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The Music Video in Your Head

Rudolph Quin

Mistaken for some sort of scoundrel
Aug 2, 2009
I think I can safely say that a lot of people find inspiration in music. Different songs hit certain emotions within us and get us thinking in certain terms and moods. I know that a lot of people like to write while listening to music but I could never do that. When I listen to songs, the song itself spawns a story in my head, something similar to a music video(with either the characters lip syncing to the lyrics and dancing along or just using the music as a back track for other stuff going on). Needless to say, the little "movie" plays in my head as soon as the song starts and I find it hard to focus on actually writing other words while that is going on. Still, whatever floats your boat.

This thread isn't about trying to write while listening to music, though. I am interested in other people's "music videos", the little story that plays in your head while you listen to certain songs. Feel free to post a link to the song(s) here and give us a description of the story envisioned, even if it's silly(most of mine are) or just a snippet of the song makes you think of anything. I'll get us started!


This first one is fairly simple, the opening sequence with just the beats playing has me visualizing a "walking scene" where a couple of characters are either first introduced or entering the scene. One by one, starting from the feet of the first and panning up their body to their face as they walk down a hallway, then moving onto the next person doing the same thing. Just kind of "cool character entrance music".


This one, strangely enough has me envisioning a really brutal war movie. XD All sounds of battle would be cut out while that easy music during the chorus plays(starting in the video at about 0:50), and I see a battle scene: shots of slow-motion explosions; a man firing a rifle with a determined look on his face while the used shells pop out of the chamber, flipping in slow motion to the ground as he reloads; planes arching overhead and bombs falling, setting the earth on fire; soldiers running across rubble littered open ground and some of them even falling to stray bullets that you can see whizzing through the air.


This one is the kind of song that I call a "soaring song" because the big parts in it have that kind of "deep breath and then plunge headlong out of an airplane" feeling. I always think of something fantastical and fast moving, either in a vehicle of some kind or as a character actually flying through an undefined space. A bit like the beginning sequence of this video:


Or I just imagine a really cool and fast fight scene for this one as well. ^^;

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