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Owned. (With DelightfulRevenge)

Kate however didn't seem to convince or interest when she heard him said he was from Virginia, but she decided to keep that as a mental note and simply nodded her head. "Part? Well, um, I was basically grown up in the cities and stuff, so somewhere around Richmond.." And moves her hair underneath the warm water, allowing it soak in the meantime. "I hope you have shampoo"
He smiles. "I grew up in Southwestern Virginia." He says. He reaches over and grabs the shampoo, holding it out to her. He finishes washing up and then grabs his own shampoo and washes his hair.
Thanking Mike for the shampoo she takes the bottle and opens the cap and firmly pushes the tip of her hands against the container and releases the shampoo, allowing to swirl around the palm of her hand before resting it on the side of the tub and moving the shampoo to her hair, passing it all over and her scalp. She wanted it to smell clean and fresh. But not wanting this to be also awkward, she decided to ask him question this time. "So, where is the rest of you're family?" She asks, grabbing for more shampoo.
"I was an only child, and my parents were killed in a fire 6 years ago." He says as he rinses his hair and body. He turns and looks at her. "Where's your family?" He asks.
Okay...that probably has to be the heart breaking thing that Kate has ever heard. Though, for her, she had never that kind of experience before...In fact...she was neglected. "I'm sorry to hear that," her voice sounding a bit rough by his families death, but her body boiling inside. "Uh, I was adopted. I never knew my family" She said, biting her lip uncomfortably.
"Oh. I'm sorry."He says. At least he knew his family, she didn't even know hers. He reaches up and strokes her cheek.
Even though it might be a bit emotional and heart breaking to hear Kate didn't cry or swell up, she in fact stood there normal until Mike had to touched her. She then chews on lips. "I know you are trying to comfort me, but..Please don't touch me..." She asked kindly, moving her head back and away from his stroking hands.
He pulls his hand back a little surprised. He owned her, she was his property he could touch her if he wanted. But for now he'd go along with her wishes. He nods and steps out of the shower, grabbing a towel and starting to dry off.
Kate didn't say anything when she caught the surprise facial expression after she told him to remove his hand and don't touch her. Her eyes quietly followed him as he stepped out the tube and dry himself off, and was pleased to see he respected that order. So she carries on and washs her hair, cleaning from the shampoo. Kate decided to silent for a while.
He walks out of the bathroom and gets dressed. He lays a t-shirt out for her to put on. He didn't have anything else for her to wear. He walks into the kitchen, dressed in a pair of shorts, leaving his shirt off. He begins to cook them some dinner.
It was minutes after Mike had left the bathroom and Kate stood shower silently ever since. She quietly washed her body as they warm water running, and onto her skin. Kate soon turned off the shower when she was finished and cleaned from the soap, and stepped out the shower and onto the floor then, standing on the mat, allowing the dripping water fall there. She soon grabbed a clean towel and wrapped around her.
He gets the food ready and sets the table. Today was her first day, he wasn't gonna get angry. Apparently she didn't understand the concept he thought to himself. He shakes his head and grabs a soda from the fridge.
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