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Island project (White Wolf / D. Voltonus)

No she wasn't used to orders and despite her now feral tenancies they had dropped off a ticking time bomb. Perhaps one day they would all pay.

"Yeah...rewards... like dragging a completely unaware huntess and taking away everything she had."
She spat out with a few sparks coming out of her nose.

"What do you mean supplies? Don't we hunt our own food."
She said a bit surprised.

"And I'm guessing these half assed orders are basically just breed and kill."
She scoffed before sitting back up and looking around and at herself. Well perhaps her new scales and stuff seemed to take over her usual armor, those bastards must have taken all of her clothes and left her to deal with being bare and covered in sharp scales here and there...but at least it was something she could get used to.
"Toiletries, things for cooking meat, if we so like. If we do as we're asked, things to eat you can't find in a forest. Deeper back in the cave I've got a nice little setup. I may be part feral, but I don't plan on sleeping in the dirt." He chuckled. "As for the orders, if you want to reduce them to that, yes."
"Well as you said you are part feral and from the looks of it almost human."
She guessed he must have been monster born from all the mutations probably going on here.

"Figures...the guild just seem to be bribing anyone with a mind here."

She let out a long snarl of annoyance before clawing at the ground. She would get her time to attack as she wasn't born and raised here. No she would find a way to outwit she did when she hunted elder dragons.

"But what concerns me is will they just dispose of us all once they get what they want."
She sighed at the thought.

"Well what exactly do you do here anyways?"
He shrugged. "Besides the orders, whatever I want. It will be nice to have pursuits of the intellectual kind avaliable to me now that you're hear. I've climbed most of the cliffs in the area a dozen times, and there's only so many ferals to fight with."
"Well the fact that they went out of their way to mutate a human probably means that you are one of their best creations so far...that's the way scientists work anyways."
She sad before getting up and scowling about the fact that she lacked wings...surely those bastards made sure that she couldn't fly off because she probably would.

"Well those scientists brought a different breed of creature on here and soon they will notice."
She said as she stepped on the carcass of the Drome, she knew that with her still human intelligence she probably had an advantage here.

But at least she didn't have much to worry about now because Crane seemed to have calmed down since she first encountered him.
He rose calmly, following her. "I'm certain they will. The best way to make them notice is to do what they want, and do it well." He smirked.
"Or do what they want and make them think you are loyal to them."
She said as she crouched down to take a drink from the lake and then walked around a bit as she got used to her new sense of balance.

"But they sure did a good job in making sure I would be occupied fighting my partially feral mind."
She sighed before stretching out a bit.
"Much easier to let it have it's way for a bit than to stomp it down. Trust me, I've been here five years, I know how to deal with that new side of yourself."
"Wait so you where human?"
Or was the the other way around and he was a monster given intelligence...or turned more human. But either way she was surprised at that.

"Well back there in you cave you sure weren't controlling yourself."
She scoffed with a flick of her tail.
"Yeah, trying to fight of mating season can be bad. I tried once...when I can to I'd fucked an entire pack of velociprey into submission." He chuckled.
"I'm not sure If I'm either disturbed by that or not."
She said a bit disgusted and a bit shocked...oh great and now she had to deal with him herself. Ugh she'd kill that hunter who turned her into this thing.

"Well my Name is Ratha, one under the title of terrible for killing an Elder dragon solo by shoving a sword up it's throat."
She said with a light chuckle.
He smiled. "I'd offer the same background, but I have little memory of my times before this island. I remember that I was always alone, no family or friends. I know I was never as happy then as I've been here."
"Well they must have mind wiped you or hit you in the head pretty hard."
Ratha said quite confused, well they seemed to have made him about half monster so something seemed a bit amiss.

But the feral part never sounded good, oh great would she be as bad as him? Already her first breeding with him left her with pheromones that would likely snap him back again.

"I still don't see why I'd be happy with being a caged freak."
"Technically you could swim back to the mainland if you want, but even the aquatics who've tried don't have the endurance."
She growled angrily before letting out a frustrated roar, ugh what nerve those guild scientists had to do this...but one day she'd get them and make them pay.

But for now all she could do was fall to her feral tenancies as they where in all time high right now.

"If I'm correct mating season for Rath's lasts for like a week right."
She questioned him.
He smiled. "Yes, that's right. Sex will abate that need for a little while, but the drive will come back soon."
"Well that was kind of expected."
She said unamused as she got up and looked around the territory more, plus Crane was probably following her so she didn't feel too out in the open in this place.

Plus the area wasn't too cold or too hot for her likes so maybe this part was kind of perfect.
Well lucky for him she had bonded to him and vice versa so she wasn't going to run away from him. However she had slightly different plans.

"Alright come and get me."
She challenged him in a playful tone as she jumped into some tall grass, well he would have to have some fun trying to find her.
He paused with a smirk, inhaling deeply, picking up her scent. He dove into the grass, tackling her to the ground. "Got ya." He teased.
"Gah!" She growled in surprise as she was found faster than expected. "Well I seem to have misjudged your speed."
"It's mating season dear, not hard to find you when I can smell you from a mile away." He ran his claws gently down her sides.
"Oh right..." She said as she started to subdue to his touch. Oh how the tables where turned now that she was willingly giving into him.
His cock slid forth, leaking his pearly pre as before. "Would you like to taste me before I claim you once more?" He teased.
Well for once she could see his shaft clearly and she was quite surprised that she managed to take that before.

"Heh, why not."
She grinned in a mischievous way as she approached him, her mind beginning to loose it again as her feral instincts started to take a hold again. So she slowly grabbed a firm hold of his black shaft and slowly started to lick him in a very teasing manner.
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