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Once Upon... (CLOSED)

RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver finaly found something with books in it and started to look around. Well they were sort of books, he just figured thy hadn't been invented yet. When he opened the pages to check out if he could find anything to get him home he realized he couldn't read any of it. He frowned and tried more and more of each thing with writing on it. He tsked his tongue and continued to look hoping some how the words would magically become readable to him. "Yeah, right, because that's going to jappen.." he muttered to himself. Jumping when he heard the door open, ducking behind ad under a table, praying he didn't get caught.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Lannistar Hughe the golden haired master of coins stepped into the Scribe's Library. This little used place was where the scribes of his employ, well technically the crown's, recorded all transactions that occurred in the Seven Kingdoms. The dense shorthand was barely readable to the highly educated. This library was just the depository for the records so very rarely was this place occupied.

Lannistar drew out a milky white crystal from his inner pocket, " Martok lost the boy, he said we had until the bloodmoon to find him and make the sacrifice." After a moment of silence, " I am aware that is in three days time. Use the treasury if you must hire a hundred more guardsmen, just find him!"

Lannistar, Lannis for short finger-combed his golden curls before replacing the crystal in his vest pocket. " How does an archmage misplace a powerless boy," the attractive nobleman whispered to himself.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver cussed under his breath and fidgeted, now what was he supposed to do? He couldn't just get out from under the table and say he tripped, could he? Did the other know what he looked like? He hoped not, he took a deep breath and got up, rubbing his knees. The moment he looked at the man he remembered they had different rules of edicate here. Crap, he thougt to himself, now what was he supposed to do? He bowed quickly and made a run for the door. Hoping he'd make it
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

" Stop servant!" the pleasant voice called, the tone was anything but pleasant. The lordling approached his rich clothing accenting his form. " How long were you here? Just how much have you heard?" Lannis circled the boy like a hungry lion.

He drew a slender dagger, the hilt shaped like a lion, and placed the blade on Oliver's cheek, " Please I would hate to get my clothes bloody, but I must insist you answer me." Sparkling cold green eyes met Oliver's, there was no doubt that this man would kill him if he must.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver shook his head, "nothing, m'lord" god he hoped that was right, "i had just tripped, did not even notice you were here until i stood up." He eyed the dagger and continued to pray that this man would believe him. "Now, if you would let me go, m'lord, his grace is expecting me..." he said as he backed up, slowly.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

" So you're the whelps servant?" the lord smiled cruelly at Oliver. "Well I can see why he picked you, Prince Tawnos has always had discerning taste, although he is awful at covering his tracks. I would warrant you have never even been a whore before, pity you could make a fair amount of coin." Lannis sheathed the dagger. He pushed the boy to the floor, " Clumsy though." The richest man in the kingdom clicked his tongue.

" Perhaps I should do Prince Tawnos a favor and kill you, replace him you with one of my own sweet little bird." He stepped over Oliver, legs on either side of his chest.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver gasped as he was pushed down. "M'lord...why do that? I assure you I could make you very happy, take me under your wing, teach me." He said, trying to work under the situations, very gently touching the man's leg. "Riches, bed mate, a spy on the prince..." he looked up at him "whatever you wish..."
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Lannistar arched his eyebrow, " You would sell the prince out that quickly?" he began to laugh heartily.

" Even the servants want nothing to do with him! Yes than little bird come find me here each night at midnight, you will remain alive as long as I remain entertained," he turned to leave, "One way or the other."
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver nodded, watching the other. "Yes, m'lord" he said and as soon as the man left he ran bacm, never stopping until he reached the prince's room. He fell onto the bed, fidgetinf. Great what was he going to do now? Well, he guessed he be playing double agent.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Within an hour the prince returned to his bedroom. He wheeled a cart of food that a servant had left outside the door into the chambers. He was surprised to see Oliver up and dressed, the boy had seemed physically and mentally drained when he left him. Perhaps these New Yorkers need less rest, the prince wondered.

" I have brought you food," the prince called happily. He removed several silvery serving covers to reveal the provinder that the people of his court consumed. To Oliver's eyes most of it appeared stranger but there were several foods that he could atleast recognize. Thick Black bread with a mushroom soup, sliced meat perhaps venison in a red gravy, a small dish of olives with onions and cheese. The rest were strange and the prince had to introduce them; " This is Lamprey pie, you know the little black eels," he cut himself a portion and offered it to Oliver. " This one is one of my favorites," Tawnos showed him a plate that looked like strange gray meat in a green sauce, " Sea sponge!" he declared cheerfully and ate a portion.

When the prince had finished eating he leaned back on his bed and smiled at Oliver," So I hope you were not too bored perhaps I could get you a book of some sort when I attend Council meetings and the like?"
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver eyed the food for a bit but started to eat it anyways. "Not bad..." he mumbled as he ate and shook his head "Wouldn't matter I can't read them.." he trailed off a little bit and gave an awkward laugh. "I mean..." he gulped, there was no getting out of this one. "So um..." he started "It's quite a collection you have." he stated and smiled a bit. "I heard Martok said he lost me...some guy was talking to no one about it." he hadn't seen the crystal, just hear the man talking "he really doesn't like you, and also doesn't think you have good taste in men." he said and chuckled more "I suppose I'll end up showing him just how good of taste you have in men." he said with a smirk. "Well...that or he'll kill me if I don't come with goods about you." he said and shook his head.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

The prince stared at Oliver, the happiness draining from his face. The boy from New York had made Tawnos laugh and smile, among other things. Now the scowl of a ruler etched itself deeply in the face of the prince. " I expressly told you to stay in this room. You disobeyed me and I was only gone for an hour or two. How am I to keep you safe you little fool!" The prince raged. He stood up and smashed several platters from the cart to the ground. The fury was upon him, he was not named Stormborn for naught.

His hands wrung the air as if he was ripping it apart. " Who was this man! What did he say!" he stomped back to the bed and grabbed Oliver's shoulder, strong fingers dug into his shoulder, " Well?"
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver jumped at the rage pouring from the man and moved back slightly, only to wince at the fingers being dug into his shoulder "I don't know! He just wanted to know what I had heard him say, he's working with Martok." he said, calmly. "He mentioned replacing me with a bird of his. I stuck a deal with him. Sorry, but I rather not lose my life. I give him info about you he keeps me alive. This can work two ways you know. It seems like he also plans for me to sleep with him as well. He mentioned that as long as he's entertained he won't kill me." Oliver shrugged a little bit. "It doesn't have to be honest. I'm just your servant after all...a play thing for you, perhaps you just never give me too much information." he said and smirked a bit "I'm smarter than you think, prince." he said "Perhaps you only give me select information, enough to keep the man entertained, but not enough for him to do anything with."
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Tawnos stared at Oliver, rage fled from his face but a deep sadness came as it left. " I can not believe that someone is already plotting against me. I am not even a king as of yet. So who is this man? What does he look like?" the prince slumped down on the bed and stretched his arm around the boy. He felt the boy flinch away when his fingers brushed up against his back.

" By the seven! What have I done," The prince kneeled and placed his head against the boys hands. " Oliver I am so sorry! I hope I did not scare you, did not hurt you...oh gods I am sorry."
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver tried to describe the man to Tawnos when the other man started to panic. He chuckled "It's just a bruise, don't worry about it. And you did nothing, he pushed me down, so I bruised my back a little bit. You only got my shoulders." he said and shook his head. "They should have named you Tawnos, the bipolar." he said and chuckled "Man, you switch moods like a PMSing woman." he said. "Look, I have to meet him back where I was every night at midnight, so mind giving me something to tell him?" he asked "I mean, if he wants sex whatever, but I rather have something just in case he doesn't."
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Tawnos thought for a while, " You could tell him that I support the reduction of our armies, I plan on using the gold to educate and feed the poor. If he seeks blackmail you could tell him that the King begged me on his deathbed to change the castle council. That should get everyone in a tizzy." The prince smirked and then frowned. " A pee-em-messing woman? Sounds horrible!" he shuddered.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver nodded "got it. That should work...for now, I'll do my best to get informatiom for you." He said and sighed, laying back slightly wincing. "You have no isea how horrible it is." He said and chuckled. He frowned, "I kind of hope he didn't mean sex every night...I going to get bored." He chuckled a bit and looked at the prince. " so...did Martok say why he wanted me?" He asked.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

" The archmage claimed that you were a thief that looted his tower a couple nights ago. He had captured you and was going to execute you at the very moment that you escaped. The council did not seem to believe his claims though, we all know that if he caught someone trespassing, let alone stealing from him that you would not have escaped. " The prince shuddered slightly. " The last man who even was found on the grounds of his tower was quickly turned into a mindless slave. He augmented this poor man's body until he could snap iron bars with his own hands. Of course the tresspasser could not breathe without feeling pain."

Tawnos stared at the boy, " You would so quickly go into this other man's bed?" The prince seemed a bit hurt but it was survival, could Tawnos claim that he would not sleep with a stranger to save his own that what Oliver had did with him?
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver sighed and shook his head "Great. I have not only someone who can supposedly play around with magic but is also crazy trying to kill me." he looked at Tawnos, a little confused by the hurt expression "I didn't have much of a choice, his dagger was already at my throat. If I didn't way the right things at the right time, I would not be sitting here." he scratched the back of his neck "Um...I hate to ask this, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep up correct politeness with him, he thinks I'm your servant. Well, I think he thinks I'm your play thing, but that doesn't really matter. I suppose there is some certain respect other than calling him M'lord and bowing a lot. Though it seemed to work." He fidgeted, there was one other thing he wasn't certain of, though he didn't mind all that much "Where. Where am I going to sleep?" he asked.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Tawnos thought for a moment, " M'lord might save you, he might believe you do not know who he is. Playing dumb might keep him from asking you to do anything truly dangerous. Also it may keep him from suspecting that you are Martok's lost prisoner. Lannistar's title is Lord of Coins, or the Scepter of King's Landing. " Tawnos shrugged, " You may sleep on the divan in the corner of the chamber, or in the adjoined servant's quarters," he nodded towards a door in the very back of the chambers. The prince shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, hoping that Oliver would share his bed once more.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver nodded "Thanks." he said, reffering to the information he had just been given. He looked at the divan in the corner, "I suppose I can sleep on the divan, I rather not sleep...away from you." he said, scrambling to find another reason just in case Tawnos took it a little differently than he had meant it "You know, so I don't get caught or something like that."
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Tawnos smirked a little, " Well the offer does remain to stay in my bed with me Oliver. When do you meet the councilor? If there is time I would like to show you something, a trick, that could help you get away in a dangerous situation. It should not take long." Tawnos sat down next to Oliver and took his right hand in his own. He drew upon his magical energies and let them flow through the conduit.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver smirked a bit back "Then I'll sleep with you." he said "Midnight." he answered Tawnos's question just as he grabbed his hand. Oliver looked down at their hands and wanted to pull away but couldn't for some reason, he could feel something in his hand tingling and he wasn't sure how he felt about it "What are you doing?" he asked and fidgeted.
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Tawnos smiled at the bow, for once he was the one who was sure of themselves while the other was concerned. " Magic," he said. The prince continued to concentrate a faint trickle of sweat dotted his forehead. He plunged deep inside the bow searching for that silvery essence that all people had weather they were archmages or pig farmers.

" Martok says everyone has the gift inside of them, some more than others, but it is like sword fighting. You can depend on just your natural talents to save you in a fight, or you can practice and improve. Hmmm it seems like you have the gift and a bit more than most. Truly there are no wizards in your world? I could teach you a simple spell if you would like? It may be useful in the right situation. You would just have to practice a lot, like lifting a weight but inside your mind."
RE: Once Upon... (AlexsSketches, Joss)

Oliver looked at Tawnos "I'm telling you that stuff doesn't exist where I come from, it's just a bunch of silly little slight of hand." he said and eyed Tawnos, he supposed it couldn't hurt to learn something that he thought would probably be useless. He sat down and nodded "Fine. Teach me." he said and crossed his arms "But first, tell me what you are teaching me." he said "I'm not gonna turn into a frog or something like that am I? Like if I do it wrong"
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