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(Unnamed for now.) Revan/Forever Unbreakable

Revan Leonhart

Sep 18, 2009
Fredrick, age 17, lets out a small sigh as it looked like School was finally over. Though Fredrick looked like a normal human, he was actually something a little more than human. He had some traits of a wolf... but the only ones that anyone could see were his black wolf ears and tail, which was the same color as his hair. However, he wore a hat to cover his ears, and he hid his tail underneath his clothes.

The only other thing that he inherited was his heightened sense of smell and hearing. From what he could tell, there could have been a few others like him in the school, but he didn't really care to keep an eye out for them. However today was going to be different than most days. At the end of his club, he picked up a scent in the air that sent shivers down his body. As he looked around with his light blue eyes, he couldn't help but feel drawn to the scent... but he couldn't think of a reason why he would.

He followed the scent, soon finding himself infront of the classroom door on the second floor. All of the students and teachers that belonged in this hallway were long gone for the day. Fredrick took a peek inside of the room, wondering about the source of this scent.
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