Forbidden Flame (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Oct 17, 2012

Kristina sighed as she threw her duffel bag onto the bed. The dorm room was small and depressingly sterile, with two twin beds, white walls, a small window and a pair of beat up dressers. She could almost touch the other bed from hers and the summer heat in the room was stifling, despite being in the mountains.

She was sweaty and still in a foul mood. Her parents had been united in their demand she go to this ridiculous camp. That they agreed on anything after a bitter divorce seven years ago was shocking, but getting kicked out of two schools in one year was definitely a low point for Kristina and apparently could unite them. The brochure on the bed summed up the camp:"Finding the Flame: A Girls Camp to Find the Love of God." A bunch of bible thumpers and she was likely the only sinner of the bunch for them to try and save.

Kristina flipped her dark brown hair back away from her bright blue eyes. She'd had the sense not to wear her normally heavy mascara, but had noticed the female counselors' frowns at the stud piercing in her nose and vaguely satanic rock t-shirt. She smiled at thought of what they would do if they saw her nipple piercing. She dumped her duffel bag out onto the bed, strewing out her wardrobe of torn jean shorts, mini-skirts, punk t-shirts, colorful knee high socks and other bits of clothing from her overtly "rebel teen" dress style. Her underwear, mostly tiny thongs and lacy bras fell out last and spilled over onto the floor. She knew there was a boring uniform of blue shorts and white t-shirts at the camp, but figured her clothes might have some use.

Kristina glanced to make sure the door was shut and grabbed the larger, heavier bundle wrapped in an old hoodie that had fallen first from the bag. She'd been relieved it got through airport security. The bottle of vodka, two packs of cigarettes and four joints inside were her only hope of having some fun this summer, even if by herself. And the small vibrator she had added might be the only pleasure she got. She carefully placed the bundle in the bottom drawer of her dresser.

As she stood up, Kristina saw her reflection in the mirror above the dresser. Her American mother's dark hair combined with her Swedish father's blue eyes to give her an exotic look... large eyes and an elfin face. A sweet, innocent smile that often got her out of trouble, but increasingly less so. She had learned early that causing problems made her parents pay attention to her and she could play their attention and love back and forth as she grew up in the U.S. and Sweden. Her mother's embrace of religion since the divorce and Kristina's recent school problems in the U.S. had led to this punishment at the religious camp. Both parents claimed she wouldn't get to go to school again in Sweden, which she preferred as she could have more fun, unless she finished this camp with no problems.

It was going to be a tough summer, she knew. She would try to behave, or at least not get caught. But, she had managed to have too much fun at the two all girls boarding schools she got kicked out of this year, so who knew... maybe she'd find a way to discreetly enjoy herself for a summer with a bunch of wanna be nuns and religious dorks. If anyone could, she would. She was just sixteen and had her life ahead of her. Not already doomed to be a delinquent like her parents both seemingly thought.

Since her roommate hadn't arrived, Kristina decided to take a quick shower to rinse off the sweat and heat of travel. She kicked off her flip-flops and peeled off her ripped t-shirt and cut-off jean shorts. She ran her hands down her slim, teenage body, reveling in the feel of her own flesh. Her breasts were moderately sized, pushed slightly up in the pink lace bra she wore, and her ass was small, but firm, framed perfectly in the tiny black thong. She stripped her underwear off and left it on the floor while she stood nude for a second, scrutinizing her bare body down to the fuzz growing back around her sex that she needed to shave in the shower.

With a smile, she took one of the small white towels down from a hook on the door and wrapped it around her body, barely covering her. She grabbed her toiletry bag and opened her door, headed to the communal shower down the hall.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)


"We'll see you at the end of summer, sweety," promised Mrs. Smith as she bent to embrace her daughter, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"We know you're a good girl but don't go putting the saints to shame."

Madison turned her eyes from one parent to the other, laughing at her father's joke. As she did so, her blue-green eyes lit up the way they always did when she smiled the fresh-faced and innocent smile of youth. She was but 15 years of age and the pride of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's life; a well-behaved religious youth, resplendent and respected amongst family and friends alike.

"I'll try," she replied. "Enjoy Europe. Bring me back something nice."

"Of course we will, darling. We'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, mom. And you, dad." She moved to hug her father for what was to be the last time in a couple of months and then they were departing, a 2-month trip awaiting them while their daughter would be "finding the flame" of religion. It was hardly something she felt necessary - Maddy had been raised by a devoutly religious family and God had always been part of her life - but then, a Christian's life was one lived perennially in toil with temptation. She had prayed for nights on end after she first kissed a boy, asking for penance for her own weakness in the face of sin, not that it stopped her doing it again. It was funny how one's beliefs changed with experience and - attending a mixed school in a 1st World country - Maddy's experiences were nowadays leading her towards temptation almost daily. She saw and heard of her fellow students engaging in sinful activities every week and each time she saw the excitement they experienced, she felt that dreaded pang of questioning rise up again inside her and turned to her scriptures to quell it, to make her strong. By the end of camp, she was sure she would be invincible.

Less than an hour later, she strode from the reception building to the dorms, the sun lending a vibrant sheen to her thick, lively red hair as it flowed over her shoulders, dancing with a gentle breeze. She wore navy jeans with simple sandals and a loose-fitting top of the deepest red hung over one shoulder, leaving the other bare. The wheels of her suitcase clacked over the cobblestone pavement. She had never spent a whole season away from her family and - though she was excited to see how she would fare without them - she was also a little anxious. One day at a time, she told herself silently. You'll fit right in in a couple of days and then everything will be fine.

Her fears were hardly quelled when she finally reached her room, however. She had been informed that everyone would share a room with one other attendee, and while the few others she'd passed in the halls had seemed friendly and respectable, Madison seemed to have been put in a room with a wild animal. Clothes were scattered carelessly across one of the beds in her room, the bag which once contained them upended beside them. She moved closer to inspect the clothing and for the second time before they had even met, Madison's roommate gave her cause for concern. Punk rock t-shirts... mini-skirts... ripped jeans... all of these were fine in their own right, Maddy thought, but together they did not paint a picture of the most devout person, especially not with the fancy underwear thrown into the bargain.

Madison breathed deeply, assured herself that everything would be fine - this was a Christian camp after all - and promised herself that whoever her roommate was, she would give them a chance to prove themselves. Even so, she couldn't rid herself of the thought of spending a summer with a satanic rebel who'd been sent here for some kind of rehabilitation. "Please God," she asked in a soft voice. "Let her be nice."

By the time her roommate returned, Madison's suitcase lay open on her own bed and the flame-haired girl was busy neatly stashing her clothes in the drawers provided.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina walked back to her room, clutching the small towel around her naked body with one hand. The bathroom itself had been depressingly institutional, but surprisingly had a large shower room with six shower heads and no dividers. She thought the set up lacked privacy for what was likely a camp of prudes, although she fortunately had it to herself this time. She had kept her hair dry as there was supposed to be a welcome meeting later tonight. The bullshit was starting already.

Kristina opened her door and was startled to find her roommate inside. As the girl straightened from unpacking, Kristina sized up the person she would live with for the next couple months. A cute redhead. Really cute. Maybe a little nervous, or shy, but with a very sweet smile. Probably overbearingly religious and repressed, but at least not dressed like a total dork. Might have some potential for fun.. she'd have to test her out.

"Hello, I am Kristina" she said flashing her best 'innocent' smile to try to put the other girl at ease. She also used a light Swedish accent. Kristina could speak English with no accent, of course, but found a little foreign air made Americans more tolerant of her misbehavior... they didn't want to appear provincial and ignorant of European cultural norms. It was amazing what she could convince them was normal, in fact, they would often overcompensate and be afraid of offending her! She added, waving at the clothes, "Please excuse this.. I just needed to take a shower and did not have time to arrange!"

Kristina stared to exchange standard introductions with Maddy, nodding and saying, "Yes-yes, I am from Sweden, but my mother is American". Maddy.. an innocent and somehow perfect name for this pure, cure girl. Maddy was definitely friendly and pleasant, not the awkward, pious wallflower which Kristina had feared. But, Kristina wondered how religious she was.. and how prude. Would she be a drinking buddy.. or a tattle-tale?

Kristina could tell that her wearing just a towel was a bit discomfiting for Maddy. Kristina moved around as they talked, kneeling and bending over at times while she gathered up her scattered clothing and thongs from the floor and bed. It was cute to see Maddy's reactions, almost like she'd never been in a room with an partially-clothed girl before! Suddenly feeling vixenish, Kristina opened a bottle of moisturizer and placed one foot on her bed to start to rub it into her leg. She let the towel ride high, but the leg itself blocked a more risque view.

"So, this is my first religious camp. Is it going to be boring?" Kristina asked, purposely keeping the conversation going and forcing Maddy to either meet her eyes or rudely look away. She ran her hands down her smooth leg and smiled at Maddy, eyes twinkling. "I mean, I think it will be interesting, but I do like to have fun."

Am I really trying to tease this poor Christian girl with my body? Kristina wondered in her head. It was a novelty to be the corrupter. Kristina always hung with an older crowd and liked being corrupted by others! She assumed Maddy was just embarrassed because she was a prude that hated any exposed flesh. She probably thought lesbianism was a form of satanism. But, you never know... there was always a chance Maddy might be secretly enjoying the show. That thought, even if a remote chance, made Kristina strangely excited about pushing the situation further.

Kristina herself hadn't even realized that she was attracted to girls sexually until her last stint at the second all girls boarding school this year. That had opened her eyes in ways she was still trying to sort out. She still wondered still, did she like all girls that way, or was it just that one girl? That one girl she still missed... And Kristina had never even had an inkling she might be a lesbian before that relationship earlier this year. If she could repress her desires that well, she now knew other girls could easily be repressing their desires until that one magical moment happened.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Maddy was indeed a little unnerved by Kristina's unabashed and mostly unclothed parade and for the most part, she kept her eyes off the dazzling young half-Swede. She turned away brusquely when the raven-haired youth began to massage the lotion into her smooth, shaven leg and busied herself with the remainder of her clothes; her underwear was all that was left by then and despite her self-conviction, she couldn't help but feel a little childish when she mentally compared her own undergarments to those of her roommate. They were simple and plain - cute, some might say - less adult by far than Kristina's racy collection.

Despite Maddy's initial reservations about her roommate, the girl's friendly demeanour settled some of the redhead's early concerns and despite even the underwear and the other items of clothing and all they suggested, she was prepared to give the raven-haired youth a chance. It is not my place to judge, she reminded herself.

"Boring? I... I don't know. It's my first one too. My parents are going to Europe for the summer and they said I'm still too young to stay home alone. I mean I'm 15 but you know parents," she smiled. In truth, the two girls had vastly ideas of what parents were: the Smiths were the picturesque ideal of a peaceful, amiable family and while Maddy would rather have stayed at home, she didn't argue and obeyed their wishes. She even went so far as to find in her own mind what good the camp stay would do her. Positive thinking her father would have called that.

"I'm sure we'll have fun though. The people I spoke to at reception seemed nice." Nice, yes. Fun? Well, that remained to be seen.

"So how come you're here?" she asked, pushing closed the drawer into which she'd neatly placed the last of her carefully folded clothes and turning her grey-blue eyes upon Kristina, endeavouring to keep them above shoulder level. Maybe she's just a free spirit, she thought hopefully as she regarded the other girl. She might be fun!
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina finished applying lotion to one leg and switched to the other, but demurely changed her direction so when she placed the new leg up on her bed, Maddy saw the same view of mostly an exposed butt cheek where the towel rode high.

"Well I'm here because my parents think I need to find God to learn how to behave," Kristina answered truthfully, giving Maddy another smile. "They are divorced and blame each other every time I get into trouble."

"I don't think I'm a bad girl," Kristina continued with a chuckle. "I've just picked some poor friends and get bored very easily. And I hate hypocrites."

She put the bottle of lotion down and turned to face Maddie. She casually dropped her towel, standing fully naked now. Freshly shaved from the shower, she was completely exposed and bare to Maddy's view and her nipple ring on display.

"Do we have to wear the uniform to the welcome meeting tonight?" she asked. "I assume so."

Kristina truly did feel comfortable with nudity from her time growing up in Sweden, but she knew how it freaked out Americans... especially prude ones. If they were going to live together for months, Maddy would have to get over seeing Kristina naked sooner or later. But, Kristina felt especially vixenish doing this to poor Maddy so quickly and when the girl was so obviously bothered by her just being in a towel. She figured she'd find out soon just how prude Maddy was!
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

"Oh... so... you don't believe in God?" Maddy replied, her eyes drawn instinctively towards the movement of Kristina's body, though they did not linger long upon the tender and graceful curve of her butt. That shouldn't have surprised her - the camp was advertised as existing to the very end of helping teenagers find God, and given the raunchy underwear that had been strewn about the place when she arrived... Maybe it's because she's Swedish, mused the youth.

"I'm sorry to hear that about your parents. I'm sure things will be much better at the end of camp. I bet you'll make lots of wonderful friends here!" Typical Maddy: optimistic almost to the point of naïveté. She could hardly be blamed for it, not given her sheltered upbringing and the parents who'd raised her with their God is good and life is beautiful mentality. She hadn't even been allowed to watch The Simpsons until she was 13 in case it gave her any bad ideas or poor representations of the world. True, she had blossomed and developed much in the past 2 years, certainly more so than her parents would have liked, had they known in what ways. She still remembered her first kiss as though it were yesterday and the palpitating excitement which had coursed through her veins when Daniel Barker had taken her in his masculine arms and slipped his tongue between her lips. She'd just turned 14 and felt confident that she could direct her own life and do so as a good Christian, without needing her parents guidance upon her every move. Now she would spend the entire summer acting under her own whim, even if it was to be under the watchful eye of the camp organisers.

When Kristina's towel fell, so did Maddy's jaw. Her eyes bulged but quickly she regained her composure - or at least the guise of composure. On the inside she was still aghast at her roommate's lack of modesty... or was it simply an ease with her own body? For a second she couldn't pull her eyes away and when she did raise her gaze, her eyelids fluttered and finally she turned her head away. Wow. Are all Swedes like this? Don't judge, Maddy. It's probably just their way. She's European after all!

"Umm... I... Yes, I think so. Have you tried yours on yet?" It took so much effort to get that question out, to put words together at all, such was her shock at seeing Kristina's naked form. She had to say something though; she didn't want to seem repressed or intolerant of the girl's culture. Her back turned, she opened her drawers and produced her uniform: a simple white blouse and plain skirt of dark grey. Of course, it was long. It would cover almost everything. And why did that matter? Why should such a thought even cross Maddy's mind? And why could she not rid herself of the image of Kristina's naked, nubile form?
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

"Oh... so... you don't believe in God?"

Kristina looked thoughtful and then shrugged. "I do believe in God. I just don't know if my God and the God they might preach about here are in agreement on everything."

"I'm sorry to hear that about your parents. I'm sure things will be much better at the end of camp. I bet you'll make lots of wonderful friends here!"

"The one thing I'm good at is making friends," she grinned, "As long as people are friendly and don't judge." Then she frowned and added, "I've had to move around a lot for school.. from Sweden to the U.S. and back.. I've had to make friends always.. but its hard to find good ones. And find ones that last..." She gave a small sigh.

Then she dropped her towel. She smiled when she saw Maddy's reaction to her towel falling. It was almost exactly like she'd imagined, but did the girl's eyes linger on her a bit longer than she expected?

"No I haven't tried my uniform on... is that it?" she asked and walked over to Maddy, standing naked next to her as she pulled the uniform out. She touched Maddy's arm lightly and said, laying on a bit thicker Swedish accent, "I'm sorry if you don't like me being naked.. in Sweden it is very common so I didn't think.. and also we'll be living together so we'll have to get used to this, no?"

"We should try the uniforms on!" she said smiling at Maddy enthusiastically.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Whether Kristina's answer would have been good enough for the camp organisers was doubtful but for Maddy it would do. She was not one to question other people's beliefs and the fact that the Swedish girl believed was enough in itself. She felt a pang of pity for her too at the thought of her moving to and fro, continually losing friends and having to make new ones. She didn't know how things were in Europe but in US high schools, making friends was not always an easy task, what with pre-established cliques and close-minded and often mean individuals. Kristina seemed so friendly though, that Maddy was sure she had developed the knack of forging friendships.

She bristled a little when Kristina brushed her arm but the following apology and explanation set her somewhat at ease.

"It's ok. I'm just... I'm not used to it," she replied with a bashful smile, her cheeks turning a hot shade of pink. "I guess I'll get used to it. Just... don't tell the organisers, haha." It was an awkward laugh but any laugh which passed her young lips had an undeniable sweetness about it. She agreed to try on the uniforms, partly so she could spare her own blushes at the sight of the naked Swede in all her glory. Truly, it was something new for Maddy to be in the company of a girl so unabashed when it came to her own nudity but then again, she was American and not as 'loose' as her neighbours across the Atlantic. Kristina's nude body aroused another unfamiliar feeling in her too; an odd anxiety or nervousness for which she could provide no basis as of yet.

Ever the modest American, Maddy changed with her back to her roommate, peeling her wide-necked top off over her head to reveal a slender but shapely young frame, the black strap of her bra sharply contrasting the paleness of her skin. She donned the blouse before kicking off her shoes and removing her jeans, her tight butt straining in her quaint black panties as she bent to pull the ends of each leg over her feet before stepping into the dress and sealing the zipper at the side. Hardly a flattering outfit it was, more demure to a fault.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina smiled her most innocent smile as Maddy blushed at her. She could tell how hard it was for Maddy to make eye contact as she stood naked next to her.

"I'll try to be more modest... and it'll be our little secret that I sometimes am naked.. but I think everyone must be at some point, right?" she said with a grin.

Maddy quickly agreed to try on the uniform and when she turned her back, Kristina couldn't help but smirk at her shyness. Yes, Maddy was definitely a little prude, but seemed to be very agreeable and willing to accept Kristina at least. And she seemed ok with Kristina's nudity and early confessions of bad behavior. All in all, Kristina felt very happy with her new roommate and thought they might at least get along. Getting Maddy to be "fun" as well, now that was going to be a project!

Kristina walked to her dresser and pulled out the ugly uniform with a grimace. She glanced at Maddy as she started to get dressed herself, pulling on a new thong and slipping into a black lace bra.

She watched as Maddy stripped, the girl trying to pull on a new piece of clothing as quickly as possible whenever she removed one. Never daring for a moment to stand in just underwear in front of her new roommate. Kristina studied her body from behind... slender but very shapely and hints of more curves to come. Her beautiful, creamy pale skin looked so smooth and soft. It contrasted well with her bright red tresses that hung partway down her back. And such a perfect little ass in those tragic panties that looked like something a grandma would give as a gift. She'd have to work on Maddy's wardrobe at some point. But yes, her body was beautiful.

Maddy turned, fully dressed and found Kristina still in just her bra and panties, brushing her hair in the mirror. Kristina turned and put the comb down and started to get the uniform ready.

"Let me see you in that.. its not as horrible as I thought" said Kristina as she started to pull the blouse on, staring at Maddy so it was hard to look away. Although Kristina had been naked a second before, she knew her underwear, lacy and small, might be even more sexual in appearance. What it hid from view, it actually heightened by teasing and emphasizing... drawing the eyes and imagination to her naughtiest parts. She turned and bent over to pick up the skirt, letting her ass stick out, split by the thin line of her thong that framed her round cheeks. She pulled up the skirt and zipped it, turning to face Maddy again.

Kristina walked up Maddy and impulsively grabbed her hands with both of hers, a big smile on her face. "I want us to be friends. I don't know anyone here and I know they will think I am different... foreign and not religious enough. It scares me. Please will you be my friend?"
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Giggling cutely, the little redhead agreed (or supposed, as she worded it) that everyone did indeed have to be naked at times.

When she had dressed and turned back to her new roommate, she was relieved to find her covered up at least somewhat... though that bra did only emphasise Kristina's firm young breasts and her thong left little to the imagination. Maddy's resolve at least held up against the garments invitation to ponder what it covered and indeed what it didn't. She couldn't help but notice that the sable-headed teen was gifted with flawless skin. She was a curious creature - that much had to be admitted - and the little Christian regarded her with interest as she buttoned up her blouse and pulled on her skirt. When she commented on the outfit, Madison's brow wrinkled and she comically scrunched up her face.

"I don't know. It's a bit... 1930s. I'm a Christian but I'm not a nun, haha."

She was taken by surprise by Kristina's impulsive request and when the Swede smiled she belied all notions that she could ever be a bad girl.

"Of course," Madison replied, blinking almost dumbfoundedly, though her lips curled into a warm smile to mirror her new friend's. "Don't shouldn't be scared. I was kind of scared when I saw all your clothes," she admitted shamefully, "but I can tell you're really nice. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. I'll be your friend."
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

"Don't be scared. I was kind of scared when I saw all your clothes," she admitted shamefully, "but I can tell you're really nice. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. I'll be your friend."

Kristina erupted into a huge smile when Maddy accepted her invitation and reached out, giving her a European style cheek kiss and a big hug that squeezed her tight. She stepped back, still smiling and holding Maddy's hands in her own.

"Thank you Maddy, I could tell you were sweet as well when I first met you and I'm so glad to have a friend here," she said. "My worst fear was that I'd be stuck with a roommate who hated me because I'm different and don't go the church very often. That judged me by what I wear instead of who I am. I know I'm going to make mistakes here... just please don't give up on me!"

Kristina was truthfully very relieved. She actually liked Maddy now she decided, although Maddy was definitely the kind of girl she would have ignored in her past schools. Too boring, too nice and too conservative... but not obnoxiously pious enough to warrant mocking.

After so many years of new schools, new friends and worrying about first impressions, she suddenly felt a weight off her chest. At least for this summer, she didn't have to think about breaking into the cool crowd and choosing friends based on social status. Trying to be rebellious to impress her peers and win respect at the cost of the teacher's anger.

She didn't care what the other girls thought, she realized. Most were going to not like her anyway. She almost felt like a kid again, able to be friends with someone that she might just think is nice. And Maddy certainly seemed to have some potential, if she could work on her, to loosen up and have some fun as the summer went on.

"Let's go to this meeting and see what the summer has in store for us!" she said and held onto one of Maddy's hands, pulling her after her out the door.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Beneath the clear skies between the dormitory building and the assembly area, Maddy and her new friend walked side-by-side, engaging in small talk about their pasts. She was truthfully happy to have made the girl's acquaintance; her choice of attire may have given the impression of a rebellious youth - and certainly Maddy thought that there was rebellion in her - but she genuinely seemed like a sweet girl. Perhaps all she needed was a guiding hand - a good friend - and the little Christian was more than happy to take on the mantle, even if she did so silently and without giving voice to her intentions.

She was interested too in her new friend's European background. Growing up in rural America, she had not met many people from outside of her own continent and certainly she'd never been friends with a foreigner. It was exciting to explore the intriguing world beyond the watery barriers of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, even if she could only do so through the proxy of the bright-faced and dark-haired Kristina. The summer would be good - she was sure of it. This was the nearest she'd been to really fending for herself - though it could hardly be compared to doing so in the real world outside of camp - and already she had made a new friend, one whose life may benefit from the presence of a good-natured, obedient companion.

Kristina was so full of life, too! Yes, Maddy was religious and well-behaved but she was also 15 and craved excitement and fun. She still held some reservations that somewhere in the camp - be it the leaders or one or two of the attendees - there would be those whose faith somehow blinds them to the enjoyment one can take from life. Strict, serious and boring individuals to whom the words "do not do" came before all else. She could only hope that the camp leaders were not among those individuals.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina chatted with Maddy and found the girl's curiosity about her life flattering. She quickly realized just how sheltered Maddy's life had been growing up in religious, rural America. She had hardly traveled and been exposed to almost no culture outside her parent's influences. She hadn't even been allowed to watch The Simpsons until two years ago! Her parents still lightly screened her television, movies and books and only at friends' houses did she get to watch typical teenager fare.

The way she asked questions and seemed so curious about even the simple things Kristina had done, like her past summers of outdoor camps in Norway, family gatherings at lakes in Sweden, travel around the Mediterranean with her dad. And the concept of boarding school, away from parents, which Kristina had done for the last three years, blew her mind. The idea of living in Stockholm or New York City, like she had done for the past eight years, also seemed to capture Maddy's imagination.

They reached the assembly hall, a large building with a big room that was the gym. The camp was held at a rural community college closed for the summer. Kristina found a large number of girls, probably around sixty in total, aged from 15-18 and a dozen older counselors standing at the front as they settled onto chairs. Kristina immediately pulled Maddy to the back row, safely away from the counselor's gaze.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

It was true that Maddy had had a sheltered upbringing. Even as she blossomed over the past year or two - a product of her attending a sizeable public high school - she maintained her good girl image, grading well in all of her classes and refraining from much of the vices which many around her engaged in. She'd never even drank or smoked a cigarette and her forays into budding sexuality had been tame at best. Giddy, risqué kisses behind the school building or in the park was about as far as she'd gone; she'd felt uncomfortable when Daniel had slipped his hand under her shirt and she had turned beet red and refused when he asked her to go down on him. The older boy had lost interest in her shortly afterwards and Maddy could still remember the intensity of her disappointment today.

All the same, she was growing and growing quickly and the changes in her body gave rise to a string of new challenges. Her faith remained steadfast - she hadn't experimented enough for that to be called into question just yet - but this meant that it was herself she doubted. Am I strong? Can I live a good life? She reminded herself often that temptation was nothing more than a test and that in refraining from carnal pleasures she kept her spirit clean; hence, she had made her camp visit a goal in refortifying herself for the temptations which would no doubt besiege her in the next school year.

Seated at the back of the hall, a new friend beside her and an homogeneous group of teenage girls around her in plain white and dull grey, she held high hopes for the coming months. The meeting would prove the first test of that; her first glimpse at what lay ahead in the hands of the camp counsellors.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

"This looks like an Amish town meeting' joked Kristina as they settled into the back row. The head counselor stood up to talk and Kristina let out a loud sigh that made several of the other campers glance at her. She rolled her eyes at Maddy and whispered "I bet she starts off with a prayer." Sure enough, everyone was called to hold hands as Minister Karen led them in a long, slow prayer. Kristina joined in without a complaint, holding Maddy's and another girl's hand quietly.

The head counselor, Minister Karen, began to talk about the camp and Kristina squirmed and could barely sit still, so bored already. Minister Karen talked about the rules, there were a lot, and the fact that they used corporeal punishment to enforce them. "Spanking? Really at our age?!" whispered Kristina to Maddy in shock. And of course no phones, which they had collected at registration and made Kristina feel most cut-off.

The only positive was that the morning was for religious study and the afternoons were more typical camp activities, hiking, sports, boating and swimming. And there was a dance every two weeks with the Christian boys camp across the lake. "I'm sure they'll be the life of the party!" she muttered to Maddy, but with a good natured grin. Kristina saw some of the closest girls scowl at her for talking during the speech and she rolled her eyebrows back at them.

Then Minister Karen asked them to talk about the sins teenage girls faced today that God could help them resist. Sins they would discuss this summer in small groups. She asked for volunteers to share. There was dead silence from the group. Finally one girl raised her hand and timidly said "Disobeying your parents?"

Kristina snorted in the silent room, causing the counselors to turn to seek the source of the noise and heads of the campers to spin.

Minister Karen praised the girl and asked for other temptations. After another length of embarrassed silence, Kristina had a smug smile and raised her hand. Standing up she said loudly, and in a thick Swedish accent, "How about fucking? Sorry is that not right..." A shocked murmur went through the group, but Minister Karen gave a forced smile and nodded. "Yes, SEX, that is the biggest of all... and girls Kristina here is from Sweden and may not understand the danger of curse words... another sin of course."

When no one else stood up again after a long, traumatized silence, Kristina sighed and raised her hand again. Standing, she started to speak, her Swedish accent strong again. "Well there is also drinking... that's bad yes? Partying and drugs.. drugs are common every weekend... and there is girls being mean to each other... bitchy is the term, yes? Coveting each other's boyfriends for sex... and what about things that aren't sex but are close.. like kissing, how do you say.. kissing genitals?" With each sin a scandalous rumble built in the group and at the end Minister Karen shouted, eyes flashing "Enough! Thank you Kristina. Kristina is a little direct, but yes all sins."

Kristina sat down and grinned at Maddy, giving her a little wink. The rest of the assembly seemed to wind down quickly after Kristina's excitement.

The final comment from Minister Karen was that they practice confessional and start to confide in their roommates. Sharing with them sins they have done and temptations in order to hide nothing from God and help each other understand that the temptations were universal and could be defeated. She urged them to start tonight.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

"You really caused a stir in there," Maddy told her friend after the meeting had adjourned and the girls were informed that they had the rest of the afternoon to settle in before dinner and a few short evening activities; the camp proper would begin on the morrow.

She had been a little shocked at Kristina's candid speech in the hall but - as Minister Karen had pointed out - she did not share the same cultural background as the rest of the girls and Maddy reminded herself again that she should not judge the foreign girl. Truth be told, the little Swede had certainly livened up an otherwise dull assembly and each time that lively, vivacious face grinned or winked at her she felt her apprehensions ease and a giddiness bubble up inside of her. The guilty smile upon her face when she commented to Kristina on her manner during the meeting told the truth of that. She was quickly developing a fascination with her new friend but still she harboured some reservations about the nature imparted upon her new friend by her life experiences. She believed however, that beneath it all the girl was good-natured and needed only the right light to guide her along the righteous path.

Given that the camp-goers had been afforded until just after lunch to arrive and added to that the length of the meeting, they had in fact little time before dinner. Madison decided she had best shower - the garments they had been given did little to stifle the heat - and then meal time was upon them. The lack of privacy afforded by the showers gave the young redhead a fresh bundle of nerves to deal with but she supposed it would only serve to make the girls more comfortable around each other; dinner was a rather simple affair, reminiscent of the lunches available at her high school cafeteria. It would certainly have been a grievous error to expect gourmet dishes!

In the evening they were allowed to choose between basketball, tennis and soccer, or to retreat to the college chapel to read or confess their sins to a minister; board games were set up in one corner of the hall though few chose to play them and by the time they dispersed and returned to their rooms, the sun was sinking in the sky.

"Remember," Minister Karen said before dismissing them, "we are all here to support each other. Confide your sins and temptations with your roommate and repent together. God loves you all - each and every one of you!"
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

"You really caused a stir in there"

Kristina looked a little glum. "I've opened my big mouth again without thinking. I just couldn't believe everyone was scared to even say those things. They are just words. I just felt like the other girls thought so highly of themselves they couldn't even speak for fear that others would think that those were their sins!"

The whole experience left her troubled. She was used to being a smart-ass and causing problems. She loved to defy authority. But she'd never seen a group as tame and obedient as this camp. She almost wanted to shake some sense into all them, to wake up and think for yourself!

She smiled at Maddy and thought she knew at least one person with which she might start.


Kristina found herself sticking close to Maddy for the rest of the day, not eager to brave the chilly reception the other campers now gave her. She only went off by herself when Maddy announced she wanted to shower, knowing the poor girl was going to be scared to strip with Kristina in the room.

She actually found herself enjoying Maddy's company. She seemed to soak in all of her stories and asked her endless questions about Europe, the museums and life in a large city. Unfortunately, by the time they headed back to their room, she felt like she had dragged Maddy into being a black sheep by her association with her. Her fellow campers were all unsubtle in their desire to not talk with Kristina and Maddy found it hard to meet other people when they were pointedly ignoring her roommate.

In the room, Kristina began to undress for bed. It was incredibly hot still and the air barely stirred despite their fully open window. She unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped her skirt, pulling it free. She carefully placed them in the dresser and started to unhook her bra, turning to look at Maddy.

"Thanks for staying with me tonight. I fear I'll never make another friend here after my outburst. They all hate me already," she said.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Just as she had done earlier, when Kristina bemoaned her big mouth, Maddy moved to comfort her new friend as she too prepared for bed, retrieving a set of light silk pajamas from her drawer. They were a delicate shade of beige, bearing the semblance of myriad small brown teddy bears upon them.

"They don't hate you," she told her reassuringly. "They're just not used to you yet. I'm sure we'll all get along once we start hiking together and stuff. The meeting was boring and you're fun; you'll fit in once we start doing more fun things." She smiled sweetly to hide the fears - small as they were - that Kristina might be right. Worse than that was the cold reception she herself had gotten merely from being in her roommate's company. It seemed as though the two young girls may be stranded together as social pariahs, merely by association, though she hoped that she could befriend some of the other campers and in doing so win a few friends for the sable-headed European, regardless of the size of her mouth. She didn't entirely understand Kristina's assumption that the other girls were all high and mighty but for now that didn't matter; it was her task to cool the flames of the other girl's anxieties.

She reminded Kristina that they were here for three months and that everyone was here to find love and peace with God; that nobody would want to sin against her and that the camp would make everyone open up in time. Then she half-turned away and began to derobe, baring her nubile torso and the black bra which stood out so sharply against her pale skin, holding her perky young breasts snugly in its cups. Turning fully away, she still felt the slightest of tingles as she arched one arm up her back to unclasp the brassiere and slip on her pajama top, buttoning it up at the front before turning back to Kristina.

"You were actually pretty funny at the meeting," she told her for the first time, the time gap allowing her to look back more humourously upon the incident. "Everyone else was so stern!"

She grinned, and with a little less bashfulness she half-turned again to pull off her socks, unzip her skirt and let it fall to the floor before pulling the pajama bottoms on over her snug black panties. The uniform was then neatly folded away and Maddy climbed into her bed, separated from Kristina's by only a foot or so. If they ever had the need, they could easily have held hands without getting out from under the covers.

"So... should we talk about our sins?" she asked a few minutes later, half-keen, a quarter nervous.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina smiled as Maddy tried to comfort her. She knew the girl was trying to put a nice spin on things, but had been around the block at schools before. It was going to be a tough road for her, and probably Maddy as well. She'd have to find a way to give Maddy some space so she wouldn't get shunned. And Kristina might have to temper her nature a bit, which was going to be harder.

She sighed as she put away her bra and then slipped her thong off, placing it in the hamper and slyly looking to see if Maddy noticed her nudity. She often slept nude in the summer, but for Maddy's sake pulled a longer t-shirt on that barely covered her ass. It was so hot in the room she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to bear even that!

"You were actually pretty funny at the meeting"

Kristina giggled at Maddy's comment. "I only spoke the truth. What everyone was thinking."

She turned off the main light and climbed into her bed, leaving just a small light on that sat on the little table between their beds. The room was dark with a halo of light around the heads of their beds. Kristina turned to face Maddy, lying on her side and staring at her.

"So... should we talk about our sins?"

Kristina was surprised Maddy brought it up first. But then, she was a good girl and following orders. She wasn't actually interest in discussing sins was she? Kristina wondered...

"We should, but I don't want to keep you up all night..." she answered with a wry smile. Then she added with a laugh, "Besides you heard most of mine tonight already!" She knew Maddy would think it a joke, not the truth.

"Why don't we start with you? What's something you've done that you think is a sin?"
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Predictably, Maddy had averted her eyes to her roommate's temporary nudity but unbeknownst to the gentle redhead, the strange and subtle nervousness which she felt return would in time prove to be a budding sense of curiosity. Even to the well-mannered and abiding youth, it was clear that Kristina was a spectacle of beauty. Settled in her bed - her sheets covering only her lower half as it was indeed hot in the room - Maddy turned onto one side to face the dark-haired other.

"I only spoke the truth. What everyone was thinking."

"I wasn't thinking all of that, haha! Well... maybe a little but..."

It was then that she suggested they do as the minister had suggested and when Kristina spoke and laughed, she echoed the giddy vocalisation and smiled back across the narrow and softly illuminated expanse between their beds. And then... then the spotlight was upon her. Her sins. The pair had gotten on so well today that she felt no embarrassment about voicing her sins to Kristina, though the very fact that she had sinned still brought a guilty glow to her cheeks and the cutest of smiles just brushed her lips. She knew her new friend would not want to hear about small sins, even if the small ones were as important to root out as the large. To please the other girl, she started big... or if not big, at least interestingly.

"Um... well... there's a boy in my school I like," she began and giggled again when she noticed Kristina's interest. "His name is Daniel and he was my first kiss." It quickly became apparent that however sinful Maddy thought the secrets she would reveal were, they still held a tantalising allure to her. She told of the kiss behind the school and how Daniel was a year and two months older than she. She told her how another time she kissed him she let his hand slide under her shirt, though even in the retelling her discomfort returned, igniting the fire upon her tender cheeks once more. It took a little pressing to get all of the details out of her and in the dizzy giddiness which grew around the subject, the whole point of confessing their sins was almost forgotten; they were broaching on simple gossip now.

"He asked me to..." to arch her eyebrow and nod her head awkwardly towards her groin, it seemed from her gestures. "To go down on him," she finally whispered, before continuing defensively with "I didn't! I... told him I didn't want to..." But... maybe I do, she thought unsurely, and that's definitely a sin.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina listened with growing fascination as Maddy spoke. She had a strangely intense curiosity to hear what this apparently pure and religious girl considered sinful. She knew it was nothing compared to what Kristina had done, even in the last month, but hearing her confess to something so simple as a kiss and fondle as a sin gave her a voyeuristic thrill she never expected.

"Hmmm.. and how did it make you feel.. when he touched you? When he asked you for a blowjob?" Kristina used the vulgar term on purpose. "Did you enjoy it? Do you think about it? What it would have been like?"
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Pitiful in her innocence, Madison didn't know if Kristina was asking these questions as part of the repenting process or out of friendly curiosity, though her answer would be the same either way.

"I dunno... nervous? I mean, it didn't feel bad or anything... when he touched me, I mean." Indeed it hadn't, though her own discomfort had gotten in the way of her truly enjoying it, or at least it had prevented her from admitting to herself that she had. She blushed again as she pondered whether or not she thought about it still - blushed guiltily because she knew she had. She knew it was sinful but she couldn't help it; she was 15, curious and awfully inexperienced when it came to things like this. Something told her she shouldn't engage in any such acts but without trying, how could she know?

"I guess it felt kind of exciting," she admitted at last, "but isn't that what we're supposed to refrain from? I don't know what it would have been like to... do... that. I've never done it before." Absurdly, Maddy found herself blushing again at that, not because of the subject matter but because she felt somehow a child or a prude before her new-found friend. She shouldn't have - after all they were at a Christian camp - but Kristina was European and oh so unabashed, while she... well, she was quite the opposite, like it or not. "Have you?" she asked, somewhat timidly.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina hesitated for a moment and then answered Maddy. "Yes I have. Many times." She let that statement dangle in the darkened room for Maddy to process.

"I will never lie to you Maddy" she continued. "But I don't think sex is a sin. Our parents all had sex to have us. Its normal and part of who we are. The bible never says not to have sex, just not with other people's wives. I have read it and you know there is so much sex in there.. I believe some people twist it to suit their morals."

She paused and wiped her brow. "It's so hot in here," she said and reached down and pulled her t-shirt off, kicking off her sheet so she was nude. She turned back to face Maddy. "I'm sorry - I usually sleep nude and its just too hot."

"I think you should try something before you decide you don't like it, or that it is bad. I mean for anything that is not obvious.. like hurting someone," she said staring at Maddy.

"And kissing someone you like.. touching them and being touched by them.. I think it feels nice."
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Maddy fell quiet. It didn't surprise her per se that Kristina had given oral sex to boys before but it still shocked her a little to hear it - to confront it - and what came after was... challenging. Something inside her told her she should argue but the uninhibited Swede had said nothing that didn't make sense. "I know it's not a sin but..." but what? It's not a sin... did I really just say that? Camp had suddenly gotten off on an unexpected foot. Was it a sin or wasn't it? Perhaps gratuitous sex was a sin; sex between two people who loved each other was certainly not; her parents had had sex to have her after all, hadn't they? Her face scrunched up in thought.

Her eyes lingered on Kristina's nude form when it was revealed once more before her. Perhaps she was still dumbfounded from her roommate's challenging ideas or perhaps her free nature was rubbing off... no, surely not yet. She lowered her head a little uncomfortably, only to raise it at the apology and reply "it's ok. I can just look the other way." She smiled, though within she was still grappling with those ideas which challenged her own. They seemed rather simple but yet they were at odds with everything that had been reinforced in her over the 15 years of her short life.

And then the other girl was talking again, even juxtaposing the benevolent intentions inherent in her words with a genuine, undeniable contrast. Certainly in the grand scheme of things exploring simple curiosities seemed more acceptable than hurting another person... but... but... but what? She closed her eyes and settled into her pillow, her body still turned towards Kristina.

"What about marriage?" she asked. "I mean... I don't think kissing is bad, but lust is a sin. It's not like love," she told the naked girl, as though she really knew anything about either lust or love. She had felt the timid beginnings of both but she had neither given herself up to lust nor fallen in love.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina shifted in the bed and watched Maddy. She could see the struggle going on in her head, her body language showing the confused battle of feelings between what she had been told and what she felt naturally.

"How will you know what love is if you don't know what lust is? Will you confuse the two?" Kristina asked. "My own parents are poor example, but marriage should be respected I agree. I don't think you need to wait for marriage to find pleasure and love though."

She sat up slightly, resting on an elbow, her breasts shifting and hanging softly down. "Maddy I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone... but much of what you fear or worry about is normal human behavior. Everyone does it. It's crazy to me that you find a naked body scandalous... it is our natural state. What do you have to fear in seeing my breasts? You have two fine ones of your own. That is unless you like mine too much..." Kristina giggled at the last point.

"People who repress their desires, often have the strongest and darkest hidden ones" Kristina continued, thinking about this camp full of repressed women and girls with a smile. "I think lust without love can be empty... its best together. But is desire sinful? No... everyone has desires.. cravings. I've tried to experiment.. to learn what I like."

"Have you never..." Kristina paused... uncertain of how to phrase. ".. never felt your own pleasure? Even touched yourself?"
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