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We're just friends: chapter 1, the wedding. Sweet Angel Jocelyn and the Gladiator

"That's Lena." Cheyenne told him, giggling softly. She turned to look at the photographer, who was looking at her appraisingly. "I don't think he's so bad. I think that he is cute." She told him. "And he looks normal. If he's married I'm sure that he will not ask me out." She offered, giggling.

"You always say that I can have anyone that want, but it appears that I am the single one... Again.. Still." She smiled at him and shrugged her shoulders. "I can look in the mirror all I want, but it's what other people see." She told him with a smile.
"I dunno, he looks like a two timer... I wouldn't put it past him..." he said. Not really searious, but more just trying to tease her a little.

"Oh cut it out you're beautiful and you know it, and everyone else knows it." He raised his voice, "Doesn't Cheyenne look nice?" he asked Chris, Ryan's best man. The happily married man, looked her over and nodded, "She looks stunning as usual."

Mark grined and patted her on the shoulder, "See, its not just me. I wouldn't just make this shit up."
Cheyenne rolled her eyes as Chris looked her over and said she looked stunning. Lena and Ryan were busy taking couple pictures and looking lovingly into each other's eyes. "Oh, you are my best friend, no one is saying that you have great taste. And Chris... Well we all know that he's a perv." She raised her voice playfully.

"Now. Stop trying to raise my self-esteem." she told Mark with a grin. She winked playfully at him before threading her arm through his. "I've got enough self-esteem to handle myself." She told him.

"So, what are the odds of me taking him home. What do you think?" She asked her best friend jokingly.
"Eww, you want to take chris home?" he said. Purposefully misinterpreting her comment. "Doesn't that make you more of a perve than him?" he said with a snicker.

"Come on, do they have to look that picture perfect." he said. "Its like a romance novel." he said about Lena and Ryan.
Cheyenne laughed and winked at the man. "Yes, but you know how pervy I can get." She teased him. She ran her hand down his arm, and then turned to her sister and brother-in-law.

"It's a wedding. That's what it's supposed to be like." She told him. She sighed as she watched the two.

Then, the whole wedding party was called over and lined up. She was placed beside Mark for the first grouping of pictures and then with the group of girls for the next.

When it was finally over, Cheyenne was ready to ditch her shoes and let her hair down. Instead, she took a minute to flirt with the photographer, who turned out to be five years her senior, unmarried and interested in her. They exchanged phone numbers and email addresses before he had to start packing to do the photographs of the reception.

When she was free of that, Cheyenne went looking for Mark once more, a wide smile on her face.
"Pretty pervy if I recall correctly." Mark said and cleared his throat his cheeks turning pink.

Mark joined her for the pictures and then wandered off to talk to some of their old high school friends while she talked to the photographer. "Are y'all finally together?" Gavin, one of their friends asked. Mark shook his head,

"No, we're not together."

"Then you're still stupid boy, she loves you and you're too dumb to see it."

Mark punched Gavin on the arm, "You're full of shit."

"Maybe, but she at least wants to jump your bones at least, she's talking to that photographer so you'll be jealous, and I saw the eyes she was making at you."

Mark snorted. "I hope she hooks up with him and is happy." he said trying to sound confident in that response. But Gavin had touched a nerve. He didn't like seeing her flirting with other people. "I'm happy in my relationship." Mark said somewhat defensively.

"Wasn't what you said last week when you almost went home with that red head in the bar." Bill, another friend spoke up.

Gavin gave him a funny look, "You mean to tell me you almost took strange pussy home from a bar, when you have.... that..." here he waved vaguely at Cheyenne, "Who is obviously hitting on you?"

Mark shuffled his feet. "Come on guys cut it the fuck out. this is not the time to talk about this shit anyway."

Mark walked away from them trying to get away from the ribbing, hoping Cheyenne, who was even now walking over, hadn't overheard any of that, especially the lude comments about her, or that he almost had an affair as well, it was just a bad conversation for her to hear.
If Cheyenne would have heard anything about Mark taking home someone else from a bar, she would have lost a lot of respect for him. What the two of them did together was in a completely different game from what he might have done with a strange woman. There was something between them that would last forever, him and an anonymous woman, not so much.

Still, she didn't hear a word. "He is going to email me. So we can set something up." She told her best friend as they finally came together. "Hey, maybe eventually we can double date. Then Lisa will dislike me less." She offered. That didn't mean that she wouldn't dislike Lisa less, but whatever. AS long as they could spend time together.

"Lets go eat. Go dance and have fun." She told him. She waved to the friends that she knew from school before starting to lead her friend through the crowd to get some food.
"Cool, I'm happy for you." Mark said but sounded somewhat less than thrilled. His mind was still on what his friends had said, and he kept looking at Cheyenne, did she really want him? or were his friends full of it as usual?

He took a deep breath and blew away his thoughts and put his smile back on, "Yes, I am so ready. I'm flippen hungry." he said, "And could probably go for a drink as well." he said.

"If we get stuck in a king bed rather than two doubles at the hotel tonight, I'll sleep on the floor, you're like an attack snuggler in your sleep, and I swear to god you kick too." he said laughing. He was trying to lighten the mood, although mentioning sleeping with her probably wasn't the best way to do it. "By the way, please don't tell Lisa we're sharing a room, I know we had reservations before I met her, so I just didn't want to have a fight over something I wasn't willing to fight to have changed, plus I don't want your parents (who were footing the bill for the wedding) to have to pay any more." Mark explained after a moment.
Cheyenne laughed and nodded her head, "I won't say a word to her." She promised her friend as she lead him through to the tent with the food. "And I do not kick. It's not my fault you get in my way. It seems if anyone, you should be blaming yourself." She told him, sighing happily.

It was just nice to spend time with him. She wished that she could have had plenty of time with him. Instead, she was pretty sure that weekend would be the end of it. They'd lose everything after that time.
"Its My fault that you put your cold feet on me?" he said with a laugh giving her a playful shove. "You kicked when you were 4 you kicked at 14, and... you get the point." he laughed. "You also seem to think I'm your adult life sized teddy bear. Not that I'm complaining mind you..." he chuckled, "I just want you to admit the truth of your sleeping habbits."

He guided her towards the bar, "What will you be drinking?" he asked as they were waiting to be waited on.
Cheyenne laughed and pressed against his side, her breasts pushing slightly against his arm. "Can you blame me?" She asked him, her voice deepening slightly with a hint of seduction. "You are just so cuddly." She offered.

Looking at the open bar, she thought. "Rum and coke please." She told him.
He laughed and even blushed just a little, "You're going to make me blush with talk like that." he said.

He focused on ordering their drinks, trying not to think about the full breast bairly brushing the side of his arm. Although, it wasn't too easy, with the knowledge what those breasts felt like... in his hands, pressed to his chest...rapped around his cock. He made a supreme effort not to reach down and adjust himself in his pants.

"Yes, I want a jack and coke, and this lovely lady here will have rum and coke." he said to the bar tender, trying to control his thoughts. Why was he thinking of her in this way? Why right now?
Cheyenne blew Mark a kiss and pressed slightly closer to his side, before reaching for her drink. "You are already blushing." She pointed out as she tried not to laugh. It was so cute that she could still have a little bit of an effect on him.

After they had their drinks, she started leading him toward their table. Her sister hadn't gone for the traditional long table and had just put herself and Ryan at a display table.

"So, are you going to dance with me tonight?" She asked her friend.
he chuckled, "Guilty as charged." he said covering the heat in his cheeks with his free hand.

He followed her to the table, "Of course I will, only if you promise to grope me." he said. He coughed, "Err. I mean promise not to grope me." he said, although he had purposefully said it that way to make her laugh.

He sat down taking a long draw from his drink. "Did you happen to see what was on the menu?" he inquired curiously.
Cheyenne was startled by the way he teased her. She might have done just that even a few months ago, before Lisa. But now? It didn't seem right. Though she couldn't say that she didn't want to...

"I already put in our order with the invitations. I chose chicken for both of us." She told him, giving him a bright smile. "Red meat isn't exactly the best for your health." She told him. Her newest client was a nutritionist who had been giving her lessons on the right things to eat while they spoke and while she worked.

She crossed one leg over the other as she drank sighing happily. "Remember when you took me as a date to your cousin Calvin's wedding?" She asked him with a giggle. "That was so much fun." She told him. It had been five years before, they were still in college then and had been enjoying any chance they could to sneak off and have a little fun on their own.
He probably shouldn't have joked like that with her but, he wasn't sure he cared.

Apparently her mind was crossing some of the same bridges cause her comment made him chuckle. "Shit, yeah... and... When we tried to sneak into the family bathroom to... well, you know. and My aunt and uncle were there already?" he laughed, "I swear to god, there is not enough eye bleach in the world to get that image of his hairy ass humping away..." He laughed. "I mean, come on..." he shuttered chuckling as he drained his glass.
Cheyenne laughed happily as she remembered the two of them trying to get away as fast as they could. It didn't help that she was trying to hold up her dress after Mark had opened it and her bra, and he was firmly held by his pants. They had been falling over each other to get away.

"Oh, but when we found the laundry room, that didn't help?" She asked with a grin. "It didn't take you long to recover after we closed the door." She reminded, giggling softly. She took another drink and before she realized, she'd drained the glass. "I'm going to need another drink." She said with a smile.
Mark nodded his agreement. "I'm so gonna need more if you're gonna start making me think of that." He blushed, he had definitely recovered, "Could you really blame me with what you did? I mean..." he waved his hands, "Should we really be talking about this? You keep it up and you're going to make me "uncomfortable." he said shifting in his chair showing air quotes around the word uncomfortable.
Cheyenne laughed and signaled for one of the waiters walking around. She handed over their empty glasses and ordered seconds before turning back to Mark. "We are reminiscing. You can't blame me if some of it ends up being slight sexual." She told him, grinning. Lisa would hate the fact that they each even thought about those times, but she wondered about how much Mark actually did.

"Alright. You pick the topic." She offered. She was in a very flirty mood, so it would probably be best to let Mark decide what to talk about if he didn't want to get 'uncomfortable'. She grinned at the thought and settled back as the waiter brought their drinks around.
"You're joking right?" he said giving her a poke in the ribs, "You talk like that, bring that up and expect me to think of anything but oral sex? come on.... especially when I think its been like 5 months since I had it." He cleared his throat and coughed. "But anyway that's neither here nor there..."
Cheyenne's eyes went wide when Mark told her he hadn't had oral sex in five months. "Five months?!" She asked him, blinking as she took a small drink of her new drink. "How is that possible? Is she like, anti-anything?" She asked him, giggling. "You love that stuff. I hope you are holding out the oral stuff on her." She told him.

She couldn't believe that Lisa was holding oral sex back. That almost seemed cruel to not do that.
Mark shrugged, "Sometimes I hold it back but she doesn't enjoy it so yeah, its no big loss for her." He shrugged.

He played with his glass, "I think the last time she did that was the last time I threatened to leave. And since I've not wanted to leave for a while." here he shrugged again. She knew him well, she knew that was his favorite, always had. "Its not like hers could hold a candle to yours anyway." mark said with a chuckle and a blush. "You know yours are the gold standard." It was really rare for mark to talk about what they had done together, especially of late. He had always played around with her, but would rarely discuss their sexlife, even when it was very active. He had always claimed they were friends and that's what he wanted to focus on. It had been a strange querk that had been his signature attitude.
Cheyenne raised an eyebrow as she thought about what he said. "Any why, exactly, haven't you wanted to leave in a while?" As far as she could see, Lisa did whatever she could to control everything that Mark did. She was probably looking too far into it, because she thought Mark could do better. He might just be happy. She should let him.... But could he be happy without his best friend?

"Of course I'm the gold standard for that. See, this difference between me and... Anyone else is that I actually like doing it." She told him, grinning and running her finger along the wet spots on the outside of her glass. "It's always so fun." She grinned. It was strange that they could talk about their sexlife. They didn't really spend a lot of time discussing that, instead they stuck to the fact that they were just friends, they didn't share with anyone that they were fooling around, though most people knew.
Mark shifted uncomfortably again flushing a bit. "I.... I'm not sure how to respond to that... should I say thank you?" he said. His eyes flicked down watching her hands work over her glass.

His eyes lifted to meet hers again, "I've never met another woman like you." he said after a somewhat awkward pause. He said the words, but did he really realize the truth of a simple truth like that? Yes he was talking about sex, he'd never experienced a blow job like hers, but....the truth was that statement could apply to many things, she really was one of a kind.
Cheyenne grinned at him, enjoying the flirting more than she should have been. "You always used to." She pointed out. She let the silence stand, knowing he was feeling a little strange about what was going on.

She giggled softly when he said that he'd never met another woman like her. She primped, pushing at the curls that the updo had made of her hair. "Of course you haven't. And you never will. I'm beyond special." She assured him.
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