she would never let him face the General's first in command. That would be suicide.

"Now, that would hardly be fair, would it, Sir?" Neila spoke, trying to convey a mask of indifference. "Putting a human to your best soldier. I thought more honor of your men than to come face to face with such a lesser adversary."

Neila's eyes went hard at the mention of their marriage. By law, he would be first to take her hand. Since the king didn't leave her with a suitable husband, the law says she is to marry Lancaster. Over my dead body, she thought. She held her head high and had defiance in her eyes. She stood to leave.

"Oh. One more thing, General." Neila spoke slowly. She spit the word "General" like it was a sickness. She folded her hands on the table and leaned in close. "The next time I hear of you attacking one of the villages or taking another human prisoner, I will shut the entire army down. We do not kill for sport. We do not take slaves. And with the wolves - you will only scout out the area. You will not engage in battle." She had her hands flat on the table and leaned in close. "Do I make myself clear?"
The General pauses and smirks "As you wish my Queen." He smiles slyly "Oh and I already sent William to your chambers to talk with Jackson. I do hope Jackson can mind his manners, you know William's temper." He laughs and leaves the room

Jackson is awoken by a set of powerful hands lifting him out of the bed. They place him on his feet and walk around him. He knew it was William, no other figure in the court was as looming as he was. The strong Vampire lurked slowly about him and stopped in front of Jackson. "You must be the Queens new pet?" His voice is almost playful, like if a cat can verbalize it's torture to the mouse.

"My name is Jackson, yes" Jackson doesn't fear William. He can sense from either the bite of the wolves or the feeding from Neila, he has become stronger. He hoped it was from Neila, that would give him more comfort. As far as he knows she's the only true born that has fed on him.

William paces "Relax boy, I'm not here to kill you." He pauses and squares his feet letting one slightly drift back. "Just hurt you" He raises a hand to deliver a slap to Jackson's face. Before it lands Jackson side steps and the blow doesn't land.

"Sir William you would have to be able to touch me first."

Williams rage was his weakness. Jackson knew because it was once his. The vampire attempted several times to attack, Jackson averted them easily each time. He knew it best not to show his strength either. Best to keep some secrets.

The door creek as Neila walks in. The large William panting in rage and exhaustion, Jackson smoking his pipe. He was happy to see her, not because she could stop this. He generally missed her, and felt at ease with her in the room.

"My Lady," Jackson bows to her
"I do not recall giving you permission to enter my private chambers, Sir William." Neila said calmly, although there was something under the surface. She had to control that something or she would be likely to take his head off with her sword. "Jackson." She greeted and nodded her head. Neila didn't take her eyes off of William. Not to be rude but she didn't want to take her eyes off of the dangerous soldier who looked incredibly angry. She didn't take kindly to having her things messed with. Especially Jackson. Neila could tell that he noticed her first. William turned around with a surprised look on his face.

"If you wouldn't mind..." She glared and crossed her arms impatiently. "I would like a word alone with my..." Neila hesitated. "With Jackson." She stood, holding the door open with her hip, waiting for William to take his leave. She glanced at Jackson warily. Trying to plead him to be calm and not to engage in a fight.
Jackson gives a cheeky wave to William as he leaves the chambers. "I do apologize Mistress," he stands and bows "The brute attempted to slap me." He is uncharacteristically cheerful. He cannot explain it himself. He moves quickly to pull a chair out for her

"Please tell me how the talk went with the general?" He fills her chalice and goes to grab a slab of bread for himself. He doesn't know if he should let Neila know about the effect her bite, or the wolf bite had on him. For now he just wants to sit with her and talk.

He bites into the bread and notices her face, she is not easy to anger and it worries him. "Neila?" he reaches to touch her hand "Please tell me what is wrong."
Neila sighed and held a hand up to stop Jackson.

"You don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault. It's just..." She sat down in the chair Jackson provided at the table and put her head in her hands. "This place." Neila thought for a moment. What Lancaster said was getting to her. She looked up at Jackson. He touched her hand and she tilted her chin up high as she tried to hide her sorrow. "You should go. Join Lilah in the village." She stood. She put her hand up before he could say anything. "I know what our agreement stated. And your village will still now, and forever, be granted immunity from our feeding. But I'm releasing you of your duty." She started to waver as the emotion cracked her voice. "It's just not safe for you here. This was foolish to begin with." She turned away.
Jackson half laughs. "Well if I am really relieved of my duties, and free to go" He stands and closes the door that William kept open.
"then I, of my own will choose to be here," he clasp her hands and scoots closer to Neila "My safety is not something you need to concern yourself with." His other hand reaches up to clasp her cheek "You have nothing to fear Neila, I am at your side. I will not have you face this alone." He pulls her head slightly closer and his lips meet her each of her cheeks one by one "You will need me, and I will need you. This won't be an easy road for us, and I cannot think of a better travel partner"
Neila knew that if she were human, her heart would be pounding wildly. Instead, she was still. Her face a mask of serenity when inside her mind was running wild. The feeling of his hand in hers, his fingers - his lips, brushing her cheek. She closed her eyes at his touch and listened to his words. She shook her head slightly. Such a small movement, it could barely be noticed.

"Why?" Neila asked as she opened her eyes. She was very close to him now and she scanned his features to try and understand. "I know what you think of vampires - of me. You accepted this deal to keep your people safe." She blinked. "You have no obligation to stay. Things are going to get bad, Jackson. I'm going to..." She clenched her fist and set her jaw. "I have to marry General Lancaster by law. And if I do... he will be king. He's a blood thirsty war monger. He will never stop. And he finds you a threat. I don't know why. But I can see it in his eyes. He wants you destroyed, Jackson." She was trembling now. "As I've said, I am indebted to you. I will not be the cause of your death." It was much more than that, of course. Over the course of the time he's been with her, she's grown comfortable with Jackson. She cared for him. What a curious thing it was.
"Neila" He clasped her hands and smiled. "I have a very simple reason to stay" He thinks back to all the years he spent wondering the villages, all the years he was nothing more than a tool. A tool of destruction. Then he thought back over the last few months with Neila, and Lilah. How he never felt a home before,how no one had looked at his curse as a gift before. He thought about the examples he had of humanity. He had never witnessed such humanity in any person before Neila.

He moves on instinct, his hand grips the back of her head. Her soft hair a welcomed feel, her skin cold but providing more warmth than he is use too. He leans in and touches his lips to hers. "I stay because I cannot be without you Neila"
Neila was getting almost frustrated with his lack of empathy for his own life. She was standing here trying to save him and all he could do was smile at her. He grabbed her hand and was silent for a moment. It looked as if he were in thought. When he moved, she was unprepared. He came in fast. His hand held the back of her head and brought her face to his. She was stunned as Jackson kissed her. It was small, light. Their lips barely touching. Neila never would have imagined Jackson to be so gentle.

"Jackson..." Neila whispered in protest when he pulled away. "We cant..." She shook her head slightly. Her eyes were still closed. For a second, it felt like she could breathe. Only for the simple fact that she had the feeling of being out of breath. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at him. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes scanned him intensely. It was too much for her to bear. At a speed, way too quick for the human eye, she threw her hands around Jackson's neck and pulled him into her again. She kissed him with passion and intensity. She jumped up to wrap her legs around his waist and her fingers locked into the hair on the back of his head.
Jackson lifts her out of his chair. Her strong legs wrap around him as he returns the kiss. Their tongues dance around each others as he presses her back into the wall. Her laced back gown slowly being untied as his kisses travel down her neck.

"Neila," his voice is hushed as he thinks of any reason not to continue, convince himself this is wrong. He looks at her face, her frame wrapped around him, and he feels the back of her thighs in his hands. "nothing" He kisses her deeply again carrying to her bed as he lays her down. Their bodies intertwined his hands slipping her gown down slowly
Neila knew in her mind that this was wrong but she could not stop herself. Her legs were wrapped around Jackson tightly and he picked her up and pressed her back against the wall. He kissed her back eagerly and trailed kisses down her jaw and to her neckline. Neila's hands went from the back of his head to his strong shoulder blades, feeling the muscles ripple beneath his shirt. She could feel his groin pressing into her. She tightened her legs. She could never be this way with a typical human. Her strength alone would kill him instantly. But then again, Jackson wasn't like other humans.

When Jackson spoke her name they pulled away from the kiss and looked deep into each other eyes. He was panting and Neila was still, her grip on him like iron. It looked like he was about to say more but changed his mind. He brought his lips back onto hers quickly and, in a speed that surpassed hers, brought them both onto the bed. Neila could feel his large hands running down her neck and shoulders, stripping her gown down just past her shoulders, almost revealing her breasts. Her hands felt their way down his chest and torso, stopping at his hips. She gripped them tightly as they continued to kiss passionately. Jackson began removing her dress completely and she lifted his shirt up over his head - all of this done within a fraction of a second. Neila was wearing nothing but her panties and Jackson remained in his pants. In a swift, quick movement, Neila flipped him over so that she was on top. She kissed him deeply and pulled away to look into his eyes as she trailed her tongue down his chest.
Jackson's heart raced at the sight of Neila, his hands traced the curve of her hips, up her side and gripping under her breast. As she bent to kiss him he let his tongue trace around her fangs. He didn't care if she was a vamp, human, ghost. He was hers and she was his.

He held her lower back with one hand as his other gripped her soft hair. He moved his body up into hers. He had been with other women, a bar maid here and there, but this was an arousal he had never felt before. He wanted Neila more than anything he ever wanted before. As her tongue traced down his chest he made up his mind.

He wasn't going anywhere, and she would always be by his side
The feeling of Jackson's hands all over her body made Neila moan softly. She had never been touched by a man. The virtue of a princess must remained intact until the night of her marriage. The feeling of Jackon's tongue against her fangs caused them to extend slightly. She remembered how rich his blood had tasted. She needed to control herself and the urge to sink her fangs into him once again.

Her fingers continued to grip his hip bones and she trailed kisses down his torso. If he didn't have the strength he did, she probably would have broken them. She stopped at the waistband and looked up into his eyes again. There was no going back now. She pulled his pants down and threw them onto the floor in one fast movement. She started moving slow again, kissing back up his chest, back to his mouth.

"I want you to stay." Neila whispered as she bit his ear softly. She began to kiss his neck, grazing her fangs against the flesh. The were separated only by the thin material of her undergarments. She could feel his length pressing into her as she began to gather moisture between her legs. He flipped them over once more and laid over top of her.
"I'm going nowhere". Jackson can feel her fangs and doesn't fear her for a second. He kisses down her body. His hands softly cupping her breast as he takes each into his mouth kissing sucking letting his tongue explore each before continuing down her torso.

His hands gripping the side of her panties. He sits up and slowly pulls them down her legs. Locking eyes with her his power full hands hold her legs behind her knees. He kisses her soft inner thighs slowly traveling up her legs. His fingers moving before his mouth. Feeling her wet as he follows behind. Her legs over his shoulder his mouth on her tasting her and feeling the rush of arousal as he sees pleasure in her eyes
Neila's body was overtaken with pleasure from the stimulation of Jackson's hands and mouth tracing all over her body. She arched her back as he began kissing her breasts, taking each nipple into his mouth and sucking softly. This sensation was overwhelming. He continued down her stomach and stopped when he reached the area between her legs.

Her green eyes locked on his intensely as he removed her panties and began kissing from her thigh up into her sex. Jackson trapped her legs over his shoulder and used his fingers to trace her slit before allowing the entrance of his tongue. Neila grabbed Jackson's hair in her fingers and let out a soft moan. Her already bright eyes were blazing now. She closed them and thrusted her hips into his tongue. She had never experienced feelings like this before. In three hundred years, the first touch of a man she's come to know is from a human. It didn't matter to Neila. Jackson was human nor vampire. He was merely a man. And right now he was hers.
His tongue slides slowly down her slit, his hands exploring up her body to grab and massage her breast. Her moans of pleasure loud in his ears. He never wanted anyone, or anything so badly in his life before. The way her body curved, the cool touch of her skin, her eyes alive with passion.

Jackson kisses up her body, his between her soft thighs. His lips find hers as they kiss, her fangs against his tongue, his hand in her hair. He steadies himself and slowly penetrates her, feeling her body and his mold together. He looks into her eyes as the extent of his length slowly enters her.

He holds her head to his neck as he thrust slowly in and out, "It's ok Neila, you can't hurt me" He feels the fangs against his neck as she wraps her body around his
Neila's finger tips touched every inch of Jackson's body. Feeling his solid arms, the muscles rippling in his back, the curves of his face. She'd never quite felt like she belonged anywhere more than in this moment with Jackson. The lips that touched her naked skin were soft and loving. She could feel her fangs scraping against his lips, his tongue. She wanted it so bad. She wanted him. All of him. When he slowly slid himself inside of her entrance, she gasped. Although she felt no pain, it was a pressure and a sensation like she'd never felt before.

"Oh, Jackson." She moaned as he looked into her eyes and thrusted his hips, causing her to take all of him into her depths. Her mouth gasped open wide and her nails scratched down the length of his back. No doubt cutting him deep. Neila moved her hips to match Jackson's pace. It felt like his cock became harder and longer inside of her and she began to scream out as his his thrusts became harder and faster.

Jackson slowed his pace as he grabbed Neila's head and held it to his throat. She tried to shake her head but he reassured her. Neila threw her arms completely around his neck and jumped up so that her legs were tight around his waist. She pulled herself up and down on his cock as he continued to pump faster. She threw her head back and screamed in pleasure. When she brought her head back down, she sunk her fangs deep into the tender flesh of Jackson's throat. She held him tightly by the shoulders. She sucked hard and deep, tasting all of the rich blood he had to offer.
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