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Royal Mess

Nov 30, 2010

Screams of metal ripping apart sounded through the air even as the impact of it hitting the water echoed across the water. Elizabeth Maria Rommanov gasped her hands hitting at the water as she struggled to free herself from the wreckage, struggled to keep her head above water as her arms closed around the seat cushion, holding onto the floating device as she clung to it wrapping the strap around her wrist, a soft whimper crossing her lip as she felt a thump against her head,then darkness.

Elizabeth shivered as she floated towards the shore, the welts from where the arm strap had ripped into her skin stinging from the sea water. The slender blond girl was beautiful, but it was a fragile beauty, like a hothouse flower. So very beautiful to look at, but would be killed by to much heat. The usually curly blond hair laid flat against her face, slicked by to much water, saind filling the silky strands as her limp body laid gently on the beach, the water crashing over her legs as the unconscious woman laid on the sand. The blur ting to her lips, how very pale the tsarina of russia was, said that if she wasnt found soon, russia really was going to be without their beloved heir.


Nikolai Alexander Rommanov smiled a little as he moved through the palace halls, the winter jacket that was settled around his shoulders making the tall built man seem even bigger. Unlike his twin, the two minute younger man was everything his sister was not. A wild child where his sister prefered quiet. A whore, when his sister was a well known virgin. Tall and muscular where his sister was small and fragile. But there was a bond between the two, that had had Nikolai restless and edgy the longer Elizabeh delayed in coming home. Despite what she had promised, there had been something about California that had appealled to the russian princess, and it made him nervous.

Stepping into his sitting room he sighed quietly looking around the room as he shrugged out his jacket, before moving further into the room, starting to get ready for the night's party. While he had no desire to be forced to attend a party with the other nobles, they all tended to act proper where Nikolai was definately not a proper kind of person, while his sister was away from home, he had to act the part....

of course...the news of Elizabeth's plane wreck hadn't reached the russian shores yet,but it was only a matter of time.
Queen Mirabella Odetta Fleur Arceneaux of France was only a day shy of eighteen when she took the crown and began to rule her own kingdom. She was an only child, something that her father never let her forget was not the intended. The former King blamed his wife for the lack of children and male heir, even if all the medical technology in the world told him other wise. Mira was seven when her mother died of unknown causes, and her father married her stepmother not but a few months after her death. The young stepmother, Angelina, had been unable to win over the country like Mira's mother had. It led to a bit of a revolt, leaving Angelina bitter and without a crown, even if she had a royal ring on her finger. The revolt caused a civil war in their country, and her father was eventually killed in battle. It came as no surprise. Mira knew that the country was falling apart and it was about time that her father would go down along with it. However, she was surprised when she was approached with documents that stated her stepmother had not been officially Queen after her marriage to Mira's father, leaving Mira as the Queen of France at a very young age.

Two years later, at the ripe age of twenty, Mira was boarding a plane to Russia. It was not her idea to attend the party of the Russians, but her court had been complaining about her lack of socializing since she had been given the crown. She was still unwed, and no matter how good of a Queen she was, (she ended the war and was starting to create a sense of peace in France that had been missing since Mira's mother had been alive) the kingdom still wanted to see her marry, give the kingdom a King, and have children. She was told that many nobles from all over would be at the party, and while she should be excited about the prospect of handsome men falling at her feet, she really just wanted to be at home with a good book. She hated parties.

"My Queen, we have landed," Rosetta, Mira's lady in waiting, announced. Mira groaned and looked out the window with a pout, her youth displayed in her expression


Salem Winchester was walking along the beach with his dog, his jacket wrapped around him in order to shield him from the chill in the air. He just needed a break; some time to think. He should be at home. He knew that. However, there were times when he felt like he was going to explode. That if he got one more dirty look at the supermarket, he was going to jump someone. And if Jeremy didn't get off his ass soon, he might kill him. And if he got called up to the school one more time because the twins got in a fight again... He let out a sigh, trying to calm himself down. It wasn't their fault that their lives were so fucked up.

See, when Salem was five, his father married Laura Benson and adopted her five year old son, Jeremy, making him Salem's knew step brother. They were young, but they already hated each other. They were absolute, polar opposites. Their parents were in love though, and that meant that they didn't get one, not two, not three... but five new brothers with time. There was Carter, who was eight years younger that them and a senior in high school, and there was Kendal, who was a sophomore. Then there were the twins, Oliver and Rocko, who were in junior high. Just a year younger than the twins was shy little Felix. They fought constantly, they were always getting in trouble... But Salem loved them all.

Five years ago, when Salem was at college studying journalism (and at the ripe age of 21) he got a phone call saying that his parents had been in a car wreck. They did not make it, but all the boys were fine. Of course, Salem was heartbroken, and he packed all of his things, quit college, got a job, and went home to take care of his brothers. The large house that they lived in back home was too expensive, and they had to move to the town they lived in now. Salem put his money and the insurance money together to by a large, Victorian style house that was dirt cheap because of all the work that needed to be put into it. It looked terrible, and even five years later, it was a bit of an eye sore. However, the new town gave the boys a fresh start after the tragedy.

These days, Salem was working long hours at night and taking care of the kids during the day. They were looked down upon in the small little town. Not only were they the ones who owned the big, nasty house in the middle of town that they wanted tore down, but they were a huge dysfunctional family that was filled with misbehaving boys. Salem was too busy to give a shit though. He had a job at a warehouse at night where he did a lot of heavy lifting and stocking, then he had a little job at the town's newspaper, trying to pursue his dream, even if it was no use.

While walking down the beach and trying to get his head straight, he noticed something... A person, maybe? They were just laying there... And while Salem really didn't need to be involved in any kind of murder mystery, he didn't have much choice. The dog was already trotting up to the person laying there. "Dammit, Harry," he grumbled, moving over to the person laying there. He peered down... God, the girl was a pretty little thing. Wait, was she breathing?

Quickly, Salem knelt down and scooped the girl up, wrapping his own jacket around her cold, wet body. He shook her a little, hoping she might wake up and he could just take her to the hospital. "Hey," he murmured, "Hello? Can you... Can you tell me you name?"

Nikolai sighed as he stepped out of the car, running his fingers throufh his messy hair,that refused any sort of styling unlike his sisters tame curls. It was as if even biology was determined to prove that nikolai rommanov had no business being near a throne. Glancing at the plane as it landed the dark haired man moved towards it smiling at france's queen as she descended the steps. Holding out a arm he smiled."lady mirabella, I am Nikolai Rommanov, tsarvich and your escort for the evening. I know the ambassor said you would be met by my sister, but she has been delayed on her trip home. I hope I do not offer a insult by offering to stand in for her until ahe arrives."

Nikolai swallowed hard trying to not be like a overeager puppy,but he hatwd politics,they made hkm nervous and anxious. And with no one knowing where elizabeth was, all they knew was she had left for russia that morning. Thankfully thry had managed to keep her disappearance under wraps, but nikolai didn't know how long that woild last. Stepping asids so she could get into the car he smiled."welcome to russia, my lady."he said lettinf her get into the car then getting in after.

Elizabeth stirred as she was pickex up,whimpwring a little as she snuggled against the warm chest holding her. She didn't caee what it was,but he was warm"eliza.."she muttered in a off handed answer to his queztion even as she drifted back to unconaciousnesz. Limp and cold it was obvious still that she had money. Even wet,there was a fineness to her clothes that spoke of riches. But layinf there in his arms she looked like a cold,wet child
Mira looked over at Nikolai, raising an eyebrow with a nearly blank expression. "Why would I be insulted that it is you, not your sister, that is escorting me? Do I come off as a lesbian or something? Or is it a pompous bitch?" she quipped in a whimsical french accent, head tilted to the side. She slipped into the car and ran a hand through her silky brown hair, then looked out the window. He was handsome. Too handsome. He was the kind of handsome that was dangerous, and she didn't want anything to do with it. "If I was a pompous bitch, I would have sent you away for calling me "Lady", when I am clearly a Queen, therefor a "Majesty". But I didn't do that, did I?" She kept her eyes on the window, never looking at him once while she spoke. Her hands stayed in her lap, playing with the hem of her emerald green, knee-length dress. "I know that there is speculation that I am here to find a man to wed, but rest assured, I'm fine on my own. I think my record shows that, but God knows everyone thinks a woman can't do the work a man can," she murmured, rolling her eyes. The twenty year old woman leaned back in the seat, finally looking at him. "Do you have any wine in this car, my Lord?"


"Fuck," Salem cursed, looking down at the girl. He so didn't need this, but he couldn't just leave her. A lot of people saw him as a cold person, but it's not like he could leave a dying girl on the beach. He did have a heart. Sighing, Salem stood up and carried her up the beach and toward his car, laying her down in the back. My the looks of it, she just needed to be warmed up and given some medicine. Nothing too serious, but she definitely needed to be tended too before it got fatal... Because he couldn't chance the idea of his younger brothers seeing a random girl in the house, he took her around to the guest house. It had running water, heat, and electricity, but was pretty dusty. It came with the house when he bought it, and considering he had barely been able to work on the actual house, the guest house was low on the priority list... Laying her down on the small bed, he ran back to the house to get some warm clothes, medicine, food, and blankets. Not even thinking twice about how badly this all could end up, Salem took her wet, sandy clothes off and put her in one of his shirts and a pair of boxers. He dried her off real good, trying to remain respectful of her nude body, then tucked her into the bed with three or four blankets.

Looking down at her, Salem frowned and shook her shoulder. "Um, Elizabeth? I think that's what you said..." he murmured, trying to get her to wake up for medicine and reassure him that he wasn't going to have to take her to the hospital and make a scene.
Nikolai looked at a loss for words as he leaned back in his seat,staring out the window before answering her question."you'll have to forgive me your majesty,"he said with a slight mocking tone,teasing himself as much as her."but despite being the second in line, I do not spend time at court. I thought as queen you might find it insulting to be in the presence of the second born prince nstead of the tsarina. "He said looking over at her with a sigh, chuckling a little as the car started back for the palace."this is my personal car.of course it has alcohol."he said smiling as he got them both glasses of russian wine.

Throughout the drive home and him changing her, elizabeth didn't stir but she did look a little better,less cold. Stirring when he talked to her the dried hair arouns her face a tangle of curls as she blinked large blue eyes up at him."w...who are...?"she stopped frowning shivering a little as she cringed away from him,snuggling down into the blankets fear in her eyes,because while she remembered her name,she didn't know anything else about herself,much less if she knew him
Mira grinned as she was handed the glass, swirling the liquid around a little before taking a gulp. Her nose scrunched up a little. Russian wine was stronger than was she was used to. "In my country, it doesn't matter if five girls were born before a boy, the male is the heir," she murmured, shrugging. "Of course, I was an only child. I suppose some people would say I lucked out, but it depends how you look at the situation." She crossed her legs, finding herself glancing over the large, handsome man's body... She swallowed hard and glanced away, trying to not swoon like a little girl. She knew she was young, but she was a Queen. She couldn't act like that. Taking one last sip, she handed the glass back to him. She certainly couldn't get wasted right before a party with nobles from all over the world. She already had a hard time with people taking her seriously. "I assume that I have a room set up for me to stay in? I've been told my stay would not be longer than a week."

Salem handed her a cup of hot tea and a couple pain relievers. "Well, I'm Salem," he murmured, his voice deep yet soft. It was as if he wasn't really pleased with being put in this situation. "I found you on the beach..." He nodded his head toward the window, where you could still see some of the ocean from. His American accent was very different from her Russian accent, and it threw him off for a moment. Standing, he looked awkward as he ran a hand through his hair. "I, uh, I guess you can stay here for the night." He shrugged a bit, confused by her accent. Before he heard her talk, he assumed she was just part of a bonfire party, got wasted, and passed out on the beach. It happened all of the time...
Nikolai returned to looking out the window sipping his wine before laughing as he looked over at her. "I'm sorry,I'm not laughing at you, really. Just thinking about how Rommanov women have showed a certain...better history of ruling then the men."he snickered a little before closing his eyes, knowing the elegnance that they were witnessing as they drove through st. petersburg,and his nervousness about his sister was making him less sociable then normal."You do. It is in the same wing as the princess of denmark, and the lady of sweden.And of course,elizabeth's."A smirk quirked his lips. "Don't worry, I have rooms far away. Elizabeth says I'm to loud to be near her."He snickered a little as the car stopped,getting out and holding out a hand to help her out.

Elizabeth bit her lip a little looking confused at his tone, and his accent. The american accent making words stressed different then russian, and even if she didn't remember, the sounds were off just enough to leave the amenisic woman confused. "Hello."she whispered looking confused as she twisted to look out the window, snuggling down into the bed before sighing."Thank you...I will...where would I have been staying?"She asked, trying to figure out what she was doing on the beach."Do you know why I would have been down there?"
Mira had to think a little bit for her to understand what he meant by "too loud", blushing profusely when she finally did. "Ah, well, It's a good things then. I need my sleep, or I tend to be a bitch in the morning," she raised her eyebrow at him, then glanced up as her car door was opened. She slid out of the car and started to walk toward the Russian castle. It had a very different architectual style than her own castle, but it was still very beautiful. Looking over at Nikolai, she ran a hand through her hair. "Thank you for getting me to my destination safely," she said professionally, "I'm going to get some rest before the part tonight." And with that, she had one of her maids take her up to her room and unpack her things.

Salem looked... confused. "Um, well, you don't have some friends that may have had a party on the beach or... something?" he murmured, tilting his head to the side. Maybe this was more serious that he thought. Maybe he should call the police or something. Shit. "I mean, were you on a boat?" He frowned, hating how guilty that little innocent face of her's made him. "I don't know why you were there, but uh, you can stay here... I live in the house across the yard with my brothers." He tilted his head toward the old, worn down Victorian home right out side the window. "You need anything? Food, maybe? I would have taken you to the main house but my brother's would have never stopped bothering you..."
Nikolai smirked a little at her blush, "Oh, I am sure you could never be a bitch your majesty."He teased her smiling as he watched her."You are very welcome.I will see you tonight." And in a few hours Nikolai fidgetted looking vaguely uncomfortable as he moved through the near silent halls, knocking lightly on her door, "Lady Mira?"he said smiling as the maid let him into the sitting room to wait for mira to come out. This felt weird, and he felt even more awkward then normal with going to the party without elizabeth. Elizabeth was the dipolmatic one, she knew just the right then to say to everyone. Nikolai just felt like a giant oaf, despite the constant stream of women through his bedroom, he was awkward at court.

"I...I don't know."She said looking confused before tightening the blanket around herself, as if trying to hide, fear flickering through dark blue eyes because it scared her that she couldn't answer his question, when she so very wanted to. "I...maybe?"She said after a moment, thinking about a boat."Food would be nice."She said after a moment as her stomach gurgled, sighing quietly as she blushed at the sound. Still enough of a princess to be embarassed about the bodily functions."You have lots of brothers?"She said curious about the man who had saved her.
Mira walked out of the room looking beautiful, but pissed off. She didn't want to have to go parade around a bunch of men because they wanted her hand in marriage and her kingdom. She was not a woman whom they wanted to marry for love or even attraction, but for power. She was a token to them, even if she was a Queen; she'd never get the respect a man would have. "Ah, Nikolai," she murmured, hands on her hips. "The King and Queen are putting you to work tonight, I see." She was little surprised to know he'd also be her escort to the party, but it was better than most men. At least he didn't reek of greed... As a maid passed, Mira had her bring them two glasses of champagne. She needed the alcohol, and judging by the amount of it in his car, she figured he could too.


Salem sighed and nodded. "I have six brothers," he admitted, looking toward the house. He looked on edge, as if he were freaking out on the inside. "Wait here." With that, he left and grabbed her a grilled cheese, some fruit (that luckily had not gone bad yet) and a soda. He gave it to her, then moved over to grab a chair and sit beside her. Awkward could not even begin to explain how he felt at the moment. He was quiet, and maybe even a little cold. But that was the norm for Salem. He was a very closed off human being.
Nikolai to looked vaguely pissed, annoyed with his sister for leaving him in his situation when he knew she was just off enjoying the free time. Not that he blamed her for running away, it was just he didn't like being stuck with her duies. Tilting his head a little he smiled as he took a glass of champagne, wrinkling his nose at the weaker alcohol, since it was imported, it wasn't as strong as most russian drinks."Well, it seems that being tsarvich comes with certain responsibilites that my mother tells me I've been doing very well with, only with not the right women. So I have been told I must escort a queen to the ball, and make sure she is not bothered any more then she wants to be."He said looking amused, though his smirk left little in question on what he did well with with women. Sipping his drink he finished it, "Shall we?If we go now, we might be able to duck out before they all end up drunk."He said smiling.

"Wow...that's alot of brothers."She said looking slightly amazed at that many siblings, looking confused at his look. "Not going anywhere."She said in response to his words settling back on the bed and starting to nibble on the food he brought her. Laying back after a moment she looked at him, something close to panic starting to show in her eyes, starting to realize that there was something wrong, that there was something wrong with her not remembering things."Sal....em.."She said slowly, her accent making the word awkward for her."Did I do some..thing...wrong?"She said slowly, trying to make sure she would be understood, not understanding why he was being so quiet.
Mira raised her eyebrows a little at his sexual induendo, but shrugged and sipped her wine. "Well, I certainly don't want to deal with much tonight," she quipped in her french accent. "However, I'm not sure you can keep many men at bay. I know it sounds as if I'm being... arrogant. However, I'm the first one to admit that men only hang on my every word because they think I might actually decide to marry them an give my kingdom up to them." She smiled at him, though their was bitterness in that smile. "But if you have any ideas on how to keep the greedy ones away... I'm open to anything." With that, she looked in the full length mirror at her self. Mira was a curvy girl (like in the image in the last post), and with that came body image issues. It was obvious in the way she looked at her self, so calculating in the way that she pulled at her dress.

Salem sighed and nodded, reaching up to rub his eyes. "They are half brothers," he admitted, then shook his head. "No, you didn't.... You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just trying to decide what to do. It isn't everyday that a girl washes up on the beach with no memory." He reached up and tugged at his dark hair, looking frustrated. His family already had issues with their reputation, so this was definitely the last thing they needed. However, he couldn't not help her. "Look, we will have to figure something out. Because... Well, I'm not sure what to do here. I don't exactly live alone."
"Well, I stand in line to inherit a country to big for one person. No reason t want your kingdom."He said sounding thoughtful before watching her, tilting his head slightly."Hmm anything?"He smirked stepping up behind her gently sliding his fingers along the edge of the dress before stepping back."Come. my parents are waiting, I shall think about how to keep the others way rom you, your majesty."He said smiling softly.

Elizabeth looked relieved that she hadn't done something, before nodding, looking upset that she had made him worried."Oh.Yes, that would be something to think about."She said anxious, because she to wanted answers to how she'd ended up there, and it scared her that she didn't know. Glancing around her she swallowed, looking nervous."Well....I could....stay with you.Surely your brothers would not be to disturbed at the idea of you having a live in to not freak them out...and I could stay at the house...while I try to recover..."She said looking anxious and nervous, not sure what to think about the situaton
Mira arched her eyebrow at him in the reflection of the mirror. "All the reason to marry someone with experience in power," she said, then went back to analyzing her figure. When his hands moved up to barely caress the edges of the dress, chills ran up her spine. Her eyebrows shot up, and she looked at him with a blush to her cheeks. "Mind your manners, my Lord," she warned, moving away from him and toward the door. Her maid came by, placing her crown atop her head. It sparkled and shined on her, but it look out of place in a way. "Well, I'm all ears for your ideas."

Salem bit his lip. "I... I guess," he murmured, looking anxious. He'd need to sort all of this out in his head first... "Look, do you mind staying here tonight? Tomorrow we will figure it out, but I need to go make sure kids are put to bed and homework is done and this probably isn't the best time to introduce a girlfriend to them that I have never talked about before..." Looking uncomfortable and stressed, he stood up. "I'll be back pretty early in the morning before work. I'll bring breakfast."
"True, but I am not inheriting. Elizabeth is, and she will be well suited for it. She's cold, and a vicious kind of control freak."Nikolai snickered smirking as he watched goosebumps raise along her skin, barely restraining the urge to lower his head and brush his lips across her bare shoulders."I always mind my manners, your majesty."He muttered before moving towards the door, wrinkling his nose a little as he looked at the crown, looking amused as they walked towards the ball room, resting her hand gently in the crook of his arm, "I think I shall tell them Elizabeth has sought you out for her own lover. France and Russia, together. Now that would be enough to have any political man stepping back out of the storm that would be, and make all my threesome fantasies come true."He said snickering as he looked over at her as he led her downstairs,despite the easy teasing, the man looked ill at ease at the idea of going into that room.

Elizabeth frowned at him trying to figure out what he was thinking before nodding."O-okay."She said her voice soft and sad as she settled back into bed. Not really upset about him leaving, but upset to be alone with no sense of where she was, or what was going to happen.Watching him leave she settled back into the bed,snuggling down to try and get some sleep.

In the morning though, even though she had looked better the night before, she looked well,despite the slight flush to her skin, and the slight fever she was running. The cold water had gotten her sick, and while it wasn't bad yet, she was going to be sick if she didn't get it taken care of. Sitting up she looked around the room before standing, exploring the guest house because she didn't know where he was, and she didn't want to leave, not when she was sure it would upset salem if his brother's questioned her presence.
Mira turned to look at him with amusement in her dark eyes. "Threesome? You have a thing for your sister?" she said, looking a little... Well, she didn't know what she thought. "Well, it doesn't matter. You can keep fantasizing, My Lord, because I assure you that I will not be marrying you, nor your sister. See, I like the way things are. I like ruling my own country, and the last thing I need is a man who thinks he can rule France better than I can..." As she said all of this, she kept her hand in the crook of his arm, her heart beating incredibly fast because of the way his muscles felt... She loved the way he towered over her made her feel young and feminine, something that she hardly felt like at home as Queen.

Descending the staircase, Mira gave each person in the room a cordial smile and nod, her crown glittering atop her head. Her dress was made of a different style that the other women in the room, because it was common knowledge that France was ahead in fashion. The peach color of the dress brought out her skin tone, and even if she constantly worried about her weight, she looked incredibly feminine among the stick thin girls in the room. "Nikolai!" the King called, walking up to him and Mira. He bowed to the Queen of France, then pulled his taller son down to murmured something quietly in his ear. He looked distressed, and even if she couldn't hear what he was saying, Mira's brows furrowed in concern. "Your sister," the King murmured, "Her plan crashed above the ocean... Things are showing up along the eastern coast of North America, but... she has not been found. The only people they have found are dead." He pulled back at looked at his son with pain in his eyes. The King was much different than other royal fathers, much different that Mira's father had been while living. He loved his children, and his heart was breaking at he idea that his sweet Elizabeth could be dead.

Salem came into the guest room with a tray of coffee, orange juice, eggs and toast. He sat it on the bed, looking at Elizabeth with an awkward expression. "Sorry," he murmured, "I'm not much of a cook." He nodded to the food, then sat a bag on one of the card board boxes on the floor. Opening it up, he pulled out a few simple items of clothing that looked about her size. With his step brother around, there were lots of women's clothing in his room. He had a new girl every week, which was while Salem demanded that he made the basement into his room. The last think the younger boys needed to hear was Jeremy fucking some random girl from the bar... But, on a positive note, Salem was able to find a few shirts, a pair of jeans, some underwear (which he didn't look at the sizes of them, because it made him feel weird) and a decent looking denim jacket. "First off, here are some clothes. The boys are at school and Jeremy will be asleep until... Well, whenever he decides to wake up, so I figured once you get done eating, you can come inside and shower..." He frowned at her, noticing she was a little flushed. "Looks like you might be sick... I have some medicine inside too." He pointed to her breakfast. "Go on. I'll talk while you eat."
"Haven't you heard?I'm the sexual deviant of the young royals now."He snickered a little before smirkng."Truly, I don't, but it freaks Elizabeth out when I say things like that."He smirked as they walked, amused at her answer. It wasn't often that he was ever interested in just talking to a woman, but something about this queen amused him. Nodding and greeting as he smiled at the people they past he studied the room before paling a little at the look on his father's face. For once so distracted by the sight of his father, that he wasn't paying attention to the woman on his arm. Turning his head slightly towards his father the pain that flikered aross his fae was well hidden before anyone could really see it, though it felt like someone had just hit him with a bat.

"I..."Nikolai stopped staring at his father as the thought truly got through to him. Really realizing what it meant. Not only was his twin, the woman that even if they fought, had always been there, gone, but the tsarina was gone....he was truly the her of russia if she was gone, and that was nearly as crippling a thought as the idea of his sister being gone. Swallowing hard he turned to the french queen looking down at her, "Would you care for a dance, your majesty?"He asked after a moment, needing something to concentrate on, and touching this beautiful woman might just do it.

"It looks good still.I am sure you are a fine cook."Elizabeth said frowning in bemusement at the food, as if even if she didn't remember she knew that it was not normal for her to be eating such a simple breakfast. Smiling as he started to eat she glanced over at him, "благодарю."She muttered before looking startled, as if even saying thank you, she hadn't really been aware of what she was saying."Thank you...those should fit."She said after a moment as she looked at the clothes before nodding."A shower would be nice.I...I feel...sticky?Gooey?"She said after a moment looking confused at the slang, because for her, american slang was odd,"My skin feels weird."She said after a moment before finishing her food smiling as she stood."Thank... you for...taking care of me."She said the words oddly spaced and slow, as if trying to express more feelings then she was used to, at least in english ,and the syntatcs for the words were confusing her
Mira looked slightly confused, for she could see the pain that painted the man's handsome face. She had not expected him to asked her to dance. "Ah... Well, sure," she murmured, "A dance would be lovely, my Lord." She let him lead her out to the dance floor, then twirled into him. The french and the Russians danced a little differently. The French danced with more twirls, and they danced a little sexier. Because, well, the french loved to be sexy... Mira twirled into his arms, just as she would have at home, and looked up at him with interest. She may not be interested in marrying anyone that could steal her power, but that didn't mean she didn't liked to be viewed as sexy. And by the looks of the nobles around the room, she was good at it. If only her insecurities aloud her to see that. "What's wrong?" she murmured in her accent that was much different from his. Her eyebrows furrowed with concern.

Salem, for the first time, let a smirk curled at the corner of his lips. It was obvious that English wasn't her first language, and he had to admit... it was cute. "Your skin is salty from the ocean," he murmured, "Haven't you ever been to the beach... Elizabeth? Wait. I'm sorry. Do you have a nickname or something. Lizzy? Beth?" He tilted his head to the side, so different from the men back at home. He was far from used to being formal. "Ah, well, the clothes are from girls that my brother has brought home. I washed them, so they are safe." He shrugged and leaned against the door, for he felt weird sitting on the bed wth her. "You're welcome," he said, "And, uh... You will be a new girlfriend that is staying with me until you can find an apartment down here. You're from Harvard. That's where we met a few years ago before I had to leave, and we just got back in touch." He tilted his head to the side, hoping that she could stick to the game plan, not thinking that she may want to know more about himself. He was just so not used to talking about his history, family, or himself.
Nikolai smiled as he stepped onto the dance floor with her,"Nikolai please, my lord is my father. Makes me look around to see where he is."Nikolai muttered smiling as they danced, the pain fading for a moment as he helped the girl twirl in his arms. Despite being russian, he partied to much to not be aware of the other courts dances, and this, well he preferred the french way of dancing. It kept a woman more firmly pressed up against him, and he definately wanted to feel this pretty queen against him. Looking down at her pain and the debate of weather to trust her showing in his eyes before he dipped his head, his lips brushing against her ear, because he didn't wnt everone to know yet,but for some reason, he trusted her. "Elizabeth's plane went down over the pacific this afternoon. No one's been found alive, and she's missing."He muttered raising his head enough to meet her eyes, the loss of his twin showing in those chocolate brown eyes, of a pain so deep that it could be crippling to the tsarvich.

"Oh.Yes.That makes sense."She said at his words, nodding as she thought about it because she felt grimy. Tilting her head she shook her head a little, looking thoughful." I...I do not think so. I don't remember."she said looking scared as she scrambled for the memory, before looking up at him."Beth....beth would be fine."She said after a moment trying to relax, even as stomach turning fear gripped her. She was alone, with a man she didn't know, and even if he was being kind to her, she had no memory of who she was, or how she'd gotten there. "I...I can do that."She answered before biting her lip, teeth nibbling at the plump flesh."Harvard is a law school is it not?"She said as only a european could. Say harvard to any american, and they'd know what you were talking about. Only a european with their history of even more ancient schools, couldn't automatically figure out the school. " I need to know more about you?What would have you told me?"She asked, looking worried, wanting to know how much she needed to be ready to be questioned on by his brothers.
Mira smirked a bit, tilting her head to the side. "Fine... Nikolai," she murmured, his name rolling off her tongue. "And to be fair, call me Mira." Biting her lip, she allowed her body to move with his, pressing against his toned, masculine form. It was magical, sexual, and absolutely dangerous. She was french, and since she inherited the crown by birth, she was no virgin. However, she stayed inactive in order to keep respect and to make sure that the men of her court knew that their sexual endeavors meant nothing to her. But this man... this man that was dancing with her was different. She knew that he could be trouble just by the way he made her body heat up... She listened to him, paying no attention from the looks that they were getting from nobles for their close contact, and frowned. "Nikolai... I'm so sorry," she whispered, her heart tightening at the news. She knew how he felt. She felt the same way when her beloved mother passed away when she was young, leaving her with an awful stepmother. "I am sure we can leave after a few dances. I'll blame it on being tired from travel, and you are keeping me company," the young Queen murmured, "You will keep the men away, and I can get you away from all of these people when the news breaks out. We can even drink your Russian alcohol." She gave him a smile, something she rarely gave anyway. But she knew she could not leave him looking so blue... The French Queen may have looked like a bitch, but she had a lovely heart once you got to know her.

"Beth," he murmured, liking the way it sounded on his tongue. He tilted his head to the side at the obviously european girl. "I wasn't studying law. I was studying journalism, but you could have studied law... I mean, that's what Harvard is known for. I just went to an extension school..." He scratched the back of his head, feeling uncomfortable talking about himself to this stranger. Salem was a very private person. He shook his head. "I'm sure you will find out stuff as you go," he said, avoiding the conversation. "My brothers probably won't ask a lot of questions... Just go with it..." He nodded to the house. "Come on. Let's go back to the house." With that, he went through the door, leaving it open for him to follow.
Nikolai smiled at her using his name, smirking as he looked down at her, hands keeping to the proper spots as they danced, but the movement of his body against hers left no question that he was a man who knew exactly what to do with his body and how very good looking he ws. "Thank you....or someone who has never met Elizabeth, that sounded sincere."He muttered not questioning it or mocking her but so used to false sentiments from courtiers that he found her genuine concern for him odd and endearing all at once. Laughing he grinned, though it sounded pain, like swallowing glass. "I can keep you company however you wish, my lady."He teased before nodding Smiling back at her, a true rare smile, not the fake one he gave everyone. LLeading her through the dances he was moving mechanically, almost as if he wasn't really there anymore.And he wasn't. At least not in his head. His mind was a million miles away, thinking about the twin that if she wasn't dead, was scared and probalby hurt.Which didn't make it any better.

Making his way to his father's side after a few dances he made their excuses, knowing for once his father would not yell at him for sneaking out of a party, leading her back up to her rooms he asked a maid to go get a bottle of vodka and some champagne for her, holding the champagne bottle out towards her."I thought you would like your weak french stuff."he said, it was the kindest things he'd ever said about any other country's alcohol. Slumping back on the couch he looked up at her looking tired and so very confused. "...Bethy's always been there.I...I can't do this."he said after a moment.

Beth looked up at the sound of her name on his lips, liking the sound of it on his lips before nodding. "Okay."she said at his words about the school, willing to do whatever he wanted, since he was being so kind about helping her. Standing she following him across the yard to the house, looking comfortable and a little odd in the normal clothes instead of the designer clothes that she got at home. Hell, her wardrobe could have probably paid to redo his whole house, and that was just what she bought for this year, not anything else. Following him inside she let him show her how to use the shower, getting out after she cleared up she looked even more adorable and cute then she had before when she cleaned up, her hair starting to curl again as it started to dry, looking flushed and warm."You said you had medicine?"she asked as she walked back into the room with him.
Mira took the bottle of champagne, raising her eyebrow at him. "I thought I said we would drink your hideous Russia alcohol," she murmured, grabbing a glass and holding it out to him to pour some of his vodka in her glass. She took a big gulp of it, nearly choking. When she did, she looked her age. Just a young, twenty year old girl who was thrust in a position that she was in no way ready for, but she tried her hardest. "Ah, yes," she murmured, her french accent twirling through the air, "I'm sure that this is not what is expected..." She looked at him, noting his genuine expression. It was odd to see a man that was being real, not a kiss ass. It was refreshing. "I was not particularly ready for the throne when it was given to me. I was not eighteen yet, and I was barely a woman... But you are older, wiser. And you have living parents." She shrugged. "You will still have a while before you would have to inherit anything..." She sighed, hating that she couldn't offer more condolences. "Losing a loved one... It's hard. You lose a part of yourself." She blushed a little at her on words, taking a swig of the vodka before turning away from him. "Will you unzip my dress, my L - I'm mean, Nikolai?" she asked, "I'd like to get into something more comfortable..." While this was true, she really just wanted to get out of the dress because she hated her body in it. She just didn't feel pretty, and that was easily seen by the tightly laced corset that she wore underneath.

Salem took note at the clean, refreshed looking girl. She looked... cute with her hair all curled around her face. He sighed. Damn. He felt like a character in Little Mermaid. "Yea, I do," he murmured, walking into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of cough medicine, figuring she was getting a cold. "Take a spoonful of that." With that, he turned away and sat down at the counter with a newspaper, a cup of coffee, and a little television on the counter that was turned on to the news. She hoped she wouldn't ask questions. Like why there were no pictures in the house, why the house looked so shitty, why there were no parents... He hated reliving the past, because he couldn't trust people with his secrets. They always ended up looking down upon him and his family.

Taking a piece of paper, Salem quickly jotted a few things down. When he handed it to her, it was scribbled names and ages. "You need to try to remember those, because if you were really someone I was dating, I'd atleast tell you that... Carter is 18 and Kendal is 17. The both go to the highschool up the street. Kendal is a fantastic football player but is lazy in school... Kendal is the opposite. He loves school and is on the debate team. The twins are 13, and trust me, they are little shits. They are smart as hell and will try to confuse you and they are always fighting... Felix is the youngest. He's shy and doesn't talk much, so don't get offended if he doesn't pay you much mind..." He shrugged. "And Jeremy is my age. He's my stepbrother, and if I had something nice to say about him, I would. However, I don't." He shrugged, then looked back down at his newspaper.
"It is not hidious!Just because its better then anything else you drink, does not make it bad."Nikolai said starting to feel the buzz of alcohol, even if he had just started drinking. Laughing at her choking he grew serious,feeling wrong about laughing when so much was wrong."No,definately not. Despite what my mother thinks, I am not wise....there's a reason rommanov women are better rulers. They don't have a penis that they do all their thinking with."He said smirking a little before nodding."True.I guess I have time to learn."he said swallowing because even if it hurt,she was right. She could do this. "Hmm, this isn't how I expected to undress you."He smirked as he stood to help her out of the dress, slender fingers unzipping the dress and undoing the strings of her corset, for the first time in his life, not copping a feel as he undressed a woman. Settling back onto the couch he smiled a little, downing the last of his drink he poured himself another before closing his eyes, for all the world looking like he was settling in to take a nap even if he really was watching her undress through half closed eyes. Even grief stricken, he was still nikolai, and he couldn't help himself. He was a man whore.

Beth sat at the table as she loked around the room, with a slight bemused expression on her face, as if she was aware of this was odd, but she couldn't figure out what was weird about it. after the opulance of the royal palaces, even with no memory of them, the girl sensed that this was not her normal home, and was confused by the sparse decorations and such. Looking at the news she jumped a little when he handed her the paper looking it over, "Ken...dal.Carter...the twins....felix and jeremy."She muttered mostly to herself commiting the names to memory, before giggling a little at his description of jeremy. "Well, even if you have nothing nice to say, I must thank him for being....."She frowned,as if trying to find te word, " whore?Yes, man whore so that I could have some clothes."She said laughing quietly. Before wincing a little."...I'm sorry...I shouldn't make fun."she said after a moment before runing her fingers through her hair, biting her lip a little." you have to work?Do you want me to leave the house while you do?"She asked worried he wasn''t going to do something he needed because he felt uncomfortable with her in the house.
"Ah, well, don't get excited about future... undressing," Mira quipped, smirking a bit as she stood up and let her dress fall, revealing a corset, garters, and pair of frilly panties along with her heels. She only did it because she thought his eyes were really closed, because she was not fond of showing off her body. Her hips were very curvy, even if her waist was small, and her thighs were definitely feminine and soft. Moving across the room, she allowed the maid to pick up her dress of the floor as she wrapped a silk, floor length robe around semi nude form. Tying it around herself, she moved to sit beside him on the couch. She didn't know if it was the alcohol or her lack of sex over the past two years, but she wanted him. She wanted him badly. And she hated herself for it because she knew he was distraught over his sister. Taking a sip of her vodka, she relaxed next to him and let her heels fall to the floor as she curled her legs underneath herself. "Your Russian vodka is going to get me wasted," she admitted, frowning a bit. "I'm not used to such potent alcohol." With that, she smirked, trying to make a joke.

Salem looked at her from over the newspaper, his green eyes lighting with amusement. If you wouldn't have known better, you may have believed he was laughing behind his paper. "A man whore, he is," he murmured, flipping the page, "You can make fun of Jeremy all you want. I don't care. And besides. You're right. It got you clothes." He smirked a bit and reached over to take a sip of his coffee. "No, it's Monday. I have Mondays off, then I work the night shift... I won't leave before the boys are in bed, so you should be fine."
"Aww....I am in mourning. You should be kind and undress for me."Nikolai muttered teasing her, because he was trying hard to not think about what life without nikolai was going to be like. Swallowing hard as he elt his body hardening at the sight of that soft curvy body, he shifted a little, swallowing hard. While most men were into the american standards of beauty, Nikolai liked his women curvy and soft, because he was so big, when his women were small and delicate looking he was always afraid of hurting them. But mira....hmmm he could see them together. Laughing softly as he turned his head to look at her, he raised a eyebrow.""Hmmm well, you will have to visit more. Get used to the alcohol...maybe if you're drunk, you will let me live out my fantasies of threesomes and sex."he said snickering amused before sighing softly relaxing, losing his eyes as he relaxed even more. Letting the alcohol cloud his head and numb him t most things.

Beth relaxed as he didn't yell at her for teasing, laughing softly."Well okay. If I want to make fun I shall."She said going quietly before looking relieved that she wasn't keeping him from anything, fidgetting as she looked around, feeling uncomfortable because he so obviously didn't want to talk about himself, but she didn't know anyting about herself, so she couldn't talk about that. Glancing towards the door when she heard footsteps she smiled a little,"Good morning."She said looking at the tep brother, well she assumed it was jeremy since the others should have been in school. Feeling so very out of sorts because this was so odd, to be somewhere she didn't know what was going on.
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