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Asura Pride (tentacle on male, submission, mind-break, GW2) [Hapto x Alexandar]


May 12, 2011
Charr darkness is always heavy. The darkness inside the floating structures of the Asura is much lighter by comparison, the gleaming metal of every surface and the glowing blue circuitry living in every wall both make for a refined, clean kind of darkness. But the darkness within a Charr structure feels as solid and heavy as the building themselves. Every surface is matt steel panels, made to absorb damage and with it the light, drinking up the orange glow that burns up between floor grills and is ground into shadows by the churning cogs below.

The darkness here is neither and both of these extremes. The heavy steel of the walls and grills is as much lit with Charr orange as with Asura blue, cogs and circuits competing to texture the enclosed dark space, in the center of which hangs a figure. A black silhouette, short, large headed - an Asura, chained spread-eagled between two solid pillars, ahead of which the tall, hulking shape of a Charr watches, and waits.
Lee woke up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the new lighting as his mind began to work once more. Shaking his head Lee quickly realizes he's chained, spread-eagled like to two solid pillars. "Wh-What's going on!" He shouts out, demanding to know as he begins to test his restraints. His mind quickly processes the fact that he is no longer in his personal lab or house. He tries to remember what had happen, as a scientist that works with potentially dangerous weapons their was always the risk that an accident might have occurred, that something could have gone horrible wrong and his colleagues might have had to restrain him for his own safety and the safety of others but try as he might he couldn't remember the exact incident that brought him here. The last thing he remembered was talking to his sister, ah his sweet dear sister, after finishing working on his experiments for the night.

Suddenly Lee notices the Charr in front of him and narrows his eyes, "What is the meaning of this beast! Where am I and why am I being held here restrain!" He shouts out to the Charr in a demanding superior tone, the look in his eye alone is enough to tell that he thinks he's better then this Charr.
The Charr says nothing. No retort, no explanation, not even an acknowledgement that he spoke.

One of its clawed hands moves to its other forearm, pressing something there. The forearm lights up with orange light - orange, holograms. The half-transparent geometric shapes of a Asura holo-control gauntlet encircle the forearm and array themselves before the clawed fingers, ready for the commands - of a Charr?! The light illuminates the rest of the figure's leather clad girth, from clawed feet all the way to stooped head. Brown fur covers the visible skin, lightening to white under the neck and cresting to a mane of black hair above, neatly platted behind its long, up-swept swept horns. The same white colours the whiskered lips of the fanged muzzle, and the same black darkens the ends of its four long, thin ears, idly flicking in the air. Even the eyes are black, or at least a brown so deep it seems to make them all iris, staring with mild interest down at Lee.

The clawed fingers on the gauntleted arm move, pressing some of the glowing holocubes inwards in a specific order. A display shines up above the gauntlet, a simple orange rectangle with an equalizer reacting to every noise, below which reads the text: "Recording active." The Charr clears its throat, and begins:

"Species Re-Education Experiment 3-01. The subject is finally awake -"
"Tsh, stealing Asura technology I see." Lee says out loud still trying to get a response from the Charr although he could now tell that he wasn't in an Asura base. "Well I don't have time to play scientist with a beast such as yourself! Release me this instant or else be prepared to face my wrath when I am freed from these chains you low breed animal!" It didn't escape Lee's notice that he had been recorded as a test subject, a fact that made him slightly nervous. As for the re-education bit, that include mean anything so it was unwise to even guess, it would only cause unnecessary fear. He once more tested his bonds to see if he couldn't fine a weak point.
His captor sighs, and continues narrating into the recorder.

"Initial reactions are less than promising." The charr begins to walk, its clawed feet clicking on the metal grills of the floor. The same metal binds Lee's limbs, his arms and legs completely enclosed in metal braces nearly to the knees and elbows, the braces themselves welded onto heavy spiked chains that secure him to two very solid looking pillars of steel. There's a little slack in the chains, enough for them to rattle horribly and bob him around as he test them again.

By this time the charr has left his vision, circling round one side, and when it speaks again the narration comes from behind his head. "The subject appears of disappointingly low intelligence, unable to comprehend its situation."
"HA! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! I understand perfectly that I'm currently being held here against my will and am a subject in what appears to be a Charr science experiment. Please have note this Charr's own incompetence for making such a general statement, such as judging a creatures intelligence, based solely on less then a MINUTE'S WORTH of data!" Lee shouts pissed, he didn't like it when an idiot tried to call him an idiot but it annoyed him even more when scientist missed up on basic proper producer they should follow to not corrupt their data.

"Also please note that Charr's very presence in this room has effected the initial results of the first observation, a real intelligent scientist knows to do initial observation without their subject being aware of their presence, and THEN makes an additional observation with their presence being known to their subject. Then again I guess I shouldn't expect basic lab procedures to be done by little more then an animal, heheheheh I must admit this is a little interesting to watch a Charr attempt to conduct a proper experiment. Social science isn't particular my field of interest or study but what the hell, it's not like I can work on my real science while I'm being held here and if nothing else this will be amusing to watch." Lee tells his Charr captor with a smug superior mocking smile.
"Did you get all that?" the charr's voice asks from one side.

Before Lee can attempt an answer at the strange question, another voice answers first, coming from all around, male, dispassionate and deeply resonant. It intones:


"Thank you," the charr's voice proceeds the owner circling back into Lee's view. The charr is looking at the roof, and when they speak again it seems to ask the room at large: "how complete is your profile of the subject?"

The voice answers from all around, the only emotion being a vague pleasure as the electronic syllables vibrate into Lee's hearing, answering: "ANSWER: SUBJECT PROFILE 10.2% COMPLETE."

The charr looks down, making a vague sound of disappointment. It's black eyes return to Lee as an afterthought, before it says: "Proceed to the physical examination."

"AFFIRMATIVE," and all around Lee's chained feet, sound rises through the floor grills, a many-layered whirring rising into a whine as many motors burn into life.
"Tsh, more stolen Asura tech I see, and are you really going to waste a valuable subject such as myself on a mere dissection. You do realize that we Asura already have a large supply of data on our own physical bodies, although at this point I'm surprised you haven't stolen that as well. Tsh a much more effective use of me would be to try and force me to tell you about my scientific research so that you could better advance your sociality but no, go ahead and waste your time and resources rehashing old science." Lee replies back strongly as he tries to mentally prepare for the worse. It was a long shot that this Charr would buy his bluff and stop his experiment but if there was a chance at all for his survival he would have to take it.

The charr mearly watches Lee with a detached amusement. It raises its hologauntlet, until the orange rectangle and its audio-equalizer are before its face, as it narrates: "Still the subject appears unable to comprehend its situation. Disappointing, but not unexpected."

His next response is interrupted by a loud metal clanking below. Where the floor should be, fire and churning gears await below his dangling feat.

The fall doesn't come, his chains holding him in place over the burning, whirring gap, out of which shapes begin to reach upwards. Solid shadows of metal, rectangular and crude, their metal frames extend and their sections twist and unfold, as a dozen robotic arms reach up around his feet.

Though 'robotic' may be overly generous - these limbs are all exposed gears and crude pistons. They're nothing like the limbs of Asura golems whose various molded sections float suspended from one kinetic-crystal joint to the next.

At that moment a square of glowing cyan rises up directly beneath him, fighting the orange light to resolve into the blue shapes of rack upon rack of kinetic-crystals, held in neatly ordered rows just below his feat. The crude robotic limbs reach inwards, their stubby ends positioning and lowering themselves onto their own crystals. Bolts screw in, and when the limbs reach back up they each hold a glowing, sharply tipped cyan crystal on their end, the needle-sharp points all faced inwards towards his body, as they all rise up around him and suddenly clank into place as one.

Silence follows, filled with the hiss of tensed pistons, the hum of waiting motors, the glow of sharp crystals. Noise cut the silence: "UPDATE: 48.3%."

One of the limbs moves, slowly, reaching the sharp tip of its crystal up towards his neck. It points at the top button of his collar. The crystal glows slightly brighter, and the button undoes itself. The limb moves the crystal down to the next button, as all the other limbs slowly move towards every button, clasp and belt on his body.
Lee was growing extremely irritated with the charr talking as if he wasn't even in the room, but at the moment their seemed to be nothing he could do about. As the crude robotic limbs revealed themselves to him Lee couldn't help but let out one last smile, it was just too terribly fitting that a actual charr design was so crude and unrefined unlike his people's own golems. As the machine began to unbutton his clothes Lee made his face go stone as he tried as best he could to prepare himself for death, the last thing he wanted was to give these animals the satisfaction of seeing him afraid.
The charr just watched, and waited, as the crude limbs continued to undress him. By the limbs the limbs withdrew his shirt hung open off his arms, his pants pooled around his bound ankles, his underwear the last thing actually concealing him. Then the charr spoke, narrating into its recorder as it began to circle his exposed form.

"Subject is physically unimposing, limited musculature even by his own race's meager standards."
Lee wouldn't say he was terribly comfortable being butt naked in front of a random Charr but he doubt anyone would be and he would be damned if he showed weakness now. He flashed red from the insult and replied simply, "Tsh, typical Charr placing value on such trivialities such as a physical body where everyone knows it is the mind that is the most important feature of a being."
The charr parses back into his field of view, and stops suddenly. Its head tilts, ears prick forward, eyes widen. One hand shoots out for his face.

His body flinches away from a strike that doesn't come. Instead the charr's large hand grips both sides of his face, painfully firmly. Like with all charr, the last section of all three fingers and one thumb are all made of bone, a set of permanently unsheathed talons whose razor tips rest against his skin, while the flats of the bone claws dig into the sides of his jaw. The charr's own face fills his view, its animal scent acrid in his nostrils, a mix fur, sweat, crude oil and... a perfume? While the scent claws into his nose, the creature's large, black eyes stare fixedly at him. Not into his eyes, but at his face.

"A blush," the charr states. "What a nice colour." It smiles. There's no humor in the smile. Just fangs, and a very cold enjoyment. The charr brings forward its other taloned hand, using the end of one claw to carefully lift one corner of his lip, the eyes blinking as they examine his teeth.
Lee turns red from a combination of embarrassment and rage. How dare this animal treat HIM like an animal, examining his body and face as if checking out a cow before the slaughter! Lee knew that this beast was doing this on purpose to humiliate him and he swore inwardly that once he was freely he would return this humiliation a hundred times fold.
The charr looks disappointed for a moment. It releases its grip on his face and takes a reluctant step back, pressing a button on its gauntlet.

The robotic arms move as one, curling back down below him and reaching in to the tray of kinetic-crsytals, depositing their sharp crystal heads and reaching for others. When the arms raise up and stop with a clank around him, the crystals they hold are no longer the sharp ones they used to undo his clothing, but smooth ones, their ends rounded. One leans forward, pointing at his chest, its smoothed crystal glowing faintly as it approaches.

Something touches his chest. More accurately, nothing touches him, just air. But the kinetic-crystal glows at it applies the lightest force against a small spot on the skin of his chest, a spot less than an inch across, where it feels like fingertips are only just touching his skin. The robotic arm moves, and so does the sensation, dragging and tingling itself around his chest, light as silk brushed across his skin in a wide and lazy circle.

Another arm reaches for his wrist, its light focussing on his skin. He feels the same light touch there too, tingling its way across the nerves of the inside of his wrist, moving down the inside of his arm and tingling over nerve along the way.

The charr patiently watches.
Lee resisted the urge to laugh, the finger robot was tickling him with the way it moved across his body. To be honest Lee wasn't sure what was going on at this moment, it didn't look like they were trying to dissect him any more or if they were this was the weirdest dissection ever. Still this was the first time Lee had ever seen a tickle robot and the very concept in of itself was enough to laugh at considering how useless it would be.
The charr watched the arms, his reactions, frowning. It took a step forward, raised a foot over a carefully chosen area of floor, and thumped it down.

Suddenly the whine of motors below lurched higher in volume, the sluggish and unfocused movements of the arms speeding up as their crystals glowed brightly. The sensations now touching him were much firmer, stroking their way across his chest and down his arm until both came to focus their touches on his nipples, where the lights began flicker. The pressure fluctuated on and off, faster and faster, until the light and feelings blurred and the skin of both his nipples began to vibrate intensely, the arms moving to compensate for any movement and keep the strong vibrations locked on those two points.

The charr steps back, smiling.
The golem's, if you could even call it that considering the barbaric way the charr bought it, continues to explored Lee's body, it's touching stops being ticklish and starts to become erotic, like the way he might want a lover touching him. It was weird to feel such a sensation and caused Lee to blush in embarrassment when his lions began to stir and that's when the arms began to focus on his nipples. Naked as he was their was nothing to cover Lee up as his cock slowly began to grow hard from the sensation on his nipples. Lee struggles in vain to adjust his body so as to prevent the golem's arms from touching his nipples but still the golem's arm continues to massage his nipple, forcing Lee to endure this weird sort of pleasure beyond his control. As his cock continues to grow hard Lee bushes in shame but still tries to stare back at the Charr in some sort of dignified way as he tries to figured out what is going on.
The charr doesn't holds his gaze, no more so than he would hold the defiant gaze of a specimen. Instead, the charr narrates into its wrist:

"The subject is responding unusually fast to stimulus." The clawed fingers press in a few holocubes. Gears clank and his legs are pulled straight out by their chains, just as two more of the robotic arms rise between his now spread legs. Their 'touch' is felt on the underside of his cock, one near the base and the other near the tip, both holding his skin firmly and pushing upwards, raising him up straight before his body, completely exposed for examination.

The charr continues: "The subject is strangely well developed for its race, and unusually responsive. Whether the cause is sexual inexperience, or excessive experience is yet unclear. More testing required." Another holocube is pressed in, and the vibrations on his nipples increase, flowing stronger in waves. A further cube is pressed and the flickering lights of the kinetic crystals start pulsing back towards their bases, the vibrations on his skin flowing up his hardening nubs, tugging slightly, brushing his skin and pulling outwards in insistent waves of sensation.
Lee glares even harder at the want-to-be scientist when he comments that Lee is responding unusually fast to the stimulus. "According to your woman charr I'm also more developed then you." Lee tells his captor in yet another attempt to get some sort of response out of him. When the new robotic arms began to touch Lee's cock he let out an involuntary moan of pleasure, he grits and grinds his teeth hard to prevent such a thing from occurring again. Sadly though Lee was fighting a losing battle as his cock became rock hard from the stimulation from his growing arousal. The stimulation of his nipples and cock was getting to him. At this point he was aware that they were attempting some sort of reproductive test on him and as a scientist Lee knew that it was pointless to try to resist this since it was a natural function of his body, but as a proud Asura he fought it anyway. Pointlessly trying to dene his captors the chance to see him orgasm.
The moan brings a sharp smile to the charr's face: "Responding very fast indeed." The charr leans forward, bringing its wrist before his clenched teeth, the audio recorder right before his mouth. Inches from his face, the talloned fingers press another series of controls.

All at once everything intensifies. The stimulation at his chest increases as the force tugs at him fiercely, extending his nipples outwards so another pair of arms can flick force back and forth across his hardened nubs. At the same time one of the arms below his groin moves lower, and vibration reaches up to envelop his balls, the one holding the end of his cock just holding him there for now, like a few fingers just holding onto his frenum, ready to move any moment.

His position doesn't let him see the last arm approaching up behind him, until he feels vibration flickering against his rear, swirling sensation round his opening.

All while the wrist remains before his mouth, ready to capture any sound he makes.
It was as inevitable, like trying to stop the moon from rising. As Lee felt the stimulation to his nipples and dick he let out small grunting noise as he grinded his teeth so hard he thought he would hurt himself. His nipples had become erect and his cock pulsed with blood as the robot worked it in a way he had never felt filling pleasure but it was the moment Lee felt the sudden vibration against his rear when he cracked. He let out another involuntary moan, and then another, and then yet another. Try as he might he couldn't stop himself as he felt before his growing arousal reaching its arc, it was growing harder to think, although he still burned with humiliation at being forced to give in suddenly Lee became terrified at he felt his own climax fast approaching. He held back the dam as much as he could, determined, once again in vain, to not let these creatures see him cum.
Every moan, every breath is recorded by the charr's wrist, the lights of the holo-control gauntlet illuminating the hungry, fanged smile behind. One claw presses a control.

The sensations all unify, their various patterns and pulses all becoming one as they pulse lighter and harder together in a steady rhythm, one that slowly rises, getting insistently faster.

"WARNING:" the resonant voice from the room interjects "PROFILE SUGGESTS CLIMAX LIKELY."

"I know," the charr sneers, its dark eyes fixed on Lee.
Lee lets out one final loud moan before he convulses and cums hard. His white sticky liquid flies through the air as his cock twitches violently, hitting the machine and dropping on the floor right in front of the Charr. Lee is breathing hard, his face red with shame despite as a scientist knowing that it was his body's natural reaction. "There, I hope you're happy." He says with venom, still trying to get a little bit of control over the situation.
Predictably, the charr isn't listening, already stooping to examining the evidence of his orgasm as it droops between the grills of the floor. The charr looks up at him again, looks down at the liquid, up at him, as if in absolute disbelief. It brings its holo-gauntlet up to its face.

"Remarkable! The subject reached climax far earlier than any previous candidate, before any direct stimulation was even applied to the genitals at all! Remarkable!"

The charr's attention immediately returns to the liquid on the floor. It reaches out a claw, carefully scooping a generous drop of it up, retrieving a vial from its belt to deposit the liquid.

Meanwhile the vibrations spiraling against his rear and over his balls continue in slow waves, stretching out the aftershocks of his orgasm.
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