Oh boy, I was a little afraid of this, about this RP getting it's own sub-board... multiple IC threads? Post header tags? >.> I'm almost scared away from this RP on this alone, I've never played in an RP that uses this kind of complex system and have found attempting to read other games that use this system impenetrable. Oh well, shouldn't shy away from trying new things, right? I'll stick around, but man, this is going to take some getting used to...
That said, enough of my whining and back to actual plotful things. DarkAngel, some questions. Are the Illuminati the type of government who would, say, start sending humanitarian aid to one of the Middle planets that has a city/colony suffering from a plauge outbreak and they don't have the medicine to treat it themselves, but then if political dissidents are discovered within the city/colony, the Illuminati would yank out all medicine shipments and aid on the basis of declaring the entire place a 'rogue colony'? (not the whole planet, just the city) I'm entertaining the thought of perhaps the introduction of my character(potential characters) hijacking one of the outbound medicine shipments and taking it back to the people in need.
In that vein, since this very RP is -called- Space Pirates, and priates generally would like to steal things than blow them up, what kind of ship-to-ship weapons do pirates have for disabling other ships enough to get close enough for boarding action, rather than destroying a ship?
And at any rate, still going to wait a couple days to see if anyone brings in a pirate character of their own, but if not, I'm starting to think I might make two pirate characters; one the Robin-Hood-esque captain, the other the doesn't-care-about-anything mechanic.