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Warhammer Players in the house say "YEAH!"

Only War is a nice supplement if you're into playing IG, friends and I used DH and the other supplements/stand alones as a means to create a rough idea as to how we could run an IG platoon. Once Only War came out we consolidated over to that stand alone and made a few tweaks to suit our needs/styles.
How exactly does Only War work? Are you controlling an entire platoon or just one character. Because I glanced at the character creation and it seemed quite different.
While you're only really using one character, to help represent the numerous nature of the guard, each character (with the exception of certain classes) gets a comrade. Or as he's better known, a meat shield. They provde small bonuses for being around, bu if they're killed, te next time the squad has the chance to resupply, they can get a new comrade. So, five PCs will likely have a squad of ten troops on the field.
Alvis pretty much hit it square on the head, we usually play with two to four NPC's requisitioned to each PC since casualties are rather high in our campaigns, plus with six dedicated players, we're looking at a full squad filled with twenty four meat shields.

Though to be honest we're the type of gamers that enjoy those big rushes across no-mans land and all sorts of suicidal last charges.
So normal stuff for the Imperial Gurad to be doing? :p Frankly, the thing I liked most out of Only War was the ability to build my own Guard Regiment. Actually got to put together a regiment that I'd been schemeing out for years together.
I always liked the idea of the Guard in 40k. They're not ten foot supermen, blessed by divine powers, or anything else. They're just men. Men standing against the darkness, and trying to hold it back as best they can. There's something about that kind of blind, desperate heroism that always appeals to me.
I'm a 40k player myself working on my second army, as of right now I run Dark Angels and Space Wolves I like space marines but Codex Compliant chapters are really boring.
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