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Conway Robotic Tech.

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The younger technician would nod over to Mark. Having no intentions of being rude to begin with, rather wishing to give a little space to the nervous Danny. Or Miss Danial as it was called. Something in the back of his mind told him he should have known who she was. But he brushed it away... If it was important he'd find out. She seemed in a rather connected portion of management if she was rarely seen outside of work.
It would explain why he more then likely never meet her before. If she's wrapped up in the hospital perhaps as much as he was wrapped up in machines at Conway tech, they may only get to rarely see one another.
This idea left him interested and not wanting to simply let her stroll out of his life while she wished to head back.

Waving over to Phil he'd motion he was going with Danny and for some reason everyone at his table had some shocked look on his face. Not entirely sure what was up he'd just shrug it off before hitting the cool air outside.
Typically inside of a stuffy bar with a bunch of body heat and alcohol left things warmer then outside. The change in air was welcomed as he unbuttoned his shirt and feel old for a second not having so many pockets on him or his jump suit.
" I'd be more then glad to walk with you... and answer questions... " smirking a little bit thinking they'd play some mature form of '21-questions'.

" I am an all purpose maintenance worker." Pausing a little to let the title sink in he'd smirk before looking towards the large imposing building filling the sky before them.
" The name of my position doesn't explain it enough, I work on anything from projects threw out the building to keeping various levels running... handy-man and technician for any of our mechanical prototypes. " explaining a little further while thinking back to the data he had on his disconnected computer back in the Well. The idea of someone wanting to do an inside job against them left him a little leery of her for but a second. The possibility she had anything to do with the disaster was so remote he'd mentally scoff it off.

" As far as me loosing my job or worst..." A moment came as he tried his best to put his thoughts into words, liquid courage be damned he wanted to explain himself.
" I didn't like how the machine seemed to have been rigged for that explosion... as if someone had purposely set it up to harm as many as possible and make the machine fail." Motioning with his hands a little bit now as they walked along.
" So I took it upon myself during clean up to check the black box in the cockpit as well as any other scrap of data... granted today was my scheduled day off... I was called to the site due to the fact I'm certified enough to be an ER nurse..." Pausing he'd tilt his head a little towards Danny while keeping eye contact.
" And nothing in the data showed even the slightest malfunction until it went boom..." Steven's final hand gesture for boom happened to be an almost closed fist opening up with all the extended digits wiggling for a second.
" I worry because I may have over stepped my boundaries, pushed my supervisors buttons one to many times for my long hours to keeping things running well... and finally I don't like settling for ' I dunno ' as an answer to a burning question..." Shrugging Steven would hold a soft smile letting alcohol carry away his worries.

As they strolled along, he'd move to walk along side of her but stayed in a position of being between her and the street. Looking to Danny he'd put his hands in his pockets while looking around at the surprisingly active streets for the time of night.
" So Danny, if I can ask you a few questions ... ?" a slight teasing tone.
" Are you seeing any body?" The instant the words came out he kinda felt like a boot was placed into his mouth. Blushing a little form embarrassment.
" Not that I'm trying anything... or wait..." Clearing his throat for a moment he'd hold up his right hand with the pointer and middle finger up like a peace sign.
" Alright take two..." Chuckling a little.
Steven would go quiet while walking thinking perhaps she might have more questions herself and figured it be better to let her talk for a moment instead of rambling on.
Danny mulled over it, he'd be apart of the meeting she'll be holding tomorrow. Alarms went off in her heard when he made mention he gathered up the data, which would be left to her when she examines the remaining pieces. She dismissed her concern, why if he had anything to do with it, would he tell someone he went beyond what is required of him to investigate. Actually she thought it was admirable, from what she was gathering he was well above his position. Overly qualified. He would be an asset to the company, she'd have to dig deeper into his qualifications, check his records and history. Danny never liked stunting someone who had potential. Perhaps, since he took it upon himself to dig into what happened she could also use what he discovered for her own examination of the machine.

“What I saw today..” She bit her lower lip, hesitating. “Was horrible and I'd have to agree with you, the intention was to hurt the people involved. Hopefully your superiors will see what you did as a good act, to find out what happened..maybe they wont be so rough...” She'd wait till tomorrow, he'd find out who she really was. It shouldn’t be important right now.

His question caused her to stop momentarily and she stared at him blankly, the double of him, she tried to focus on the more solid figure. “Oh...”

She laughed shaking her head. “It is alright. I don't mind....its an innocent question. But no, not at all. I imagine I don't exactly attract anyone.” Danny shrugged her shoulders and started to walk again, the massive building coming closer, large old french style lights lit up the pathways around the building.

“How about yourself Steven? No ladies hanging off of your arms. I've heard, oil stains make a man more attractive.” Geeeez that sounded dumb.
They'd reach the front of the building, the main entrance. They would both be scanned before the doors opened to let them in and still sitting at the front desk was the curvy redhead; always smiling. Danny would stop just before the lift and push the button.

“Do you think...” She stared at her distorted reflection in the lift doors, hardly able to make herself out in it. “The person, if it was just one is still here?” There was a moment, fleeting as it was, of fear. It was the seed being planted within in her soul and digging in its roots. “ The way you've stated it, how..deliberate the attack was and the damages I saw from the victims it possible this might not be the only one? If it was a message to the company maybe, but no one knows it yet?” She pressed her lips together, rambling on about it. Her worries transformed her from the stern, mature and stubborn headed woman into a young girl, her youth peaking its way through the lines of worry on her across her forehead.

The doors slid open and she finally felt it all weighing down on her shoulders, she was ready to sleep, her eyes were heavy. “ Its just a stupid thought. Sorry.”
Listening for a time, Steven would speak while she voiced her concerns and thoughts. It was true though; if someone was targeting people specifically... they where still there. The idea never even crossed his mind until that moment. More over everything so far had pointed towards that.
Security cameras, check the hanger and area's camera feeds before the testing.
" I think there's a way to find out who might have done it... visual feeds and check records of everyone that ever even touched the machine before the test went bad." Steven would smirk knowing he'd have a continued long night.
More over sobering up while staring at a computer screen rarely left his head feeling good for the next day's challenges.

Turning to reflect on her comment of their own availability, Steven would shift gears while standing in the lift taking them up inside of the well.
" ... You know, I've had problems explaining myself from time to time... so I'll be honest... your beautiful and I wouldn't care if...if..." Thinking for a split second for what could be difficult or challenging.
"... Hell if you where a Conway with policies against dating anyone in the company... "
Moving to put his back against the glass, Mr. Gosser would keep eye contact while smiling.
" I'd still like another chance at getting to know you... maybe even have our conversation be less about trying to solve a mystery... more about your likes and dis-likes..." smiling still, his face was genuine.

Knowing the second she stepped out of the lift, he'd move to escort her to at least her front door. Knowing it was rude to not do so. More a matter of safety now that someone was on the prowl, blowing up projects. The idea of that as an excuse would bring his smile down to a mild smirk.

If their good bye for the night went good or bad, he'd still be leaving from their to go continue putting his nose into the thick of it.
After all he was nearly as qualified for his position as a lead scientist.
Something to do with skills being shared over from the company's maintenance to any project that requests him.

Perhaps if he caught the person, he could impress Danny? Perhaps he had a little more alcohol then he thought. Each step along the inside of the Well's apartments made him wonder just how close she was to his own.
This had been brought to his attention as well.
He may have been a floor or two below this one but she may be directly across from his room. All of it seemed a little to easy to have noticed before. But why hadn't he?
Finding her another grin of sorts as they'd come closer to her doorway, Steven would turn to her wondering if should be to bold and try for a kiss. Thinking better then that, Gos would just stand there trying to be a gentleman instead.
Danny wondered if it would be that simple, if they would be able to find someone through the security feeds, those who had access to the machine and herself included. They; she appreciated his insight into her concerns. “ It is a good idea.” She would need his help in the following days and she would see to it he will be rewarded in the manner he deserves.

She smiled and her body swayed with the light motion of the lift. It was quiet tonight, the music wasn't playing like it usual did during the day.

The lift would stop and the doors would slid open with a pleasant chime. She had barely stepped past the doors, but paused. “Seriously?” Danny didn't know how to react to being called beautiful. She cleared her throat when he mentioned if she was even a Conway...

“I suppose we could get something to eat sometime? I mean you look you like to eat.” She gritted her teeth at how awkward that was but continued walking dawn the illuminated hallway. “ It be good for me to get out more and away from work...anyway.” Her apartment was six rooms down from the lead way, the door like all the others in the well numbered, hers was 100; the first housing level of the well.

She'd face him. “Thanks for spending some time with me and for the drinks.” If he'd want to contact her he'd be able to by her room number; of course she wouldn't let him know she'd be seeing him tomorrow anyway, he might change his mind about'd be really ballsy after all. Danny had to refrain from saying she'll see him tomorrow at the meeting.

“Have a good night.” She waved her hand and him, the door sliding open as she stepped backwards lights inside flickering on and then they closed.

She'd stand facing the door for a while with a smile on her face. Going to the club turned out not to be so bad.

Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound came from her computer it was a message from the hospital. The message informed her about the pilots condition. When she was forcefully sent home by a relieving doctor the pilot had been stable, his wounds disinfected and treated accordingly. However the injuries he sustained where beyond anything they could do and he passed during the night.

- - -​

Exhaustion made her eyes dark and tired; she laid in bed awake staring at the ceiling with the lights off. She wanted to drift away but sleep never came. Instead she got up. To much had happened today for the worse and the good, the gears in her head still spinning and they weren't going to stop. She decided she'd go take a look at the mech..why not? Only three more hours until 6 am and she'd have to see Case 149A.

The appointment would be changed from her office in the hospital to her lab in Conway tech. He'd be informed through a memo, of course as a precaution she sent the memo to Dr. Mitt just to make sure Case 149A got it.

Mo, Danny's little A.I kept guard of the remains, snoozing right on top of the pile. The doors slid open with a eerie hiss and the lights automatically came on. She'd spend those three hours going over the data Mo pulled from the security and the data she took from the monitoring station. She also examined the pieces of the mech looking for anything unusual.

Something occurred to her while looking over Obsidian and it was in concern with Case 149A. The purpose of that particular project sent the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. If he fell into the wrong hands, if something were to happen to him the outcome could be devastating.

If this was an inside job; whoever it was may know about Case 149A, the entire system was breached. With the intentions not only to ruin the mech but to harm several dozen people in process meant it was a small attack. He was one of their deadliest weapons.

Obsidian. Danny delicately traced her hand along the broken bits of the machine's arm. There deep within the metal and remaining strands of data, the ghosts; she sensed currents of electricity. She would rebuild him.

5:50 am. Danny sat in her desk chair snoozing, Mo who had changed his shape from the gecko into a miniature mech was draped over her shoulder, also sleeping.
Giving a gentle smile to Danny, the slight hint of his intoxing buzz would settle in. She was a rather opinionated woman, that was for sure. The comment about his size left him for a moment rolling his eyes. Granted he was a larger man, ate when he could and worked out one the job or even when bored. Something like that never really left someone, let alone the mild self guilt for now running enough.

But besides the inward thoughts while strolling back to his own apartment, part of him now had a new drive to show his findings and reasoning for stepping outside of his requirements.
The instant he'd come back in, his wild tribal patterned shirt would be hung up in the back of his closet before sitting down to set to work over all the data. While typing up a summery report for each area of the mechs findings a side bar would list and show everyone in the last two weeks that happened to come close enough to the machine to touch it.
Finding it's name plastered over everything, a smirk would come to his features.
" Obsidian... huh..." Tilting his head he knew early man would fix their arrow tips with the earth substance that was similar to glass. Easily fractured while still sharp and deadly. It was depicted else where as being strong and unbreakable, but recently reality showed how truly fragile it could be.

A list would be stockpiled in with the report of everyone that came near the machine and laid their physical hands upon it before the explosion. With it each personal file he could manage to pull up.
All this was risky since it came onto the mainframe while he was bringing it together with the data. No doubt someone, some where in the I.T. department would come across it all. But if they read it they'd obviously see why he was going threw great lengths.

Of course he would hit road blocks along the way, portions of the camera feeds in both the hanger area and test grounds would be blacked out for sensitive material reasons. These spots as well as areas of personal files he couldn't access would be listed as questions to who each person was before coming to Conway.
Not to mention follow up questions on what was so pressing to shut down the footage while people where inside the machine. Never singling out anyone or even leaving a hint of detail he couldn't bring up or staple on out of the entire report.

Once finally done and the high-speed time lapses where finished it was nearing dawn.
Sober now and head mildly aching, the taller male would leave his computer for a bottle of water waiting in the fridge.

Coming back to his console, the male would find an open video box with AL his supervisor staring up at him with a steaming cup of coffee.
" Gosser... we need to talk...Now..."

The idea of being found out so suddenly left the male gritting his teeth.
" So there's going to be a meeting later on today, where several people involved in the clean up and reaction groups will be addressed about yesterdays disaster..."
Pausing to lean in closer Al would just glare at him.
" There might be some mandatory paperwork and even people counseled for stepping outside of their boundaries."
Once more letting a air of silence address how serious he was, the supervisor came to lean back in his office chair.
When getting comfortable, the shorter male would bring his hands up to make a bridge over his face while looking at the tank top wearing male on the other end.
" Is there anything I need to know before we have you and a few others go into the meeting?" Allen would ask as Steven came to sit at his own chair.

" Actually, yes... I have a few findings and a report I'm about to send out to various department heads and supervisors... including you sir...all of which are within my security clearance and certifications... " Pausing to let it sink in while Al barely flinched, the slightest tell.
The older male would open his mouth about to speak before Steven pressed a button sending the data-pack out with his reports over the closed message system in Conway's intranet-web.

" All those I sent this report to are also well within, if not have more clearance then myself... so any grey areas I can't look into they can... "
Watching as Al's eyes widened over the freshly opened attachments, the male would look back and forth between the camera and the information on his screen.
" So it was sabotage..." Al would whisper lightly.

" It seems to be the best guess amongst anyone who happened to be there... perhaps a charge or last minute addition to the machine... hell even something shot at it from close range but in a blind spot to the machine's camera's...." Shrugging Steven would wait for Al to yell at him about stepping outside of his range, but it never came. Rather a quiet few minutes as he continued to look over things.

" Steven..." The supervisor finally came to speak while Mr. Gosser would be closing things up and looking over to his jumpsuit thinking he'd be back in it before long.
" Yes?" Half bewildered, half-tired.
" Don't let it go to your head... but good job... I'll have a talk with other department heads about this... but good work..." A praise from Al.
That never happened.

Something left the hairs on the back of his neck on end, while another part felt he might have actually done something right. Either way he wasn't going to be making a habit of it anymore.
" Before I go... there's a roomer going around about you pulling one of the Conway's out of the fire before something blew... is that any way true?" Al would give a skeptical look while Steven would stammer.

" I...I didn't know it was him... I just acted... I wanted to make sure everyone that could get out... would get to go home rather then into a box... " Trying to find words but being lost for a second Al would just nod while watching him.
" I'll be adding that little bit into my report about you... get some rest... you look like shit...." That was the Al he knew.

" Yes, sir..." With that the feed would end while a few automated replies in his message box came up that the other department heads had gone over his report or at least opened it.

Only thing he could do now was wait for a time and location for the meeting and get some rest.
So many holes and times where the Obsidian could have been compromised. He was finally glad about not being involved in one project build.
Turning his computer off, Part of Mr.Gosser came to believe he'd never live it down with Phil.
Perhaps he was over stepping some sort of line... Or perhaps he was growing to another level?

Either way he'd set his pad to be loud enough to wake him the instant any alert or notification came up.
Before finally laying down, he'd move all of his tools and affects to a clean jumpsuit hanging near the foot of his bed.
The least he could do when summoned is look nice. Though part of him knew an ass chewing was going to be right around the corner.
Mark left Juliet's room before she woke he checked his messages and saw that his check up had been moved to the office here in the Well. He made his way toward it he had enjoyed holding another warm body against himself and the smile on Juliet's sleeping face made it all worth it. Mark found a lift and ran into his Projects main Director Prof. James Verric he didn't look happy and Dr.Mitt was there as well a bruise on his face explained things. "Seems we're going to the same place." James said his tone was not pleased, "I'm not surprised by this Mitt never liked you." he finished. Mark said nothing as the lift started again, James and Mark stepped out of the lift leaving Mitt inside as the doors closed. The walked past a number of offices before reaching the Conway Office. "Stay out here let me talk to her first." James said and Mark again said nothing he wasn't going to argue anything if it kept him from getting cut up it was all good.

James entered the office and spotted Daniel Conway asleep at her desk with he small robot gecko. "Miss Daniel?" he said and waited for her to wake, "I'm sure you were expecting Mark but I'm here to have some words with you." he said closing the door and stepping closer to her desk. "I'm sure you can understand why I'm upset at this." he said his tone rather upset at having had one of his assistants going over his head. "Dr. Mitt should have come to me first." he continued, "The Subjects mental stability is sound. Mark has been our greatest achievement our only one." he said his voice desperate in tone. "His father has pull with the military we could lose considerable funding if what Mitt suggests is allowed." he finished.

Outside the office Mark listened the muffled voice of Prof. James was hard to understand but the could tell by the tone he was trying to defend him. He sighed as he waited he was tired of being prodded and feeling like some piece of property. *That's all you'll ever be to these people a tool and piece of equipment nothing more.* Nergal hissed in his mind. It was hard to argue with that Mark would have left the Well for good if he had wanted to. *Who could stop you?* Nergal asked the shifting emotions of Marks were all the answer Nergal needed it wasn't that anyone could stop him he did not relish conflict the way he did.
The wind danced along the meadow. The sun beamed gloriously in the sky; blue and clear. There was no haze of pollution. All seemed well; like paradise. But something else lingered here, it crept along in the corner of her vision. It was not however, her eyes she saw through. It was someone else's dream. Danny woke with a start knocking Mo off causing him to clunk against the floor. Her heart raced at the sudden intrusion, she could hear it drumming in her ears. She blinked several times, rubbing her face. “ Upset?” She attempted to gather her composure, trying to figure out what he was going on about. “Ohhh. I understand now.” The window behind her desk gave way into the laboratory behind her where Obsidian rested.

“I imagine you took care of it.” Still, she had looked over his charts and found somethings to be concerned about. “ None the less I'd like to examine the subject and conclude for myself if he is indeed sound. Unless the readings I saw in his charts were forged..which if it was, will not look very good on your part.” Honestly did it dwindle down to this? It was childish. “If you are having such problems with your assistant, may I suggest removing him from the project.” She didn't want to deal with this, she felt like she was babysitting now.

She was grouchy, she waved her hand in the air. “ I'll conduct my exam and send you my findings. “ Danny hesitated glancing at her computer screen; there was a message from Mr. Gosser, she clicked it open and smiled momentarily. He had been busy.

“I'll see him now Mr. Verric and Verric please get a handle on your employees. I'd rather not have to be involved with such trivial matters, especially after yesterday's events.” She dismissed him yawning. She really needed some coffee. While waiting for Mark to come into her office she pushed a button on her screen and summoned the main desk in the lobby. “Could you please have someone bring up coffee to my office, with some donuts and bagels for the meeting I'll be having as well.”

Danny already decided exactly how she was going to do her exam of case 149A. She pulled up his file and went over the abnormalities she notice, they were small and more than likely meant nothing. Though she'd love an excuse to terminate the program, she wouldn’t do it without merit. Something else still nagged at her about yesterdays attack and Case 149A.

She touched her hand to her cheek. The wind. Though the dream only lasted those few minutes she remembered she could feel the warmth.
When Verric exited her office Mark stopped leaning against the wall, "She'll see you now Mark." Verric said as he checked his messages wrote some messages telling the other Doctors about how Mitt was no longer part of their Project. He walked off without another word to mark still typing out messages and transfer orders for Mitt, Mark walked into the office and smiled at Danniel recognizing her from last night. "Well at least I know my executioner." he said chuckling, "I could save you some time knowing what Mitt probably brought to your attention." he continued. "The data is accurate there is a second brainwave pattern it comes from the Implant." he told her. Nergal laughed as he spoke already aware of what he intended to say, "They didn't create the implant instead they got lucky using an Alien creature that by some chance was created for the exact reason they used it." he continued. He knew she might doubt him she might think he was insane and run the tests anyway but he wanted to at least reveal this to someone. "They are unaware that the entity has its own mind which accounts for the second brain wave pattern." he continued. Nergal remained silent just watching through Mark to see how the fireworks went off if they ever did. "Mitt wanted me dead due to some unhealthy feeling for Juliet the kind hearted Doctor from last night." he went on.

"I'll allow the tests if you want to go through them how ever no matter what I will not submit to any operation that will remove the entity as doing so will kill me." he finished. "Its feels good to get all that off my chests." he said smiling as he watched her to see her reaction to all he had told her. Nergal chuckled, *You really think she doesn't think your insane?* he asked him. *I mean really are you still sane listening to a voice in your head.* Nergal went on talking about how he might really be insane the dreams just made up from his breaking mind. Mark grew annoyed mentally trying to subdue Nergal but Nergal resisted. He kept talking and talking till Mark lost his temper and shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP NERGAL!" he shouted and Nergal laughed as he grew silent submitting to Marks mental suppression. He laughed seeing what Nergal had done there after he lost it for that second.
Executioner? Danny frowned at that. She wasn't some sort of life taker. None the less she listened to him as he went on explaining. It wasn't something she expected in the least. She had no idea how aware of himself he was but she never took the time to really get to know the subject of the project either. She had been expecting something very different from him. She sighed.

“ You didn't have to go that far into detail.” She stood from her desk, motioned for him to follow and went into her lab where Obsidian was. “ I know exactly what it is that had been done to you. My father wanted me on your project but I refused.” She stared at the destroyed mech. “ I also wouldn't do anything to put your life at risk, so to speak. I fully understand removing the implant would not only kill you but the implant as well.” It was obvious, despite his out burst, she didn't think him insane. “I do not approve of it.” She turned to face him.

“ Do you know how many 'implants' have died because of what my father was trying to accomplish? You are one of the only successes, you and your counter part. Besides them, how many soldiers have died due to their bodies rejecting the implants.” She shook her head. “Honestly, this is something that should not be toyed with and we know nothing about those of the Alien nature, or what they'd do to us for this. We've imprisoned and destroyed some. It is a mistake and you are dangerous.”

Danny breathed in, held it and then let it out. “ Not only that but Conway tech has entrusted you not to turn on us. I do not trust you, or him.” Of course it was never intended for the implant to take up a consciousness within Mark. Mark was suppose to be a drone, without free will, an empty, powerful shell, that part of the experiment had not been accomplished.

“I have no intention of preforming any kind of operation on you, or approving any kind either besides the common tests. Actually I had been considering dismissing everyone from the project due to what happened yesterday and taking full control myself until I've come to a conclusion to this investigation.”

Danny glanced at the time one more notice would automatically be sent out notifying all those who would be requested to attend the 7 am meeting. “ It'd be for the safety of Conway Tech and yours as well, I'm worried you may be a possible target.” She'd shrug her shoulders. “ Or I could be over thinking things. Of course I have other reasons, a use for you besides just being a test bunny. It'd be your choice.” She paused gauging him, trying to read him.

“ I have no doubt this was an inside job, I've determined though you were there at the monitoring station you had nothing to do with it. If it was an inside job I cannot even rely on the security here. I'll need personal security, I'm going to be initiating mech Obsidian again with only a small handful to help me, all other mech projects will be suspended until I am finished with the investigation. I have a meeting in fifteen, I want you to stick around. Let your... implant be of some use also. To be sure those here at the meeting had nothing to do with yesterday. Your abilities will come in handy.”
Mr. Gosser had been dosing in and out of it for a little bit before his data-pad lit up like a Christmas tree. Once awake and notified to an eventual meeting's place and time, the tired male found himself going threw a quick morning routine to get ready.
Once out of the shower and into the clean preset jumpsuit, Steven would get his data-pad and usual carry bag of tools. He could see assignments coming to him after the meeting even if it was scheduled to be a day of rest. Especially if he ended up being a whistle blower of sorts. Particularly if it had been a few people instead of just one.
This was why Steven hated the idea of industrial espionage, Why bother others if they're just working to do their best? If your skills and talent aren't on the same level as your competition, don't bring them down... rather elevate yourself to a higher level. But then again it wasn't really in human nature these days to seek bettering oneself. Rather destroying the opponent.
The idea brought questions of what other company could be out their trying to bring Conway Tech down? The list started with any other robotics company and ended with even the possible government that they worked with.
After all the self contemplation, Mr. Gosser would now be well out of his apartment and in an lift taking him to somewhere closer to his destination.
A few hour sleep didn't hurt but it did leave him wanting more. Something he'd put aside for the time being.
Each step though did bring ideas to light of who might have harmed let alone killed so many... ?
Then almost as if shifting gears the idea of Danny drifted into smooth things out. Part of him wanted to see her again. Perhaps get a meal together rather then just drink and socialize over possible sabotage lingering at their work place. The idea of a picnic came but was discarded. This time of year the sun would be brutal outside.
Could he be falling for someone he barely knew... stranger had happened.

Upon arriving at the listed room and entrance, Steven would notice all standing their with a little bit a huff and gruff attitude.
" Gosser... " Turning to walk towards him he'd look at the tired male.
" Isn't it your day off?"

" Yeah but since my report was done... and the meeting to go over a collective findings from everyone involved... I decided not to skip this meeting... best to explain everything I got in hopes someone else might have something to link together everything..." Pausing several times, Steven would stretch and yawn well over a foot taller then Allen.

" Alright... but just be warned... the heiress herself is going to be here." Allen warned.
" Conway tech's defining daughter... she might be leading the meeting it seems."

This new bit of news left Steven for but a split second worried. The idea came to mind that if anything, he was doing what he could for them.
" I'm sure it'll be fine... if anything I'll just explain the odd points of my finds where I have no access and sit back down." Shrugging a little to the worried looking supervisor.

Once inside the two would stay close not knowing to many of the other department heads in the group. One or two would look to Gosser's name tag before having mixed opinions of her report.
About ten minutes before the meeting started Gos would come to find some place near a side wall to set his bag down and link in his data-pad in case he had to add any key-notes.
Looking over to Al a bit of a cold feeling ran down his neck. The older and shorter man was looking at his own pad, while watching a video. Not just anyone, but him. Steven was on it while wearing a mask and carrying a med-bag.
Before kneeling down next to one of the Conway males to administer triage.
It was a video of him... pulling that guy who's first name he didn't even know out of the fire.
Next the camera feed would go to static but a minute later when the hydrogen tank blows. The video wouldn't stop there, instead the next camera feed shows the violent explosion from another angle as Steven carried the man into the hanger like area.
" Please...tell me that won't be in this meeting..." a hurt and scared look on Steven's face came to view. Most of the tired color in his features had left him. The last thing he wanted was to have such attention put on him. He simply wanted to be the guy that came in and fixed something before moving on. Not some damn hero. After all heroes only get little pieces of metal and random thank yous while being loaded into a pine box. At least that's what he believed.
Al would smirk at Mr. Gosser's attitude.
" Well all findings and feeds where added from every department." Al coldly replied.
" Having doubts about being here... Over doing a good thing?" Al asked curiously.
" No... just..." before he could explain more people filtered in and someone started calling for everyone's attention.
"Then I should apologize for what I said earlier about you being my Executioner." he said his tone was apologetic, "You want me to listen to these people watch their heart beats and see which of them is lying." he said not asking merely clarifying what she was requesting. "It will require that I be in full dress." he said as small tendrils began to wrap themselves around him creating an armor like shell over him there was even a mask that covered his face making him look more alien than human. His eyes glowed once it had fully covered his mouth, "While I understand your mistrust it would take allot for me to turn on Conway." he told her his voice sounded like it was coming through an electronic speaker. Nergal felt empowered he seldom got to stretch like this, his eyes shifted as the HUD displayed all it could about Danny as she stood their. Her heart beat registered as a small thump thump on his HUD while her voice made bars move like one saw in a Media player, "You suspect someone of sabotage and think I might be a target but I'm probably the safest person in this room right now." he told her. "I will do what I can." he promised. "But tell me is it normal to have dreams that are not yours?" he asked her.

Mark watched her and waited for an answer as he turned looking through the walls to see a few people walk into another office but they were no concern. He thought on what she had said she wasn't some clueless and unfeeling heir she was concerned with the path the company was moving down. "The scientist who created Nergal felt the same as you many of their soldier rejected the Implants as well the first few success were imperfect Grail, Zim then Jark was the last a perfect host. Just like me." he told her. "It takes a rare gene but even the failures were useful as little monsters." he told her. "Used in waves to strike fear in their enemies. Jark watched as they were unleashed without mercy on the innocent its why he tried to stay away from the military." he finished. "You might not trust me but I trust you... a little bit." he said holding up a pair of fingers barely a centimeter apart.
Danny would pace around him, circling twice while his body suit engulfed him. She was impressed by it and the scientist in her was extraordinarily curious. However he would catch her off guard causing a momentary change in her heart beat, it skipped. “ I..” She truly had no explanation; though she understood that he could only know because of his abilities but she wasn't quite sure if they weren't hers. She shook her head, it wasn't the time or place to discuss what her 'dreams' were about. Especially with him.

Depending on how advanced his system was or rather, his alien counter part can sense would determine if there was anything different about her at all. The scans would be normal, she had no visible, inwardly or out abnormalities. Still there was something, it was known by a few of the higher ups, those who've worked from the beginning with Mr. Conway not to put it past the man to be willing to experiment on his own children. If it happened it was never documented or at least those documents couldn't be accessible by just anyone.

“I do not like the purpose.” She said finally, dismissing his acknowledgment of her dreams. “ Building machines and experimenting on human beings are two completely different things..”

“ Be invisible.” She waved her finger at him before turning away. The conference was being held in an office connected to her actual office, it was much larger for the purpose of meetings. She'd straighten out her lab coat, returned to her desk to pick up her small tablet and entered the room where everyone was gathering.

Someone during that time had also delivered a cart with donuts, bagels, coffee and tea, along with bottled water and an assortment of fancy creamers and sugars. She was quiet for a moment, the smell of coffee nearly dragging her over to the cart but she waited. “ Good morning.” She said. “ Thank you all for coming this morning, so early.” She motioned toward the cart. “ You all may help yourself, as some of you know I am Ms. Conway. I'd like to discuss yesterdays event and also I'll answer any questions you'll have.” She looked over them, spotting Gosser, she tried to refrain from smiling of course she was worried he may be put off by her now. She'd help herself to some coffee while everyone got situated.

“Besides that. I've also called you here to inform you of some temporary changes that'll be taking place during this investigation. For the majority of you, your clearance levels will be set to level 3, all other levels off limit unless completely necessary and approved by myself or another on my team... which will mean your work loads will be much less. Granted since this is going to be an investigation Conway Tech wont be granting anytime off. Your days of free time are requested to be spent locally. Of course we will find things for you to do, it will be the minimal of tasks. Your pay will remain the same however and this I am hoping wont be longer then a few weeks. You all are a very important aspect to Conway Tech, without you this place would fall apart.”

Mark wouldn't be wrong in trusting her. She would be one of the few who'd find an acceptable, humane way to terminate his project if it was dangerous. Her father, her brothers, their scientists would rather him be dead, destroyed. She was very different from her family, she valued life, she believed she cared even though she seemed just as cold as her siblings. Honestly she'd rather see both parts survive. Life was life after all.

He may very well be the safest out of them all but he could still be hurt and she'd rather not that happen, she'd rather it not happen at all and she wished yesterday didn't happen. Within the back of her mind, with all the data she collected, with the data Gosser sent her, there was a small ping, it was a worry, it was a fear and with each passing development it was growing.

“ I'd first like to ask if any of you had worked on the mech prior to the training exercise and if you noticed anything strange, in fact have any of you noticed anyone being unusually stranger than what is the norm.”
Mark followed her into the conference room after activating his active Camouflage which was more of a stealth mode as followed her like a ghost. He stood behind her his back to the wall and his eyes scanning the room the HUD displayed all the occupants' data like a lie detector. He stood their silent and waiting many of them displayed the normal signs of nervousness when something like what happened yesterday led to this. Nergal murmured to himself mostly about enjoying the old Cloak and Dagger bit that seemed to be cropping up in these labs lately, he did complain about the lack of assassins though. The thought gave Mark a reason to scan the entire room as some of the project leaders began to talk about petty squabbles and their arrogant sense of competition. They pointed fingers at one another for a good five minutes before some one told them to shut up. Mark heard Nergal laugh as the three directors glared at one another from across the table while the one who had ended the argument talked about having not been able to access any surveillance during a certain time before the Mech in question was taken to the testing area.

"The gap occurred during the Mechs pretest maintenance." the man said he was a member of the security staff on the Mech Project. "There are a number of names of Engineers and mechanics who were working on the Mech during this time. It might mean we won't know who is responsible till the Engineers and Mechanics are questioned." he finished. Mark paid close attention to the man as his heart rate had been odd during his time speaking. Mark thought it could mean someone had jammed the security camera's or someone had deleted the footage for the time in question, *He might be worth looking into.* he thought as he looked at the others. Two of the people in the room were getting some snacks off the cart and Mark had to resist pulling an invisible man since he had skipped breakfast.
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