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MxM hunt, for good one x one (MxF and FxF fine as well)

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Jan 24, 2012
Ok all I am risa, I am looking for some good one x one roleplay. I would love some good MxM but will look at all.
Myself and my guys and girl are all sub, we can be doms but dont like it and end up felling back to being subs. We love to be over powered and taken, make use take it if you have to. Make us fuck in front of others we cna take it. Saying that we also can take care and love, so dont feel worried we dont mind a soft sweet master or mistress as well as a hard one.

Now I will post some people I like, if I happen to have a plot for any roleplay I will put a ^ next to it. And you will find the plot later down the posts, the more ^ the more plots I have.
Italic means which I want to play.
angel x demon ^^^
Demon x human ^^
vampire x were-wolf
neko x something
neko x neko ^
fairy x human ^
mermaid/merman x human
merman x merman ^
fantasy school ^
vampire x vampire
vampire x human
angel x human
dragon x human ^
(or other like this)

king x maid ^
king x male slave ^
knight x prince ^^
princess x prince
princess x knight
(and so on)

bro x bro ^^^
bro x sis ^
mum x son ^^
dad x daughter ^^
dad x son ^
mum x daughter
cousin x cousin
family ^^
(and so on)

(now these are a mix of a few roleplays)
bro x bro, master x slave, druggy x dealer ^
vampire x runaway, master x slave ^
teacher x pupil, master x slave, blackmail ^^
dad x son, blackmail, master x slave ^
(and so on)

dom and sub
Master x slave ^^^^
boss x worker ^
cop x runaway ^
stripper x client
pet x owner ^
pet x pet ^
slave market
kidnapper x kidnapped
(and so on)

teacher x pupil ^
new kid x cool kid ^
loner x footballer ^
best friend x best friend
bro x sis boyfriend ^
bro x bro best friend
enemy x enemy
(and so on)

I do a lot more, so just ask if you are craving something.
I also can play up to about 6 charas, and do more the one roleplay at once.

plots in next posts.
angel x demon plots
1: Alive the two had been in love and married, but when the angel died the demon took out his anger by killing the people who killed his love. Now that pushed him to become a demon, and was left to watch his love who was an angel be mated to another. Not that the angel know anything about his human life, he was made to forget it. But now wanting to know his past, and having a job he is sent to earth. Going his job, he also tries to find out who he is. never knowing he would run into his old lover, and that old lover still set his heart beating. Now can the demon make the angel remember him before it is to late?

2: In life they was twins, close as anything which made the younger twin fall in love with his brother. But in high school everything changed, the older twin started to pull away from his brother. Thinking it would be better for him to stand by him self, but all it did was open the younger twin to be bulled and be alone. the older twin known as the golden boy went on to become one of the coolest guys in school, still his brother loved him and tired to keep close but kept being pushed away. So when the day came the older twin was shot, and the younger twin hurt badly in trying to save his brother. Then having his family turn there back, saying it should of been the younger twin her dies, he left and died holding on to the body of his brother. The older twin on death become an angel, where the younger because of the darkness in his heart become a demon. He had years to plan to get his brother back, so when the time came his brother had to come to earth to do something for god. The younger twin made his move, kidnapping his brother he starts to make him his and his alone.

3: throw down from haven the angel is alone lost in a wood, they had become fallen for they had done something no angel should. They had mated with a demon, but now it demon mate had left it no longer caring. The angel alone with no where to go tries to find a new home, when he dose he find a cottage which looked like no one lives there. Going in he falls asleep on the bed, little did he know who lived here. A demon comes home to find it homing another, annoyed at first the demon is about to kill the angel. Until he rolls in his sleep, the angel is handsome and strong, so the demon makes other plans to trap the angel to make him his.
demon x human plots
1: In a huge castle a servant is cleaning, being very carefully not to broke anything as they habit to do a lot. When they find a room with just a vase in it, they go in it to clean off the dust which had landed on the vase. As they do the vase falls and brakes, the servant runs for there life so no one know they was there. But out of the broken vase comes a demon, wanting to thank the human who set them free. Hunting the human down, the demon finds them and is shocked. finding the human to be just to there liking, they change there plan and take the human for them self.

2: A human boy is shocks to learn his dad was planning on selling him, to a demon no less. The boys dad said it was for the good of the family, but the boy know it was really to get more money for the dad. Not really a boy at 18, he could say no and leave but knowing if he did his younger sister would be next. So he goes to find the demon and give him the dad message, when he finds the demon he is shocked when he is not eaten. No something more shocking, he is tosses around between many males demons, and some females. He had become a toy, having to deal with it he soon lands in the hands of a male who dose not just play with him but show him just how good. Sex with a male can be, then the demon did something more shocking, and takes the human boy away to his own den and keeps him.
neko x neko
Up on a hill a rich neko gets bored of there toys, so they go out to find them self a new one. Heading into town they find what they are looking for. Inside a pet shop they spot a neko they want, going in they try and buy them. But soon finds they can not buy this neko, it may be poor but it was a worker not a pet to buy. So they have to come up with a new plan, so in the night they wait and kidnapped the poor neko taken them home to be there new toy.
fairy x human
1: Lost in the wood a human tries to find there way home, only a small child unable to find his dad who it had come with. Alone and scared they cry out, only to be shock when there cry being a fairy. Not a small little fairy like the tales say, but a child fairy just a bit bigger then the human. Clever even at a young age, the fairy makes a deal with the child, they would lean the human out if when they become of age at 18 they was to come back, and become the fairy mate. Not knowing better, the human goes with it and the fairy lead them home.
Now years later the human just turned 18, haven forgotten all about the fairy from there childhood. But the fairy has not forgotten, so in the middle of the night the fairy comes, now like the human is grown look comes to take it mate. the human is shock when a very good looking fairy comes to there bedroom but what will happen when they fairy tries to take the human?

merman x merman
alone in the deep cold water of the sea, the merpeople live. a mix of merman and mermaids love in this small city, but the most powerfully is the king, queen and there son the prince. But unlike most royal family's, they do not rule over everything just a small part. The prince who did not feel like royal had a habit of going off and acting like a normal merman. which is where he finds hi love, on the lower parts of the city a loner merman hangs out. Now the prince job is to make the loner want him, before he finds out who he is for no merman would dare sleep with the prince as he was meant to marry a mermaid but this prince wanted a man.

Fantasy school
(this one is for more then one person each)
This school is for the fantasy being to live in, with all the humans know in the world. the beings who look like teens by may be 100 years old need to know how to act, so they was not found out. this is where the school comes in, in the walls of the school they learn how to act. there are fights between being who hate each other, love is forms and mates found. but also taboo is done here, mates who should never be mated.
(no we can do a mix of pairing this this so we will have to talk it out.)

dragon x human plots
In a small town which had living on the hill a very powerfully dragon, he
for keeping the town safe wanted a maiden to full his ever wish. The dragon could turn in to a very handsome man, e loved having woman but this time he has his eyes one woman. he had watching her from his hill and then sent a message down saying he wanted her to come to him. But she did not want to and swear she would make the dragons life hell, but what happenes when she find out the dragon was the guy she had fell in love with who she had watched on the hill?

king x maid
The king was bored, well he was bored a lot now. His queen had give him two sons, and thought her job was over. He had his son to take over when he died, and a spear in case anything happen to the first. So now she was off doing her thing, leaving the kind with nothing to do. Taken a walk in the garden the kind find one of his knight raping or trying to anyway one of the young maid girls. He put a stop to it right away and the knight ran, the girl who now he looked closer was clear of age, bowed and thanked him and ran off her self. Leaving the king to watch her fine backside as she ran, being a male the king thought about that ass for the rest of the day. Trying to work out which maid she was, he could not do it. then walking into his private liberty he saw the same ass, this time covered in a dress. Cleaning the fireplace, then it hit him she was his own servant one he kept around for she never temped him. ok the queen had put her there, he had wanted one with big breast, now seeing as he was alone and wanted someone. He works out a plan to make this maid his with out anyone knowing

king x male slave
being raised inside a castle dose not sound so bad, but it is when your mum is a slave here. Which makes you one to, the young boy fast learned to stay out of the way, in case other picked him for their fun. Now older at 17 he moves out to work, but is shock when not long into his first day he is called in to see the king. Scared he had done something wrong he goes in slow, but soon finds the king had plans for him mainly him becoming the kind slave and play thing, and the boy loves it all.

knight x prince
1:Unknown to anyone in the castle there head knight was female, only the king know and he kept the fact to him self. The knight had a double life, she was both a knight and a maid, but she did the knight work more. And the king let her, seeing as she had learned from the old head knight her own farther. She had a good life, well that is until late one night still in her knight amour she walks right into the prince and the two end up kissing, having always had a crush on the prince she moved away fast even as the prince calls for her. but she gets way, and hoped she was not find out. Lucky she was not, but she know find when every she was in her male knight look, the prince was always watching, flirting and even trying to make a move. The prince him self was at a lost as to why a kiss from a male, had set him off so much. When the day comes the prince learn just who the knight is what will he do, seeing as she was his own maid?

2: the prince had been in love with his dad head knight for years, even more so when seeing the strong hot knight nude had set the prince off more. But getting the knight alone was the hard part for the prince, seeing as when he started to flirt with the knight he seemed to do all his skill to avoid the prince. But the prince knows the knight wants him, from the hard cock he had seen when he was flirting them few times, so he kept it up trying to get the knight to be his.

bro x bro plots
1:There mum and dad was killed in a car crash, the yougner brother got taken away to be put in care. But the older was let to live by him self for he was 18. The younger brother who was 15. Now the older brother just truning 20 and the younger 17the older comes bakc to get his brother, the two live together happy to have each other and be a family. One night the older brother comes home drunk, he starts seeing his yougner brother as his ex girlfreind who chested on him wiht hsi best mate. He trys to show her he is more of a man than his mate is, and ends up raping his brother. what will happen next? will they try and forget it? or will the younger brother find he liked it more then he should?

2: Alone in a house listen to his older brother have sex, drives the younger brother who was still a virgin mad. He was gay but he only wanted one male, so he had to work out a plan to go get his brother. He dose this by once his brother partner leaves, he goes and take over but how long can he keep it up before his brother works out who his midnight lover was.

3: Two young boys sold off by there dad for drink money, find them self being raised by a master. As they get older they get closer, but when there master, want them to fuck each other they are shocked. It turns out they was gotten, to be sex slave but not to there master but to each other, the master loved to watch other fuck.

bro x sis
The two are find home alone, there mum and dad gone on another holiday. Both had just been dumped, so they are looking for a good time. One night the brother comes home to find his sister, making out with his best mate. To his horror he finds he is not mad that it is his best mate, but that it is not him self. He throw his mate out, and find him self picking up where he had left off.

mum x son
1: having just been dumped by her husband the mum is broken, when her son comes home to find his mum was not doing to well. so he started to take over, he soon finds him self taken his dad place in everything. even in his mum bed, he take over and shows her there was life with out her ex husband.

2: Planning a holiday for just her and her son, the mum did not know she had booked a sex trip. The booklet had just said a fun trip for all, so she had not looked into it more. But once they set off the couples started to get it on, and soon the mum finds her self wanting the same but only with her son.

dad x daughter
1: coming home to find your daughter having sex with her boyfriend is one thing, but coming home to find your daughter pleasing her self to a porn vid you did when you was younger was another. then hearing you daughter call you name out, so it shows they know who it is in said vid just dose it. the dad does in to show his daughter just how good he was, not caring that she was his kid but more about fucking a female for once.

2: the daughter comes home one day very unhappy, only to find her dad having sex with an unknown female. this just makes the girl feel worse, having being dumped by her boyfriend for he said she sucked at sex she runs to her room crying. The dad always putting his daughter first sends his lover away with out even being done and goes to find out what was wrong. when he learned he has no idea what to do to help, and when his little girl ask him to teach her he is at even more of a loss.

dad x son
when growing up the son always know there was something off about his dad, unlike the others he was always hugging and kissing him jut way to close. But the son never really minded he grow up with it all his life, but when his dad starts making moves on him, he gets worried even more so when his body reacts to his dad.

Bro x bro, master x slave, druggy x dealer
The older brother has always wanted his younger brother, thinking he felt the same the older waited for them to move out away from there mum and dad. But one day when he came home from work/school/college, he finds his brother being fucked by his best friend. Which pissed him off, but more so when his friend tells him his brother is a slut. who has had sex with all of his friends, taken this in the older brother makes a plan. He getting his brother hooked on drugs, telling him if he wanted more, he would have to become his toy and sex slave. Doing anything his brother ask and told him to do, the younger brother dose this, trying to not show how much he loves it.

Vampire x runaway, master x slave
A slave boy/girl runs away from there home, they run far in to the woods and do not stop. They seen come to a house which looks like it have not been lived in for years. Being tired and cold they go inside and find a bed to sleep in, but unknown to him/her there is a vampire living there. They are find by the vampire what will he/her do to the slave boy/girl who has come in to there home?

Teacher x pupil, master x slave, blackmail
Being one of the best looking teacher in school, this male teacher was used to getting the best of everything best grades from his class and so on. But when one boy gets low grades and dose not seem to want to do any better. so the teacher has to find away to do it, what he finds is shocking a porn vid of the guy not with a female but with another male. Grinning he makes his plan, holding the boy back he tells him of the vid he had which the boy never wants anyone to see. so the teacher make the boy his slave, blackmailing him to make him do everything he wants.

Dad x son, blackmail, master x slave
Being split from his ex wife, meant the dad has his own life but also known most of his son who lived between them. He also know thing his son did not want his mum to find out. The reason he and his wife split was because he was gay, and she let him go to find his love. Now he wanted someone but had to work out how to do so, getting your own son was hard. But the dad has his own plan, he known his son is cheating on his girlfriend but that was normal for a boy his age, but what the hidden thing was it was with a male he did not want anyone to know he was day. So telling his son he would keep it hidden, and give him all the fucking he needs the dad gets what he wants his son as his slave by blackmail.

master x slave
1:A slave neko girl/boy is still in the slave shop, no matter how many times they are taken out they always come back. They are rude, they bite and they hate being a slave. So one day when a vampire comes in to get a new slave and seen the neko, he/she wants, him/her. They buy them one the spot even with hearing the owner take on the neko, he/she takes the slave home. Will they be able to brake the slave or will they give them back or will something different happen?

2:A human girl is being sold to a vampire, he thinks of her as nothing but something to fuck. When he get her home he finds out she is all to willing to do anything for him, but for some reason he dose not like it. he finds the girl is just acting and wants her to really want him, he start to give her what she wants and seen the two fell fully in love. But this is going by all slavexmaster rules, the guy that sold her finds out about it and comes to take her away, what will happen?

3:a neko girl wants a slave for her self, she was bored with all the ones she had. She seen find another neko girl, and buys her. She find the girl is not all she was hoping she the girl dose nothing but lay around not paying her master any attention. The master get tried of it and start to get hard and beats the girl but it turns to be that this is what the slave had been wanting all along what will happen?

4:The vampires and the were-wolves had been enemy for years, but have lived side by side to bet the humans trying to kill them both. One day the alpha of a were-wolf pack, talks off to a vampire so to get the alpha back the vampire kidnaps the alpha only son/daughter. The vampire who thought this would be easy lock the wolf away, and feed and give them water but was wrong. For this were-wolf was the someone the vampire could easy fell in love with, and where he/she would off left them alone, the wolf has a way off getting out and keeps trying to run. Sow hat will the vamp do, let him set risk his heart and fell hoping the wolf will fell in love to, or let the wolf return home and be alone?

Boss x worker
Being married was not all (guy 1) thought it would be, his wife made him quit his job and move just for she did not like how people looked at her. Starting a new job as hard, it was even harder when it was your 5th one for you wife hated people you worked with and made you quit. Not many places would hire him, for they did not know how long he would be there. At last finding work, he goes to check in for work. What he find for a boss (guy 2) is a guy that make him want to be single again. The boss (guy 2) feeling the seem see get’s (guy 1) to stay behind afore work, and make a deal with him to become his master and give everything (guy 1) wife can not give him. But soon it becomes more, not keeping it behind a locked door in the office, they start hidden in bathroom, dark corners or empty rooms at party and get together unable to help it. Both loving the thrill off doing it in the open, and being close to getting find out. Will they be able to keep it to them self’s or will they be find out and both guys lose there wife’s and be find out for what they are?

Cop x runaway
The cop is called out to a case where a teen is asleep on a bus, the bus driver not wanting to wake the kid in case they attack. When the cop wakes the kid they find the kid is a runaway, but was scared of going home. so the cop takes them to there place, letting the teen love with them. But one look at them nude in the shower one day, had the cop coming up with some very bad ideas. Soon the cop makes a move on the teen and the teen went to them happy to be taken.

Pet x owner
Being a neko was hard work, you had to find a master then keep said master. For this young neko finding one was getting hard, but when they do the master or owner as some call it takes them in. But what kind of pet will this neko become?

Pet x pet
The anthro of the house hold, know they are nothing more then pets for the family but as they get close to there heats, they need to find an outlet. So behind there owners back to two fuck each other, matting over and over again with each other.

Teacher x pupil
A young hot male teacher start teaching at a all girls/guys school, at once he becomes the best teacher, good on the outside, and good on the inside. But one girl/guy in all, the shy girl/guy gets his attention, she/he is by for the best looking girl/guy there. But is to shy to show it, he starts to work with her/him to bring her/him out. the two fell in love he has to hid his side, and then when she/he at last makes a move he has to put her/him down. Now she/he become worse in class, she/he is even shyer and her/his grades start to fell. He at lased sees he has done this, and asked her/him to stay behind when they are alone he says he was sorry and tries to make up for it, by coming on to her/him. Will she/her take him now? or will she/he put him down now?

New kid x cool kid
A new girl/guy comes to a school, she/he is cute but very shy. She/he finds her/him self alone in a scary new place. She/he sits in the front when the schools bad boy finds her/him, he at once is draw to her/him for she/he is one girl/guy he had not fucked yet. But he find out she.he is not so easy to win over, the girl/guy may be shy not she/he is not a push over and turns him down again and again and again. will he get her/him in bed? or will he at last find his match? or will he find the girl/guy is just the thing he has been waiting for?

Loner x footballer
The footballer just happens to be the loners brother best friend, so he sees the loner a lot. And the loner comes to all the footballer games, but really he just dose not want to piss his brother off. So when the loner brother sends his down to the locker room, to give the footballer a message he is shocked to find him self looking at a very nude, very hot male. The loner always know he was gay, but he always tried to hid it but now as he checked him out it was clear he was. He then ran for it shocked really he was feeling so much for his brother best friend. the footballer not understand why the loner ran, later that night went to talk to him but it was he who walked in on the loner nude this time. as he got ready to go take a shower, it was not the footballer turns to check him out, only he did not run he made him self very clear that he wants the loner.

Bro x sis boyfriend
the brother hates it when his sister boyfriend sleep over, the guy walks around nude. leaves the bathroom door open, so you thought no one was in. What the brother did not know, was the boyfriend was trying to get his attention. He may be dates and doing the sister, but the boyfriend was bi and also wanted to do the brother as well.

(this can be dose two way so I will put both down)


The kids are of different ages, youngest 16 oldest 18, there mum and dad had been killed in a car crush. Lucky the 18 year old has a job and is keeping the family homed, but trouble starts when one off the boys fell for his sister, and she for him they have to hid it from there brother’s and sister’s unknowing that two off there sister are in love and the two brothers are in love as well. Trying to hid their love life from the other they each are find out, now the family had to work out if they should move and live life as not family, or let the town in not knowing caring what they think, and when one of the girl’s get’s preg the plan must be made fast.

(Ok this can be all FxF or all MxM or all MxF or the mix.)

(if you don’t want the incest one then here is the other)

(Best friend x best friend, enemy x enemy sister/brother, shy x jock)

The kids are of different ages, youngest 16 oldest 18, there mum and dad had been killed in a car crush. Lucky the 18 year old has a job and is keeping the family homed, but trouble starts when one off them fell for his/her best mate, he/her dose not want to wreck there friendship so keeps it hidden. Also right under the oldest nose, his brother/sister is starting to get close to his enemy. Where the shy/jock off the family, start to get sick off being alone and make there move on the shy/jock they have a crush on at school. Will it all become a happy ending or will it all end with heart broke and a broken family?
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