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Some new requests

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Jan 11, 2009
That time again. Got some new cravings I'd like to make a request thread here I am. Cravings are to follow in next post. And please, PM me if you see something you want to do. I don't visit my requests threads for anything more than bumps and edits. So, if you do post in my thread, I likely won't notice.

Anywho, on to cravings.


Got all kinds of ideas for this one, based on any of the series, as I've seen them all. Looking primarily for some action involving Alexis from GX, Akiza or Luna from 5Ds and Cathy, the cat lover from Zexal. Also got an idea involving a girl from the real world getting transported to the monster world from the anime, and all the sexy fun that follows.

My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Yea, this one sounds rather weird, and I would honestly agree. But, I've seen an increasing amount of actually rather pleasant hentai based on it, with tons more likely to follow soon since they're making a movie that features human female school girl versions of the pony girls......

Anywho, I'm actually looking for human malexpony girls from the series action. Got a few ideas about how exactly to go about it.

Legend of Zelda

With this one, the plot would be a reverse of the games. Link is the one in trouble and Zelda is the one that has to go on an adventure to save him. This would be a rather smutty idea, as Zeldas journey would be full of sex with various non human beasties, as well as normal humans in exchange for info and equipment. And if you're willing, we could even have Link be female, so while Zelda is on her adventure, fem-Link is getting her brains banged out by the big bad and his henchmen.

Final Fantasy 4 and 6

With these, I'm primarily just wanting some smut with Teen Rydia from 4 or older Rydia from TAY, and then the same with Terra from 6. Got various ideas for it, all smutty.^_^

Santa's Naughty List

Yes, I do have an idea for a smutty RP based on Santa Claus. The idea is having Santa, instead of being a fat old man, be a female, and a grade A Piece of ass at that, in a skimpy outfit. While delivering presents on Christmas, she comes to the house of a teen boy, who stopped believing in Santa long ago after never getting anything he wants. He happens to come upon her while she's delivering presents to his house and after getting over the fact of just what the hell is going on, decides the present he wants most is to bang her to hell and back and thus, forces himself on her. This could be made long term....ish, by having fem-Santa visiting other houses where she also ends up banged senseless through various scenarios. And of course, some elf based fun if wanted.^_^

That's it for now. A small list, I know, but it is what my naughty mind is wanting.^_^
bumping old thread for boredom. Up for RP discussion, or even just friendly chatting. Hell, I chat more than I RP.^_^
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