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If Only Zombies Liked Salads....


Nov 23, 2009
Kairia could only hear her heart pounding her in chest as she clutched her baseball bat. She could hear the soft groans of people dying in the streets or the ones that had died that were rising again. She couldnt believe what laid before her eyes. She remembered hearing the governments warning and she had went to her cellar to hide. She had been down there for months due to the tree that had fallen over the doors during the first bombings to eradicate the beasts that flooded the streets.

It had only been sheer determination and a lot of pushing and pulling to get that door to break enough to get her out. Her supplies had run out and she knew she had to face what was left of her life. Now she was being chased down the street by the verminous creatures that were once past neighbors, friends, and workmates. She was in hell as they knew it. Her eyes darted for shelter and she soon slammed herself into an old convinent store that hadnt been overtaken. Grabbing canned food and a can opener, she ran to the back office and locked herself in, hoping the terrors wouldnt find her there.

That was his last shovel in that things head, and once the rusted metal blade snapped off in it's skull he was down one weapon. Jason was already pretty close to screwed with the shovel, without it he was down to a kitchen knife, and he could hear the footsteps of more of this...things coming. The only reason he had survived this long was hiding in empty houses, the residents long since dead, and roaming the streets. His home was long overrun, it usually happened regardless of where he stayed...he'd get a few hours sleep and time to eat and then he'd have to move on.

Naturally he was sprinting down the street again, he didn't dare to look back but he could hear the sounds of their shuffling. The days before now, incited him to treat this like some bad video game, turn and face the terrible hoard behind him, with nothing but his kitchen knife; because all of him wanted this to be just that...a video game. Of course, he had to face reality over and over wasn't He needed a place to hide, before they caught him and his worries -did- come to an end.

A convenience store wasn't his first choice, but there weren't any impenetrable fortress in the neighborhood so he took a turn through it's door and took a jog through the isle. All the doors were off their hinges, except one... a place to hide perhaps? He sprinted up to the door, and tried to open it; it was locked... was there someone in there?
"Shit. Hey, anyone in there? Come on, let me in or I might get eaten out here!"
He could hear them outside.
Kairia heard the voice and her head snapped up as she had been pulled in a tight ball to keep warm while she got some sleep. Reaching forward, she opened the door, grabbed the man by the shirt and dragged his ass into the room before locking up again. Placing her hand over his mouth, she motioned for him to be quite as she pressed her ear against the wall. She could heard the distant shuffling and after a while it passed as they had lost track of him. Too much spilt food in the halls of the convenience store masked their smell.

"Im Kairia." she whispered softly after slipping back down after a while.
He'd been so surprised, he hadn't even tried to say anything, just looked on with wide eyes. Kind of expected no one to come to the door, and for his life to end right then and there. The few seconds before she'd pulled him in he'd came to terms with becoming one of those...things. Not that he wasn't happy, on the contrary he was quite thankful, shitty as life was these days he was adjusting.

"Thanks, Um... Kairia."

Jason suddenly noticed just how out of his breath he was, he'd just ran enough to make a track star drop dead. He bent over and caught his breath, resting his hands on his knees as he took in as much air as he could without to much noise.

"Names... Jason."
"Yeah, its a whole new ball game. I mean running. It all changes when you have verminous humans running after you for your brain. Air seemed to be a minuet factor of life at that point." Kailie said as she watched Jason. Reaching over she grabbed a bottled water and held it out to him. "Their all sealed. They will be good for a while yet." she said with a soft smile,t rying to be friendly while keeping the noise level down.
He took the outstretched water, quickly twisting the cap off and taking a swig of the clear liquid. It instantly calmed his lungs burning and let him breath normally with one last quiet gasp. He straightened up, returning the waters cap and setting it down on the floor; returning her smile with one of his own.
"They're a lot faster then they look, you expect them to move like... dead people brought back to life. They can really move though. That's the fifth time they've nearly gotten me since...well since this started."
He slipped down to the floor across from Kairia, looking up at the dirty ceiling of the office room.
"So... how did you manage to survive this long?"
Kailie flexed her arms playfully and tried to bring some amusement to the moment. "Well they just saw my huge guns and ran for the hills....or alternatively a tree fell down and locked me in my cellar of a month or so. Do you know what its like living in the dark for a month. It is hell I tell you. Luckily I only did it for a week."
Jason chuckled a little, the heaviness of the whole 'end of the world' getting lighter for a minute as she joked. His smile stayed even as his laugh died off, he'd forgotten how good it was to be around a fellow living person.
"I can only imagine. I just moved from house to house, wasn't much fun getting chased from your bed every morning by Zombies. But I'm in the best shape of my life, must be all the cardio."
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