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True Grave's fanfiction "Z-Academy First Year"

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
If you have anything to say about this fanfic, do not post it here. You will ruin the flow of the story. Private message me if you have any feedback. Some of these characters were based on other people's creations, but have been sufficiently changed so that they are not the same characters and are not being used without permission.

Z-Academy Day Zero (August 18)

Ryukyu Taizan (1)

Japan is the most technologically advanced nation on the Planet Earth. This is thanks to the Capsule Corporation, a trillion dollar a month company that made the Briefs family and all of their shareholders into billionaires. The secret of their riches was the ability to pack any item into a capsule that could be deployed at any time. Everything from a car to a toy could be released, and in the centuries since the company was founded, almost everything can fit into one little capsule. While originally based in West City, it had moved to Hercule City and made it a booming metropolis. Hercule City, Japan was the new capital of the world.

Just outside this city stood a small wooden hut. It was a crude structure, and held no running water, indoor plumbing, or electricity. It only held one lone occupant, a young warrior named Ryukyu Taizan. The 13-year-old boy opened his eyes, shielding them from the early morning sun with his hand. It was 5:00 AM, and he had only an hour to get ready. Getting out of bed, he proceeded to focus his mind on the tasks and get to them.

After doing his business in the surrounding wilderness, he bathed in a small pond not far from there. He could hear the rush of the river, which was where he fetched his drinking and cooking water and washed his clothes. When he wanted to eat, he hunted in the woods, captured, cooked, and then ate his prey. It was a life that most people in the world would find barbaric, but it suited Taizan just fine. He was a descendant of the Ainu, an early people in Japan who had lived just like this before being chased into the mountains of Hokkaido by the early Japanese. Thanks to the Capsule Corporation, the language barrier between the Ainu and the Japanese had been broken, and his people became modernized.

But his father had clung to the old ways, knowing that someone would have to carry on the culture and traditions of the Ainu. Taizan was the result of the union between an Ainu man and a Japanese woman, and though he was only half-Japanese, he would never admit to his Ainu heritage. It was simply a way to protect what little of his culture was left. Given that he looked Japanese and could speak the language at a native level, most would not question his ethnicity. Even so, Taizan preferred to live apart from them. The forest around Hercule City was his home, now and forever.

There was one other thing that separated Taizan from other Japanese boys his age. He had learned how to use his Ki, his body's natural energy, and it augmented his strength, speed, and agility. Taizan had discovered it by accident, after it came out toward the end of a particularly exhausting training regimen. Two blasts had knocked holes in his ceiling, and he had spent the rest of the evening patching them. Taizan spent almost all of his time training his body and Ki. The reason for this was rooted in his past.

When Taizan was six years old, aliens attacked the Planet Earth. They had focused their attack mainly on Hercule City, but a stray bolt from one of their ship's cannons blew apart his home. The explosion killed his parents and left him buried under rubble. The military, with the help of the Capsule Corporation, had chased off the aliens by the time Taizan dug himself out. But, that day changed everything for him. He was grief-stricken, and vowed to someday get revenge on the aliens that robbed him of his parents.

Taizan developed what most would call an unhealthy fixation on training and the martial arts. He would exercise for hours on end, often training until he passed out. He would punch and kick at a wooden wall until his knuckles bled and his legs were bruised and calloused. It all had a positive result, as he had a bodybuilder's physique at age thirteen. After he discovered his Ki, he did research at the Hercule City Library and discovered ways to increase it and practice it. His research also revealed information on the Namekian Z-Fighter, Piccolo.

Piccolo was a loner and had a rough early life. Taizan latched on to this and made him his idol. As a show of admiration, his first ever technique, the Mouth Blast, was based on one of Piccolo's techniques. He was still working on building up callouses in his throat, so that when he used it, it did not hurt or make his throat bleed. All of this energy usage caught the eye of a man named Hinoki. He came to visit him one day, and told him that he was the Grandmaster of a school in Hercule City called the Z-Academy.

The school was meant to cater to warriors like him, who had learned to use Ki. Hinoki had been impressed with Taizan's work ethic and aptitude for the martial arts, so he offered him a place at the Z-Academy. Taizan was not sure that he wanted to go, but today was Orientation Day, and if it was anything like what Hinoki had said, then he definitely needed to train there. After getting dressed in black weighted Kung Fu shoes, white pants, and a blue tunic, he set off for Hercule City. He arrived there in about ten minutes, and then went to the address Grandmaster Hinoki gave him. Taizan was awestruck by what he saw.

The building was huge and topped with a dome. It was connected to other buildings, and looked like a city unto itself. Taizan entered and became uneasy when he heard the buzz of voices. He followed them to the auditorium, where hundreds of teens like him were seated. After finding a seat away from everybody else, he sat down. On the stage in front of him was a podium, where he guessed the speaker that everyone seemed to waiting for would appear.

Taizan wanted to center himself, so he closed his eyes. He was a fiend for meditation, and when not physically training, eating, or sleeping, he could always be found in one of two stages. His first was just to center himself and focus his being into one point, such as when he wanted to listen very closely to a speaker or feel at one with nature. His other stage was when he was trying to break the chains of limitation on his Ki through intense focus, or when he was trying to gather his Ki into a certain body part, like his elbow joint. The first stage helped him block out the noise, and he felt better. Now was the time to wait for the speakers, and decide if the Z-Academy was right for him.

Mai Yukou (1)

Mai sighed as she was walking from her posh mansion in the eastern corner of Hercule City, heading toward the recently completed Z-Academy. All of the boys in her small circle of friends were either intrigued or excited by the institution, but to her, it was just a barbaric warrior's school. With the Capsule Corporation and the military working so closely together, why did the city need such an expensive new building to teach such outdated techniques and ideals? It made no sense to her, but her parents apparently saw the value of it. Tired of her rotten attitude, they had shipped her off to this place to learn discipline and manners. They wanted to make her more lady-like.

Well, piss on that! I mean, sure she had zapped the maid in the butt a few times with her Ki, but the lady was slow and needed somebody to light a fire under her...erm, buttocks. Yes, she had spent more time at the mall than doing her homework. Sure, she had smarted her parents off a few times. But did all that really warrant this kind of treatment? Her stuff had been packed, her inheritance held hostage, and not even the benefit of an air car to transport her to this over hyped money pit. She had fallen quite low indeed.

But Mai was a fighter. If her parents wanted a lady that could use martial arts, they were sorely mistaken. She was going to do all in her power to get through this next ten years. A decade at this place nauseated her, since she didn't even want to spend even ten seconds there. So, she looked on the bright side. This could be her chance to make new friends, pick up some new techniques, and still have her housing completely paid for.

The Z-Academy's Orientation Day was today, meaning that she was there to pick classes and get her housing ready. Thankfully, there was no class requirement, she could take as few or as many as she liked. Mai was going to find the easiest class she could and do only that for ten years. With any luck, the time would fly by and she'd soon be back home in the comfort of her chair, kicking the maid in the butt when she went too slow. After going through the door, she found a seat amongst some other students-to-be. Mai's white hair and beauty drew many eyes, and she waved back and smiled at all the cute boys, giving the jealous girls a mental sticking out of the tongue.

However, her bratty attitude vanished as her mind went blank. Her eyes were glued to one boy, though he was built like a man. There were muscles coming out of everywhere, and that placid face of his just made her melt inside. She shook her head and frowned while she blushed.
Get it together, Mai! You're not supposed to feel like that toward one of those meat-heads!

Mai tore her eyes away from the man-boy and focused on the stage. The place had been noisy, but was starting to quiet down a bit. Everyone was waiting for the Grandmaster to appear. Mai in particular had to see him. Her family had paid a bit extra to have Mai's room customized a bit to suit her standing as the daughter of one of the richest men in town. Mai could not wait to see it, so she wanted to get this stupid ceremony over with and see it all ready!

Endo 31st (1)

Planet Namek II, August 1

The Namekians are a strange race by any account. They are entirely male, reproducing only asexually by spitting eggs out of the mouth. The clutches can be in the double and rarely, in the triple digits. An old myth within the Namekian race says that if the parent lays a golden egg, that child will be a Super Namek, a legendary figure on par with the power of the Super Saiyans of the monkey-tailed warriors. Endo 31st, a name implying that he was the thirty-first egg laid in his clutch, was born from a golden egg. Contrary to the legend, however, he was anything but a Super Namek.

Small for his age of thirteen, Endo was picked on and shoved around by his bigger peers. His race are renowned for their legendary Ki reserves, but his were so pitiful that even a small ball of energy took work. As if those two things were not enough, his special training by the Elder, Kumara, made them think he was a teacher's pet and elder to more teasing. The only people that were good to him were his father, Snare, Kumara, the Village Chief Hammer, and his thirty older brothers. Endo had only one younger brother, Dacoda 32nd, but that boy had run off to Earth and never looked back. Endo had a lot on his shoulders for such a young boy, and everyone was constantly putting stuff on him.

Whenever Endo complained of the teasing of the other boys, Hammer and Kumara both told him that one day he would be mightier than they ever dreamed of achieving. That was a nice thought, but it did nothing to help him out in his current situation. How was Endo going to live up to any of his cultural expectations? He could not defend the planet of Namek II even though he was part of the junior division of the militia known as the Planetary Defense Corps., and he was sure that he could not rule his people as the first Super Namek in over a millennium. It all had him so stressed out that he cried at night, thankful that the other boys did not know about and could not tease him about that. So when the Elder called him out of his militia duties unexpectedly, he thought it would just be another long-winded explanation of what his responsibilities as the Chief of the planet would be.

So, he was a bit surprised to see his entire family gathered at Kumara's house. It was not unusual for his father to attend these lectures, but for his whole family to be there was definitely out of the ordinary. His father approached him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Son, today marks the start of a wonderful journey."
"Journey?" Endo asked him with a confused look on his face, "To where?"
Snare did not answer, turning to face the Elder.

"Elder, would you please do the honors."
Kumara cleared his throat, which caused Endo to roll his eyes and earned him a paternal sharp look that sent a shiver down his spine.
"It is not the location of your journey that is important, young Endo, but where it will lead you on the inside. I have spoken to a very wise Earthling who has offered you training, so that you might reach the potential within."
Endo turned his confused look to Kumara.
"What do Earthlings know about Super Nameks?"

"Quite a lot actually. I must get on Hammer for apparently scrimping on your history teaching."
"Super Nameks have had quite an impact on Earth, son," his father explained.
"Yes, our greatest heroes were Super Nameks deeply involved with Earth."
"Kami and Piccolo, right?" Endo asked.

"Can this human make me like them?" the young one asked with excitement rushing to his voice.
"Not him, no. But a member of his faculty at the Z-Academy, the former Chief of Namek II, Kami 53rd, can certainly help you along the road."
"There is much he does not know, Elder. Perhaps we should fill in some of the blanks."
The Elder folded his hands and nodded.

"As you know, Piccolo and Kami were once one being until Kami expelled King Piccolo in an attempt to make himself a pure being. King Piccolo's son, Piccolo, later fused back with Kami to return to the nameless Super Namek that is our mightiest warrior in recorded history, with a power level close to even the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. The Kami of this time, the fifty-third of his clutch, is not a Super Namek, but has completely mastered Piccolo's fighting style, a feat many of our people have tried and failed to do. He was a mighty Chieftain, overwhelming threats to our planet with sheer brute force and energy blasts so fierce that even the heavens trembled in response. He gave up being a Chief to go to Earth and protect it from alien threats. He is now teaching the Namekian Style at the Z-Academy."

Endo had been seated in a lotus position, since it hurt to stand the whole time through the Elder's long-winded speeches. All of this information was pretty much common knowledge, so he did not pay it much heed. When Kumara said "Z-Academy" though, that got his attention, which was evident by his arched eyebrow.
"What is this Z-Academy?"
"A very special school for young people wanting to become great warriors," the Elder replied.
"So, it's a dojo?"

"That's a major simplification," the Elder replied.
"The Z-Academy houses ten dojos, young one," Snare began, "each for the ten styles taught to the next generation of Z-Fighters."
Endo was starting to catch on to what they were saying.
"This man the elder spoke to is affiliated with the Z-Academy, isn't he?"
"He's far more than just affiliated. His name is Hinoki, and he is the Z-Academy's Grandmaster."

Endo chewed on his lip in thought for a second.
"So, you are not sending me just to meet this man and Kami 53rd. You are sending me to Earth to attend the Z-Academy."
"You are correct, as always," the Elder replied.
"I have heard that a full study program at the Z-Academy lasts for ten years. Spending ten years on a planet I am not familiar with is a daunting prospect, Elder."

Snare put his hand on his son's shoulder.
"It is not as daunting as you might think. Your little brother Dacoda is there, and can help you become familiar with Earth customs."
"But Dacoda has rejected our ways! I am sure that he will do nothing but lead me into trouble."
"Then perhaps you can return his help by steering him back toward the right path."

"I don't know, dad. He sounded awful serious when he swore that he would never follow the old ways again. He called them rustic and outdated."
"Young Dacoda is struggling to find both his path and himself," the Elder said while shifting position, "Though his words are harsh, his heart is kind. If he has fallen, it is not very far."
Endo still looked a bit skeptical.

Snare clenched his fist and smiled.
"Do not forget that Kami 53rd is also there. Earth and Namek II have very close ties. Even away from home, you will not be without your people. As you have carried the hopes of your people in this land, you must carry them across the galaxy to the Z-Academy."
Endo closed his eyes, hearing the jeers of the other boys in his ears.

He shrugged. Though he had his doubts that he could live up to this borderline grandiose expectations of his people, ten years away from the same old bullies would do wonders for him. If Master Kami could teach him how to boost his Ki and fight skillfully, then he could return home in triumph and shut the mouths of the naysayers once and for all. Endo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then looked the Elder in the eye.
"I'll do it. I'll go to Earth and represent my people at the Z-Academy."

Endo's brothers began cheering wildly, but were soon hushed by their father.
"I am very happy to hear of your decision. Elder, please excuse us while we go to the spaceship that was prepared for him."
The Elder nodded, and the mostly complete family went filing out the door. It was not a long walk to the spaceship, but Endo's nervousness made it feel like a thousand miles. Though he spoke bravely, he was terrified of what he might face.

The spaceship itself was of a hybrid design. Most of it was a ball, based on the Saiyan model spaceship. However, Saiyan technology to this day was still a mystery, so it had only about half the top speed of a true Saiyan spaceship. On top of the ball were two antennae representative of the Namekian race, since all Namekians had that same antennae jutting out of their forehead. It was not just for design, but for better maneuverability. Though Namekian technology still had a long way to go before it could rival Earth's inventions, they were well on their way with this model.

Endo approached the ship, placing his hand on the cold metal exterior. He turned to find that he was not alone. His family had been joined by many from his planet, including the same bullies that taunted him mercilessly. This time, though, they were stoic and had a much different look in their eyes.
"Though you must make this journey alone, you carry the hopes of your people wherever you go. Whatever they were to you prior to this moment, they are all united in their good wishes for a safe journey."

Endo felt overwhelmed, and knew he had to get on the ship before he started crying.
"Thank you, everyone. Rest assured that our race will once again rise to prominence. I swear it!"
The people cheered as a hatch opened in the ship and an entry ramp extended. Walking up it, he turned and waved goodbye as the hatch closed and the ship started.

Within minutes, it started automatically calibrating all of the necessary functions for takeoff and flight in space. Since this model was in pristine condition, the check lasted only seconds. The ship shot off like a rocket, which was not felt thanks to the equilibrium effect of the ship's internal gravity. Endo knew that his father would want him to pass the time productively, so he took up a lotus position on the floor and began meditating. Meditation was a simple skill for the Namekians, but deep inner meditation in pursuit of knowledge and personal truth was harder to reach. Endo would use this time to practice, and maybe gain insight into how he could build up his skill and power himself.

Planet Earth, August 18

Endo had no idea how long he had been in this ship. It was outfitted with a holo-clock, but no holo-calendar. For all he knew, he could have been in here for a few weeks or few thousand years! Okay, maybe it wasn't that drastic, but time has a weird way of being our perspective when we have no idea how much of it has passed. He was starting to fear that he would miss Orientation Day. Suddenly, lights began going off on the ship's central console.

"The ship is now approaching Earth. Prepare for some turbulence as the ship descends through the atmosphere."
Endo smiled and laughed with joy. He had made it to Earth. He then thought of something that had not crossed his mind the entire trip.
"Computer, what day is it?"

"It is many different days on many different planets in different systems. Please be more specific in your question."
"Sorry, what day is it on Earth?"
"It is many different days in many different countries on Earth. Please be more specific in your question."
Endo gritted his teeth with annoyance.

"What day is it in Hercule City, Japan?"
"August 18."
Endo pumped his fist in happiness. He had made it to Earth just in time for Orientation Day at Z-Academy! He felt a slight rattling as they descended, but not too much turbulence. As the ship sat down, Endo headed for the door as it opened and the landing ramp descended.

Endo made his way down the landing ramp, looking around at the foreign landscape before him. His ship had landed in the heart of the city, with different building styles and people. No one gave him a second look, but he still felt like an outsider. Looking over the skyline, he saw a big shiny dome that towered over the other buildings.
"I guess that must be the famous Z-Academy. If any place can turn me into the Super Namek my people need, it is that place."

Endo began heading that way, tired by the time he got there. Everything was pretty close by on Namek II, so he was unaccustomed to that much walking. Thankfully, the building was not a maze of hallways, and he followed the signs and sounds of other students into the auditorium. So many strangers in one place made him a bit uneasy, so he looked for a place that was not full up. He found a spot next to a boy who looked like a monk of some sort, but since he was meditating, he did not wish to disturb him. Endo turned his eyes toward the stage and waited for whatever was going to happen next.

Dacoda 32nd (1)

August 18

Dacoda hustled over to some bushes, where his comrades were squatting in some bushes.
"Whatchu got, Kash?" he asked as he turned to a human-Pterodactyl hybrid next to him.
Kash put down the binoculars he had up to his eyes and smirked.
"Those Rokyu punks are still hanging around. I guess they didn't heed our warning about doing their business on our turf."
Dacoda summoned a low-energy concussive blast in his hand.

"Then I guess we be needin' to send dese boys a stronger message."
Kash and the others nodded and also formed concussive blasts in their hands. The law for all areas in Japan until they were in a time of crisis was to use low-energy concussive blasts, under threat of military and Capsule Corporation attacks. Dacoda and his boys were not model citizens, but even they weren't stupid enough to declare war on Hercule City's elite military duo. Aside from that, the few other gangs in this section of Hercule City were practically nobodies, and Dacoda's impressive Namekian fighting skills had taken down many of them. The Namekian warrior had taken the reins of the Satso gang and made it a dominating fighting force that stamped out all competition in their area.

The latest in the string of new guys was the Rokyu. They used to live in the airway systems below Hercule City, but had decided to embrace sunlight again by evicting an even smaller gang called the Tatsu. Dacoda appreciated someone else doing the work for him, but the Rokyu boys had made themselves public enemy number one by refusing to leave Satso turf when asked. So, they were here now, getting ready to storm this building and continue their winning streak over their enemies.
"Are da boys in position?" Dacoda asked.
"Fo sho."

"Good. It's time to show dese foos why they should have left when we asked all polite-like."
Kash knuckle-bumped Dacoda, and the Namekian made a hand-sign above his head. Immediately, all of the Satso members stormed the building. There were lots of grunts being heard as Dacoda and the rest of the Satso elite calmly made their way across the street and up to the front door.
"Knock, knock..." Ricoda said as he fired his concussive Ki blast into the door.

The door was blown off its hinges and fell down to the ground, so Dacoda walked over it as the Elites flanked him and one followed close behind him. In the living area, which was nasty and decrepit, the Rokyu were mostly getting their asses kicked. Some fought back decently, but were overwhelmed by the sheer number of Satso foot soldiers. Dacoda crossed his arms and smirked.
"That's right, foo's. The Satso don't ask twice."
The last Rokyu member collapsed to the ground after being punched in the jaw, but a crash from further back in the house drew everyone's attention.

Dacoda turned around and looked at Bykon, the newest member of the Elite that still needed to prove himself a bit.
"Take about half these guys and lock this area down. If anyone makes trouble, waste 'em. Got it?"
Bykon quickly nodded, then split the group evenly. Half of them followed him out of the building to secure the entrance and the immediate area.

Dacoda turned to Kash and Krokus, who were still awaiting orders.
"Krokus, take about half of the remaining guys and investigate that noise. Kash, you and your boys will be with me as we back them up."
Krokus picked out his guys, and they ran ahead to confront the mysterious noise. Kash's boys scouted ahead a bit, and they kept a constant perimeter as Kash and Ricoda calmly moved ahead.
"You've really done a great job of organizing the Satso into an effective war machine."

"Ain't nothin' to it, Kash. I'm just employing the same techniques that I was taught in the militia back home. I wanted to be the boss, was all. S'why I left."
"Well, I'm glad you did. Even I didn't lead the Satso as well as you have."

"Damn right. Just wait, Kash. We'll have all of Hercule City under our thumb someday."
"If you would have said something like that last year, I would have believed you wholeheartedly. But the Z-Academy changes things. We ain't gonna have the whole city now."

"Pssh, you got no vision, Kash. That's why I'm running things now. A bunch of bonehead martial artists will make no difference. You see, I'm a Super Namek."
"A Super Namek? What's that?"

"What's it sound like, fool? It's a really powerful Namekian warrior. I hatched from a golden egg like all of the old tales say, so I must be a Super Namek."
This was a bold-faced lie, though it should have been the truth. As much as he hated it, Dacoda had to admit that Kash was right about the Z-Academy. If he was going to keep the faith of city-wide conquest alive in the minds of his troops, he would have to tell a lie or two to do it.

"Wow, maybe we will have a chance, then."
"Ain't no maybe about it, bitch. You betta show some more respect, Kash."
"Sorry, bruh. I just ain't ever seen it is all."
"Well, rest assured, it's coming."

The two entered the last room in the house, only to find a scene of horror. Krokus and his entire unit were sprawled all over the floor, and a giant cat person was standing in the corner of a room slamming one of his men into the wall repeatedly. Dacoda rushed over to Krokus, who was barely conscious and bleeding.
"Damn, man, what happened?"
"We was doing good, Dacoda..."
"It was this big motherfucker, wasn't it?"

"Yeah. We was working over the last of the Rokyu, but then this thing came out of nowhere. It turns out that they knew we would be coming, and they brought this thing in as a last line of defense. I thought we could wear it down by our numbers, but the thing is made of steel or something. We didn't stand much of a chance."
"It's okay, Kro-dog."

Krokus coughed and a little blood dribbled out of his mouth.
"I'm sorry, Dacoda. I failed you, and I dishonored the Satso."
"No. You fought to the last and didn't give up. No matter the outcome, you brought great honor to the Satso today."

Krokus reached up and grabbed Dacoda's forearm as hard as he could.
"Stop...him. Our job...isn't done."
"I know. I'll bring him down, just watch."
"I knew I could count on you, boss," he said, struggling to smile, "Long live...the Satso."

With that, Krokus' grip became nonexistent and he his head fell limp on the ground. Dacoda put two fingers to his neck, but there was no pulse. Kash reached out his hand with his mouth open in shock. Dacoda turned to him, lowered his head, closed his eyes, and shook his head. Krokus was dead, and Dacoda bore at least half the blame for underestimating the enemy. Kash lowered his head, closed his eyes, and his fists shook with rage.

Dacoda stood up, and when he opened his eyes, they were black with hatred for the monster that had killed his friend and trusted subordinate. The monster dropped the now dead Satso member he had pulverized into mush and gave the Namekian a cocky grin.
"Big bad Satso...Did you really think a gang as small as the Rokyu would move into your territory without a contingency plan?"
He spread his legs into a sumo stance and tightened his arm muscles, sending out a seismic wave that swept across the floor and acted as wind.
"You thought we were small and weak," he snapped as he pointed an accusatory finger at Ricoda, "but I'm sure that the message has not been lost on you, little green man."
He brought that finger up and traced his thumb cross his throat in a nonverbal death threat.

Kash planted his foot and shook his fist at the monster.
"Dacoda! If you are a Super Namek, use your powers to shut this chump's big mouth for good!"
The Namekian youth closed his eyes and let out a sigh.
I am not a Super Namek, but...
The cat monster laughed and spread his arms as wide as he could at his sides.

"A Super Namek, are you? I like a good challenge!"
He began to laugh a cruel, guttural laugh that chilled the junior Satso members to the bone.
"If you truly are a Super Namek, then you should be able to kill me in one blow. Give it your best, because if you fail, I'll eat you alive, small fry."
...But this moron crossed the line killing Krokus!

Dacoda put his right index finger to his forehead, focusing as he built up power in the tip of the finger.
I don't care about the military! I don't care about the Capsule Corporation! All I care about is the glory of Satso, and in achieving the ideal that Krokus died fighting for!
He opened his eyes and stared at the creature as the blast grew bigger, now clearly breaking the law imposed by the guardians of Hercule City. Kash was wide-eyed as his boss poured the power he had stored in his body into this powerful blast.

"He's not going to use the Satso Combination rush on this one," he said to one of his charges, "he's going all-out with this ultimate technique."
Ricoda continued to drain his power into the blast, knowing that he was starting to run dry.
I'm only holding back a little bit of power, so that I don't die of exhaustion if this move fails. I hope Kash and the others can handle this guy once he's weakened, because if this does not kill him outright, I'm in trouble.
Dacoda finally finished the charging, and held the white light in his finger.
"I've never used this technique before, so I hadn't even thought of a name for it yet."

Dacoda crouched and squared his shoulders.
"But the heartless slayin' of my homie has given me the inspiration to toss out all negotiation."
He reared back with his arm, ready to drive the beam forward and get revenge for his dead officer.
"Revenge Piercing Cannon!" he shouted as he aimed his arm and sent the white beam hurtling toward the beast like a lightning bolt.
The technique completely hollowed out a space in the monster's chest, disintegrating his heart and giving his body a monstrous jolt that would have shorted it out, anyway. When the beam had gone all the way through, the beast fell forward and began bleeding out what blood was left in his body, as dead as the Rokyu's hopes of staying in that building.

Dacoda panted and dropped to one knee. He felt like a drained battery, nearly collapsing into unconsciousness. As he fell forward, Kash grabbed his shoulders and righted him.
"Playa, that was awesome! I thought you was bullshittin' about that Super Namek stuff, but you're the real deal, G."
Dacoda half smiled and closed his eyes.

Maybe...I really am a...Super Namek.
Dacoda passed out sitting up, and Kash turned to the boys.
"Go get Bykon and his unit. We're takin' our boys, whether they dead or alive. There's no man left behind in this crew."
Kash lifted Dacoda and placed him on his shoulder in a fireman carry. He led a long procession back to the Satso main headquarters in the basement floors below a burned out city building, and more than one of these hardened gangstas had tears in their eyes.

Later that day: late afternoon-early evening

Dacoda's eyes fluttered open, and he raised his hand to block the glow from a hanging light fixture. It took him a minute to realize that he was home, but he smiled when he did. Sitting up, he looked around and saw Kash studying a holo-porno mag as he sat there.
"Checkin' out all the bitches you can never bang, brotha?"
"Just waitin' for your veggie green ass to sprout."
The two bumped knuckles and shared a laugh. Dacoda's face soon darkened as he remembered the ultimate fate of Krokus and some of the foot soldiers.

"Is it ready?"
"Yeah, it's done. The boys are waitin' on you to do the ceremony."
Dacoda sprang off the bed and walked down the hall, Kash at his side.
"So, how's Bykon taking all this?"
"He's in shock, honestly. None of us ever believed that shit could happen to one of our senior vets."

"Yeah, Krokus goes way back. He was the second-in-command back when I first encountered you guys six months ago."
"He was," Kash replied, some fondness creeping into his voice, "he was around before I even hit puberty. The brotha was solid as a rock."
"Bykon's got some tough shoes to fill."
"You're not seriously suggesting that we appoint another officer after Krokus just died, are you?"

"You know the code of the Satso, always four officers at one time. It's how we do it on Namek II."
"But this isn't Namek II and Krokus wasn't your boy like he was mine. Most of this gang are from the time when I was in charge. They won't take too kindly to Krokus being swept under the rug like this."
"Krokus is irreplaceable, but the Code still stands."

"It seems a bit cold right now."
"The world doesn't stop because someone dies, Kash. This organization must move forward. With Krokus dead, other gangs will want us on the defensive. We can't let down our guard or more of our family will be killed off. It stings in the short-term, but it's better for the gang in the long-run."

"I understand that, but our rank-and-file members will need more convincing."
"I know. I'm planning to give a speech explaining everything after the funeral service."
"Make it a damn good one, because this could lead to a mutiny if we handle this wrong. Then we'll lose the whole gang instead of just two handfuls of members."
"I got this, Kash."

Dacoda and Kash entered a large antechamber that was halfway filled with grieving Satso members. Ten pedestals had been erected, and the center-most pedestal had the body of Krokus lying peacefully on it. The members of his unit that had survived the vicious beating were currently receiving treatment at Hercule City Metropolitan Hospital, and were expected to make a full recovery in two to four weeks. Kash took his officer's seat next to Bykon, and that was the signal for the foot soldiers to turn their attention toward the podium. Dacoda, as their leader, was expected to make the farewell speech to their fallen comrades. He gripped the podium with both hands, and steeled himself to make the speech.

"I'm not a big fan of long, flowery speeches, so I'm just going to tell it like it is. We, the Satso, underestimated the capabilities of the Rokyu, and the price was the loss of ten of our men, one of which was our beloved officer, Krokus. But not one of them died for nothing. They died fighting for an ideal that the Satso embodies in all of its members. With his dying breath, Krokus begged me to stop that monster, and I did. Victory is ours, but at a great cost."

The members of Satso began murmuring, some praying and others expressing concern over what was to come next.
"Let us not waste this lesson that Krokus taught us in his final moments. Never again shall we underestimate an enemy, but always be aware of what could happen. We must also be aware that he never really died, that he lives on in our hearts and minds. May the men who fell today never be forgotten. May their sacrifices not have been in vain."

Dacoda stepped down to applause and walked over to a switch. Kash got up and took up a pair of holo-pipes, which he began playing in a sad, rhythmic tone, their farewell song to fallen comrades. At this tune, many members broke down and cried again, and tears stung Dacoda's eyes.
"Good-bye, brothers. May we meet again in the next life."
He then pulled the switch, and the bodies were reduced to ash by lasers.

Kash stopped playing the music and put the holo-pipes down, hurrying over to Dacoda.
"I know you planned on appointing a new officer today, but now is not the time. The men need time to grieve, and they will not be in the mood for duties right now."
"I know," Dacoda said with a nod, "so I'm instituting a cessation of duty while we remember those we lost. Tell Bykon to stay on alert, but the men can do what they want for now. I need some time alone."

Kash nodded and hurried over to Bykon to explain the new orders. Dacoda went into his chambers and sat down in the chair. The guilt over the death of his men was starting to weigh heavily on him, as they might not have engaged without prior orders from him. The foot soldiers could be replaced easily, but Krokus had truly been irreplaceable. Bykon was far from ready to take that more senior position in the gang, and they were more vulnerable now then they had ever been. Word that such a small gang had dealt a mortal wound to the mighty Satso would spread like wildfire, and armies of new gangs would come pouring in to their territory.

Dacoda was just about to slip into despair when a strange feeling took hold. He sensed a familiar power level, but it was weak and seemed to fluctuate greatly between burning bright and winking out. That could only match the description of a relative of his.
Endo...What's a bitch like you doing on Earth? Did father or the Elder send you to try and bring me home?
He clenched his fist so hard that it shook.

It was ironic in the extreme that the first supposed Super Namek in centuries was the weakest Namekian in recorded history. His youngest older brother had been the one to hatch from a golden egg, but he had none of the qualities of even the weakest Satso member. He was a punk, plain and simple, and it disgusted Ricoda to even think about him.
Do not show your face here, Endo. If you do, I promise that I will beat you so severely that even father won't recognize you. I am the leader of the Satso, and no matter how bad things look right now, I will always rise to the occasion and defend our way of life!

Derek Carr (1)

August 17

Hercule City is about more than the martial arts. All manner of sports can be found there, including an American import, baseball. The capital of Japan's home team are called the Champions, after the rank of Hercule City's namesake. While not as grandiose as Hercule's Champion rank, they had yet to live up to their namesake by winning a national championship. Another American import, Derek Carr, may have been about to change all that. He was only a boy of thirteen, but he had pitching talent greater than men twice his age and with more experience.

Derek had not had any special sports upbringing, no appointments with experts, no constant practice and coaching by parents, just a desire to play baseball on a team for the first time. His position on his first little league team had not even been as a pitcher, it had been as a shortstop. If not for the fact that their pitcher had gotten unexpectedly ill before a big game, Derek may have gone his entire life not knowing about his special talent. The coaches knew that if they did not find a replacement pitcher from amongst the team, they would have to forfeit the game. Always being described as a "go-getter", Derek volunteered for the position. The coaches were skeptical, but they had no alternative plan, so they decided to try him out.

Any doubts they had about Derek were put to rest on his very first pitch. The ball sailed right through the strike zone and into the catcher's glove in a perfect straight line, going so fast that the batter never had even a ghost of a chance of hitting it. This went on for several innings, and at the end of the game, it was Derek's team ten, the opposing team zero. As expected, the coaches made Derek their new pitcher, and the old pitcher was relegated to shortstop, which he did not mind because it was easier on his arm. Derek's team had a near-perfect season after that, and he pitched for that team until he was too old to play for it. While playing for his school's team in junior high, he started to get some big attention.

His pitching talent was so great that high school teams fought over him, and there were even some college teams willing to give him a shot. No major league teams were willing to offer their services to a kid so young, but they were keeping an eye on him. When Derek led his team to a perfect season, a college team offered to give him a try-out to see if he could pitch as well against their players. One after another, it was always the same, a perfect straight line pitch and a perfect miss by the batter. This impressive college tryout at age thirteen was the final piece needed to justify a major league contract to so young a player with no prior intramural playtime. After the contracts were signed, Derek was sent overseas to play for Japanese leagues until he was old enough to play for an American major league team.

No one knew the secret of Derek's talent no matter how much they marveled over it. Even the kid himself could not explain it. How could he know when it involved special energy not even discussed in his culture? Derek's pitching talent was entirely a product of his natural ability to use Ki, the natural spirit energy that flows in the human body. No child's arm, no matter his natural talent, could propel a ball so fast that even experienced players could not see it. Every time he pitched, he unintentionally used a special technique that augmented the ball into an attack, the untouchable Fastball.

Derek was now in Hercule City, practicing for his first big game against a rival Japanese team from Osaka. This was big, since a bitter rivalry prevailed between the two teams. Derek was all ready a hero to the people for being an American player on a Japanese team, but if he could completely humiliate the Osaka team, he would be a legend. Due to this heightened emotional tension, the coach was running him extra hard today, or thought he was. The fact of the matter was that the Fastball took no physical energy out of him, and though it drained his Ki reserves a bit each time he used the technique, there was enough time in between the pitch being thrown and the catcher returning it that the Ki was mostly regenerated. Besides, the coach would not find a flaw in the pitch even if he could see the ball, since it was always done with perfect technique.

After the one hundredth pitch, the Coach made a timeout sign with his hands, his left hand being vertical and his right palm pressed against the tip of his middle finger.
"(Show me curve-ball!)" he barked at him in curt Japanese.
"(What?") Derek replied as he caught the returning ball with his glove.
"(You have done the fastball pitch long enough. Now, I want to see your curve-ball.)"
Derek nodded and tried to look confident, but on the inside, he was shaking like a leaf.

Derek had seen the curve-ball before when it was done by professional pitchers, so he knew the basic premise. The question was whether he could throw one. None of his coaches or his parents had taught him any other pitches, since his fastball was so effective. To throw this pitch, he would have to let the ball go at the exact moment that it would swing out just enough to curve and not fly way out of the strike zone. Trying to do that on a muscle memory that had been conditioned only to throw a fastball was a tall order. Despite all of that, the coach had asked for one, and Derek was obligated to give him one.

He put his feet together, then hiked his knee up and stepped forward as he drew back with his pitching arm. The key here was to go outward with his arm instead of forward. He changed trajectory and let go of the ball at the point he thought was the best. Miraculously, it did a perfect curve and headed straight for the strike zone, but speed had been much reduced and the batter connected with it perfectly, sending out deep into the outfield for an infield home run.
Well, that went almost as badly as it could have.
Even so, the coach still nodded with satisfaction.

("Your technique is flawless, but you need to work on speed. Practice it until you can throw it as quickly as your fastball.")
Derek nodded, feeling less nervous that he had the technique down. Still, the speed was a harder thing to work with. Many pitches were thrown, and many of the first ones were being chipped into the foul zone, sent into the outfield as grounders, and there was even one outfield home run. But then the strikes started coming, and they increased as the speed increased.

As the sun began to descend into evening, Derek felt his arm start to go numb. He could throw fastballs all day and not get a bit tired, but curve-balls were an entirely different story. Thankfully, the coach was satisfied with his performance, and the two bowed to each other as the practice was called to an end. Derek massaged his arm and began to head toward the dugout. As he was getting closer, he heard a familiar voice call out his name. He sighed and hung his head as a familiar figure came jogging across the field.

Ryan Carr (1)

August 17

Ryan was feeling like one of the luckiest people in the world right now. He had spent most of his life involved in Taekwondo, the Korean variant of Karate known for its fancy-footwork. He had done it since childhood, and held a blue belt that was impressive for his age. His interest in the martial arts had caused him to be very excited when he saw the Z-Academy being reported on in the United States media. The idea that top graduates of the distinguished school could be defenders of the entire planet made him dream of wanting to attend. However, with it being overseas, he had believed that it would stay a dream.

That would have remained the case if his parents had stayed together. However, his father's long hours at work and other problems that he did not really understand ate away at their marriage until there was nothing left. His mother had decided to move across the country to be with a new man, leaving his father with sole custody. Understandably, his father was crushed by the upheaval in his life, but tried to be there for his son as much as he could. It was on an innocent trip to a little league game that both of their fates would be changed for the better. This was the same game in which Derek pitched for the first time.

Everyone was impressed by the little one who could throw so well. When his father realized that the cheering lady next to him was Derk's mother, he politely commented that he was quite talented. The two struck up a friendly conversation, and after awhile, seemed far more engrossed in each other than the game. Ryan was too young to really understand this courtship, and he was mesmerized by the lightning fastballs that Derek threw. At the end of the game, the parents exchanged numbers and went their separate ways. It was not long before all four were getting to know each other better.

Derek and Ryan actually got along pretty well, both being enamored with a particular physical skill. Ryan respected his new friend's pitching arm, and Derek respected his high-kick. As they got older, their parents' affection increased and they got engaged. It was not long after that when the two got married, and both Derek and his mother changed their last names to Carr, since Ryan's father adopted the boy. Their friendship was not affected much by the promotion to stepbrothers, but being in close proximity all of the time meant they argued more over silly stuff. Their lives were pretty ordinary until Derek was going to be sent overseas to play for a Japanese baseball team.

Suddenly, Ryan's dream was within reach. The whole family was going to be moving overseas to live for at least five years, so he would have plenty of time to attend the Z-Academy. It was a better prospect for him than a regular Japanese school, since he was not big on studying or homework. So, he would channel all of his love for martial arts into success at this new institution. Derek was going to be a star player for his team, so there was no reason why Ryan could not be a star student at the Z-Academy. It was time to stand up and prove that the United States really did have the best of everything.

His parents were a bit skeptical that this institution would really be better for him than a traditional education, but he had talked them into at least giving it a chance. His father had called and arranged a meeting with the school's Grandmaster through their Counselor, Kyobei. The next day, they had gone there to meet with Mr. Hinoki, who was a very pleasant man. His impression of Ryan as a student was a bit dubious, since he could not use Ki and did not have a black belt in his chosen martial art like most prospective students. Ryan actually could use Ki, but only in his special technique, the Ground-Crunching Fist. This punch has such an impact that when it collides with earth or other material, it crunches it in such a way that it behaves as a glass.

Mr. Hinoki was curious when he heard the description of the technique, and decided to give Ryan a chance to prove that he belonged at the Z-Academy. Picking out a spot of hard-packed dirt, he instructed the boy to demonstrate his technique. Ryan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on what he wanted to do. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and struck the ground with a loud kiyai, or martial arts yell. The ground yielded to his fist, breaking a clean hole in the ground and causing dirt to splinter off in solid chunks resembling glass shards. Ryan excitedly turned to Mr. Hinoki, a look of expectation on his face.

The Grandmaster's face remained placid, still absorbing and evaluating what he had just seen. After a moment of making Ryan sweat, a smile broke out across his face.
"Your technique did exactly as you described. You do indeed have the ability to use Ki, and I will accept you at my school."
Ryan could not contain his exultation as a cry of joy escaped his lips. Ryan's father had mixed feelings about this, happy for his son but also concerned about how much tuition to this special school would cost.

"I'm still not sure that the Z-Academy is right for my son, but if he really wants this, then I won't say no. How much does tuition cost here?"
"Our students and their families pay nothing to attend," Hinoki replied, "All of our financial needs are covered by the city."
Ryan's father had a look of puzzled suspicion on his face.
"You take students in for ten years and never charge them a single Yen. What's the catch?"

It was Hinoki's turn to look puzzled.
"I'm not sure what you mean. If you doubt our academic standards, then I can assure you that you have nothing to fear. Our students will be required to work hard in a very challenging curriculum. Daily work is needed or the student will not graduate, plain and simple."
Ryan's father sighed a bit under his breath.

"It is not the school's academic commitment that I am uncertain about. I know how important education is in this culture. I guess I should ask what the end product will be. Will my son be prepared for the real world after graduation?"
"Of course. If your son graduates within the top percentile of the inaugural class, then he will have the most important job on the planet."

"What is this important job?"
"He will become a new protector of the Planet Earth."
"Excuse me?"
"Your son will join a group of other exceptional graduates and fight to defend the very planet itself from alien threats. This is why we only accept special students, as the reward for high honors at our school is a very dangerous occupation."
Ryan's father's mouth had dropped open.

"I forget that you are not from this culture," Hinoki said with a look of self-abashment, "In Japan, we are quite used to dealings with extraterrestrials. I guess things are different in the United States."
"Much different!" Mr. Carr replied, trying and not entirely succeeding at keeping his tone down.
Ryan sensed his father was under stress and turned to face him.
"Is something wrong, dad?"
"No, everything's fine, son."

When Ryan had turned his attention to something else, his father looked at the Grandmaster with a look of suspicion.
"Aliens? You can't seriously expect me to believe that something that cost this much to fund is devoted to something that...intangible."
"You don't believe they exist," Hinoki stated, not phased in the slightest.
"Absolutely not. I leave those things to crackpots who wear tinfoil hats."

"If you're so certain they don't exist, then maybe you wouldn't mind meeting one."
"You're messing with me and I don't find it very funny."
"I'm being completely serious. I've got more than one alien employed as an instructor here, and one of them is here. His name is Kami, from the Planet Namek II. You can shake hands with the man and see that aliens are no theory in these parts."

Mr. Carr's expression had changed to one of uncertainty. He believed that the old man was pulling his leg, but the absolute certainty in which he delivered his statements made him question that. If he agreed to it, he fully expected Mr. Hinoki to take him right to this Kami person. As a parent, it was his responsibility to make sure that his son was not having the wool pulled over his eyes on his watch. So, he decided to call his bluff.
"Take me to see Kami."

Hinoki gave him a wry grin.
"I see that you are a truly cynical person."
"I'm a businessman, so I have to be able to weed out who is the real deal and who is the phony."
"Kami should be in his classroom in the east wing. Follow me."
Mr. Hinoki turned and began moving toward the door, not even checking behind him to see if Mr. Carr was following him.

Ryan's father turned to his son and made his tone as normal as possible.
"Son, Mr. Hinoki and I have to have a one-on-one meeting to work on some finer details of your attendance. It's some real boring stuff, so I'm sure you wouldn't be interested. Why don't you go into the city and find Derek? He should be getting out of practice and could use an extra set of hands getting stuff home. I'm sure he'll be pleased to know that you got into one of the most prestigious schools in the city."

Ryan beamed.
"Okay, dad. I'll see you later."
Ryan's father watched as he jogged off the campus, heading across the street and to the stadium where Derek would be practicing. He sighed and began heading into the building. Even if everything was on the up-and-up, he still could not help but be concerned about his son's well-being.

Ryan's legs pumped as the stadium came into sight. He sprinted up the stairs and onto the baseball diamond, where Derek was walking off the field.
"Derek! Wait up!"
He continued across the field and grabbed his knees as he panted, catching his breath before looking up at his step-brother.
"I got accepted at the Z-Academy!"

Derek's eyes widened a bit.
"Wow, that's great news! I'm happy that you're getting the chance to see what it's like, since you talked nonstop about it on the flight over."
"I'm gonna be the Z-Academy's top warrior, just wait and see!"
"I'm rootin' for ya, but I gotta shower and get changed. Can you wait here for me?"

Ryan nodded.
"Yeah, sure. Just don't be too long. I wanna tell mom and my friends back home on the satellite holo-phone."
As Derek disappeared into the dugout, Ryan took a seat at the bleachers. About twenty minutes later, his step-brother emerged and they began their walk home, each holding one bag.

That night, dinner was filled with lively conversation. Whatever Mr. Hinoki and his father had talked about, it had made a big difference in his attitude toward the Z-Academy. He was excited about it for him, and helped calm his mother's apprehension on the subject. Derek related his successes on the pitcher's mound, and a general aura of good feelings followed them from the kitchen to the living room, where they watched TV as a family. A few hours later, they were sleepy and went to fall into bed. Ryan fell asleep dreaming about kicking the snot out of aliens, and Derek fell asleep dreaming about striking out an entire professional baseball team.

August 18

Ryan did not even need the alarm to go off before he was up and at 'em. He was in the bathroom getting a shower while his mom made breakfast and his father checked the mail. Derek was sitting at the table waiting on breakfast. His step-brother was out of the shower as soon as he could be, and was dressed in jean shorts and a red short-sleeved shirt. They all ate a hearty breakfast and Ryan excused himself from the table.
"I don't want to be late for Orientation Day, so I'd better go."

"Have fun, man," Derek said as he began heading back upstairs, "Let me know how it went when you get back."
"Be realistic about your goals, son," Ryan's father said.
"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you there, Ryan," his stepmother asked with a hint of apprehension, "I want to make sure that you get there safely."
"I'll be fine, mom. I promise that I'll be careful."
With that, he smiled and walked out the door.

The boy sprinted into the city, catching sight of the large dome that allowed the Z-Academy to be seen from almost anywhere in Hercule City. Ryan slowed as he saw the entrance, and walked through with his head held high. Following the sounds of talking, he entered the gymnasium and saw several hundred students packed on the large floor with wall-to-wall chairs. There were several humans here from both genders, as well as anatomically identifiable and unidentifiable aliens. Ryan found a seat near some aliens and turned his eyes toward the stage. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a very attractive young woman with white hair.

The seats next to her had been filled up with boys talking to her, and Ryan wanted to kick them out of there and make his own move. He then remembered where he was and thought that might not have been a good idea, since they were probably more experienced fighters than him and might have strange powers that he could not defend against. Even with so many people around her, though, the girl seemed distracted. She kept looking over in a different direction from her companions, and he followed her line of sight to a boy that looked like a young monk. A faint pang of jealousy echoed in Ryan's heart, and he was now determined to talk with her. He could be very charming, and having an attractive lady at his side would be a bonus when he rose to the top of the Z-Academy's ladder.
Ting Shu Min (1)

August 18

Ting screamed as he bolted up out of his bed. Sweat was running down his face in the climate-controlled room, and there were raised goosebumps on his skin. His heart was racing, making it hard for him to breathe. As his mind whirled, one image remained front and center in his mind. It was of a man, an evil man of great size and terrible power.
"Broly..." was all he could say between breaths.

These dreams had not started recently. He had dreamed of this destructive giant since he was a baby. That was long before he knew his name, and had called him 'scary man' for most of his life. Everything about him was horrible, from his grotesquely huge muscles to his mocking laughter and pupil-less eyes. His power was exactly the same as the heroes of old, being able to use the Ki in his body. In fact, his power was so great that it caused catastrophic destruction wherever he went.

Ting had been tired of having nothing to understand this sleep demon, so he went to the Hercule City Public Library. In the old archives were film and records of alien invasions, and he had found a picture that exactly matched the appearance of his night tormentor. Further research on the picture finally led to him being able to put a name to him, Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan. His terrible wrath and fighting prowess had proved almost unstoppable even to the mighty Z-Fighters, but they had stopped him in the past. Broly was dead, had been for centuries, but the ghost of his memory lingered in the depths of his soul. He could not find any record to substantiate any kind of relation, so he wondered how this ancient evil was showing up in a mind that he had never known or been connected to.

But, the scary part was that the connection was not as tenuous as he had hoped. In his dream, Broly had a giant green blast resembling a football that he would toss at opponents and cause it to explode. To his horror, Ting found himself able to do the exact same thing, though far from being on the same scale as Broly. Being Chinese, he had knowledge of the spirit realm that was passed down for generations, but this was phenomenal. Despite his fears, his family insisted that he attend the Z-Academy and learn to harness his gifts. Ting wanted nothing to do with the place, but was loathe to disappoint his family.

Just two days prior, he had been through an audition of sorts in front of the school's Grandmaster, Hinoki. His demonstration of his Shining Bomb technique had blown down a clump of trees with surprising force. That, on top of his impressive Kung Fu abilities, made him a good match for the Z-Academy, and Hinoki had enrolled him on the spot. That night, his mother had prepared a celebration feast for them, and his father had taught him some more advanced Kung Fu. Ting was not yet at black sash level, but he was not far away from it. All that was missing from his training was actual combat, and he was guaranteed to have some of that at the Z-Academy.

Time had flown since then, and it was now time for him to attend the Orientation Day of his new school. Ting rose from his bed and did the usual morning preparation rituals, dressing in the traditional Hanfu style robe, with a lapel coming across like a Gi and sleeves that hung down from his elbows. It was a clothing style of great importance and ceremony in his culture, but in all honesty, he felt silly wearing it. Also, it was completely impractical for fighting, as there was no way he could move properly with that much silk cloth between his feet. He preferred good old American clothing, blue jeans and a T-shirt, and his parents assured him that he could wear whatever he liked when he was training after today. But since it was Orientation Day, he had to show that the Shu Min family was still one of honor and tradition.

Ting had learned a long time ago that there was no arguing with his parents, but that did not mean he did not push it every now and then. He had tried to tell them about his dreams and their connection to the aliens, but that had only encouraged them rather than warded them off. Ting was going to the Z-Academy to become a spiritual warrior of great renown, and there was nothing he could do about it. Despite his fears, he had to admit that he was excited. A new environment meant a new opportunity to make friends and hone his skills. With his preparation complete, he was shuttled off to school by his father so that he would not get the outfit dirty on the streets of Hercule City.

His father stopped the air car in front of the building and Ting got out.
"Ting, this is your big chance to bring honor to ourselves and our ancestors. I am very proud of you for what you have accomplished. Go forth, and bring the spirit of the red dragon to the Z-Academy."
Ting and his father bowed to each other, and then the boy turned to enter the building. His get-up meant he could only walk at a slow pace, but he got inside and followed the noise to the auditorium.

When he stepped inside, he was astonished to see how many people of different species and age groups had joined up for the inaugural year. Many boys caught sight of him and began laughing at and making fun of his dress. He wanted to shrink down inside the outfit, and had feared that this would be exactly the reaction of some kids. He pushed past them, and had to deal with creeps purposefully stepping on the flowing part of his outfit. He committed their faces to memory, and swore on his honor that he would get even with them. Finding a seat, he sat down carefully and began to wait for whatever was coming next.

Brodaras (1)

Planet Broga, August 1

Within the universe, there are four galaxies spanning the cardinal directions. The North was the home to the legendary Z-Fighters, and at the opposite end was the South. It was not known for anything until it was destroyed by the Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly, and so it existed for centuries as a black, deserted stretch of space. But, as is the way, life carried on. Space dust and asteroid fragments began to coalesce to form planets, and the first to be reborn was the Planet Sarbin, at that time, a vast and hot wasteland. It eventually cooled and life began to form, single-celled at first, but over time, man began to exist.

These men were primitive, at first, but eventually formed a complex society. The first leader they had was Broslamane, a mighty chieftain that used sheer brute force and Ki energy to rout the beast-folk of the land and secure the site to build the capital city of their society, Broga, named after himself. Once just a regional capital, his influence and military might spread over the land and conquered it, forcing the beast-folk further and further into the mountains and other secluded holdings. Broslamane died many years into his reign, still trying to control all of the land, and in honor of him, the planet Sarbin was renamed Broga. Broslamane's son, Brodane, did what his father could not and seized the rest of the planet, wiping out all of the beast-folk so that only the Brogians, the men, remained. Now a powerful society, they went on to conquer many planets that had formed during Broslamane's reign and formed their own empire spanning one-half of the South Galaxy.

The other half of the galaxy was owned by Gaspar, a man who had overthrown the government of his planet to reign over his own empire. Brodane might have attempted to oust him and seize control of the entire galaxy if not for the fact that Gaspar had a much mightier space fleet and a much bigger and better trained army. The two Emperors sat down and agreed to a treaty that put on paper which planets were owned by which, so that they could reign in peace. With their grip on their half of the galaxy unchallenged, their society began to grow technologically and intellectually. Trouble began to stir during the reign of Brogar, the great-grandson of Brodane. The people had begun to grow dissatisfied with a supreme Emperor, and began to call for limits on his power.

As can be imagined, Brogar did not like the proud tradition that stemmed back to Broslamane undermined by anyone. He fought attempts at reform, and by the time his son Brodaras was born, the climate was rife with revolution. The opposing party called themselves the Sarbinese, wanting to return the planet to a time before Broslamane and his world empire took control. Their leader, Sargon, was a revolutionary of the highest caliber, getting through bribery and negotiation what he could not take by force. He was the first true internal threat to the monarchy, and no amount of money or negotiation would make him back down from his anti-royalist agenda. In time, war broke out between the Brogians and the Sarbinese, each wanting nothing less than the complete and total destruction of the other.

So, Brodaras had found himself coming of age in this violent and war-torn era. His combat training had been accelerated, teaching him advanced Ki control and hand-to-hand combat. As the Prince of Broga, he was a tempting target for kidnapping and assassination. Nonetheless, he wanted to fight on the battlefields. The very integrity of his family was at stake, and despite the best efforts of Brodane's advisers, his son would not be deterred from this course of action. However, even his valiant spirit could not overcome the fact that the Brogians were losing the war.

Brodaras ran quickly through the streets of Broga City, heading for a different zone under attack by the Sarbinese. The fighting had been particularly fierce, as the outcome of the entire war was hinging on this battle. His side had been dominating the war for several months, but the balance had been changing. The Brogians were losing resources, and Sargon was wooing more and more dissatisfied and fugitive citizens to his cause. Many were joining now simply to end the war, for it didn't really matter to them who was in charge. To them, Sargon was no worse than Brodane, but Brodaras knew that they were wrong.

Sargon had once been a member of his father's cabinet, a panel of advisers and planetary governors. He was only an adviser, but had been pressuring his father to give him a position on Rendax 4, one of their tributary planets not far from Gaspar's established territory. Brodane had been too shrewd and intelligent to do that, knowing that Sargon was plotting betrayal. His ambition was plain for all to see, and he would stoop to even selling out to Gaspar if it meant getting a bigger piece of the pie. Brodaras had been able to see the slime dripping off of the creep a mile away, and wished that they had gotten rid of him sooner. Unfortunately, Sargon came from a very influential and powerful family, and his election to the cabinet had been legitimate, so there would have been no easy way to depose him.

Now, of course, it was far too late. Sargon had resigned from his father's cabinet, only to begin leading a violent revolution against him. There were even rumors that he was speaking to Gaspar and getting military support from him, a move that would guarantee the success of his coup d'etat. The battle for Broga City was still going on, and his side was being beaten back. Brodaras reached a new zone under attack by Sarbinese, and saw them advancing forward with coordinated blasts. Gathering Ki into his hands, he charged toward them and leaped into the air, preparing and firing a two-handed Ki blast at them.

It hit with deadly accuracy, blowing away most of this first line. However, more were advancing, and he was forced into close-quarters with them when he landed. Brodaras lashed out with elbows and kicks, stunning and knocking down many of his foes. Jumping back, he was forced to retreat as the forces of his enemy built. He needed to find more of his father's troops and coordinate a strike on them. As he retreated, however, he saw nothing but burning buildings and bodies wherever he went.

He proceeded to the center of the city, where the palace was. He could see smoke rising from it, and bodies were scattered on its steps. As he proceeded up the stairs, the great gate was flung open and some Sarbinese revolutionaries went tumbling down the stairs. His father Brodar stepped out, his red cape flying in the wind and terrible fury plastered on his face. As he laid eyes on his son, his expression softened and he beckoned him forward.
"Brodaras, hurry and get inside."
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