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Song From Entropy (Lestat & DaShou)

"She wasn't that bad; she had some interesting stories. I must say...your case is very peculiar. But...that isn't exactly what I want to talk about." He said with a small laugh. He showed them to the guest room--a room that was decorated just as well as the rest of the house, and was taken up mostly by the plush queen sized bed. He turned to Wendell when they reached the room and smiled warmly. "She's very adorable."
Wendell looked around the big room. Wow, this guy was definitely filthy rich. He felt so bad being here---he didn’t fit in. As he walked over to the bed, he heard the adorable comment and Wendell looked back at Adam with a small look before placing her in the bed. “I guess so. In her own ways,” he said quietly, pulling the blankets over Catarina, tucking her in. He brushed some of her hair out of her face and smiled a little. “Good night, Cat,” he whispered to her before turning and walking towards Adam, prepared to try and do business now.
Adam Flushed, wondering if Wendell thought his comment was out of place. He didn't want Wendell to think he was some sort of pervert. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't be weird at all." He smiled sheepishly, not wanting to hinder their new relationship. "Um..let's just go talk. I can guide you through everything you need to know, and whatever questions you may have. " He said, guiding them back to the living room, still feeling embarrassed.
Wendell just shook it off, the chance that he’d remember it later was near impossible. He followed him to the living room and sat down on the couch. Then he looked at Adam, prepared for this talk. At least he hoped he was, he didn’t have the…. Greatest education in the world. Wendell was almost starting to think he might have always been slow in the head because of the way his sister knew so much compared to him. It never really hindered his personality though. He just kept doing what it was he liked to do.
Adam took his seat next to Wendell, pushing his short blonde/brown hair out of his eyes. "Ok, so first thing we'll need to do is make a demo disc for my boss to listen to. If he likes it, and I'm absolutely positive he will, he'll most likely sign you up with a short term contract. Basically this means that you'll work for the record company. You'll probably make an album, which will be your true test.."
Wendell nodded and listened to everything he said. A demo… He wondered what song he would sing for that, and whether or not Cat would be joining him in it. Either way, he needed to think of something to sing unless Adam was going to give him a song to sing. “Okay… that sounds do-able. When should I make the demo? What song should I sing? I don’t know a lot of songs… but I could try and learn some new ones,” Wendell smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Adam looked at him, realizing that this boy really didn't know much about being an artist. He smiled a little and figured he could help Wendell along the way. "Well, you can sing whatever you'd like, but it might also be a good idea to write some original songs. If you feel like you might be able too, of course."
“Okay--- Oh wait…” Wendell paused and sulked where he sat. He didn’t know how to write well… He couldn’t remember when he last picked up a pencil. He was too embarrassed to say anything so he just sat there awkwardly, his face turning red. “I…. uhm… I would love to make some s-songs… but I don’t… I…” Wendell sighed and looked away sadly, frustrated he couldn’t do such simple things.
Adam was surprised by Wendell's sudden change of mood. "Don't worry," He said, remembering what Wendell had said to him earlier that day about his trouble reading and writing. "You don't actually have to write. We can...record you just singing whatever comes to mind and go from there.." He reassured him. "It's really easy. And I'll be here to help you all you need, so don't be afraid to ask, ok?" He said with a soft smile.
“A-ah! Really?! Thank you so much,” he said, smiling. He felt a lot better now that they would be able to just record whatever came to his mind. That way he never forgot, and he didn’t have to suffer the embarrassment of his poor education. “That would work great. Is that all to the contract? Or is there more?”
"Well," Adam began, thinking about it a bit. "It basically says that you will make about....10% in royalty checks for every CD sold. I know it doesn't sound like much, but think of it this way: depending on the price of the CD, you should get a dollar fifty for the sale of each CD. If your first album sells a million copies, you should get over one million dollars."
Wendell gasped and stared at him in pure disbelief. One million dollars?! He was about to have a heart attack right then and there. He started to imagine all the things he could do with that money. Buy a house, get Catarina to a doctor, and buy food for life… This made Wendell completely excited. “Woooow!” Was all he sputtered out as he sat there in shock.
Adam patted Wendell on the back. "Don't get too worked up. I don't want to get your hopes up; that's only if you can sell one million copies. I believe that you can do it, but we never know how the public is going to react to new might take a while for you to really get noticed."
Wendell couldn’t help but getting as excited as he was. Even if he didn’t make that much money, any money would be more than he ever had. Just the ten he had received was the most he has ever had. All the excitement did cause him bad karma because after a bit of jumping up and down like a wiggling puppy, his stomach started to hurt from piling so much food down so quickly. Those devil sandwiches.
Adam could sense Wendell's sudden change in mood, from being jumpy and excited to looking like he was in some sort of pain. "W-Wendell, please calm down." He said, rubbing his back gently. "Here, lay down for a little bit." He said, leaning him back onto the couch. He didn't want Wendell to over exert himself and get sick.
“M-maybe I should just go to bed… I haven’t slept in a few days…” He said, looking at Adam with guilt all over his face. “But we can continue this conversation tomorrow, and then Catarina could join in too!” He said, smiling happily.
Adam nodded, still a bit worried about him. "Are you going to be OK? Do you need any aspirin or anything before you go to sleep?" Adam asked, helping Wendell up off the couch. He worried that even though they had food in their stomachs and had bathed, that they were still so ill that they wouldn't make it through the night. He wondered if maybe he had found them too late...
Wendell shook his head. “No it’s fine, really. I couldn’t seriously ask for anymore. You already gave us so much,” he said as he stood up. “You really have no idea what this all means to me and Catarina…” He smiled a little, tears starting to bubble up again in happiness. “I should leave you alone. I’m probably annoying you.”
Adam was truly touched, and didn't know exactly what to say. His first instinct was to wipe Wendell's tears away, but he didn't want to make him feel any more awkward than he already did. Instead, he smiled softly, as usual, and put a gentle hand on Wendell's shoulder. "Please, I really don't want you to feel bad; I want to do this. You aren't taking anything from me, I promise. I just want you two to get better.." He tried to reassure him. "And as for annoying me, you really aren't. You're one of the most interesting people I've had the pleasure of speaking with. Trust me; it's a refreshing change from all those snobby teenagers I work with..."
Wendell’s face flushed and he smiled. “Thank you... I’ll leave you alone now. I should get back to Catarina in case she tries to find me in her sleep,” he smirked a little, giving a small, tired chuckle before turning around and walking towards the bedroom. “Goodnight, Adam…” Was all he said before entering the bedroom and closing the door behind him. He looked over to Catarina sleepily and walked over. He crawled over Catarina and to the other side of the bed before plopping down, hugging Catarina close to his chest before falling asleep---not even bothering to cover up in the blankets.
Adam sighed and rubbed his face before sauntering to his bedroom. Normally, he slept in the nude, but figured that since he had guests, he might as well put on pajamas. He changed quickly and lolled into bed, reflecting on the entire day. He felt good about taking Wendell and Catarina into his house, but he wondered if he wasn't doing it for profit. He had seen lots of homeless people before them, but hadn't offered anything like this before, although he always wished he could help. Then comes along a homeless boy who had talent, and he threw his arms open for them. He sighed as he thought about it, slowly drifting off to sleep.
As the morning rolled in, Wendell just stayed asleep. What started off as Catarina hogging all the blankets in her sleep turned out to be Wendell stealing them in his sleep. He managed to end up all the way on the other end of the bed, outstretched over the bed and Catarina. Face first in the blankets, you could still manage to hear the loud snores erupting out of his throat. Wendell was definitely not waking up anytime soon.
Catarina was the first to wake up. She had feared that the first thing she would see when she opened her eyes was the cold bridge. She felt like she was in a fairy tale when she awoke to find the sunlight dancing off the beautiful bouquet of flowers that sat in a crystal vase next to the bed. She sat up, her dark hair a mess, but her blue eyes shimmered with new vigor from finally having a good night's rest. She felt rejuvenated, like she could almost be a normal eight year old girl. But when she tried to hop out of bed, she stumbled and fell on her hands and knees. She had to wait a moment to catch her breath before standing up. "Take it slow..." She told herself. She turned to make sure Wendell didn't see her fall, smiling a little to see that he was still asleep, then turned and walked out of the room.

The front room smelled warm and sweet, Catarina couldn't help but drool a little. She couldn't believe that she was already hungry again. Last night she had eaten more than she had in...she couldn't even remember. The front room opened into the kitchen, where Adam sat at the island in the center, sipping coffee and reading a magazine article about one of his clients. He sighed and shook his head, setting the paper down on the stainless steel counter-top. He looked up from the paper and nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw Catarina standing at the other end of the island.
"What are you doing?" Catarina asked him, propping herself up on a stool.
"Oh, just reading." Adam answered her, smiling wearily. "How are you this morning? Would you like some french toast?" He asked, pushin a plate of the food over to her. She nodded hungrily and pulled the plate to her, grabbing a fork and digging in. Adam smiled as he watched her.
"I feel like a princess in this beautiful house." She said finally.
"It is really nice, isn't it." Adam said, looking around as if he hadn't noticed before.
"Did you do all this?" She asked around a mouth full of food. "Decorate, I mean."
" My ex wife did this. Luckily she decided to just let me keep the house when she left me for some...Hawaiian guy." He said bitterly before sipping his coffee. "Wouldn't do her much good anyway; she moved in with him."
Catarina didn't know how to respond, so she decided to quickly change the subject. "These are really good!"
Adam chuckled, "Thanks, luckily my cleaning lady can cook too. Otherwise I would probably starve."
After Catarina left, it was a while till Wendell woke up. The only reason he did was because the door was left open and the smell of food managed to get into the room. He groaned a little in his sleep and then his stomach growled loudly. He sighed a little and slowly woke up, stretching a bit as he sat up. He couldn’t help but not want to move out of the bed, his eyes still plastered shut from sleep. He felt around for a bit, noticing that Catarina was gone. That’s when Wendell decided to get up. His back hurt like hell and he wasn’t sure if it was from the rash or just moving around so much but as he walked out of the room, he walked out hunched over slightly like an elderly person. He used his sense of smell to guide himself to the kitchen where, not surprisingly, Catarina and Adam were. He stood there for a moment, his eyes still pretty much shut and his brain still dead with sleep. Slowly he walked over to a stool, stumbling a little over it like a drunken person before managing to sit down. Immediately, he rested his head on the counter, giving a small wave to the two of them.
Adam laughed at Wendell's morning routine. "Well, I see somebody isn't a morning person." He said, leaning his chin in his hand.
Catarina also laughed at her brother, pushing some of the toast towards him. "Try this, Wendell, it's really good!"
"How are you feeling?" Adam asked him. "Any better..?"
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