Harem of the Demon Lord Profile Page

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Jul 11, 2010
Username: ShashaWraight
Name: Katelyn Nailo
Age: 16
Race: Neko
Role: Non-Loyal Slave
Appearance: http://i1080.photobucket.com/albums/j323...neko-1.jpg
Other: Katelyn was kidnapped from her clan of nekos.
Username: Deia (That's a link to my Rabbit Hole.)
Name: Kiriana
Age: 20
Race: Human
Role: Loyal slave
Appearance: Kiriana stands about 5'4", with long black hair that reaches about halfway down her back when it's loose. Her eyes are a very dark brown that's only a few shades lighter than her hair. She's lithe and slender, with breasts that, while only average in size, are pert and well-shaped. (Picture reference here.)
Other: She's been a slave for long enough that she's completely accepted her role, and even come to enjoy it. It helps that she's a bit of a nymphomaniac, so being the slave of a demon of lust suits her just fine.
Username: Yamamoto
Name: Andol
Age: 21
Race: Human
Role: Very Loyal Slave

Other: Went with his demon master willingly so that he could get away form humans. For which reasons he is very attached to the demon, and usally refuses to have sex with anyone else... even at the threat of death.
Age:20000 (appears 25)
Role: Demon Lord
Appearance: 7"8' with an athletic build, he keeps his black hair short (barely past his forgead) his eyes are completely black  he has deep red skin and two black horns that jut out 6 inches from his forehead he has an extremely large penis (16 in) because he is a demon of lust
Other:Likes to fuck his  slaves senseless
Username: Nick
Name: Nikolai
Age: 20
Race: Human
Role: Loyal Slave
Appearance: http://www.google.bg/imgres?q=anime+guy&um=1&hl=bg&client=firefox-a&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:bg:eek:fficial&biw=1280&bih=664&tbm=isch&tbnid=nHx6BrkEH4BB_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/hikaru-kuro/30297727/&docid=q7Q73LpTBoMtuM&imgurl=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/b03ad7042828929daaeedea4bf99fc7d/http://api.ning.com/files/ra9zDzxC7jPjxq5-Yk6G104FqEEEDWr9*GkmT-amAtFhUqpvDvoZYdwG0Si5PP3Hi46F0EE66GNnh8-yeKrrS*qvrPzU4ikW/anime20guy.jpg&w=700&h=506&ei=PBU4T-aZGcbzsgaL0aC4DA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=370&sig=113840447033377791880&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=185&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0&tx=110&ty=60
(Can someone tell me how to upload a picture :D)
Other: Nick has been a slave for a long time that he had forgoten how he used to live before. He now is doing what ever his master wants.
(I hope this is ok)
Username: MacroFiend
Name: Crystal
Age: Unknown; Appears Very Young.
Race: Arch-Angel
Role: Loyal Slave
Appearance: Her
Other: She's been serving under him for quite some time; she's grown attached after leaving the heavens to the point where she's often sexually attached, getting jealous of the others at some point.
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