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Divergent Guardian (McD and WillowVX)


May 6, 2014
Neila can hear the loud pounding of boots approaching her chambers. Surprised at how long it had taken to find this man so many have rumored about. Her servant opens the door to allow the six guards to present to her the prisoner. Lady Neila Callaghan had sent 10 and no explanation is giving as to where the others have gone.
She looks the obvious human over, something did not make sense about his appearance. Noticing that on first glance he is rather "normal" He has a dark beard that is common in the area. His eyes are a forest green almost, his tattered shirt reveals a muscular body that only a farmer would have. He may have a bit more scars than the average person, but there was something you weren't able to place.
His hands were tied in front of him and he seemed content to be docile for the moment. As Lady Neila Callaghan takes her seat on her thrown she catches what has her perplexed about him. His eyes. When humans were presented to her, fear was always a common look. There was a complete lack of fear in his eyes. Looking deeper at them she can recognize an odd human behavior behind his eyes. Not only was he not afraid....he looked, bored. Actually bored to be there. Before she has a chance to speak he clears his throat.
"Mistress, I must insist you start talking." He looks at the guards flanking him "Please, i know this is void of manner. I must insist you hurry this along. The longer I am kept waiting the less likely your guards will live." His eyes glare at hers "Four were easy enough" He smiles at her
Lady Neila sat in her throne room. She sighed. Being queen was so unbelievably boring. At least when she was a princess, she got to have a little bit of fun. Now that she had all the responsibility and incredible need to stay alive, she was treated like a porcelain doll. Queen? She laughed bitterly to herself. More like prisoner. Her thoughts were interrupted by the marching of her men and her chamber doors being rudely swung open. She was about to speak when she saw six of her soldiers approach her, holding a man captive. She raised an eyebrow and stood to greet them.

Neila's eyes scanned the prisoner. He was ruggedly handsome - for a human. As she thought this, she peered her eyes for a closer look. Although he was human, there was something divergent about him. His blood was human but his body was something else entirely. Curiosity it up in her eyes and she took a step forward. Who was this man? She wondered. She noticed monotony and indifference in his eyes. He was held captive in a vampire kingdom and he was not entertained? It felt odd to her as she noticed the same look of boredom and lack of amusement in her own reflection. Neila was about to speak until she heard his voice.

"Is that so?" Neila spoke. Her voice was light but authoritative. Her lips tilted up into a slight smile. The man had respect, at least. He had piqued her curiosity. He took down four of her guards? She didn't want to tell him that she wasn't surprised - they weren't the brightest. She wanted to see what he was capable of. "Let's see it then." She waved her hand and sat back down in her seat, expecting a show. The guards gave her a confused look which she returned with a mischievous smile. She wasn't worried about the man getting out of control. If need be, she would take him down herself. Most of the kingdom were not aware but Neila had been a trained swordswoman since she was very young, in secret of course. Battle was not for the women. She knew it was necessary, however. Neila gave the man a small nod, encouraging him to follow through with his threat.
Jackson's eyes seem to become a little less bored and indifferent. 'Does she really know the danger she is in?' He wonders to himself. He knew the importance of trying to broker a deal to keep her kind away from his adopted home. A home he was getting to battered to keep protecting in ruthless raids by her kind. He can hear the guards tightening their grips on the wood handles of their spears. They saw how he dispatched their fellow soldiers, they know that it was only the promise to harm no villager that he was finally subdued.

"I surely wouldn't want you to think me a man that makes ideal threats." His voice is flat and lower. Hands still tied he clasp his hands like a firm handshake. The movement is too fast. None of the guards were prepared, as Jackson side stepped and brought both hands across the face of the guard to his right. The blow sent him flying across the room, and from the cavity on the back of his head and the tangle of his neck, it was obvious he did not survive the blow. The remaining five guards rush him, one making contact with his spear on Jackson's side slashing him open. One by one they are tossed away never once did he bother to free himself from the ropes.

Learning as a young man the only way to kill a vampire is a good stake through the heart, or decapitation, he kills the second guard with a powerful stomp to his head. The third and fourth guard meet their demise having their heads thrown into the rock wall of her chambers. the Fifth guard makes the mistake of biting Jackson, something he is very annoyed by. He breaks the ropes in a fit of rage and grabs the back of the guards head. Throwing him in front of him Jackson grabs the guards lower jaw and in a swift move separates the top of his head from the lower jaw. Still enraged he clamps his hands onto the last guards skull. The guard starts to buckle from the pain as Jackson lifts him and swiftly kicks the guard in the chest. The force of the kick hurling the body directly into Neila. Slamming against her thrown.

"You have a very short time to convince me not to continue" Jackson is panting slightly and bleeding "Mistress" he remembers his manners but eyes the Queen. He knows the rumors and is ready to eliminate her if need be. He looks over at the trembling servant, a weaker mousy female vampire. "Leave us!" He yells at the girl.
Neila watched the scene with excitement and wonder. Who was this man? He was faster and stronger than even her best soldier. He also had a thirst for blood. Not in the way vampires did but it was obvious that he took pleasure in ripping them apart. Neila took pleasure in watching him do it. She had never seen anything more miraculous in all of her three centuries. A human with the abilities of a vampire, or something else entirely, she wasn't sure. When the last guard crashed into her throne, she evaded it quickly enough where she was not harmed. She stood close to the man now. With her impeccable hearing, she could hear more guards approaching from afar. Nelia, the man, and one of her handmaidens remained in the chamber - surrounded by the remains of her pathetic soldiers.

"Enough." Neila commanded, she raised her hand up in a gesture to silence him. "You will bring no harm to the girl, do you understand?" She nodded to the handmaiden. The young girl curtsied and took her leave. "And - Lilah." Neila called after the girl. "Do tell the guards that I do not wish to be disturbed." All the while she never took her eyes off of this curious human man. The chamber doors closed behind the girl and Neila walked in circles around the man. She looked down and took caution not to step on any of the innards. She laughed quielty to herself.

"What is your name?" Neila asked the man as she stopped pacing and looked him up and down. He was a bit dirty and scruffy but we could clean him up, she thought to herself.
Jackson stood perfectly still as Neila paced around him. His eyes never leaving a fixed spot on the wall, but his ears showing him where she was at all times. He nodded as she mentioned no harm to her handmaiden. After all he was a guest in her home, despite how much he despised her kind.

When she finally stopped pacing and stood before him Jackson could see that beauty was not spared when making her. He quickly washed that idea from his mind and answered her question.

"Jackson" his eyes locked onto hers "I must warn you Mistress, I did not come to fight" he stepped closer and his voice became hushed "You sought me out. Your pathetic guards threatened the lives of many people. I am here on good faith." He steps even closer with no fear or regard for her power. "I swear this to you Mistress, if I hear that door open" he pauses and lets the words sink in "i will rip you limb from limb, and use your bones as weapons to eviscerate your entire kingdom"

"Now tell me your name and why I am here?"
Neila listened intently, her eyebrows raised in amusement the entire time. She couldn't stifle a loud, truly amused laugh at his comment about attacking her. He was extraordinary, truly a valuable weapon, but she would not hesitate to kill him in an instant if he forced her hand. She wasn't a fool like those bumbling soldiers. Lady Neila fought with grace and quick precision. Nobody who's witnessed her skill had ever lived to tell another soul.

"I am Lady Neila Callaghan." She announced and bowed her head slightly to the man. "Queen of the lamia family and ruler of all the born and made vampires." Neila did not falter as Jackson stepped closer to her. She remained still, standing tall with her chin high. Normally, a human would die for even thinking of a vampire in such a way. In a normal circumstance, she may have killed him for his bold threats. However, she found this to be far too much fun.

"Although you have no reason to believe me, I did not send for you. They were not my orders." She eyed him suspiciously before continuing. "Though I have heard rumors. As much power as I hold, I am often left out of the small politics. I do not condone the slaughter of villagers but the truth of the matter is, I cannot be everywhere at once. When things come to my attention, I tend to them accordingly." She turned and walked back up to her throne. She kicked the decapitated body out of the way and sat, facing Jackson once again. "But since you are here, I cannot ignore the fact that you are unique. I am prepared to offer you a deal." By 'offer him a deal' she meant, she would be willing to explain the terms of his new situation - in which he would not be given much of a choice.
Her smug attitude towards the three lives lost tonight causes his blood to boil. He holds back his rage knowing it's needed a treaty be brokered.
It's not until she confesses she truly has no power that he starts to grind his teeth. A habit since youth, and one he only does to calm himself when the monster he can be is lurking around the corner of his mind. His voice calms as he listenings to her sweet voice, almost song like, almost human. Her relaxed nature further drives him mad, this is suppose to be a Queen Vampire! He has easily taken Kings that have threatened his home and ripped them apart.

"Unique?" He chuckles softly at her grasp of her situation "Mistress, I am afraid you have misunderstood my abilities" He glances at the bodies on the floor "I was merely having fun." His movement is fast as he rushes her, grabbing her by the hair he tosses her across the room. Before she reaches the next wall, she is lifted and pushed against it by his hand around her throat. "If you are not the one sending blood suckers to my village, WHO IS!?!?" He snarls at her
Neila took pleasure as she saw Jackson getting worked up. And they say vampires have a temper? This man is rather testy. So there were a few human casualties, big deal. It's not like there aren't plenty more where they came from. It did take her by surprise when he attacked her. What a terrible mistake. It was unfortunate, she'd really hate to have to kill him. Although it didn't hurt when he threw her by her hair across the room, the pressure he had on her throat was rather strong. Neila had never known a vampire to be that strong in all of her three centuries. If she were anyone else, she might have been afraid. Neila smiled at him.

If he tightened his grasp even a little bit, it would surely take her head clean off. Instead of struggling to undo his grasp, she merely flicked out her arm and a dagger slid from her sleeve. In a speed that matched his, she had it pressed tightly against his throat. Any movement he would make would cause the impeccably sharp blade to slice deep into his carotid artery. Neila attempted to speak but faltered. It wasn't like he cut off her breathing, vampire's didn't need to breathe, after all. He did hinder her ability to speak, though, as he cut off access to her vocal chords. Her eyes locked with his and continued to challenge him. They were at a standstill.
He was utterly surprised that she was able to move at a speed equal to his. He thought long as they stared each other down. Her feet some 6 inches off the ground. He thought about dropping her, that would give him enough distance from the blade and smashing this vamps head wouldn't be much of a chore. He pushed his neck forward a little daring her to follow through.
Feeling the muscle in his forearm losing ready to drop her, he pauses as a soft hand touches his shoulder. "Sir I beg you to do no harm to Lady Neila" It was Lilah, there was something odd about her touch. Her hands were warm, and her eyes were teary. It was clear she was human herself.
"I see you enjoy having pets around" Jackson scoffs at Neila letting her drop from his grip. Before she can return her dagger to its sheath he grabs her wrist and holding the dagger at eye level snaps the blade with his bare hand and tosses it to the ground. "Do not try that again" He looks her in the eye and a small smile crosses his lips "Mistress." Moving to a small table he sits down "Tell me why I am here, and be fast with it, sun light isn't far off"
Neila was getting angry. He challenged her. Did he think she would not kill him? She was about to slice the blade into his throat when Lilah returned. Foolish girl, she thought. Nevertheless, she caused Jackson to release his grip. Neila fell to the ground and glared up at him.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Neila spit at Jackson. "She is nothing of the sort. She is one of the better humans. Not vermin like the lot of them. I saved her from a miserable life. She is my friend, not my pet." Neila straightened out her dress and stood, keeping her head high. "You have a lot of nerve, Jackson." She said, as he snapped her dagger in two. She joined him at the table.

"I will be up front with you. I do not take kindly to your threats. The only reason you are still alive is because I believe you be of value to me. And nothing more. Do you think your attack intimidated me? Not in the least. Next time I will not show you restraint." She looked at him hard in the eyes. "Instead of threatening and attempting to kill one another, I believe we can come to a mutual agreement that would benefit both of our desires. As for why you are here and who summoned you, General Lancaster is in charge of acquiring and disposing of enemies." Nelia smiled mischievously. "Seems he considered you to be a threat."
He relaxes his body slightly as Lilah brings him water. She seemed to be a sweet girl, couldn't easily be over the age of 16. Her eyes always looked worried and he catches her looking to Neila more often than not. "I must apologize then," he sips his water "it is not common for one of you to have 'friends' that are human." He chuckles slightly in his head at her notion that she is a match physically for him. Sure she was fast, but equal speed does not equal to his strength and speed.

"This General, does he decide where you hunt?" He keeps his temper at bay "You seem to not be a fan of violence Queen. So tell me is it your orders or his that allow your soldiers to sport kill in my villages?" He sets his glass down "Are you the one that orders the killing of children by the scores?" He crosses his arms "If your General is the one allowing senseless feasting, then he is right to consider me a threat."

He shifts lazily in his chair "What interests me the most Mistress," he cannot drop his manners no matter how much he wants her dead at that very moment. Sure she seemed to have a better stroke of good in her than most. She might even believe what she says. Doesn't change the simple fact she is a beast, and beast need to be put down. "is how you think we can benefit from one another"
Neila nodded at Jackson's apology.

"I'm not a common vampire." Neila sighed. She smiled at Lilah before turning her attention back to Jackson. She pursed her lips and weighed in her mind how much she should reveal to him. While he could be a powerful ally, he could just as easily be a powerful adversary. "My father... the late King... he was not a bloodthirsty monster has many would have perceived him. He was a good man, a good father, and a great king. Bloodfeasts, the slave trade, and hunting for sport was outlawed in the vampire community a long time ago. We like to maintain order. My father believed in peace. He did not want war..." Neila shifted in her seat, becoming slightly uncomfortable. "Not everyone agreed with this way of thinking. Many challenged his ability to rule. Apparently a merciful leader was a weak leader." She smiled bitterly but continued. "There are many rogues in the kingdom. I even fear there are many in my circle. The truth is, they view me still as a child. It's quite frustrating, actually. General Lancaster seems to think himself a better ruler, he also has it in his mind that we are to be married." She looked at Jackson with fury in her eyes. "If he is king, there will be war. Against the humans. There will be slavery, bloodfeasts, and hunts by the hundreds. There will be nothing left." For the first time in a long time Neila showed genuine fear. "I do not trust those in my circle. Somebody close to us betrayed my parents, resulting in their deaths. Which is why I had no problem with you massacring a few of my soldiers."

Neila composed herself and sat up straight in her chair. She addressed Jackson, "Now, you can see how that would not fair well for your people. I am prepared to make you a bargain. Be my personal guard and I will grant immunity to your home. And more than that..." Neila glanced around to make sure that nobody besides herself, Jackson, and Lilah were in earshot. "If you help me find the one who betrayed my family then you will, in theory, be saving your species as you know it. If I am killed, if my throne is compromised, the waters will run red with the blood of every man, woman, and child in every land." She gave Jackson a sympathetic look. "If I may be so bold, Jackson, neither of us would like this to come to pass."
Jackson listenings intently as she explains, he pulls a pipe from his pocket and lights it, taken a long drag off of it and waiting for her to finish. He didn't fully trust her motives, or the validity of what she was saying. Still. There was something in her eyes when she spoke to or of Lilah. Quite honestly he felt a strange pride, knowing this much about her kingdom, as a human was very very rare.
"Your General seems to be an equal thorn in our sides." He cashes the pipe into a hanker chef and stashes it back. "You must understand my apprehension to take the job." He thinks on what way to handle this. Assuming she is telling the truth she will need his help and it would keep his people safe; on the other hand, if she was lying he would simply toss her from her window at high noon. "I want no more hunts in my village, and no more innocent. The criminals, the dying, the corrupt. You can feed on them. No more children, women, or husbands trying to provide for them." He takes a pause "Your soldiers are not to be trusted, in the last fortnight they have done five raids. Even I know you mustn't feed that much." He places his hand on the table "One last thing." He lowers his voice trying to give Lilah any deniability if she is asked "I want the General dead, soon." He sits back down and lets her ponder.
Neila understood that Jackson was skeptical. She was skeptical of him as well. She did not trust this strange man, especially since he'd already tried to kill her once. And if it weren't for Lilah - he might have. She didn't want to reveal to him that he might be her only hope. While it was true, that she did not summon him here, she did believe that the Gods have a plan. She did not happen upon him by accident.

"General Lancaster will not be easy to kill. You mustn't be hasty. It will take time and strategy. A simple ambush will not do. While you may take down six soldiers with ease, you may not do the same with sixteen, or sixty for that matter. If they catch onto us too soon, you will be killed. And I will be charged with treason which will result in my execution. He is not easy to get to and he is rarely ever alone. If you agree to this... truce, if you will, we will need to be cunning and intelligent in our move." Neila sat back in her seat and folded her hands in her lap. He gave Jackson a sad look. "I am genuinely regretful for the unnecessary casualties of your people. Now that it has come to my attention, I will have a private meeting with the General myself, and see to it that it never happens again." Neila stood and walked around to stand close to Jackson. "You have my word. I do not want my father's kingdom to be built upon deceit and innocent blood. I want my people to live just as you want yours." She held out her slender hand in an inviting gesture. "Do we have a truce?"
Jackson's tension has relaxed considerably. He knows she has put a lot of thought into what needs to be done. His hand slowly extends as he rises to firmly clasp her small hand. He is easily a head taller than her, but there is a strength in her grip, and despite the cold touch of her skin a warmth to her face.

The first several weeks went by uneventful. Jackson's presence seemed outwardly like Neila had gathered another pet. Hunts still went on but the Queen kept a pretty decent eye on them. Jackson could not fault a rogue or two being savages on her. After the first couple of days if the Queen was in her chambers he would escort Lilah throughout the kingdom. The poor girl very seldom had any reprieve from harassment and was not well liked. He grew fond of her and figured if something was to happen, he could give her enough time to escape.

Jackson and Neila were cordial and had a level of respect for each other. Despite never holding a conversation past their initial one. Mostly Jackson would play his role and pull her chair out, stand behind her at meetings and assist Lilah in her duties. Having been an orphan most his life, a little kitchen duty was not unmanly to him. Being the only humans there too they ate well.

Winter was approaching, and the daylight walks he would take were becoming less and less frequent. The region is know for its bitter cold months. On a seasonally sunny day Lilah came with him. This was not new and she found it nice to have someone that can walk in the sun. They were just a few miles from the Castle when Jackson had an overwhelming sense of being followed. He did not worry too much knowing the middle of the day made it impossible for vampires to be out, and no human dare attack him.

His ears picked up the snow crunching rhythmically, slower and slower it moved in their direction
Neila felt anxious. She always felt this way when Lilah was on her own. The others in the kingdom didn't understand the sympathy she had for the girl. She was just a child when Neila had found her near death in her village. Her village had been destroyed, her family was killed. If Neila would not have found her when she did, she would have surely bled to death. The village was destroyed in a war. Not with the humans, however. After the King and Queen were killed by the wolves, the treaty between the two kingdoms was broken. The secret location of the King and Queen had been compromised, which could only be the work of somebody in their own circle. The vampire faction and the werewolf faction had never been allies. More so, they were deadly enemies. A werewolf bite was lethal to vampires and would kill them in only a matter of hours, which is exactly what happened to Neila's parents. King Emmet had brokered a truce with pack ruler, King Faelon. Upon King Emmet's death, General Lancaster announced a war on the werewolf faction - a war that he had been waiting for. This resulted in many casualties - werewolf, vampire, and human alike. When Neila came to the village to survey the damage, she found Lilah. She must have only been about six years old at the time. Neila took her in and cared for her like a little sister.

Although she knew Lilah was more or less safe with Jackson, she still felt uneasy. Winter was approaching. Her kingdom won the war with the werewolves, causing them to retreat. It's been almost a decade with no sign from them. The King's son, Caleb, would be coming into power soon. Neila had no doubt that they'd be planning for revenge. With her kingdom in chaos, they would not survive another attack from the wolves.
"Lilah we should head back" Jackson grabs the young girls arm and quickens the pace. He still hasn't seen what's been lurking and following them for the better of an hour, nor was he overly concerned. More than likely a curious animal that they had stumbled into 's territory. A smell kept getting caught by the wind, something odd and unfamiliar. The snow crunched slower and he could hear it pause.

"Shh" he hushes Lilah as they stop. He scans the horizon, a small black dot catches his eyes from the tree line. The open field they are standing in has a perfect line of site to the castle, and by the sun he knew there was about an hour's worth of sunlight left. Grabbing Lilah closer he peered at the dot, then a head moved forward. From the distance he could see the pointed ears of a wolf, not necessarily a concern. Nonetheless Jackson did not want to be on the receiving end of a bite. He calmly put Lilah on his back making her aware of the animal.

Not out of character two more faces appeared in the tree line. He thought to himself as he backed up 'there must be very large elk in the area' he turned and started into a trot. The three wolves darted from the tree line as he did, a wolf's speed could not match his. He took off running making sure Lilah was safe, peering over his shoulder gave him a shock not only are the three wolves keeping up, the lead wolf is gaining ground, and half bipedal. The wolves all are alternating between two and four legs their torsos much like a humans. Knowing he cannot make it to the safety of the castle before being overran, and knowing there was still time before dark and any form of reinforcement. He tosses Lilah off his back. "RUN!" He sharply yells at the girl.

Turning he sprints in the other direction. As Lilah runs for her life she looks back to see Jackson tangled with the first wolf. As she continues running she can hear howls and yelps. Her eyes tear up as she hits the castle wall and runs to Neila's chambers. Throwing the doors open and unable to breath she can only say "w..o.lves" before passing out in front of Neila.

There is stil ten minutes before sundown.
Neila was pacing in her chambers as Lilah busted through the door. The poor child was winded and there were small scrapes on her hands and knees as if she'd fallen several times. Her blonde hair was dirty and her face was terribly red and tear stained. Neila became angry instantly. Her green eyes flashed and became an impossible neon color. Her features sharpened and she could feel her fangs extend.

"What happened!?" Neila yelled at the girl. "Where's Jackson?!" Neila, with blinding speed, ran forward and took the girl in her arms before she collapsed onto the floor. Wolves. There was no sign of Jackson. Lilah had fainted. Neila set her on her bed softly. She didn't hesitate another moment. She ran to her wardrobe and retrieved a thick, silk black hooded cloak. She knew there were still several minute left of daylight. She could not wait. The wolves had been gone for a decade. Jackson would not be prepared. She threw the cloak over her shoulders and lifted the hood over her head. She grabbed the sword that she kept hidden beside her throne and ran at a dangerous speed, following Lilah's scent back to where she'd left Jackson.

When Neila found them, Jackson was fighting off two wolves. He was on the ground and the two wolves were on top of him. She looked over and he had already killed one. With the sun still rather high, her strength was waning.

"Jackson!" Neila shouted. She charged at one of the wolves that were ontop of Jackson and threw him off. The other wolf turned its attention to her as well. Vampires were a much better kill than some human with special abilities. Neila sliced into the wolf she had thrown with her silver plated sword. She brought the sword up for another blow before she was knocked onto her stomach. The sword flew from her hands. If she'd had to breathe, the wind would have been knocked right out of her. She felt the pain of sharp claws digging into her back. The wolf knocked the cloak from her body and she was exposed to the sunlight. Neila screamed as she started to feel the burn on her arms and back. She made sure her hair shielded her face. The only way to describe it really, was like very bad sunburn, happening very very fast. She was struggling to get away but the wolf held her down with its claws digging deep into her back. Her strength was drained from the sunlight and she wasn't strong enough to over power it. She felt the hot breath and saliva from the wolf's jaws on her bare shoulder. She closed her eyes tightly. One bite from the wolf and it was all over.
Jackson sprints dead on for the larger of the three wolves. He has heard in passing as a young man stories of wolves that take on the appearance of man. As he grew tales became more and more scarce. He had no idea the scope of power these beast had.

Crashing into the first wolf he knew he surprised it. They tumbled for what felt like 100 meters to him. Using the surprise and already aching from the impact and not wanting to draw the fight on, Jackson quickly snapped the wolves neck. He was not an idiot by any means and new flight was his best option to save Lilah. He regained his balance and as he leapt forward to run, was crashed into by the other two wolves. His hits and kicks did little to stop the rage he could see in there eyes. He was thrown from one wolf to the next. He regained his balance and went on the offensive, grabbing, gouging hitting whatever he could.

They were on top of him when he saw a black flash and heard a death gargle from one of the wolves. He felt the other wolf leap off his back. Neila was on the ground and the wolf was tearing at her back, he could see her smooth pale skin turning red before his eyes. He stood wobbling as he hobbled over slowly gaining speed. He lunged for the wolf tossing it off Neila.

Neila could hear the piercing howl of the animal and the breaking of bones. She glanced to see Jackson literally crushing its mid section in a bare hug. Lifting the wolf he turns it inverted and smashes its head into the ground. The sound of spine breaking and then silence.

Jackson limps towards Neila, his back brutally scarred. He covers her in her cloak and places her sword on her chest. "You dropped these Mistress" He half smiles as he scoops her up walking towards the castle walls. Soon it will be dark, and she will be fine. He leaves a dark red trail of blood in the snow
Everything happened very quickly as Neila was going in and out of consciousness. The only thought that she could hold on to was that the wolf had not bitten down onto her shoulder yet. He had no reason to, and it wasn't part of the agreement, but she hoped that Jackson would take care of Lilah. The pressure on her back was gone and she heard several different sounds. Banging and crashing. Yelping and shouting and howling. Neila was disoriented, she could do nothing besides lay there on the ground. She continued to burn and the pain was too excruciating for her to move. She couldn't feel Jackson or hear his voice as he covered her, picked her up, and held her in his arms. The last thing she could remember was a pair of dark eyes, alive with something that almost looked like concern, before everything went dark.
Jacksons entire exposed back burns from the deep red gashes. He knows walking to Neila's chamber with her will be a task, not only did it sit high above the walls, he was bleeding and going through a vampire nest. The only saving grace was the few precious moments of light left. He climbed the stairs as fast as he could leaning into the walls for support, his blood covering everything he touched. He might be strong, but he still felt pain like a human did, and this was painful.

Finally arriving at the door he placed Neila next to Lilah. The dark would soon take care of Neila's wounds for her. He was not so lucky. He leaned against the closed door, blocking it from any would be opportunist that would use the Queens weaken state against her. Gripping her sword he watched the darkness bath the room, then felt the darkness bath his site as he slumped half dead.

His last thoughts as he drifted were 'they're safe'
Neila woke up as soon as her wounds began to heal. It wasn't long after nightfall but she was still weak, she needed to feed. She looked next to her on the bed and Lilah was sleeping. Neila had to grit her teeth and keeo herself calm and controlled. It was dangerous for her to be around Lilah when she needed blood so desperately. She picked the sleeping girl up in her arms and ran quickly to her room, tucking her into bed, and running back into her own chambers. She looked toward the window. Jackson. He was slumped up against the windowsill. He was out cold. Neila was next to him within an instant. She felt his pulse. He was still alive. But barely. It seems he didn't have the rapid healing of a vampire. Neila struggled to pick him up and take him over to her bed. He was heavy and her strength was still weak. There was no way she could carry him to his own room. She managed to get him onto her bed. She looked down at him as he was unconscious. She moved the small pieces of her off of his forehead and looked at his face. His scars were intimidating - but there was something almost childlike in his sleeping features. Neila sighed.

Jackon's chest rose up and down slowly. He was probably going to die. There was a lot of blood. Some of his wounds were still bleeding. It took every ounce of Neila's self control to be around him. As hungry as she was - she knew she couldn't use him like that. Instead, she brought her own wrist up to her mouth and in one quick movement, she jerked her head to the side and sliced her wrist open with one of her fangs. She held his head up with her other hand and brought his lips up to her bleeding wrist.

"It's okay, Jackson." Neila soothed. "Drink. You'll be okay." He stirred slowly, she could tell that he was still unconscious, yet he accepted the red liquid and swallowed. If he knew it took drinking vampire's blood to stay alive, would he want her to do it? She imagined that if he knew, he would be angry. Disgusted. It didn't matter. At least he'll be alive. "You saved Lilah." Neila said as she fed him her blood to heal him. She stroked the back of his hair. "You saved me." She kissed his cheek. "Thank you." She whispered close to his ear.

When she was satisfied that he'd had enough and when she saw his wounds start to close, she turned over and laid her head back down onto the pillow. She had to face away from him or she was afraid she'd tear into his vein. Neila breathed heavily and shut her eyes tight. With feeling so weak, it wasn't difficult for her to fall back asleep.
Jackson jerked up gasping as the blood worked through his veins. He coughed for a few minutes and regained his bearing. The flight played out in his head in a flash, he looked down to see closed wounds. 'What happened?' he wondered to himself. He was not unfamiliar with the surroundings, but couldn't place exactly what had happened.

That's when he notices Neila. "Neila?!?" he holds her head and examines her. Surely she isn't dead, well more dead. Her skin always pale was now almost translucent. She was colder than usual and when she looked at him her eyes had gone from a vibrant green to a grey. He climbed out of the bed holding her head and setting it down gently. "You're going to be fine." Despite what she was, she had saved him. No doubt that he would be dead if she hadn't come to his aid.

He rushes to Lilah's room to check on the girl. She is awake now and smiles to see him. "She needs us," is all he can say as he grabs her hand to take her to Neila's room. Lilah enters before Jackson, he can see her flung to the wall. He rushes in to be grabbed by a masked intruder. Three more stand over the Queen whom they had thrown out of her bed. "Don't worry pets you're next" The man spoke as Neila was kicked in her side.

Jackson's rage boiled in and instant as he watch Neila in such agony. He knew now was a very appropriate time to reveal his secret. The vamp holding him was take by surprise so quickly as Jackson simply jumped back.crashing into the hard stone wall. His big powerful hand grabbing the head of his attacker from behind and tossing it off in a flash. 'Well' Jackson thought 'Seems like I may be a little stronger'. Neila's attacker was next. Lunging for him he spins the attacker to face the same way. Bones crush as Jackson kicks his legs from under him breaking him down like an old barrel for kindling. Screams fill the chamber as his head is pulped into the floor. The two holding Lilah pause "Leave the girl be and you will live." He looked coldly at the attackers, he knew his secret needed to be guarded. The guards slowly back up from Lilah, when they had cleared enough distance Jackson darts grabbing a vamp in each hand by the face. He crushes their skulls into each others and lets them drop limp.

Rushing to Neila he holds her bruised face. She is even weaker than before. "Lilah!" he is panicked "what is wrong with her?"
Lilahs ominously sweet voice has a slight tremble. "She needs to feed." Jackson knows what he has to do, "Lilha leave us go to the other room but stay in the chambers." She slowly walks to the room, as the door closes Jackson lifts Neila into his arms and holds her chin. She is unresponsive. He opens her lower jaw slightly and thrust her fangs into his neck. When he can feel them puncture his skin he holds the back of her head softly.
The world around Neila was a blur. She should have gotten up to feed but she didn't want to leave Jackson. She didn't want to leave him until she was sure that his wounds had healed and that he wouldn't die. He might need more of her blood. She had to stay until she was sure he would be okay. The longer he slept, the longer she waited. She started going in and out of consciousness. Although it was night and her wounds had healed for the most part, she started to feel what was left of the burns. She wouldn't heal as fast while she was depriving herself of blood.

Neila couldn't tell whether she was awake or asleep when she felt Jackson lift her head and look into her eyes. Her focus was blurry and vacant. She could see his lips moving but she couldn't hear anything. The longer she went without blood, the more her wounds started to reappear. Jackson couldn't notice this as he was only looking into her face. He set her back onto the bed and walked away. She wanted to call to him, to tell him to bring her blood from her chalice but she couldn't speak or move. Her vision was getting darker, she could only make out shapes. A figure was coming towards her. Jackson? She knew instantly it wasn't Jackson as she was picked up roughly and thrown into the stone wall. She was too weak to fight, she couldn't get up off of the floor as they began to kick her in the stomach and the face. She curled into a ball and whimpered. All the while her burns were returning. It was all too much and her mind faded completely into a coma like state.

The world didn't begin to materialize around her until she tasted the sweet red liquid running into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered but remained closed. She was vaguely aware of what was happening. Her senses started to come back to her and she could feel that her fangs were deep into the tender flesh of someone's throat. She panicked. She didn't like to feed straight from humans. She gained enough strength to snap her eyes open. Jackson. She tried to shake her head and push him away but right now, he was stronger than her. He held her head against his neck and continued to make her feed off of him. She didn't want to do that. She didn't want to use him that way. When a human and a vampire are shared in a blood bond, it gives them a special connection. Most vampires use it to keep their victims docile. Neila spoke into Jackson's mind.

"Please. I've had enough, Jackson. I don't want to hurt you." Neila's light voice whispered into his mind. Her hands rested on his arms but she didn't push away. She continued to drink from him deeply. She'd never experienced a human who's blood tasted this way. Not only was it sweet, she tasted power in it. When he finally pulled away, she could feel her strength become nearly fully restored. He pulled away to look at her and she quickly wiped the blood off of her face, self conscious of what Jackson would think of her.

"This is the second time you've saved my life." Neila spoke, her voice sounding official and much like a queen - although she was still exhausted. "I know you were only doing the job that was appointed to you - but thank you."
Jackson could feel her gaining her strength. He knew he couldn't let her stop feeding, she was not strong enough. He clasped her head down softly and embraced her. There was no reason he would be hurt. All the times he's nearly been drained, it's never had any affect at all.

Her voice inside his head was more welcomed than he imagined it would be. Vampire. Human. It didn't matter, she was his friend and ally. She had shown more humanity towards him than many others. Being what he was it was easy to shy away, only time Jackson was needed was in an attack. Neila and Lilah didn't just need him for his strength.

As Nelia spoke a warm smile came across Jackson's lips. "Mistress if you think I only did this out of obligation, you are mistaking." His eyes went light and a smirk formed on his lips "I don't wish to look after Lilah, she can be a nuisance." He smiled sheepishly, it was the first joke Neila heard from him. Lifting Neila from the floor he laid her on her bed and grabbed a chair to sit with her "Now please rest, and tell me. What were those creatures?"
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