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The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)


Feb 3, 2013
Six years after the planting of the Whomping Willow on the grounds, a few months after the final break between Lily Evans and Severus Snape when he called her a "Mudblood" in his rage, the sixth year students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were returning on the Hogwarts Express. I a compartment next door to the four Marauders a tall lean and handsomely tanned sixteen year old Gryffindor with sky blue eyes lay stretched between the seats his legs up on one his slouched sleeping frame on the other. he already had is robes on his head resting on his book bag, his trunk supporting his legs, his snowy white owl Merlin, asleep in his cage. the Gryffindor's name was Brandon Krissin. He was a pureblood Wizard and had been raised in the Wizarding world, his father an Auror, his mother working in Eeylops's Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley.

Now on his way back to Hogwarts for his sixth year, his nine perfect scores in his O.W.L.s still behind him Brandon was more than excited. He had studied hard and his natural talent had paid off. With all the fear and worry due to Lord Voldemort his father had been teaching Brandon and his sisters and brothers powerful advanced magic for years as had their mother. He had been studying magic all his life and his dearest wish was to join his father Eberus in the Auror office. his four brothers and sisters, quadruplets were on the train for their first year and he was hopeful they would all be sorted into Gryffinodr else the family would be rather dysfunctional at some point.

While he slept he did not hear the rather furious scuffle in the corridor between Sirius Black and his younger brother Regulus. the two were angry at each other for an incident earlier that year when Sirius had told his parents off magicked his door in 12 Grimmauld Place closed then went off to the Potter's place. The Black's and their blood purity had been too much for their eldest son and thought he two brothers had never bee close Regulus was quite hurt that Sirius could have been so cruel. Sirius had refused to discuss it and the fight had broken out. Finally they fell into Brandon's compartment breaking the glass of the door waking him. he grunted as he stood. He was already six feet tall and as he looked down at them both and grunted annoyed they looked at him. "Im sorry gents but i was sleeping." Sirius laughed. "Ahh Krissin. Sorry about that." He pulled back fixing the glass and went back to his compartment while Brandon helped Regulus up. "you alright Black?" Regulus sneered. "Krissin are you? Why aren't you in Slytherin?"

Brandon shrugged. His family had mostly been Gryffindors but there had been many Slytherins as well, though the Krissin's were not truly concerned with blood purity but they had maintained the line of pure Magical blood more by chance than intent. "The Hat chose me for Gryffindor as soon a sit hit my head." Regulus sighed but nodded. "Thanks." and took off." Brandon shrugged again and sat down and soon was back to sleep.
Amethyst eyes stared out the window as the scenery rushed past. The young girl, more woman the girl, sat by herself in a compartment not far from the marauders. She had her legs curled up beneath her as she leaned against the far wall, the door to her compartment closed and locked. The curtains were drawn for privacy as she made intricate designs in the air, without her wand. A black cat lay curled up on her trunk. Silence stifled the air, until the shouts from the corridor made their way in. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

It seemed sixth year would start off with a bang. At five foot four, Cleopatra Gale was petite, but she was a force to be reckoned with. She had just turned sixteen, on the very last day of August. At only sixteen, though, she had turned into a beauty. Her parents had celebrated. During the first five years, she had been a bookworm, studying and staying away from people. Her favorite subject was Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Her friends consisted of Severus Snape, Regulus Black, and surprisingly, Remus Lupin. No one knew of that last friendship, although they joked that they would soon be found out.

During the summer, Cleo, as her friends called her, had blossumed from the ugly duckling she used to be, into a gorgeous young woman. Her hair, which had once been frizzy, was now in sleek black waves, which reached her lower back. Her eyes, which were usually dull, now shone unnaturally, framed by long black eyelashes. Her skin had cleared up and the biggest change of all, her curves appeared. From an A-cup, she had grown into a C-cup. She now had an ass, and curves men stared at and women envied.
She hated it, but knew she could use it to her advantage. When the sorting hat had placed her in Slytherin, she knew she had been placed perfectly. Ambition and slyness were just her style.

The sound of breaking glass startled her and she stood, wand in hand and walked to the door. Her cat, Skyfall, opened an eye and then closed it again, ignoring his mistress.
She opened the door and stuck her head out to check what was going on. Her eyes fell upon Regulus and Sirius being helped up by another Gryfindor. She couldn't remember his name. She watched as Regulus walked away and Sirius joined his friends. The other Gryfindor went back in and closed his door. She entered her own compartment and closed the door again. Once secured, she quickly changed into the school uniform, charming the skirt a couple of inches shorter and then placed her robe over it. They would soon be arriving at school.
Brandon settled back in his compartment and gently pushed his racing broom a Nimbus Model 13 back into place against wall. He was keeper on the Gryffindor team and was not sure who would be capstan. He suspected James Potter would get it though he was always in trouble along with Sirius. Brandon considered. He and James were the only sixth years on the team and though Brandon was a rather skilled flyer and even had played Seeker when James had been ill in their second year, but he preferred Keeper.

He wondered about his friends Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Sirius Black, never having understood a lot of things about them though he had, unknown to them learned their secret of being Animagi, but he did not grasp their attachment to Peter Pettigrew. the other three were a little mean and egotistical but Peter...Pettigrew was a sniveling bullying, coward. Brandon had no idea how he had been sorted into Gryffindor. While he considered, Lily Evans came into his compartment and flopped down. 'Brandon." she said curtly her arms folded. He arched an eyebrow. "Lily." They were friends, Lily even having come to visit his house over the summer holiday.

Lily stewed for several minutes before she snarled. "James Potter is a stupid git!" Brandon smirked. "write you another letter?" She nodded and handed him the letter. it was genuinely disgusting with lots of corny lines and several comparisons of hr beauty to his Quidditch skills. "Im sorry Lily..." She barely heard as she began to hotly abuse Potter and Black. Slowly Brandon began to laugh and soon he was roaring. Though annoyed Lily slowly began to laugh and soon had relaxed as well. She stood. "thanks Bran." He nodded and she was off to hr original compartment. Brandon leaned back smirking and occasionally chuckling.
Cleo heard the train whistle as it began to slow down. They had finally arrived. She watched Skyfall stand and stretch before getting into his cat carrier and laying back down. She swore he had to have some Kneazle within, he was a little too smart for an ordinary cat. She checked her trunk, locked it and made it weigh less before pocketing her wand and heading to the door. She opened it just as her dearest friend, Severus, was about to knock. The two smirked at each other, before he moved out of her way and let her pass. The two friends headed down the hall and out of the train.

Of course the platform was crowded. They grabbed hands and started walking towards the carriages. Severus kept receiving strange looks. Cleo grinned, knowing it was because no one recognized her. Severus had spent half the summer with her and her family, so he already knew about her new appearance.
They quickly found an empty carriage and settled in, as Severus looked at her and asked, "How was the rest of your summer?"
"It was fine. Boring without you around to keep me company. Father kept having to entertain his business associates. Boring old farts the lot of them."
"Oh? I would have thought that you would have had your fun... "
"It was the same old men as before. They get boring when I have to prank them again and again. Same reactions. Plus, papa said that I would be in such trouble if I caused any trouble when they were meeting. Though I will admit, my new appearance shocked them. Most of his friends couldn't keep their eyes in their heads, or their dicks in their pants. It was disgusting!"
Severus smirked at that, then asked worriedly, "Did they try anything?"
"No. Though papa did find old Ramses trying to seduce me in the hall. He had me against the wall. That was a sight to see. Papa got so angry. He allowed me to curse him. Oh the mess he made on our floor took hours to clean."

The two friends stopped talking as the carriage stopped. They exited and headed up the huge stone steps into the castle. Cleo took a breath once inside and immediately relaxed. She felt such a connection to the old building, that sometimes it felt as if it was speaking to her. Severus didn't believe that, but she did have an uncanny ability of getting to class early when she left later than him, and avoiding teachers on her late night escapades.

Once within the Great Hall, they headed to the long table that belonged to Slytherin's house. They sat near the end, closest to the doors and began speaking to each other in an undertone, as Cleo checked out the other houses. As her eyes scanned the Gryfindor table, they stopped upon Remus, who felt her eyes on him and looked up. Eyes locked and she smirked as he winked. The two shared a secret, and that was the basis for their friendship. The moment passed and she continued down the table, her eyes lingering over the boy who she had seen on the twain with Sirius and Regulus.

Think of the devil and he will appear, Regulus sat across the table from them, staring at her as if trying to ascertain who she was. She smirked at him and immediately his eyes lit up. Only one girl had that smirk.
"Cleo! Wow! You look amazing! You must have had a good summer. What happened to you?"
She grinned and set about to telling him her story. Before the end though, the headmaster stood and interrupted her. They turned to hear the proceedings of the Welcome speech.
Brandon slept most of the way remaining to Hogsmeade station and unlike most he hefted his trunk onto his shoulder, showing his abnormal strength as he carried his things out onto the platform releasing Merlin who hooted nipped his hand affectionately then took off into the night. He found a carriage with the four Marauders and traded jokes with the four of them while he examined each.

James and Sirius were as cocky and handsome as ever respectively, though James was finally growing into his body and Sirius was quite proud of his perfect marks. Pettigrew had scrapped through his O.W.L.s and as usual was rather hushed amongst his friends. Brandon studied Remus who though as ruffled and lean as usual prior to the full moon.

Once at the school all five marched into the Great Hall to their seats though they sat a little further along the table. Brandon sat with his back to Cleo but he saw the unspoken conversation between her and Lupin and though he was curious he did not ask choosing to leave Lupin's private affairs just that.

Once the first years had been sorted Albus Dumbledore stood. "before our most excellent feast I have a few start of term notices for you all. The Dark Forest is out of bounds for all students. The Astronomy Tower will not be open this year due to severe spell damage just before the holidays..." His blue eyes flicked to the marauders and Brandon who had set off a massive display of fireworks and though the resulting show had been glorious it had badly damaged the tower and because they had been magical fireworks the damage was taking some good while to repair. "The astronomy classes shall instead be held atop Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers. Let the feast begin." He sat as the food appeared on the plates.

Minerva McGonagall, head of Gryffindor eyed the five troublemakers but let them have their feast though she would have to speak with all of them soon and Remus, James, and Brandon especially as Remus was her male prefect and she had to decide on who would be her Quidditch captain, the two sixth years the eldest on the team with Brandon a shade older than James having already turned sixteen during the Christmas break last term.

With the feast finished Remus and Brandon went off toward the Gryffindor Tower together Shooing the first years along in their wake explaining as they went.
Cleo smiled as the food appeared and ate quietly, allowing Regulus and Severus to carry on conversation. She was tired, having not slept well the night before and so completely spaced out. When it was time to head down to their common room, Severus had to poke her in the side to get her attention. She looked up at him as he stood and Regulus asked, "Are you all right Cleo?" She turned to look at him and nodded, a yawn escaping. The two boys grinned and with Severus' help, she stood and the three headed down to the dungeons.

She yawned again as the portrait closed behind them and Severus said, "You should probably get some sleep. What.kept you up last night?"
She simply grinned at that but didn't answer. He shook his head and headed to sit in one of the armchairs near the fireplace. Cleo headed over to a small staircase and climbed up into the small tower. It sat right above the water's edge, and was made of crystal, so you could look up into the air. She loved it, and it was her special spot. None of the Slytherins dared to come up while she was there because they had found that she was ruthless in her punishments.

She sighed to herself and looked out at the dark, her eyes adjusting quickly to the fact that there was little light. She relaxed, and thought back to her summer. Although she had grown up in a pureblood household, she didn't hold to the same beliefs that they were superior to Muggles. You made your superiority. It wasn't given to you because of how you were born. Severus was a halfblood, and yet he was an adept potions student. He was even better than herself, and she was one of the best students in that class.

Summer had brought dire changes to her life. With her new appearance came responsibility, or so her mother told her, but she didn't believe it was that big a deal. Her parents were trying to arrange a marriage for her. She hated it. You should only marry for love, but when she had told her parents that, they had told her love was a fanciful fairytale. So, while they searched for a suitable match, she was busy transferring her funds from her family account, to a private account in her own name at Gringotts. She would be ready to run, just in case.

Regulus called up to her a couple of hours later, "Hey, Cleo. It's time for you to get to bed before you pass out up there and need us to get you down." Cleo smirked at that, for it had happened, once or twice... Oh who was she kidding? It had happened more times than she could count. She walked down the steps, gave Severus and Regulus a hug, then headed up to her rooms. Unlike the other houses, Slytherins got their own rooms unless they wanted to share. She didn't, so she got her own room. Skyfall lay at the end of her bed inside the small room. It was only big enough for the four-post bed and a small wardrobe on the wall, but it was all hers.

She changed into her pijamas, which consisted of a black silk nightie that reached her mid-thigh, and matching knickers and slipped under the covers. Skyfall padded over to her pillow and lay against the back of her head, purring comfortingly as she fell asleep.

The next morning, she awoke with a jolt, as her nightmare finally let her go. She got up, got dressed in the Slytherin uniform and headed up to the Great Hall for breakfast. She sighed as she sat down, her bag at her feet as Professor Slughorn handed her her timetable.
She checked her classes and was relieved. It wouldn't be so stressful. She would even have a couple classes with the Gryfindors, which would allow her to speak to Remus without alerting anyone to their friendship. With that thought in mind, she looked up, searching for him and his friends, though mostly just for him.
Brandon and his fellow sixth years were all very tired and were asleep mere minutes after arriving at their dormitory. When they had woken, washed, and dressed they went down tot he Great hall together. Just as they entered McGonagall came out and snapped. "Krissin, Potter, Black, Lupin and Pettigrew. To my office. now." They looked at each other and gulped but followed.

McGonagall sat behind her desk and glared at the five of them.
"I have not given proof of your deeds in the Astronomy Tower to Professor Dumbledore but I assure you I have it. But as I found it during the holidays I cannot punish you. but if anything else like this happens while you are in this school i shall personally expel you. Do you understand?"

Four of the five young men feared but two people. Minerva McGonagall and of course Albus Dumbledore. All but Pettigrew knew of Voldemort and tough they did not boast of besting him they did not fear him.

Professor McGonagall glared at all of them then gestured at Black and Pettigrew. "Peter you will continue your core subjects. ." She waved her wand handing him his timetable and he left the room. "Black you shall be taking your cor e subjects and the subjects you passed in your O.W.L.s" Sirius nodded took his timetable and went off after Pettigrew.

"Now you three..." Remus, Brandon, and James gulped again as she glared at them.

"First of all Brandon you are the new Quidditch Captain. Mr. potter you will try to exert more self control this year else I shall be forced to remove from the team. Despite how important you are to the team." James nodded as she studied him. "Go on potter. your timetable." He went off to join Sirius in classes.

"Now you two are going to have to watch over your friends. Both in school and on the pitch. All five of you were very nearly expelled. Now take your timetables and try not to destroy the school?" A loud crash was heard outside and both started to speak. "Oh I know that was not them. Peeeves had been planning some great joke last night but professor Dumbeldore wanted his help with..somdthing. Go along." They took their timetables and went along to their first class msising breakfast but...

"So who is that lovely young lady with the amethyst eyes Remus?" Brandon smirked as he studied his friend awaiting the answer.
Remus looked over at Brandon, "Eh? Cleo...Patra?" There was a slight hesitancy between the name, as if he was just going to call her Cleo like her friends did. He shrugged and continued, "Nothing. She was giving me dirty looks. I have found that being nice to her is better than responding to her blatant barbs."
Excuses, excuses. But Remus just let it go at that and refused to say anything else on the matter.

Cleo was a little saddened that she hadn't seen Remus, but didn't show it. Severus had to literally drag her away from the table, while she tried grabbing a blueberry muffin for the walk to class. She sighed at his behavior. It wasn't as if they were going to be late, the castle wouldn't have allowed it.
"Severus! One muffin is not going to make us late for Defense Against the Dark Arts! Calm down! Remember who you are with. I am almost never late!"
"Don't remind me Cleo! But I want good seats. You know how those bastards get if they sit behind me. I would rather have the wall behind me. Better defendable position."
"Did I ever tell you, you would make a great spy?"
"Oh shut it miss smart mouth."
"Well, don't get your knickers in a twist." She grinned as he growled at her. As they passed the end of the table, he himself grabbed a muffin and handed it to her. She grinned and placed a hand over her heart, swooning playfully, "Be still my heart. How romantic. My savior!" He didn't answer her, but she saw a slight smile on his face. The two were like brother and sister, and it showed.

As they walked up the hallways, heading to class, the staircases moved to accomadate them. Severus always sighed as it happened, but Cleo was so used to it she no longer noticed.

The two made it to class and headed inside. Sadly, all the seats in the back were taken. Cleo headed to the next row and sat down, her side against the wall as Severus took his seat alongside her. They chatted a bit with the other Slytherins, and Cleo kept her eyes on the door. The Marauders made their way in, loudly. Of course they had to make an entrance. Remus was a little quieter, he walked in with that other boy... What was his name? She racked her brain, thinking about it before finally giving up. She sat forward as Professor Godiva entered the room. Class started and everyone quieted.
"Now then, you know the drill. I will not allow any lollygagging in my class. If you are going to play around, it would be best for you to just leave." No one stood. "Good. Now then, welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. This year, you will be studying in partner groups. I will be choosing them, and you will learn who your partner is next class. I expect most of you will not like it, since I will be pairing you up with a member of another House. These pairings will not be changed, so don't come asking for a replacement."

Most of the students groaned. As the teacher droned on, a piece of paper landed on Severus' desk. Cleo looked over and saw him glaring at Sirius and James who were watching him. Cleo didn't even wait for him to reach for it. The tip of her wand turned it into flames before she looked over at the two boys who suddenly looked crestfallen. She sent each of them a stinging hex, her wand movements so quick hardly anyone saw it. Then she cast a tempus charm and placed her wand back into a cloak pocket. As the two boys yelped in pain, interrupting the class, Severus and Cleo shared a grin. She looked up to see Professor Godiva scolding Sirius and James for interrupting her. She locked eyes with Remus, who shook his head slightly. She simply shrugged before they quickly grinned at each other and then looked away.
Brandon saw of it but said nothing allowing himself to lose focus as Professor Godiva dithered on. He began to sketch as he sat there. He was quite good and soon he had captured Cleo, Remus, Severus, and the rest of the room. Remus watches then gently touches it and and making sure Professor Godiva did not see,and with Brandon's permission flew it gently to land before Cleo.

The sketch was remarkable. It showed how both Severus and Cleo had grown and changed over the summer, while it captured Remus' little smirk perfectly. It did not show the other Marauders at all, nor did it show Brandon who almost never put himself into any picture. Brandon leaned across Remus and cast a small spell and the sketch began to move. Severus was taking notes, Cleo sitting and smiling, and Remus waving at the viewer. Brandon sat back and began another sketch while Remus leaned in to see it.

"What is this one?"
"You'll see."
"It's not mean is it?"
"Moony you know I don't draw mean things..well except about Padfoot and Prongs."
Remus snickered as Brandon did often draw rather harsh things about the duo. Nothing ever truly insulting but some rather rough caricatures.

Brandon showed him the next sketch. This one was of the Astronomy tower exploding into the fireworks display. "There you are." As it exploded and the display went off again and again Brandon traced a strange line over the drawing and it become a color picture than just a coal drawing.

Both young men looked up as Professor began talking about the theoretical study portion of the class but as she said nothing new they soon resumed their study of the exploding tower. Sirius and James had noticed now and all four watched as it exploded again and again. Then James said. "It was more blue..." The resulting hushed argument between James and Sirius drew them another bark from Professor Godiva.
Cleo looked down at the picture, and smirked. As the picture started moving, her mask of indifference cracked a little bit, showing her true face. No one had ever seen her like that... Except for one. She looked over at Remus, who's attention was on something on his friend's desk and smiled softly. She heard Professor Godiva bark at the two troublemakers of the class again, and had to hide a grin.

Who would ever suspect her of doing something, when those two boys were in the room? This year was going to go very well.

She smirked and Severus looked over and asked in a whisper, "What are you plotting?" She simply smirked, shaking her head at his question, refusing to answer. She looked over at Remus who looked up at her at the same time, and tilted his head in question. She giggled at his wolf-like gesture, and again shook her head.

Class finally ended and Cleo stood to head out the door. She passed Severus and the two passed the Marauders with no problems. She nodded to Remus and then looked at the other boy in the eyes, as his name finally was remembered. "Thank you, Brandon." She said it quietly, no malice evident in her voice. However, there was a long ago pain within her eyes as she said it. Severus led her away, and the two parted for their next class.

Cleo entered Ancient Runes and sat in a desk in the middle. She HATED this class with a passion. However, her father expected her to pass with flying colors. Fat chance. At least the only Marauder in this class was Remus. The two could spend some time together without their friends bothering them about it. She stared out the window, her head resting in the palm of her hand, elbow on the desk. She could see the Thestrals paddock from where she was and she sighed.

Although Brandon's drawing was amazing, it brought back sad memories. She took an old folded parchment out of her book bag and opened it to the drawing within. A little girl lay giggling on the grass, an older boy tickling her. The two children were smiling and laughing. A single tear fell before she placed her mask over her face. Remus walked up the and sat on one side of her. The desks were in groups of three, and she had sat herself in the middle of a row. He looked over at her but said nothing. His wolf mourned for her, as she laid her head on his shoulder. Although not a werewolf, she had a connection with Remus. It was only helped alongside by her secret which Remus shared. She sighed and he asked, "Will you be all right?"
"Yes. The drawing took me by surprise. It will be fine."
The two spoke a little about their summers as they waited for class to begin.
Brandon nodded. "You were most welcome." He started to ask her what was wrong but he caught Remus' quick shake of the head and said nothing gathering his things carefully and heading off to his next class.

He had settled on Arithmancy which while very complicated and required a lot of work he was happy to be here as he had proven rather adept at codes and the magic of numbers. As he was the only Gryffindor in the subject in N.E.W.T. year he sat with some Ravenclaw friends from last year.

At the end of that class he went off to lunch alone his head still a little jumbled with numbers and needing a break. he was so focused that he bumped right into Rubeus Hagrid and promptly fell right on his rump. "Hagrid!!"

"Oh sorry about that Brandon." Hagrid bent down and lifted the young man to his feet brushing his shoulders gently but still so forcefully that Brandon nearly went to his knees under the massive man's hands. "How was your summer Hagrid?" Hagrid grinned. "pretty good Brandon I found a new pair of Hippogriffs. Their guna do wonders for my breeding stock." Brandon nodded walking along listening to Hagrid until they reached the staff table and Hagrid sat down while Brandon went back to his table to sit and eat.
Ancient Runes hadn't gotten any easier and Cleo was frustrated by the end of it. Remus simply smiled at her as the two walked out together. She could calm the wolf down so easily. They walked down to the Great Hall together and seperated at the door. Remus sat down next to Brandon while Cleo walked over to Severus. She sat down and said, "Double potions with the Gryfindors after lunch. Should be fun... Right? What do you think?" He shrugged and turned to look at her. In th space of one class period, he already had a bruise on his cheek. By the way he held himself stiffly, she could tell her had a couple more bruises. She turned to scan the Gryfindor table, but only found Remus. The other Marauders had not arrived yet. She stood, and walked out into the hall, Severus trying to grab her, failing to do so. His startled eyes found Remus who was watching her curiously.

Cleo stomped up the stairs, finding the other three Marauders laughing in a corridor. Bullies the lot of them, she had finally had enough. She strode up to them and asked, "Are you three so cowardly that you would go after a defenseleas boy?" They reared back in shock at her words. She was so angry! James approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down. It only fed her ire. "If you want to keep that hand James Potter, you would do best to remove it from my person. I will only tell you this once, to the three of you. If I find that you have been bullying Serverus, One more time, the lot of you will know why the entire house of Slytherin fears me. Don't touch him. We allow your silly word games, but the next time I see a bruise on him, will be a tragic day for you three. As for you Peter, you are a sniveling coward who needs Two boys to hold onto someone before you can take a shot at him. You would do well to examine your friends and see of they are actually true friends." Her eyes narrowed she stared at each of them down, and all three boys had to look away. She smirked viciously and turned to walk away. Peter however didn't let her just walk away, he drew his wand and attacked. Thankfully it was just a stinging hex, but she fell, stumbling. James and Sirius stared at him, wide-eyed, shocked he would attack a girl who had turned her back. She turned around slowly as Peter wavered, "I was protecting... James? Don't look at me that way... She said horrible stuff about... You two?"
"I stand by my words Peter, a sniveling coward. Watch yourself." Her threat rang through the corridor, then she turned and walked away again.

Peter shrunk down under the withering stares of James and Sirius, but neither said anything. He knew he was in the wrong. They would have to keep a close eye on him now, especially with the threat of retribution hanging over his head.

Cleo walked back down to the Great Hall with ten minutes to spare for lunch. She sat down next to Severus and ate quietly, ignoring his questions. She was paler than normal, but that was simply the pain in her back from the hex. Whatever damage that had been done was not normal for a simple stinging hex, and so she decided she would go to Madam Pomfrey after classes were done for the day.

Severus and Cleo stood and headed out, walking down to the dungeons for Potions. It was their favorite class.
Peter had only scrapped an acceptable in potions so was not in the class but because of her anger James and Sirius had not approached Remus and Brandon who had been waling close to Cleo. Remus noticed her stiff walk and fell back as did Brandon who though not a friend was concerned. He and Remus rather enjoyed their pranks but they did not like using magic on other students and thoroughly disliked when magic was used to harm. Brandon and Snape knew each other in passing so while Remus checked on Cleo Brandon checked on Snape.

"Are you alright?" he forestalled Snape's snarl by holding out some Dittany and a few other wound treatments. "they will help. i use them for when the bludgers get me. They should help." Brandon looked sincere and the items smelled and looked correct so Snape had no reason to distrust Brandon.

Remus, knowing too well the signs of Peter's new stinging hex that left a burning string of welts on the skin took out his wand and waved it along her back. It did not relieve all the pain or damage buts he would at least be able to make it through potions..hopefully.

When Slughorn ushered them in Brandon and Remus cornered Sirius and James who started to defend themselves by explaining that Peter had hexed her but Brandon had snarled cutting them. "Did you two idiots not hear a word McGonagall said? Leave Snape alone!!" "but he-" Brandon was the tallest and easily the strongest of the group and gripped their collars his eyes furious. "Damnit I said leave him alone. That Cleo girl is not to be trifled with and she's Snape's best friend. Now stop. got me? " They looked rebellious but then Remus added quietly. "And if you don't then i am going to give you both detention for a month and then Brandon and i will talk to McGonagall about you being banned from quidditch." James and Sirius look furious and Sirius begins to snarl. "What do you care if Snape-" But Slughorn interrupted with. "Come come boys. to your cauldrons."

Before James and Sirius could get angry Remus nailed them. "Remember that little incident by the lake? The teachers are still stewing about hat. So is Evans James. You have to stop or you'll be expelled. you are acting like Voldemort. The both of you." that silenced them both and though it was clear they still hated Snape, especially James, they promised to leave him alone. Then they explained what happened with Peter. Remus snarled. "Im going to kill Wormtail..."
Cleo simply nodded as a cold wave of relief passed over her back. She smiled at Remus in thanks before Severus asked her what had happened. She simply answered, "I found a cowardly RAT." She said the word rat with disgust, as Remus looked up at her sharply. He had no idea that she knew who the others were when they ran together. Then again, she only ran with them a couple times last year.

The four sat close in Potions, but Cleo looked at Professor Slughorn, trying to pay attention. Try as she might, she couldn't get away from the pain, and knew that, although Remus' spell had helped a bit, she was going to suffer tonight.

Potions ended rather dully, nothing had exploded or gone wrong. By this time, Cleo's back was burning, and felt wet and sticky. However, she was a stubborn chit, and completely ignored Severus when he said that they should go to the Hospital Wing. She had simply given him a look, and he had immediately backed down.
One did not mess with Cleo, especially not when she was in pain. The other Slytherins also gave her a wide berth, knowing that if Severus, who was her best friend, was staying away from her, they would do so gladly. Who knew the types of torture she would inflict on someone who bothered her while she was in this mood?

Cleo again seperated from Severus, sending a pointed look towards James and Sirius, as she headed down to the entrance of the school. She had Care of Magical Creatures, which she truly enjoyed. True it might have been an easier class than most, but she loved learning about the different creatures roaming their lands. The old Victorian manor they lived in backed up to a large magical forest.

She walked stiffly, and when she arrived at the Thestrals' paddock, saw them turn to look at her. She visited them often, bringing fresh kills for them to feed. They approached her and nudged her hand, searching for a treat. She laughed, the sound low, like a stream, and said to them, "I have nothing for you right now. However, I promise to bring you guys fresh meat this weekend."
They seemed satisfied with that answer and dispersed and she headed to class. She recognized a few from her house, and from the other houses. It was a pretty small group.

She leaned back against the low stone wall, hissing lightly as her back protested. She would go to see Madam Pomfrey after class.
Sirius, james, Lupin, and Brandon were all in this class but Sirius and James were called away before they even started down to speak with professor Dumbeledore about one of their out of school adventures, while Remus was having to track Pettigrew down because after hexing Cleo he had gone out and attacked a group of first years. Remus was furious and peter was, like all cowards, running and hiding though his rat for gave him the advantage. Thus it was that brandon was the only male Gryffindor present the other sixth years having avoiding Care of Magical creatures because they did not want to lose fingers.

Seeing Cleo still in pain and unlike most not afraid even of her skill with magic, Brandon went over to Cleo as the class began. "Here..." he also gave her some essence of Dittany. "I have loads of the stuff. Maybe one of the other girls could help you apply it?" He looks at her unafraid and sincerely concerned.

His attention is pulled away by Hagrid bringing a large side of fresh beef to the Threstral pen. Like Cleo Brandon could see them, having seen his grandparents die when he was very young. Hagrid came over after patting his beloved creatures and spoke quietly as Professor Kettleburn went over the plans for the year, "you alright there young Miss?" Hagrid, truly a big teddy bear, did not care about houses though he admittedly had a soft spot for Gryffinndor, and would help any student however possible. Brandon explained about the hex and Hagrid blinked. "Why that lil tosser..Ya could use me cabin if ya want Miss. .. I could call one of the other girls over if ye like."

Both waited for her answer very concerned as Brandon hissed. "Or perhaps tot he Hospital Wing. im sorry but your robes are a bit..sticky." The hex's welt, if not properly treated, would swell then burst pus and blood wherever depending on the the location and that is likely what has happened. Brandon looks quite angry and Hagrid grumbles. "i'll be havin a lil chat with Peteer Pettigrew I will. cowardly..." he continued on darkly but neither student could distinguish what he was saying.
Cleo looked up at Brandon answering, "I'll head to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey will set me up." She stood slowly, but gritted her teeth at the pain. She hated people seeing her like this. It alsays felt as if she was weak. She nodded to Hagrid before saying goodbye and walking up to the castle.

At the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey hid her behind some curtains, and asked her to take her robes and shirt off. The robes came off with no problem, but she had to painfully peel away her shirt. Madam Pomfrey fretted over her and began cleaning the wound. She scolded her, saying, "What possessed you to stay in class young lady? We'll be lucky if it doesn't scar. I've never seen a stinging hex do this."

Cleo stayed quiet while it was cleaned and bandaged, then waited to be told she could leave. As she sat there, Severus came in, looking for her. He looked her over and then asked, "Are you all right now?"
"Yes. Madam Pomfrey cleaned my back and bandaged it. She said it should be fine by tomorrow night, but that I need to make sure I don't put any pressure on it."
Severus nodded at that then said, "You coming to the Great Hall for dinner?" Cleo nodded as Madam Pomfrey came out of her office and shooed the two students away.

They walked into the Great Hall, ten minutes late, but hardly made a spectacle. Remus looked up, but could see she was doing much better. She sat down, facing the Gryfindor table, her back to the wall in a defendable position as Regulsus asked, "Where you been?"
"Hospital Wing. I'm fine though. No need to worry about me."
"Good." The conversation ended and she started eating. She was starving.

After dinner, she headed to the library, alone. Remus sat in their usual spot in the back. She joined him, yawning. He looked over at her with worry in his eyes, "Are you sure you're okay? We can do this tomorrow if you feel tired."
"No. If I don't start on Ancient Runes homework now, I'll get behind and I don't want that."
Remus sighed at her stubbornness. She simply smirked.
Petttigrew was off being handled by Professor McGonagall who was simply fuming. Brandon had told Remus about Cleo so he did not get worried. Now Brandon was at Quidditch trials wanting his team to be simply perfect.

He had selected his new Chaser and beater so he did not need anyone else but he was having trouble getting James to stop flirting with Lily Evans who had come down to see the trials and to speak to Brandon after practice. Finally he just shouted. "POTTER GET FLYING OR I'LL HAVE EVANS JINX YOU!!" Sh James blinked and noticed that Evans had indeed been pointing her wand at him for quite some while and the practice began. The chasers were excellent and the beaters were goign to be fine, and James was in fine form. Brandon sat in front of his goals sending tennis balls all over the pitch for James to catch and he did not miss a one. Finally he got a sort of automated system going and Brandon started his Keeping practice. He was quite proud of himself as they landed at nightfall as not one Quaffle had gotten by him, James, had continued catching every balls, and the beaters had learned to work together to control every Bludger, and the Chasers were already a well oiled machine.

Brandon gave his team a well don fell into step with Lily who wanted to talk about the day while James went off to sulk about being snubbed by the fiery redhead. Brandon and Lily chatted animatedly all the way up to the common room where they found a table together and helped each other with homework.

"So..." Lily said near ten o'clock when the room was deathly quiet and only they and a few seventh years remained.

"So what?" Brandon looked up running a hand through his hair making it cascade down his back.

"Next Hogsmeade weekend...wanna go with me?"

Brandon blinked but smiled. "Sure Lily."

She blushed and resumed her work and when they finished a bit later she smiled at him. "goodnight Brandon." and touched his arm as she went to her room. Brandon sat back in his chair and grinned. Lilly Evans wants to go to Hogsmeade with me!!...Ohhh James is guna be furious. He shrugged gathered his things ad went off to bed noting that peter was still not back from his massive numbers of detentions, while James and Sirius were actually asleep. he knew because he checked as they liked to try to fool people even on that subject.
Cleo slept quite poorly that night, and was surly when she awoke the next morning. Severus and Regulus both avoided her, and she sat by herself at the table for breakfast. When she stood to leave, Severus did as well and followed her out to the greenhouses. She did not speak, and neither did he, instead enjoying the silence. Remus caught up to them, simply to check up on Cleo, but didn't even get a nod from her in acknowledgement. He decided to leave her alone.

Cleo sat down on one of the stools and looked over at. Lily Evans, who was blushing. She tilted her head to the side, trying to figure out what had the normally studious girl in a tizzy, but after a couple minutes, gave up. Professor Sprout was telling them about the plants they were going to study, and since she knew most were dangerous, decided to pay attention, or as much attention she could actually devote to it. Her hand waved lazily next to her hand drawing shapes in the air. Severus smirked at that, as did Remus.

After class, she exited the greenhouse, still quiet. Severus looked at her and asked, "Bad night huh?"
"Yeah. I dreamed of Kyle."
"Sorry to hear that. Hey, I know what will cheer you up. Hogsmeade! Next weekend is our first visit."

Cleo looked over at hhim and his obvious excitement, but simply raised one elegant eyebrow. He just grinned at her, waiting for her reaction. She finally huffed and said, "Oh all right. It does always make me happy. Especially Zonks. Lunch at Hog's Head?"
"Of course, as always." The two friends grinned at each other then headed off in opposite directions. Severus had Divination, and Cleo had a free period.

She headed to the library and to her usual spot, but ignored the tables, preferring instead, the comfy armchairs. She curled up, hissing as her back came in contact with the back oof the chair before settling down. She curled her legs under her, a long pale strip of smooth skin seen at the top of her knees. Her skirt only reached mid-thigh. She opened a book, and began reading it.

Within minutes she was fast asleep, a shield charm automatically glowing around her. It would keep tthose with nefarious thoughts out, but allowed others in.
Brandon had rather enjoyed Herbology, especially Lily's heavy blush but as he also had a free period he went to go see Hagrid. On the way back from Hagrid's house he recalled that he needed a book for Defense against the Dark Arts and went to the library. madam Pince stamped the book peering at him distrustfully as he went to find a place to read in peace, also choosing an armchair but not bothering Cleo as she slept.

He very quickly but recalled everything his eidetic memory serving him well once again. He was halfway through the book when the lunch ebll rang. He smiled and started to go when he saw Cleo was still sleeping. He had detected the shield charm so he moved carefully to gently touch her shoulder to wake her. "Cleo? Cleo It's time for lunch."

Once she was awake he set off to lunch himself not trying to force his presence her, especially not when he would be going to Hogsmeade with lily and Cleo being quite attractive herself. he shook his head at this thoughts and went on.

Once in the Great hall he bumped into Snap e who was talking to Lily who though a bit cool towards him was at still be friendly. "Sorry about that Severus." Snape cast an angry look at Brandon. "Krissin." and went off to find Cleo to tell her about Lily going to Hogsmeade with Brandon.

While he went lily smiled up at Brandon. "Well are you ready for Defence Against the Dark Arts?" Brandon rolled his eyes. "Its Professsor Nidia yarrow Lily. As in Nidia yarrow the failed Auror?" Lily tried to be stern but laughed. "yeah that's true. but i bet she at least knows some good stuff Auror training and all that. " Brandon shrugged as he ate then after swallowing. "It's possible of course." They discussed their theories on the class until the bell rang and they went off to the first class with Nidia Yarrow.

Nidia Yarrow was a sweet natured lovely woman who did indeed know quite a bit about defensive magic but she was a little scatterbrained. So in the class which she had set to practicing Patronus Charms, Brandon's was a eagle and Lily's a doe, professor Yarrow would at one moemnt be giving aid and advice and the next discussing the taste of certain jams on certain breads with a student, the wall, her wand, or the large mirror on the wall. The rumor was that she had been the victim of a poorly done Memory Charm during her training ad had been rather scrambled ever since. Still she did know her stuff though she was rather lax on discipline.
She awoke groggily and nodded up at Brandon, saying, "Thanks." She walked down to tthe Great Hall where Severus met her. The two sat down and Severus asked her, "Did you know Brandon and Lily are going to Hogsmeade together?"
"No, though I generally don't listen to most of the gossip. Who told you that?"
"I spoke to Lily before you came down. Brandon bumped into me." Cleo snorted at that and Severus glowered at her. She yawned as she finished eating her shepherds pie. Severus just shook his head. After dessert, the two headed up to History of Magic. Cleo fell asleep in that class too. It was quite easy to do so. Severus kept her shielded from the teacher.

After History of Magic, the two had Charms. They met with Remus outside the door to the classroom, and Severus headed inside to find seats while Remus asked Cleo, "How are you feeling? Does your back hurt at all? Brandon told me what happend during Care of Magical Creatures. You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard."
"Oh Remus, it wasn't as if I was going to die. You act like it was serious."
Remus simply gave her a look and she sighed. He then asked, "Who are you going to Hogsmeade with?"
"Severus and Regulus like always. They said they were going to try and cheer me up. Supposedly I was absolutely horrid this morning." The two shared a grin at that before he said, "I would be honored if you joined me for a drink during lunch or a little after."
"Why Remus, are you asking me out on a date!?"
"No Cleo. You know I only like you as a friend."
"Indeed I do, but a girl can dream can't she?" She teased him and he laughed at that. To anyone else, it would seem that the two were flirting with each other.
Charms was going to be rather enjoyable. As an intended Auror Brandon had to take nearly every class though he had happily been able to ditch History of Magic and it's ghost teacher professor Binns. he noticed Remus go ask Cleo to eat and cocked his head curious at what was between the pair of them. When Remus rejoined him he just asked. "Sow hat is it between you and Cleo?" Anyone else would have teased emus but Brandon was simply curios.

While Brandon waited for his answer and Professor Flitwick instructed them on the intentions for their N.E.W.T. years James and Sirius got in a truly remarkable row with two Slytherin seventh years. At first it had been insults traded, then shoves, then finally someone had used a wand. Then everyone had to duck as a number of nasty spells exploded about the room. Flitwick dove into the midst of it and with a masterful slash of his wand seperated the four combatants and sent the Slytherins to Slughorn and the other two to McGonagall.

Remus sighed. "Will they ever learn?"
"To be fair they were hinting that the death Eaters would kill James family." Lily covered her mouth at Brandon's words. not in fear but in surprise.
"They were threatening people wit Voldemort here at Hogwarts?"
Brandon nodded having been listening closely to the argument. "They both said that they had big friends and they would handle all bloodtraitors. especially those that gave birth to even bigger bloodtraitors. "
Potter's pure blood family was well known but Voldemort had publicly named them and several others, including Brandon's family, as blood traitors.
Remus answered, "I asked her to get drinks. That's all. Why?"

With the row that disrupted the class, Cleo had to.dive under a desk for cover. Severus had landed, hard, on her back. She had thankfully managed to hold in the scream of pain that had nearly forced its way through. They had all sat back into their desks, in Cleo's case, a bit gingerly. As Brandon explained to Lily about Voldemort's threats, she grew oddly silent. Her parents, though strict purebloods themselves, never taught her to hate someone based on their blood status. They thought that was low class. Voldemort had already tried to get her father to join, but he had declined.

In Voldemort's eyes, he was worse than a blood traitor. Kyle had paid the price.

She shook her head, trying to clear the tears from her eyes as Severus looked at her worriedly. She simply gave him a look and he nodded, knowing she would come to him when she needed to.

Class ended quickly after that and Cleo packed up her things and headed out the door alone. Severus watched her leave, but didn't stop her. He headed down to the Slytherin's common room.

Cleo walked out to the lake. She found a grassy spot near the lake and lay face-down on her stomach to give her back a chance to heal. She had removed her robe, but didn't notice that blood had seeped through the bandages and stained her white shirt. She had forgone the vest she usually wore over her white button up shirt.

Skyfall curled up next to her after he found her outside. She enjoyed the warm sun as she opened her Charms book and began reading the next chapter. She could at least get some homework done while she was relaxing.
Lily had answered. "She's pretty. I just.." Brandon rolled his eyes. "i was just curious mate. "

After Charms the trio had gone off to eat dinner chatting about this Hogsmeade weekend. "I wonder if James has heard if you two will be going together?" Lily scowled. "James Potter is a specky git." Remus and Brandon chuckled then saw James coming.

"No detention. But McGonagall is suspending me from Hogsmeade for the first half of the term."
Sirius nodded. "me too..and I had a date with Bernice Graham..." Remus, Brandon, and Lily rolled their eyes but also laughed s the other two joined them for dinner.

Peter was already his detention and would not be freed from it for a good long while.

After dinner Brandon went for a walk down by the lake with a number of treats for the Thestrals and some of the other animals around the grounds. He was just absentmindedly wddnering along thinking when he nearly bumped into Skyfall. "oh Im sorry..who are you?" He crouched and offered a bit of bacon then saw Cleo. "Oh im sorry..this must be your cat.." The bacon hung forgotten in his fingers by the cat's face.
Cleo looked over her shoulder at Brandon when she heard his voice. She didn't know the pprovocative pose she was in, with her head tilted that way, hair falling over the other shoulder and legs bent up in the air as she lay.on her stomach. The only thing that ruined it was that her shirt was stained red on the back, from the bottom of her shoulder blade, down in a line to her lower back.

"Yes, that's Skyfall. I would be careful about..." She was interrupted by a yelp, manly, but a yelp all the same. Skyfall had begun batting at his fingers, trying to get the bacon to fall from his grasp. She hid a grin as the cat ate.the bacon then looked back up at him haughtily, as if expecting more.

Cleo said, "I hope you are prepared to face the consequences of your actions. He is going to dog your every step now." A smirk rested on pouty lips as she looked from the cat, who had started rubbing himself against Brandon's legs to Brandon's face.

She stretched a bit, then twinged as pain ripped through her. She really was a horrible patient. If she was injured, she was almost always moving or doing something to cause the wound to worsen. If she was sick, she was up before she should be, not letting herself recuperate. The house elves had taken to tieing her to the bed with strong magic to keep her there.

Cleo looked back up at Brandon, asking, "Heard you were going to Hogsmeade with Lily. How did James take it?"
Everyone in school seemed to know that Potter was head over heels about Evans, except Evans herself.
Cleo had spoken to her before, and found her to be all right, the two just hadn't become close friends. Cleo thought she should remedy that, seeing as most of her friends were boys, and she didn't have any girl friends to gossip with.
Brandon smiled and gently stroked the cat's back and indeed feeding him more bacon as he sat close to Cleo to feed the cat and talk to his mistress.

"i don't mind. Merlin is still hunting ." He smiled at the cat and lay on is back looking up at the sky. "yes we are. he just kinda sprung it on me. Should be fun. James actually took it fairly well. But he had just been punished for the fight in Charms so he might have heard it but not really have heard it if you get me."

He was cutting quite a figure himself. Like James and Sirius he was lean but unlike them he was also powerfully built. His Grandfather was a bit obsessed with Muggles and had taught Brandon about Muggle fighting and Brandon had enjoyed it so much he had learned all he could about it. It had served him well when he had first come to Hogwarts and he had carefully maintained the abilities and through that his body. His arms and chest were thick with muscle but of the more lithe sort rather than the big brutish type.

Unlike Siruis whose hair curled and fell over his face, or Snape's that formed a makeshift veil, Brandon's long black hair fell in perfect straightness down his neck to his shoulders lightly framing his handsome face. His sky blue eyes were very hard to read and he rarely betrayed his thoughts or feelings. As he fed Skyfall he idly fiddled with some grass beneath his hand. "So can you tell me why Snape seems so angry at me? i don't think I did anything to him."
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