I got a fever, and the only prescription is... [MxF - Revamped! - CLOSED]

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Jul 17, 2011

...Good roleplaying partners!

Now that I got your attention - Hello! Here I am known as Wreckles, I live in Europe and I am currently 23 years old.
Welcome to my request thread wherein I will lay out the basics of what I look for in a partner, they're quite modest so failure to meet these standards will get you a special spot in my book of shame.

The demands are as following: (I get the boring stuff out of the way first so we can move on to more thrilling episodes of lucrative information. You always manage to come off as a douche when listing the things you wish to avoid and I am no better.)

-Firm grasp over the English language, share a passion for describing the surroundings and mindset of your character(s) as I will do the same. My roleplays contain a lot of story with strong sexual content.

-Standard leeway with spelling mistakes apply, as long as you're making an effort to make it readable you're ok in my book.

-Respect. We both have lives outside this, I strive to leave a reply at least once a day with a minimum of one paragraph. I say one because it is the least I could do, I tend to average around 2-3 per post. And don't bother me at all if you're gonna disappear after a few posts, tell me if you are not happy with how it is going - we're both adults, we can take it. Have the courtesy to let me know if something has come up and I will treat you the same way.

-Longevity. I'd like to think that I have moved past the short-term rp stage, none of the shorter plays can compete with any of my longer ones thus I am forced to relinquish my faith in short-term market. I treasure my long-lived partners.

-Adult settings.

-No fandoms of any shape or form, I can't bring myself to play something that has such strict roles on how they behave

-Capability I often come up with interesting original plots, but this is not a one man show and I will need you to push the story further with me.

Now that we got that out of the way, it's time to show you who I am.
I play mainly Male characters as that is my RL gender and I am strictly only playing with females, sorry my fellow male genderlings. Although I have been known to dipping into the futa pool for the right partner so if that is your kink, let me know. While we're on topic of kinks, there's nothing more I respect than a woman who is brave enough to bring her favourite kinks to the table. I am not shy with what I want and I will bite you if you're shy with me.


With that said, let me introduce who I really am.
I maintain the mentality that I take what I want. I am confident and some have called me suave in a delightful manner. I am 100% dominant, there is no hint of submissiveness in me. If you're looking for a master, I will ask you "what type?" There is the type that is cruel and harsh, telling his subjects how worthless they are and boss them around expecting them to serve every whim from the start, seeking dominance over others in this way is not something I do.

I am of the type to use intelligence, psychology and cunning to bend you to my will. I will make you WANT to serve me. Someone poisoned your father in an effort to throw your feelings into a disarray? That's me. Someone pulls strings behind the scenes to make you mine? That's me. The list goes on. I enjoy what I do. You earn the title of a master. And you don't earn it by being cold.

I am not being pigeonholed into a master role though, I am flexible like any other around here. I have played characters ranging from psychotic kidnappers to futa knight. And believe it or not but I am quite adept at romance plays, but that will take some convincing although I am not impossible, once again - be BRAVE ENOUGH to try.

You've been shouting at us to be brave and tell us your major kinks, what about yours?

An excellent question which I will answer right now. While I do have a f-list for you to consult, there are some kinks that I consider major, the ones that get me extra hard. They're certainly dark but this is not the place for people with great morals. What you get from me is a man who lives for lust and passion, I am creative in nature with an affinity for the more twisted plots.

Incest (Not too fond of FatherxDaughter but try me with a good plot and I will adhere.)
Ageplay (This goes both ways, women aged 30+ have a special place in my heart.)
Rape/kidnapping (Come closer, I will not harm you. Much.)
Slave/master (That collar really fits your neck)
Playing futa (Has to be the right partner.)
Hair pulling and spankings (Let me leave a red mark right there on your ass cheeks.)
Pregnancy (Again, has to be the right partner.)

Current cravings
I will update this section as time goes by and cravings change, note that most of these are not properly fleshed out yet and are subjected to change in case you have any suggestions. Just because I'm dominant does not mean I can't respect a fellow roleplayer.

[Incest] A family is out on vacation - a luxurious cruise along the many islands of Malaysia. An overall pleasant voyage when there's a sudden accident aboard, the ship catches on fire who spreads out of control too quickly. Your character and me manage to get out alive and swim to the nearest island. When will rescue come and what is this island we've stumbled on? Hostile natives? And why did the ship catch on fire, is there a chance it wasn't an accident after all?

[Incest, rape/kidnapping if we agree on it.] He had moved to another country and had not seen his family for half a year when he suddenly gets a call from his (mother, sister, aunt or cousin) that they will be going there for work/vacation and want to meet up with him. During this half year he had become a professional kidnapper but of course it was his biggest secret, what would he do to his visitor?

That's all for now, if you stuck with me to this point then kudos and don't forget to drop me a PM. I got a collar with your name on it.
RE: Hello there! [MxF]

Bumping this, for the good of mankind. Or in this case, the lust of it.
RE: Hello there! [MxF]

Bump! Met some very interesting people so far.
RE: Hello there! [MxF] [Updated 8-8]

Bumping, in the mood for a kinky incest rp!
RE: Hello there! [MxF] [Updated 8-8]

im new on here but i think we might be able to have fun together
my name is holly and im 20
plus i really enjoy roleplaying
i suppose reply or you can pm me or aim me, my name on aim is hottybamagirl
RE: Hello there! [MxF] [Updated 8-8]

Hottybamagirl said:
im new on here but i think we might be able to have fun together
my name is holly and im 20
plus i really enjoy roleplaying
i suppose reply or you can pm me or aim me, my name on aim is hottybamagirl

I'll send you a pm.
RE: Hello there! [MxF]

Life has been hectic, much has happened but i now find myself having the time for roleplays again. I am hungry.
RE: Hello there! [MxF]

I like the four green scenarios - Your interests seem nearly the same as mine - PM sent (and a bump. :p)
RE: Hello there! [MxF]

I'd be interested in the first incest idea if you're still taking applicants.

I suppose we could discuss over PM if you'd like. ;P
RE: Hello there! [MxF] New plots!

New plot, VERY interested in developing it further.
RE: Hello there! [MxF] New plots!

I'd be up for any ideas you had on brotherxsister incest. If you're interested.
RE: Hello there! [MxF] New plots!

Thinking of re-vamping my entire request thread, I've grown and it does not really show in the original text.

It will hold for now, BUMP!
RE: Hello there! [MxF] New plots!

I should really do a re-make of this... But my inner laziness tells me "No...Don't worry your sweet little head, this is good enough for anyone!"
RE: Hello there! [MxF] New plots!

Ah, I like your ideas. They're interesting; I've done some 'MILF' roleplays before and I'll admit, the whiny son does tend to get a bit... distasteful and boring. Perhaps we could collaborate on some ideas, hm? I'd love to roleplay with you.
RE: Hello there! [MxF] New plots!

I give him a thumbs up. He's a great partner. Though I'll keep in mind not to draw my character for our game. XP
RE: Hello there! [MxF] New plots!

Sethron said:
I give him a thumbs up. He's a great partner. Though I'll keep in mind not to draw my character for our game. XP

Thank you for the vote of confidence, warms my heart!
RE: I got a fever, and the only prescription is... [MxF - Revamped!]

Woo! Revamped thread! Live damnit LIVE!
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