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Sailor Moon : The Infinite Soldiers

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Sometimes a Dream, Sometimes a Nightmare
Jun 15, 2011
"The moon hangs low in the sky lending a dim glow to the city below ; Crystal Tokyo, once a metropolis unrivaled in it's beauty and wealth surpassing even Atlantis in it's splendor but, a darkness had fallen over the great city. Screams began echoing through the streets and ally ways, blood covering and flowing over the city like a tide. The Malformed darkness Raping the precious city and stealing the souls of Crystal Tokyo's people, taking with them almost all of the Soldiers including the precious queen; Queen Serenity.

By the time the nightmarish attackers had retreated to the depths of hell, Crystal Tokyo had become a burning, filthy and dangerous city. Corrupt souls roam the streets looking for anyone to satiate their dark desires and need for violence, bodies litter the roads and a shadow that always seems to hang over the city blocking the light of day from reaching the streets. The death count continues to rise and calls for the Soldiers echos around the walls.

The remaining soldiers sit in the darkness dealing with the loss of their comrades, sinking farther into the depths of their obsessions and addictions leaving the City in torment and suffering. A small fire still burns within each of them though and it may only need time before they re-awaken as the true soldiers they are meant to be and eliminate the Nightmare that plagues them and their home. For now they remain silent, hiding in their home at the edges of the city forever deaf to the cries of their people and this is where the journey of the last four Infinite Soldiers begins."

Infinite Soldier Jupiter
Chitose Kino

Chitose blew a piece of hair from her face and raised her arm resting it on her forehead. Laying on her bed staring at the ceiling entombed in the darkness of the room. She'd shut herself off from the rest of the world, half alive and half awake in the void of her own doubts and depression; drinking herself numb to erase the images from her mind. Bottles of alcohol lay scattered on her floor and on almost every surface. raising her other arm she looked at the half empty bottle of sake, her eyes glazing over as she watched the liquid swish around inside. The air had become stagnant and as everyday passed she began to lose her grip on feeling human, her mind and memories blank and foggy. She knew she was slowly forgetting all of it...even who she was. She didn't want to forget her fallen friends....just the horror of their slain bodies, squeezing her eyes shut against the images she took a long drink of the remaining sake slowly emptying it. Opening her eyes she stared at the now empty bottle for a long while, seeing their faces reflected in the glass. Tears began blurring her vision turning her head she threw the bottle angrily against the wall and heard it shatter.

She stayed there for what seemed another eternity before shifting and sitting up. Staring at her door she sighed and stood up. leaning heavily against the wall she slowly made her way to the door, grabbing her head she waited for the dizziness to pass before opening the door, she was met with more darkness. She found a bathroom and cleaned herself up, the cool water over her skin brought back some of the feeling of being human. She didn't linger long...she was going to go out again. Making her way to the front door she placed her hand on the handled and called out "Im leaving for awhile." she didn't know if anyone else heard her or if they even cared still but, it gave her comfort to think one of them might.

Opening the door she stepped out into the cool night air and shivered, the smell of the city reached her and she wrinkled her nose and coughed. She slowly made her way into the city or what was left of it, the cold air began taking the edge off of her buzz...perhaps she should find a bar..."....I've abandoned them..." she thought as she came into the city. Hanging her head she walked quickly through the streets. She needed a bar and perhaps some food.
Infinite Soldier Mars

Krishna heard the sound of glass breaking looking around at her surroundings. She remembered she had been at work late, and looking about her she was in her room. There was suppose to be a meeting, or some none sense like that, but she couldn't seem to remember if she had made it or not. It didn't help that the harder she tried to remember the fuzzier the blanks became till a headache started to form just behind her eyes. In a sudden panic she started frantically searching for her phone, trashing her probably just clean room. Only after all of her belongings had ended up on the floor did she find it and find out she had lost an entire day. Staring at the small glowing screen she sank to her knees holding her head in her hands. The gaps in her memory had only gotten worse as more time passed. Still nothing took away the memories of her friends.... Sometimes when she snapped back into reality she would see their blood on the walls. It didn't happen often anymore but she still always feared. It was with a deep breath that she managed to calm herself and still a glance of her room again.

Somehow she had managed to push over her desk to its side the contents spread across the floor to the opposite wall. All around were piles of her clothes, though she hardly left her room when she wasn't working. Even her blankets had been thrown in the corner opposite her bed. "Okay..I made the mess... So eventually I am going to have to clean it up." Crawling her way to the bed she pushed the objects aside creating a path. She made it to her bed and turned her back to it leaning against it with a thud. She sat cross legged looking at the mess. It looked worse now from her new view point. "Great. Room sweet room." She muttered with a harsh chuckle running a hand through her hair.

The touch made her wince making her truly notice the growing headache for the first time. She sighed standing up swaying slightly as the blood rushed to her head, making her head throb even harder. Covering one of her eyes she moved quietly searching for kind of aspirin and a clean glass. When she finally found both she hid back in the sanctuary of her own room. She sat on the floor setting the glass next to her as she looked around for her tarot deck. She found them under the bed and shuffled the cards quickly then laid out an easy five card spread. I hope for something good. What oh what do the cards hold in store...
A blood-red moon, announcing the encroaching of the night and the death of a day...

A fallen leaf, its wrinkly brown splattered with vermillion lifefluid...

A falling star, bringing about the birth of a field...

Enraged, the bony fist, hidden beneath dark cloth against the sun, slammed against the ground, the pain-induced adrenaline managing to tear his gaze out of the needlessly-symbolic signs before his mind's eye. Useless.

Beneath his mask he clenched his teeth, or rather those of the upper jaw against the ones that remained in the lower one, he stood up. It was a waste of time. For quite some duration now he had tried to discern the location of the Lady...
Again, a frail fist was slammed onto the ground. Failure Failure FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE!

Closing his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, he attempted to focus on the task at hand again. The location of the Lady... the successor to the Lady. Failure. He received nothing but useless signs that could be interpretated in infinite ways!
Perhaps... She was hidden... or taken- or...

No alternative. Inconclusive. He would find Her.

Slowly, the cowled figure of Eeliphas rose from its kneeling position. If anyone had entered the room now, that someone would have had the sight of total destruction, torn furniture, scratches on the walls, mad scribbles in blood everywhere. While Eeliphas had indeed fallen into catatonia directly after news, coupled with truth, about the Lady's death had reached him, the fallout after he partially recovered had been even worse. Unstable, he would have been called, prone to bouts of rage uttering itself in self-destruction, while his mind was being bloated with vision after vision of armageddon.

The destroyed room being the result, it was not something that could be of interest to Eeliphas. It was old, days, weeks, he cared little, but it was merely the past and he would not waste time to repair what was without use to Her.

Having managed to recover shreds of his sanity and consciouseness, he had been working on finally finding the Lady, the One whom he would serve now. Unsuccesful. Inconclusive.

He would not find answers in this room.

Determined, he began his way out, out of his sleeping-quarters, not bothering to close the door behind him, passing by the rooms of the rest of Her servants... only one, the one called 'Chitose', as he recalled, was out...
Again, a rage was building up. Why were the others not out there, searching for Her? She demanded! Nothing else could matter!

Wordlessly, he went further, to the exit of the building. If his visions could not give him the barest hint of Her location, then he would have to resort to more physical options. Stepping out of where the group had made their headquarters, he beheld the sight of the once-proud Crystal Tokyo, a pathetic shadow of its former self, anarchy holding a brutal reign, thousands of souls crying out in painful wish for help.

He had seen this, oh yes, so much earlier, so very, very often. Perhaps he should feel apathy now, a sort of thinking how fate could not be defied, how destiny was set without ways to change. Oh, he had thought so long ago. Perhaps, he was still thinking so...
Only now, it mattered so very little, was useless to Her.

Unwavering, he began his march, ready to tear the city stone from stone if he had to, he would find answers, he would find Her. Of course, that would be followed by the uncountable visions of how he would fail.
There was always something about evenings....something in the way the alarm always rang out in it's annoyingly loud blares when he knew he had reset it to be a morning alarm, something in the way the streetlight outside blinded him as he tried to sleep, forgetting to replace the curtains constantly, something in how the blanket always ended up in his teeth.

or maybe it was her.

As he tapped the switch at the top of his alarm, turning it off and turning over. he closed his eyes once more, feeling something on his arm. The Young man blinked twice, looking forward at the visage of the woman on his bed, lying naked on her side, unblinking.

"Morning, honey" She spoke, kissing his cheek. He recoiled out of surprise, rolling out of bed with a thud, crashing onto the floor and landing hard on his side. He gritted his teeth, quickly getting back up and looking around. she was gone, disappeared without a trace. He sighed, his eyes half closed and Solemn.

"Can't she give me some warning?" He asked, standing up and cracking his arm. "Or at least hang around long enough to let me respond" He looked around, breathing as he saw the mess that was his room. books were all over the place, parchments, scrolls, anything. He sighed, cracking his neck as he looked at the window once more...night time? How long had he been out?

The Empty bottle of Jack Daniels and the other bottle of Sake seemed to answer that itself. must have been out cold a long time in order to sleep that off. From the looks of things he hadn't bother to get out of his clothes. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply before heading for the door. "Might as well do something"
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