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Craving Mass Effect

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Alleluia Green

May 16, 2010
This is a special request thread for a very specific craving. I'm currently in the middle of Mass Effect 3, and am craving some kind of roleplay set in the Mass Effect universe. I would be using an OC, possibly OC twins, depending on your tastes. Below are some quick plots I dreamed up right now as I finish this sentence:

1) Personal assistant: my character will play Shepherd's new personal assistant, appointing to help manage details of the war effort, and perhaps a little more...

2) Rescued colonist: Maybe from Horizon, maybe from Eden Prime, my character (or characters) will be colonists rescued by Shepherd who stay aboard the Normandy while being evacuated to the Citadel. However, the Commander takes a shine to her, and perhaps keeps her around for a little longer.

Those are just two quick ideas. I'm looking for maybe a 60:40 ration between smut and plot, possibly a 70:30, because I like smut.

My main request thread is in my sig. Please look there for my basic rules, likes, dislikes, etc.

I'm a huge mass effect fan, I would like to try doing a thread on it. If still interested send me a pm and we'll hammer out the details.
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