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[WB] Magi Terra (World of War, and Magic)


Oct 23, 2012


Magi Terra

Basic Summary-
The entire world has a vast diversity depending on the region you are in, if you are more into the technological side of things some areas revolutionize how war is fought with cranking crossbows as well as new powder charged pistols. Magic has split into two categories, craft works which is prized for the perfection as well as ease such things can be made for the masses making many comforts cheap. Though few areas are still around that anything with the 'taint' of magic is banned. The world is a dangerous kettle beaming with the possibility of war, or peace at the tip of a hat. The nobles like it that way able to claim food needs to be rationed out keeping their position safe for generations. Duel magic, and show magic are the kinds people use to heal the sick, or make flame in the sky while not uncommon it still can be quite the spectacle if an unplanned duel breaks out. While many are born with these gifts to call upon most will never know more than to fear those with such deadly power.


PN Level-

Tech Level-

Around 800,000 humanoid citizens

Notable Locations-
Kek Peninsula
Grenn's Burrow
-A small town just starting to build up, complete with an INN, a town hall, blacksmith, and a square for simple bartering. The town had a main crop of dyes that it sells to keep afloat while farms are being build to seed it's first year to feed the people. Town has little note worthy other than being the only town so far south of the large cities of the world. Little prejudices have formed here, but as well as little technology most still focus on manual labor as well as bows, and arrows instead of moving to new more sophisticated weapons.
Population: 90 Growth per Year: 3

Sheer Wind Cavern
-A strange cave in which many children play around the entrance which seems to have a fairly strong gust of wind passing through the sharp cliff walls. Smooth as glass, and as sharp as a freshly sharpened blade few venture further than the entrance. Nothing more is currently known of this cave.

Forst of Dancing Mists
-A peaceful forest with thin trees, and ripe with vegetation as well as a various tribal bands, but nothing more than six or seven that might be a family. The forest is said to be protected by a terrible beast so no one who enters the forest seem willing to tell what happened inside, but there have been no known disappearances.

Old Ruins
-Simple ruins with very little known about them, the knowledge extends to them being ruins as well as being from a time in which magic was the most important source to man kind.

Notable Persons-
Grenn's Burrow
Jorge - Mayor of the small town, good at heart, and friendly to all. However the glint of gold will make him stupid when it comes to decisions that should be simple.

Greg - Town blacksmith, able to make just about any tool with the forge, and a touch of fire magic. Greg has never made a weapon so has no skill in doing so.

Ted - Town inn keep sales what few ales he can ferment with a jolly nature, and attitude. He always holds a very clean in with no reason to hire a guard currently as few outsides besides the occasional travel comes by.

Brendon - Town tradesman as greedy as they comes, if he knows he can charge you twice the value of something you can bet he will push for three times the amount. Sales information freely to those who want it, and is not liked by most citizens. He is however the only traveling tradesman willing to move between this town, and the port far to the north.

Advanced Summary-
N/A at the moment

Authorization Level-
Currently open for all to join in.
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Quae Questum Orbitae

Basic Summary-
Every part of this world is ruled by an emperor or empress and by a king or queen. everyone lived in peace untill the emperor of the undead split the factions and now there is a war between the elements. Magic can be used in different ways like summoning a minion or manipulating weapons, some of the technologists created special non-magical weapons which can withstand the fire of a dragon while a small guild of adventurers found a way to combine technology with magic.


PN Level-

Tech Level-

humans, demons, angels, orcs, trolls, half-humans, undead creatures, dragons, giants, elves, ents, fairies, golems, dwarves and cyborgs

Notable Locations-
Pyro Saltus
-A magical forest where the leafes of the trees are surounded by fire. legends say that there is a tree with white-blue flames somewhere deep in this forest.
Population: 10000 ents

Aquarius Pisces
-A giant flying fish with a symbiotic city on his back who either swims in the ocean or flies in the sky.
Ppulation: 1500 fishmen and 500 water elementals

The Hall of Quests
-Three large conected buildings where adventurers can test themself when they think that the normal dangers of this world aren't challenging enough.

City of the Minds
-A city under a dome where floating brains live. warning: everyone can get inside, but nobody can get out.
Population: one billion floating brains

Land of dreams
-A place that constantly changes where all your dreams can come true, including your nightmares.

Advanced Summary-
N/A at the moment

Authorization Level-
Currently open for all to join in.
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