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Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

Sam felt the sticky thread envelope his form; he struggled as more and more was wrapped around his body. "Agh! Le-go-a-me!" he stammered out when he saw what appeared to be a well-endowed woman, her lower body being the thorax of a spider. "Goddamn freak!" he spat, thinking this was going to be the end. However, an earthen hand literally punched the spider-woman into oblivion; however, Sam would see that his troubles were only just beginning. He felt the cold hand wrap around him; the pressure was definitely noticeable.

He looked to his right to see something covered in an intricate robe; however, when he looked into its eyes, he could see that it was quite angry with him. Well, tough shit. The creature's identity was then revealed as Gnome; this was the earth elemental? That's what he had to bargain with? When he felt the pressure increase on his body. He could practically hear the bones creaking as Gnome threatened to crush his body. "Guess this is it...." Sam thought to himself, closing his eyes for the inevitable.

However, he was quite surprised to heard Dryad come to his defense; after some harsh words of her own, Gnome relaxed her grip, but kept him bound. When she mentioned the forming of a contract in another way, Sam was obviously skeptical. "How do I know this isn't another ploy? For all you I know, you could just be tricking me again! And even if you weren't, I thought I said I don't want the contract!" He was still upset about everything that had happened to him; however, he was choosing the wrong time to be upset right.

But as if to show how much he'd put his foot in his mouth, he then glared at the elemental, "And as for you........I like how just decided to attack me and nearly kill me. You obviously don't know the full story; I know you're mad at me yelling at Dryad because of your reactions to her words, but I'm sick of getting molested and raped! At this point, if someone just asks me, I'll bed with them! I don't even care anymore! I've already betrayed my wife so much, honestly, what's a few more going to hurt?"
Gnome raised him up and slammed him down into the ground, binding him on his back with his face up toward the star-filled heavens above them. It was a beautiful night, one that he had not yet had the ability to appreciate. Galaxies and stars gleamed brightly amid the presence of the moon which hung in the cloudless sky. Gnome peered down at him, her glowing eyes gazing into his.

"You call yourself a man," Gnome's mouth barely moved and her voice was quite hard to pick out as it was so soft it was nearly lost in the sound of the wind, "If you are a man, then start acting like one. Stop complaining like a child."

The Dryad by that time had walked up to the both of them, leaning against a nearby tree. Gnome suddenly hurried over to the woman and hid herself behind her, peeking her face out and staring at the human but still leaving him bound.

"We will talk more in the morning, you two should get some rest and cool your heads off," the Dryad sighed, turning to take the elemental with her, "I will make sure no one bothers you. Feel free to sleep as you wish,"

With that, she walked to the nearest tree and her body entered it, leaving not the least trace of her behind. Gnome sat against the tree and mostly closed her eyes, leaving a thin slit through which to watch Sam throughout the night. As an earth elemental, she didn't actually need sleep.
Sam grunted as his body was driven painfully into the ground; now he was trapped in a hemi-coffin made of earth. He noticed how much the stars and galaxies twinkled; it was quite a sight, seeing actual galaxies in the heavens above. However, the serene view was interrupted as Gnome stuck her face and began insulting him; how was he the bad guy here? He wasn't Superman or anything, he didn't ask to be passed from monster to monster like a....sake glass at a drinking party.

Sam was about to argue back, his mild delirium worsening, when Dryad interrupted and said they should get some rest. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea; and besides, with how tightly Gnome had him wrapped up, he wasn't going anywhere. Dryad would find that not only would he be more interested in 'singing' with her, but if Gnome allowed it, he would also be more willing to form a contract in the traditional method. As Dryad disappeared, leaving Sam cocooned in earth except for his head and lower legs, his exhaustion of the previous day's events finally caught up to him and soon glorious sleep overtook him.

*The next morning*

Thanks to this planet's strange rotary cycle, Sam slept for almost two Earth days; his body was beginning to adjust to this planet's time-step. The unique conditions of this planet, however subtle, would also make it impossible for him to return to Earth or any other planet. He groaned as his eyes slowly opened; his whole body felt sore from Gnome's little display. He did feel a lot better after some rest - well, actually, a lot of rest compared to his normal sleep schedule - and he recalled how he acted the previous evening. His stomach sank; was he really that much of a jerk? Dryad at least helped him before trying to move in on him, and he supposed Gnome was justified in her rough treatment of him. That didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell, though.

Feeling his body still trapped in the earthen casket, he finally woke up all the way; he looked around until he saw Gnome sitting against a tree. The bright sunlight caused him to miss the fact that her eyes were open; he also saw how nicely developed she was. "Um, Gnome......Gnome? Are you awake?" he then asked softly, hopefully not disturbing her sleep, not knowing that she had stayed awake the whole night.
Gnome's eyes slowly opened all the way up, her small hands coming up to rub the dust from them a bit. It seemed that she had actually gone into something like a meditative state, with her eyes still somewhat open throughout the long night and she took a little while to completely wake up. She turned toward the human and slowly nodded, the aggressive look in her eyes was completely wiped away, leaving simply a somewhat curious and timid look in them. Gnome stood up and slowly approached him, sliding her feet against the ground rather than actually stepping toward him. If anything, she actually seemed somewhat afraid of him.

The glorious rays of the morning sun were streaming down on the both of them, sending a pleasant warmth down through the earth and soothing Sam's sore body and sending a bit of welcome strength to him as well as in the distance one could hear the pleasant symphony of the Dryad singing to herself. She probably had been awake for a while and was keeping the volume of her song low in order to keep herself from disturbing the two of them, but still provide a lovely tune to passively work its magic on the both of them. It would help them relieve their stress and bring calmness to their souls... and perhaps a bit more.

Gnome finally stood next to Sam and raised up her hand. The dirt fell away from around him and released him from its grip, allowing him to sit up or stand if he so desired. She slowly gave him an apologetic bow, the regret and desire for peace and forgiveness slightly hinted at in her large round eyes.

"I'm... Sorry for what I did yesterday," she spoke humbly, in the same soft and wispy voice as she had used just the day before, "It was unrefined and rash of me."
Sam watched nervously as Gnome approached him; he thought maybe she was coming back for a second round. However, when he managed to see her eyes, there wasn't a hint of malice in them. He was feeling strangely stronger than he thought he would; he could also hear the Dryad singing off in the distance. She must really like doing that; his stomach felt like a lead brick when he remembered the Dryad. He'd treated her and Gnome so disrespectfully.

He then saw Gnome raise her hand, thinking for a moment that she was going to do something to him; which she did, just not what he expected. He felt the earthen confines dissolve around him; he gave Gnome a slightly confused look before nodding and saying, "Thanks" He then sat up, giving his toned body a stretch. When she apologized for being rash, Sam shook his head and replied, "No....don't apologize. I was the rash one yesterday, it's me who should ask for forgiveness." He then sighed and continued, "It's just.........being on this planet, I've felt so on edge, wondering who was going to attack me next. It's not something I'm used to at all, and it wore down on my sanity. Luckily, most of the other species I've ran into, after I laid with them, turned out to be quite kind and generous."

He then looked at Gnome and said, "Do I have your forgiveness, Gnome? And if I may ask, where is the Dryad? I need to ask for her forgiveness as well." He didn't like leaving debts unsettled; and even though he needed Gnome's powers, he wouldn't ask until she forgave him.
Gnome listened patiently as he explained his actions, knowing full well how difficult it must be for him being the only human male left on the entire planet. She didn't know why he was here, or what he needed her power for, but from just looking at him she thought being contracted with him wouldn't be such a bad arrangement. As long as he didn't overuse her powers, she probably wouldn't need to replenish them very often either... Of course, he didn't know about that part of the contract yet, and she wasn't going to tell him unless he asked about it.

When he asked if he had her forgiveness, Gnome slowly nodded, hands clasped in front of herself in a humble fashion. She didn't feel any malice toward him any longer, realizing that they had both been acting immature and that holding onto a grudge would simply delay matters further and make the possibility of forming a contract that much more difficult for the future.

She gestured toward the clearing behind her, where the sounds of the Dryad's song could be distinctly heard, then shook her head slowly and waved her hand in the air with a smile in order to inform him that she understood as well and was trying to give the two of them some time alone.
When Sam saw that he'd been forgiven by the Dryad as well, he felt a lot better; though, he was still nervous he had no idea what exactly this contract forging entailed. He didn't know what would result of it, nor the potential problems that came with covenanting oneself to an elemental. But, all he knew was that he needed the elemental's powers in order to reach the succubus.

", Gnome........if I may ask, what exactly must I do to make this contract with you?" he then asked, deciding it was better to have everything out in the open in regards to this matter; he had a good idea what it involved, but he knew how dangerous it could be to jump to conclusions. And besides, even if it were the case, she probably wouldn't want to even do it with him; after all, he did treat her like shit the other night.
"The way the contract is forged is by an exchange of energy," Gnome avoided eye contact, a bit of redness rising to her face, "It will allow you to directly access my powers, the extent to which you use it is up to you... To solidify the contract itself we merely need to form a bond..."

Her voice trailed off even more, so that it was barely audible at all, "It is usually a bond formed by means of sexual contact, so that our souls will be bound so as to create a stable contract but we may form a temporary contract merely by... K-kissing."

She fidgeted, "I do not mind either way, but keep in mind that a stable bond is much more reliable and will allow you greater access to my powers."

Gnome wasn't used to talking this much, but she knew he wouldn't understand her subtle body language to communicate it to him in her typical way.
Sam could tell that this contract was definitely what he expected it to be; though, he was quite surprised at how timid and uneasy she sounded. She wasn't anything like she was last night; though Sam had to admit, she was really cute when she blushed like that. Even if he barely heard some of the words she said, he caught enough to catch the overall meaning. "So, sexual contact is the bonding force between us? This planet gets more interesting by the second." He'd never heard of a contract being formed through sexual intercourse, so there was no chastising in his tone, only mild amusement.

He then stood up and walked up to Gnome, placing a tender hand on her cheek, "If you truly will allow me, I would like to take that contract. I also pledge to not use your powers unless the situation absolutely calls for it." The way she said it sounded like he was literally being linked to her, body and soul. He didn't want her to experience undue stress; he could tell this contract was asking a lot.....from both of them. He gave her a gentle smile and waited to see if she would accept his advance, his member already starting to harden in anticipation.
Gnome nodded hesitantly, pulling the hood of her cloak off her head and revealing her head to his full view. She had long dark purple hair that rolled across her shoulders and nicely accented her sparkling green eyes. She then pushed the robe off from her shoulders, allowing the thick fabric to fall to her feet in a large lump. Under the robe she wore something similar to a thin gown which hung over her small frame, the shape of her moderately-sized round breasts pressing out toward him as she held her arms to her sides, allowing him to look over her body as he desired. She closed her eyes softly and raised her face toward his, accepting his embrace if he would give it.
And look over her he did; his eyes roamed deliberately over her figure, noting every curve and how it all added to make one very attractive earth-spirit woman; Sam then stated quite honestly, "I don't know why you're so shy, Gnome. You really are quite beautiful to look at." And with that, he lowered his face to hers, pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss; he figured given how nervous she was, he'd start off slow. Kissing was always safe; he then placed his hands gently on her shoulders. He wouldn't make her do anything she wasn't comfortable with. His tongue came out and licked at the crease of her lips gently, asking in a subtle way for entrance to become more intimate with her.
Gnome parted her lips slightly, allowing him to enter without resistance as her own tongue darted into his mouth, exploring a bit before brushing against his. Her face burned red at his compliment, while her hands reached up and grasped his sleeves firmly as if not wanting to let him pull away from the kiss. A small bond had already been foraged between them, allowing her to speak to his mind directly.

"But... I'm not as tall or beautiful or strong-willed as the others. They only respect me or are friendly because of my power. They fear my power but they do not know the real me. They don't care about knowing me, no one but Dryad that is."
Sam was a bit surprised at how eager and yet shy Gnome seemed to be; he smiled a bit when she grabbed the sleeves of his clothes so forcefully. She wouldn't have to worry about him leaving her; he rather enjoyed how she felt. He held back a chuckle when he could practically feel the heat of her face radiating against his skin, making him warm up and press into her ever so gently.

"One thing you should know about humans.........They have a very wide range of tastes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Gnome. Just remember that I'm beholding someone beautiful right now. So, show me the sides of you that the others shun and ignore, reveal to me yourself, let me experience the real you." he then replied, showing her that he indeed wanted to be truly closer to her; this act of passion would actually serve to strengthen the bond between them even more.
Gnome's eyelids opened slightly, her pupils scanning the side of his face, cheek, and neck as he continued the kiss. She reached up further and managed to grasp his shoulders, opening her mouth further and clasping her mouth over his. She pressed her body against his slightly, letting him feel her smooth curves against him. Already the two of them were surrounded by green waves of energy that encapsulated them, amplified by the Dryad's song in the distance.

"Hold me."

Her breath was becoming deeper and more labored, his words definitely having an effect on her. She was eagerly caressing his tongue with her own, savoring his taste and absorbing a small amount of energy from him as she did so. She didn't really need any from him at the time, but the sensation of part of him flowing into her sent surges of pleasure through her small frame.

He wrapped his arms around her torso, pulling her closer as she pressed into him, their mouths and tongues wrestling in a wonderful bout of passionate combat; he loved how her body felt. And though he didn't know it, the Dryad's song was helping them make a contract stronger than anyone could anticipate. He didn't feel Gnome taking his energy as pain; even though he didn't know she was doing it, he felt like they were truly becoming one. Her obvious arousal served to heighten his own; his hardening member soon tented the legless cloak that Talbor had given him.

"Gnome....everything about incredible. You should really have more confidence in yourself." he then added as the passion with which he embraced her, his chest rubbing against her nicely-sized mounds through her nightgown-like garment.
Finally breaking the kiss, Gnome pulled back and clasped her lips down on his shoulder, her mouth sucking on his skin and her tongue licking at it as if tasting him. Her face turned an even deeper red as she felt his arousal rising up and pressing against her, her left hand dropping from his shoulder and gently stroking its length. The energy around them started to flow into Sam's back, giving him some of her energy in exchange for his own that she had taken a short while earlier. She had no intention of draining him like a succubus or demon-type monster would.

Her womanly folds were already growing damp with desire as she reached down with her right hand and started to pull her nightgown-like article over her head, the only thing that stood between her body as his clothed form. It dropped to her side along with her robe as she eagerly grasped back onto his shoulder and her lips traveled up to his cheek were she continued to kiss and lick him, urging him on while her hand continued to slowly stroke his length. Her nipplies were already firm from rubbing against his chest, the redness of arousal and embarrassment tinting her entire body slightly.

Dryad could tell from the way Gnome was reacting that Sam was very well suited to form a contract with her friend, her face curving into a knowing smile as she realized it was probably due to her friend's deep-set desire for a proper mate. This was something that only Sam could do, as she felt helpless to aid her friend in satisfying such needs. All she could do is help increase the passion and intensity of their combined pleasure in each other, hoping that it would help them form a stronger bond. If he was intending to go after the Sleeping Succubus, it would be very likely that this bond would be severely tried.
Sam opened his eyes when Gnome pulled away, but groaned when her delicate hand found his growing manhood and began playing with it. He felt himself growing oddly stronger, unknowing about the energy that flowed into his body; this would increase his sexual endurance and stamina, allowing Gnome to fulfill all her desires with him if she so pleased. He could feel the heat coming from between her legs as the robe he wore was discarded,; it washed over his member, causing his arousal to escalate further and serving to be risen higher as her sensual kissing and licking continued.

He then laid Gnome gently on the ground beneath him, treating her as he would his lover; he could feel the heat from her body sinking into his own, increasing the pleasure he felt. His mouth quickly latched on to the pert bud on the mound of flesh, his tongue swirling around it as his lips created a gentle yet highly arousing sucking sensation. He then switched to her other breast and repeated, keeping this up for a while as she stroked his manhood, its length throbbing in her hand. The heat from her pussy seemed to grow even more; Sam could tell she wanted this badly.

He then broke off his ministrations of her chest and looked Gnome in the eyes, smiling as he said between mild grunts of heated pleasure, "Gnome......Let's become one." He wondered if she was a virgin; from the way she talked and the Dryad described her, she didn't seem to have formed a contract with anyone before. But then again she knew of the contract itself, so perhaps she did form one with someone else before. Either way, it didn't matter, he was forming a contract with her and that was all that mattered.
Gnome let him lay her down on the ground, the soft soil under her body acting like a mattress of sorts as he looked down her her. She looked away from him in a shy manner as he looked over her now completely-exposed body, her arousal apparent yet at the same time still somewhat restrained by her own will. As he took her nipple into his mouth and started to suck and caress them, her inhibitions were slowly being worn away. Her breath came in short gasps, with the occasional moan issuing from her lips as she grew more and more aroused by his attentions to her breasts. Gnome grasped his head in her hands and held him in place, relishing in the sensations he was giving her, and in turn she was feeding back into him, sharing the pleasure with her contractor.

Gnome's eyes slowly opened in response to his request, her large wanton eyes gazed into his as her head slowly nodded. She spread her legs a bit wider to make it a bit easier for him, reaching down and aiming his member at her lower lips. Her body slightly tensed up, as she knew that he was quite large and her body was not used to anything of his size entering her. Sam couldn't have known this, but contracted elementals have their souls bound, so it is a process that can only happen once in their lives.
Sam felt Gnome grasp his member and direct towards her womanly entrance; he pushed his hips forward until the bulbous head parted the lips and went inside her wetness. He could feel her tensing up around him; she either hadn't done this in a while or she hadn't done this before. "If it hurts, Gnome, let me know and I'll slow down or stop. Whichever makes you more comfortable." he said, trying to help her relax by showing he truly wanted them both to enjoy this. He continued to push forward; her walls grew tighter and tighter around him as his throbbing manmeat advanced further into her.

Eventually, he reached a barrier; so she hadn't done it before. He felt a bit touched that she would give her first time to him to help him out; he then said as his chest rose and fell a little, his lust starting to cloud his mind "Here I go." He then pushed, increasing the force until he felt the barrier give way; he stopped his hips from shooting forward, lest his length ram all the way inside her and hurt her. "Do you want me to keep going, Gnome, or should I wait?" he then asked, trying to make sure she wasn't hurting too badly
"Ah..." Gnome's eyes widened slightly as he pressed into her, her body gladly accepting his intrusion but as he pressed further inside she felt his entire size filling her, stretching her around him to an uncomfortable degree. She grasped his shoulders in her arms and shook her head, urging him onward by wrapping her legs around him and pulling herself upward slightly thereby drawing him further into herself. She could feel him press against her sensitive barrier, the last obstacle between herself and him. It hurt more than she could have imagined as he broke through in one thrust, filling her almost completely with himself as he did so.

At the same time, she could feel his desire for her and the pleasure her body gave him every time he pressed into her further. Her body tightened around him a bit painfully as she somehow managed to keep a stoic face, nodding to him to tell him to keep going although due to the fact that they were connected there was no way she could have completely masked the pain she felt. Gnome pushed her hips up slightly to draw him in further until he pressed against her cervix, then let herself relax as he drew back out of her, each time the energy waves around them seemed to grow stronger.
Sam felt Gnome press her body firmly into his as his length sank deep inside her, feeling his sensitive cock head press against her womb. He felt a few sharp jolts of pain in his body; Gnome was probably hurting a bit, despite her face not showing anything to indicate. Her pussy squeezed his manhood as he began gently moving in and out of her, careful to not go too hard or fast in order for her to adjust to him. Sam kissed Gnome all along her neck, lips and breasts and cleavage, his hands rubbing her sensitive mounds gently in order to take the pain away and help her feel nothing but pure, unadulterated bliss.

His flared cockhead rubbed her wet walls, stimulating and lighting the fire within her as their heated coitus continued; he could feel her squeezing around him quite tightly. He could feel her ankles digging into his back and her arms keeping their heated bodies close together, her breasts bouncing even as his chest pressed them down as he continued to thrust into at a slowly increasing pace. All of this served in increasing the intensity he felt and hoped that his actions would make this as enjoyable for Gnome as she was doing for him. He hoped they could stay like this for a while; it had been a while since he'd had a first-off consensual relationship
The pain transferred to Sam gradually subsided, with a growing burning sensation taking its place as Gnome's body grew accustomed to his size and started to contact and relax around his length. She clung to him firmly, as if her very life depended on it, letting out little cries of pleasure in time with each of his thrusts. Her heart throbbed audibly in Sam's consciousness, showing how much she was engaged in their act while her fingers worked themselves through his hair in a tender manner. Her lips traced his body, planting tender kisses wherever she could reach as she allowed him to take fully control of her body.

There was no more inhibitions left inside her, the pain having vanished and forgotten by his blissful embrace. She wanted nothing more than to stay like this for as long as she could, held by him and feeling closeness that only the two of them shared. She arched into his touches and returned his kisses whenever she found the opportunity to do so, her mind hazy with the cloud of desire that he had built up in her.

"M-more... Give me more," she begged, "Don't tease me..."

She had long since forgotten that this was needed for the contract. In fact, she probably couldn't care less about the actual contract at the moment. She was already addicted to him, and desired his touch more than anything else. At that very moment, a seal appeared on her heel, an intricate rune which carved his initials onto her body and made her his own. With that, the contract of the highest degree was confirmed, but the two of them did not seem to want to stop until they had their fill.

The Dryad sighed happily as she watched them from a distance, her song no longer needed as they were too absorbed in each other to even hear it. She placed her hand upon her fair cheek and smiled, glad that her friend had found such a tender contractor for herself. She couldn't help but feel a bit envious of his attention, but restrained herself knowing that she herself knew what it was like to be within the embrace of a willing lover. Her husband had been a scientist from among the colonists, a young idealist who sought to understand what was causing the changes in the creatures of the planet to cause the males to slowly die out. While at first they were merely friends, the two of them talking and sharing stories of the world outside her forest while the Dryad ensured that he was not molested while within her domain. however, as the situation grew more serious in the intervening years, she offered to allow him to live with her in order to keep him safe, it no longer being advisable for him to make the long journey between her forest and the colony. Unbeknownst to her, he had already fallen for her, and took up the offer with utmost joy. The two of them consummated their love not long afterward, the months and years flew by before she even realized it. Surrounded by his family which he had built together with his Dryad wife, he eventually succumbed to old age and passed away. At the time she wished she had passed with him, but somehow found herself unable to let herself die as she had the duty of protecting the forest that they both had loved so dearly...

Sam felt a burning in his groin; not a painful one, but one of extreme desire and arousal. The heartbeat in his mind seemed to link with his own, increasing his pleasure. Her contractions around his length were met with timely throbs of his own member, the heat in his body building to the most erotic level he'd experienced so far. He felt her legs tighten around his hips, her heels digging into the small of his back more firmly, pushing the passion of their embrace to new heights as their bodies seemed to almost melt together; his sack slapped against her as his thrusting continued to slowly increase in both speed and depth.

Her fingers left paths of warmth and desire on his scalp; he loved her lips on his body and against his own lips. He never wanted this to end, hoping they could just keep going and going. Unbeknownst to him, a rune of its own - the symbol for 'Earth' - traced itself into his right palm, solidifying the contract permanently between them. When she begged him for more, Sam clasped his lips over her mouth in a heated kiss, breaking momentarily to say heatedly " you wish..." before latching his mouth back onto hers, pressing his body into her even more as he started to pound into her. His thick shaft throbbed more and more, pulsing against her hot, wet and velvety walls with great intensity; his end was approaching, making him feel light-headed and the urge to cum inside her reaching great heights. But he was feeling too good to say it out loud and continued to thrust at an increasingly fast and deepening pace, his throbbing meat stimulating her insides like no one else had before.
Gnome tightened around him, holding him with all her physical strength as she felt his member pounding inside her, desiring to plant his seed inside her womb. The very realization of this, knowing that it was her and her alone who had built up this desire inside him, sent her peering over the edge of her own climax. She broke the passionate kiss to gasp at the air, trying to hold herself away from her peak in order to enjoy this surging pleasure for as long as she could. She knew it would never quite be the same way again and sought to maintain this feeling of staring just at the line which her body screamed for her to dash past.

Her nails dug into his skin, her body arching up toward his as her eyes opened wide, the electric fireworks which exploded within her mind threatening to escape her lips. Her body convulsed, and pulsed, her inner folds contracted and pulled on his member drawing him in and holding him tight within her lest he pull out as she finally pulled across and fell into her climax. Her breath escaped her lips as she screamed, perhaps for the first time using her full voice to make her pleasure known to the world. Her womanhood pulsed around his length, begging him to fill her and release her desires.

The earth around them surged, sending out waves that rippled throughout the forest. Spurts of rocks rose up around them and exploded like fireworks as she held her lover tightly to herself. Tears of joy ran down her cheeks, bathing in the glow of her climax.


"That's not good enough!" Rachel slammed her fist into the counter, her patience nearly at its end as she stared down at her father, "Sam could be dead by now for all we know!"

"But dear, the area where we lost contact with his craft is in the center of the dead zone, we have no idea if he even survived the deceleration process let alone landed on a planet which he could have actually survived on. There is simply too little chance to justify-"

"So, you will just let him die out there?!" Rachel screamed, "I know you two didn't quite see eye-to-eye, but this is ridiculous! If you won't go out there to find him then I will go myself!"

She stormed out of the room and headed toward the launch pad, her father watching her leave with a hopeless look on his face... This was a week ago.

For every scan pass she made over the area, it only brought more questions than answers. The entire area was vast, has her father had told her, but she still clung to the possibility that he was still alive and waiting for her, holding her memory as the only thing that kept him alive... For her. She knew he would not simply give up on himself, despite the circumstances, but she hated the feeling of waiting helplessly when he could be in dire need. She looked over the long-range scan once more and her eyes grew wide as she picked up yet another habitable planet (for humans at least). This one, however, was a big one... with a long day cycle yet normal gravity readings which were well within the comfort level of humans. She was just about to run a bio-scan on it when she felt a strong jolt. Something had just taken out her control module! She clutched the controls in a futile attempt to regain control of the craft as she felt it being pulled helplessly toward what appeared to be a small wormhole above the planet....

She awoke a few hours later, her ship having seemingly vanished from around her. Rachel looked around in the darkness, feeling bindings of some sort on her wrists and ankles as her eyes searched around for even a hint of light. Suddenly, to her left she felt some breath on her neck, followed by words.

"So... You are this Rachel I have heard so much about..." the voice was low and somewhat fatigued, breathless and heavy, "You are different from what I imagined... You have smaller breasts than I do."

Rachel could feel the grin on the unseen woman's face.

"I think I will have you hang around a bit while I check up on a few leads... I wouldn't want you getting in my way, but I do not have any need of you just yet. Do not worry, I won't leave you in the dark forever."

With that, Rachel heard her footsteps slowly vanish into the thin air, leaving her very much alone.

"What the hell?! Let me out!" she screamed into the darkness, but it gave her no answer.
(Whoa, talk about an earth-shuddering orgasm XD)

Sam didn't think that Gnome could hold onto him any tighter; however, the increased pressure he felt around his body and manhood served to prove him very wrong. He could feel her vibes, the connection enabling him to feel what she felt and vice versa; she was happy. Truly happy, and like him, she wanted this sensation, of toeing the line to a very much explosive climax, to keep going on. Sadly, even the best of things must always come to an end.

He winced slightly as her nails dug into his back; he wasn't mad and weirdly, it served to make him that much hotter for her. He could feel her walls tightening around him insanely, pulsing around his manhood to milk him for his hot sticky fluid. With how tightly she was holding his body and her womanly entrance gripping his member, she wouldn't have to worry about him pulling out. He felt his mind growing blank, his legs starting to weaken and feel like jelly.

He grunted and pushed hard into her just as her orgasm overtook her body; his cockhead swelled as his sperm was shot inside her womb. His member throbbed and pulsed strongly as his thick seed was pumped inside her, filling her womb to the brim. Even when she was full of his hot sticky sperm, it just kept flowing out, his member keeping every last drop plugged up inside. He was involved with their simultaneous release that he didn't even notice the effects of her orgasm on the surrounding environment; though if he had seen it, the first thought would have been if the Dryad was shocked at the terraforming that just occurred.
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