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Karma and telling too much online & in real life

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Lady Caitlyn

Jun 13, 2013
How do you feel when you read about bad stuff that people who are arse holes online or in real life are going through?

The other year I was having a hard time at work, my bosses were actually trying to sack me through any underhanded means they could come up with, I laughed when I saw one by one how they ended up getting fired themselves. I on the other hand still work there! (I didn't do anything wrong either, I simply didn't fit into their little club).

Do you feel that because they have some struggle in their real life that they feel it gives them the right to be a prick to everyone else?

I feel people need to separate themselves from their struggles and other people who pose no threat to them. You can't try and make everyone feel like crap just because you feel like crap yourself. So that would be a Yes!

Do you feel happy for the pain and suffering they are going through and only wish more pain and struggles for them in the future?

Yes I do.

Do you feel sorry for them but laugh anyway because in the end they are still arse holes?

I sometimes feel sorry for them, usually I just laugh.

Do you feel they get away with their poor behaviour because other people feel sorry for them and let it happen which then continues their cycle of abusing others?

Hella Yes!!! And I have seen how their supporters also fall to karma in various ways. Once again with the work thing the other year, the people these arse holes promoted based on friendship were incompetent and caused a lot of screw ups among other things.

Do you feel that people who are arse holes shouldn't say so much online or in real life about their struggles and weaknesses because it just makes the victims of their behaviour happy to see what they are going through? Not to mention provides a much needed psychological insight into their damaged mind?

I feel it is their choice but they have to remember that people who they victimize will find joy in their suffering and will probably comment negatively, which would probably not help their emotional well being.

Do you feel that Karma has it's way and perhaps these people were arse holes prior to their bad experience and Karma is now kicking their backsides and they desperately deserve everything they are going through?

Yes most definitely.

Perhaps you feel something else, please discuss.
^ Is talking about me. For reference, the PM I found today. (Sent twice, in case I didn't read the first, I suppose)

Lady Caitlyn said:
Karma is a most wonderful thing don't you think?

I love hearing that you are in pain, it is the price you pay for being an arsehole.

I'm most amused by the fact that this person joined while I was inactive and only visibly interacted with my latest kill. Oh, another message just arrived!

Lady Caitlyn said:
Trygon said:
Lady Caitlyn said:
Karma is a most wonderful thing don't you think?

I love hearing that you are in pain, it is the price you pay for being an arsehole.
Have we met?

The pain in miniscule, merely the crying of flesh. I ignore it easily enough. If you desire my pain, perhaps you should actually lift a finger, no?

You are the type of person who causes fights and then runs away hiding behind mods and admins, I do not desire your pain darling, but I am happy you suffer for it and I imagine the pain of being you is also most painful in itself.

You are now on my ignore list, don't bother responding with your nonsense.

Ah, I see. She's 'avenging' him. Nevermind the fact that he, in fact, was the one who involved staff. No matter, this is not the first, or the last, time I've dealt with this exact character archetype.

I feel no need to further engage this person. I leave it to the staff to decide what they want to do with them.
What makes you feel any of this is about you?

Why are you being so aggressive?

I guess I will end up banned for your behaviour.
Or telling an alcoholic he deserves his disease in his private journal. I'd guess that's probably what it'll say on the banned splash.

Thought I was 'ignored', girlie?
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