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Random Info About You 2.0

My internet sucks.
Since its a part of me, this counts.

Also, I'm going to be going to be getting
My nails and hair done soon.

Fact: I compulsively organize and clean my inbox.
Fact: I like big dogs.
Fact: I take messy notes that I never look at again - they are helpful for remembering things...apparently.
Info: I spent three weeks of calling, interviewing, and emailing a potential place of employment.
Fact: I didn't get the job because they didn't have "sufficient hours to employ me."
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Info: I spent three weeks of calling, interviewing, and emailing a potential place of employment.
Fact: I didn't get the job because they didn't have "sufficient hours to employ me."

^Yeah,people are just downright idiots sometimes.

Fact:My sister is coming back from Reno tomorrow.
Fact:I'm jealous because she got a tattoo,and I didn't.
Fact:I'm angry because she still has that puppy that she's never even around to take fucking care of.

/endrant. :-/
I hope you are okay!

Info: My nana has been in the hospital all weekend. =/ She's having heart problems.
Info: Had amazing sex last night. Booyah.
Info: I want discount chocolate but I would need to traverse the tundra that is my state/city/street just to get there.
Info: May send the man on a mission. XD
Fact: Part of me dies after I receive a one liner in response to paragraphs.
Fact: I cut my beard for the first time since September, the entire thing. This was my roommate's response more or less.

Fact : Playing League!
Fact: I've now been banned from chat for more time than I was allowed in chat.
You know you can always appeal that...yeah? : )

Fact: I am coming down with something.......throat is sore and body is a bit achey. blah. =(
Fact: Nope twas permanent, besides I have little to no remorse for my actions, they lead me to where I am today.
Fact: Actually I do wish I was kinder to you when I first made your acquaintance
I am a simple creature, of simple means, and simple goals. Only my methods seem complex to those that do not understand I am mad.
Fact:It annoys the hell out of me when people let their kids and/or babies scream.Seriously,you may be able to tune that out,but I don't have that luxury.

Fact:I have a cold,and am getting a migraine due to my sister's girlfriend allowing her infant son to scream instead of going to see why he's screaming.I realize you're sick too,but he's your kid. =/
Fact: I've dipped in & out of belly dancing! Mostly things I've seen from films, videos, with a bit of my own twists. I adore dancing, but only in privacy. Which feels lovely, but at times self-defeating. I'm considering pursuing the craft more formally in the summer~
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