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Turning My Star Student Into A Bimbo (Sailingsam x loneiysong)


Apr 13, 2012
Someplace where depression always finds me.
Elena Michaels arrived to Catherine Jones Academy on her bike. She always wore the required uniform while other girls tried to wear fishnet leggings or roll their skirts up so their thighs could be seen, or cutting their hair short or unbuttoning their white shirt down so their fancy little pink lacy bras could be seen. No Elena was a good girl The girls called her a 'goodie two shoes'.

Elena got off her bike and locked it to the bicycle ramp. She stood up tall 5'6 but flat chested and no hips. She raised her tie to her neck and buttoned her jacket in front. Her black curly hair was always up in a bun and she always wore her glasses. First class of the day was Mr. Adams in Math. She pulled her bag closer over her shoulder and pulled her other arm through the backpack adn began to walk forward into the girls laughing and talking.

Elena was a loner, she didn't belong with any group. She didn't even belong with the nerds or the band geeks. She played piano, but she was not readily accepted into any group. It could be that she was a prude and was not inclined to "have fun" or it could have been that she wore a golden cross outside of her clothes. She walked down the hall and put her bag into her locker and pulled out her notebook and math book and walked forward to the class and arrived early and began to look over the assignment today doing all the possible problems early.
David Adams smiled. Another day, another day of people who didn't want to learn. All but Elena Michaels that is. David taught here because it was the first job that was offered to him after he got out of college with a degree. It paid well too, providing room and board, supplies, and anything he needed or required to teach or be comfortable in his environment.

As his students for first period began to file in nodded at them, mostly in pairs laughing and talking loudly as they did each morning. In 10 minutes when the bell for class rang however, the room would be completely silent as the students were "tired" and didn't want to be here. The social bubble popped as soon as a student walked into a classroom, especially the classroom of David Adams.

He sighed when he saw Elena walk in, as usual, by herself and 15 minutes early He too had been like that back in High School and college. He never had any close friendships in those eight years, his closest friend probably being the librarian he saw every day when he checked out another book. He also knew she and her parents didn't get along too well. She had to ride her bike to school each morning too, regardless of the weather. He quit his thoughts when the bell rang. Standing he walked to the front of his desk and smiled, a daily morning ritual was about to begin. "Okay class, who has their homework from last night?"
The students groaned or grumbled. When he asked who had their homework, the students took it as their cue to bring out the homework and hand it up. Elena took the homework and made sure her name was signed. She grinned and collected the homework that was handed up to her and she put the stack forward towards him and smiled. She listened and paid attention through the class and took notes. Elena even participated when he asked a question and she raised her hand. The bell was soon ringing and she began to put her things away while students already left.

Soon she stood up and put away her thigns and stood up adn began to walk away blushing. "Have a good day Mr. Adams." She blushed softly and looked at him.
The only reason David enjoyed his first period class was because of Elena. She answered all the questions, dutifully took notes, and most important of all, she did her homework. David admitted it, he had a thing for "teacher's pets" which Elena certainly was. He lectured the entire class and when the bell rang, he promptly stopped talking and put away his lesson planner for that period as he watched the students quickly file out.

He smiled and almost blushed himself when Elena came up to his desk after everyone had left. "Thank you Ms. Michaels." He said looking at her. "Did you enjoy today's lesson on matrices?" He asked. Lately David had been spending some time alone with Elena after class. That was how he had grown to know about her problems with her parents and her having to ride a bike to school every morning. He was concerned for her honestly, and he was in the process of solving that concern.
"Ohh yes I did. And you teach it so well like always Mr. Adams." She blushed and bit her lip and looked down. She then looked at him and bit her lip and hoped she would make it to her next class in time.

"So anyway, how was your weekend?" She smiled adn canted her head watching him.
"Thank you" He nodded smiling. "My weekend was great, went up to my cabin and had some nice peaceful alone time" He said to her. "Do you like camping or hiking or the wilderness?" He asked making small talk as the bell rang. Seeing her eyes widen he laughed "Oh don't worry I'll give you a note"

He had decided today would be the first day of bringing her in. First it involved talking to her, getting her to open up a little more every time. He already noticed how she blushed around him. Perhaps because she was attracted, perhaps she was nervous, maybe it was both. Either way, she'd more than likely be very scared come Friday afternoon. "I have a proposition for you" He said plainly as he leaned back in his chair, elliciting a loud squeak from the old thing. "Would you perhaps be interested?"
"Yea, I do actually." She gasped looking up as the bell rang. She bit her lip and then smiled as he said that he would write her a note. She smiled and watched him and then bit her lip.

"Depends on what it is." She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
He smiled, she had bitten at the line, now he had to reel her in. "Well" he said leaning back, "This would be between you and me, and would actually break school code about student interaction, but I don't think anyone would notice the most boring teacher and the most ostrasied student missing or meeting alone together" He smiled. "My proposition is. That if you come here after school for an hour every day this week, I can take you up to my cabin this weekend. Hows that sound?" He asked
"Well I've racked up a week and a half worth of leave, and I'd figured we'd use that." he said smiling. "Of course you don't like to miss class so I figure I could teach you here and we wouldn't have to worry about teaching at the cabin." he leaned back and noticed her smile. She had bitten and he had successfully reeled in.
"Good. Now, who do you have for class right now?" he asked. Then he laughed. "Your really think your parents are going to care?. If they do, then we'll tell them it's a field trip. They more than likely won't look into it."
He finished writing the note and handed it to her smiling. "Why are you biting your lip? Nervous?" he asked. Then he reminded her. "Make sure you come here after school today."
"Hello" he smiled at her as she walked in after school had ended for the day. "How was the rest of your school day?" He had taken off his tie, and was eating a quick snack when she walked in.
"Of course of course. Now I'll give you two choices" he said smiling as he continued. "But whichever you don't choose you have to go home and listen to and work on your computer" He held up two disks of two different lessons. "Matrices or proofs?" he asked her.
"Good" he said smiling. "I had a felling you'd pick that, though a forewarning, it's an audio lesson so don't fall asleep there will be a quiz" he grinned and teased her and pulled up a chair in front of his desk and began teaching.
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