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Animal Lover

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Aug 12, 2012
Strange Kinks and Other Geewhiz Information​

First of all, this is a must for any potential playmates: You must be/play a literate character. If I start seeing one-liners or two-liners, I'll give you one warning. If it continues, I'll call the RP off. I'm a bit of a grammer-nazi as well, and you can bet the same thing will happen if the writing is in poor quality.

Beyond that, I'm a fairly kinky individual. Some of my largest kinks are anything to do as a female paired up with something not human. Anthros or furries, beasts or tentacles. Even robots and aliens. If you like it and can play it, chances are you'll find a roleplay partner in me.

That doesn't mean I'm exclusive to tentacle monsters though. I enjoy a regular human pairing, and I don't mind incest or bondage. Rape is something you'll have to convince me of, and the only time I'll do anything other than a heterosexual pairing is if you can come up with a damned good plotline that I think is worth trying out.

I'm also not much into fan-based rps. I'm not much into role playing characters that have already been created, as it ruins the image I already have for them in my head. That being said however, I don't mind playing an rp that takes place in the same world with OCs. Open world series that require the character to create their own character are fine by me too: Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Monster Hunter, and Gods Eater are a couple of examples.

Speaking of which...

For the most part, I do enjoy a good plot with my stories. I'm usually pretty open, so if there's something you've always wanted to try out and my list of kinks is up your ally, feel free to drop me a line and I'll see if we can't work out a story together. Just remember: the more descriptive, the better, and unless you've got a reason behind jumping my bones in the first post, try and incorporate some sort of plot into the mix. Even if its just a little. Mindless sex is boring after awhile.

I do also get bored easily, so make sure you stay active and keep the story interesting. If you can do that much, I'll try and stay with the story as long as possible or until we decide to try something else.

So there you have it. Let me know if somethin here trips your trigger.
Been having a craving for some breeding or impregnation recently. So here's a bump to the hungry ones out there.
Been away, looking for something quick depending on who is interested. Bump
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